Interesting how nations make war against each other, kill and maim by the thousands, and years later are the best of friends.

Germany and Japan examples.

Further back in history, Great Britain. We fought the Revolution and War of 1812 against the British.

During the War of 1812, the British did a terrible thing. They burned down the White House. On this date in 1814.

Most believe the burning destruction of the White House and other federal buildings was unnecessary. Normally, yes. However the circumstances were not normal. Earlier, U.S. forces had invaded Canada and burned down a number of important British buildings.

Called retribution.

Done, accompanied with an insult.

President James Madison was aware the British would successfully invade Washington. Easily. So easy that the British marched into Washington with no opposition.

Washington’s fate had been decided a day or two before. At the Battle of Bladensburg in Maryland. The U.S. was soundly defeated. Even President Madison fought on the front lines. The first and last commander in chief to actually do so as President.

Washington had to be abandoned. Dolly Madison almost did not make it. Some historians claim she insisted on waiting till a portrait of George Washington could safely be taken down and secured.

The insult did not merely consist of burning down the White House. It included top British generals dining in the White House the evening before.

Brit glory lasted only two days. On August 26, American forces attacked and the British left Washington running with their tails between their legs.

Lunch at 5 Guys yesterday. Craved a big juicy cholesterol filled cheeseburger.

Dinner with Donna in the evening. No Terri. Terri is in New Jersey visiting theater friends. She and Donna meet this weekend in Tampa. Terri begins heavy testing monday to determine if her body qualifies for total bone marrow replacement.

We dined at the bar at Antonia’s. It feels good after all these years to have returned.

TK bartending.

The three of us old timers as far as Key West is concerned. I have been visiting or owned for 26 years. TK and Donna longer. Our discussions centered on Key West. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

Confederate statues got into the conversation. I spoke about Mallory Square. TK the Clinton Square statue.

Someone at the bar mentioned white slavery in the U.S. Never heard of it. Partly indentured servants. Most Irish brought over in huge numbers. Etc.

Did a little researching this morning. An interesting subject. I am going to devote my live video on Facebook this afternoon to the subject.

Whites suffered. Rooted from their families, beaten, killed. Not in comparable numbers to blacks. Suffered never the less.

Hurricane Andrew hit Homestead this date in 1992. Total devastation. Homestead wiped out.

I drove through Homestead three weeks later on my way to Key West. The elevated highway still standing. What I saw I would not have believed had I not seen it with my own eyes.

Andrew was a 5. Wiped everything out! Down to the ground! Only an occasional wall left standing.

Tears ran down my cheeks.

Tropical storm Harvey is moving towards Texas. Expected to hit land early saturday morning. Some concern. It is expected to hit as a hurricane. Possibly as high as a 3.

Key West has been buried in rain the past two days. More expected through a week from tomorrow. Could be a spill off from Harvey.

We have read frequently that the Trump’s are bankrupting the Secret Service. An agent’s salary is capped. There are 130 agents protecting the Trump family. Many agents have already exceeded the cap. They are not being paid for heavy overtime. Cannot be without House approval.

What I share, you already know. What you may not know is that many agents are complaining that Trump and family are not treating the agents properly. The agents claim they are being treated like servants.

Bocce season begins tonight. I doubt there will be play. The courts are already soaked. There will be more rain today.

Don will call to advise if the team is playing.

Have to hustle. Haircut time.

Enjoy your day!




Grenfell has been a death trap since 2015 when it was retrofitted. Death by fire inevitable. It happened this past week. The death count 17 so far. Expected to exceed 100. Some burned so badly, identification may not be possible.

Grenfell is a London high rise. The fire occurred wednesday. Rapidly spread upward. Comparable to a fire drawing up a chimney.

An outer sheet was placed over the exterior of the building at the time of renovations in 2015. A space remained between the outer sheet and the building wall. The interior of the sheet plastic.

The process is called cladding. Thought to be environmentally sound. The space between the new outer sheeting and original wall served as insulation.

A final report as to the cause of the fire not yet released. Two stick out and are sure to be included. The space described and the plastic coating. The space served as a draft for the flames to quickly shoot up enclosing the entire building. The plastic highly flammable.

An American company manufactured the covering. Reynobond. Two types. One with and one without the plastic coating. The without more expensive. Probably due to the nature of a different coating.

The difference in using the safe one over the one possible of fire 5,000 pounds.

Cladding is banned outright in Germany. In the United States, it is banned in buildings more than 40 feet high.

Warnings have been forthcoming since 1999 that cladding was not safe. Primarily because of the chimney effect if a fire occurs.

Grenfell a disaster that should not have occurred. An avoidable one. Money and an environmentally sound but dangerous material major contributing factors.

My big event yesterday was shopping at Farmers Market. Bread, tomatoes and honey purchased.

Stopped at 5 Guys. Sitting at the table next to me was the owner of Harpoon Harry’s. Both of us munching away on huge cheeseburgers.

Gotcha time. We laughed when we saw each other. Caught cheating!

Trump is wrong to change the relatively new rules re Cuba. He is acceding to a handful of Cuban immigrants who each year diminish in numbers.

Castro’s revolution was 1959. Cubans who fled left at that time. Many settled in Miami.

Sixty five more or less years ago. Time generally heals wounds no matter how great initially. We should have hated Germany and Japan following World War II. Thousands of our men and women killed. We had better sense. We made them our friends. Look at the relationships that developed.

Trump is sucking up to a handful of American-Cuban voters. Typical. He does not use his head.

I came across an article re Coney Island and its roller coaster Cyclone. Both may be closed today.

Brought back memories of me and my Uncle Gus. My mother’s oldest brother. A barber in the Bronx.

Uncle Gus took me to Coney Island every year when we visited. A ride on the Cyclone always on the agenda. I was 4-10 during those years. Scared of the roller coaster.

Uncle Gus always insisted we had to sit in the front seat. I thought I was going to die each time. Fall out. In the vernacular, I shit my pants!

Uncle Gus loved it! He would yell and scream. I eventually realized I was his excuse to ride on the Cyclone.

In 1858, Lincoln was running for the United States Senate. He lost.

On this day in 1858 at a debate, Lincoln warned that America was becoming a “house divided.” He said, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.”

Heed well my friends! A warning. Words of wisdom that apply as much today as then.

Enjoy your day!


At sun down tonight, Passover begins. Families and friends will join in what is referred to as a Seder dinner. Passover will last 8 days.

A celebration. Passover celebrates freedom of the Jews from slavery in Egypt.

I will join my dear friend Donna and her family for Seder. Donna has always required her family to join her where ever she is for Passover. They come. Religiously! The one year one of her sons and his family could not make it, they were here for the Seder dinner via Skype. Skyped from both ends.

We are also celebrating Donna’s birthday tonight. Seventy. She does not care I mention her age. She wears it well. She is proud and happy she is still here.

I must mention my Father. Today is his birthday. He would have been 103. He died 5 years ago at 98. I miss him.

Back to Passover. The Hebrew word for Passover is Pesach. Means to pass over.

Moses had visited the Pharaoh. “Let my people go!” The modern version. Actually, “Set forth my people.” Intent of either: Set my people free.

Pharaoh said no. God delivered 10 plagues upon Egypt. All kinds of bad things. The tenth plague was that on this evening the first born of each family would die. Except for Jewish children. Death would pass over their homes rather than enter. The source of the term Passover.

My yesterday began with 5 Guys for lunch. I have been on a diet for 2.5 weeks. Lost 12 pounds. Only problem is I lost 11 the first week. However, I am losing inches. No question. Can wear shorts once too tight. More impressive, I can cross my legs.

The diet high protein.

Lunch consisted of 2 hamburgers, no bread, topped with mushrooms. No fries either.

Then to Walgreens and Publix. The worse time to grocery shop at Publix is sunday afternoon. So many people!

Conch Republic Days begin friday and will last a week. Fun time! Exciting events! My favorite is the Sea Battle. Conch Republic against the forces of the United States. U.S. jets versus pre-World War II bi-planes. Bombs of rolls of streaming toilet paper dropped on U.S. Coast Guard vessels.

The Conch Navy valiantly opposing Coast Guard vessels. Conch pirate ships hosing sea water on the Coast Guard together with eggs, tomatoes and cabbages. Many on the Conch vessels lovely bikini clad young ladies.

An event not to be missed!

I have been opposed to GMOs. I suspect the battle has been lost. A Republican President, Congress and Supreme Court make it impossible to win the fight.

Florida Keys Community College’s Bill Irvin will speak to the GMO issue next sunday at the Botanical Gardens at 1:30. He is a biology professor.

On this day in 1953, the 3-D color film House of Wax appeared on the screen. Starred Vincent Price.

I was a senior in high school at the time. Everyone went to see the movie. Young and old alike.

Especially thrilling was that we had to wear some kind of glasses while watching the film.

The scariest part of the film was not people being killed, dumped in hot wax, etc. It was a fellow on the street hitting a paddle ball. A hand paddle with a rubber ball attached by an elastic string. The ball came flying right out into the audience! Everyone yelped and screamed at the sane time!

Harry Truman time again. On this day in 1950, Truman left Key West after a one month vacation.

Key West loves Harry Truman. Harry Truman loved Key West.

Enjoy your Sunday!



Yesterday, I spoke about robots on my live video show on Facebook. A topic I have discussed many times over the last two years.

My point robots are already here. Will be in greater numbers over the next 2-3 years. In every aspect of our society.

Yesterday’s video concerned Wendy’s and MacDonald’s who are already involved. Both will move forward dramatically over this year.

Now, I read this morning that robotic soldiers are around the corner. The corner being ten years. I would suggest earlier as robot implementation moves rapidly.

Can you imagine? No more human bodies being maimed and killed. Let the robots do it!

Another segment of Go Live concerned China now permitting two child families. There are not enough young to take care of elderly parents. Nursing homes are rare in China. Care for the elderly a family obligation.

My yesterday began with a haircut with Lori. She just celebrated a birthday. A gentleman does not tell. She is still young, however.

Then to Farmers Market. Picked up 12 loaves of my favorite bread. Freeze most. Some day I will remember to ask the country of origin.

Lunch at 5 Guys on the Boulevard. Excellent! Heavy! Meant no dinner last night.

5 Guys on Truman and Duval has closed.

Bocce. Sat with Don’s Place and watched. My team, though I have not played in three years. Miss playing.

The team did not do well. Lost 2, won 1. Can’t give up games this early in the season.

Don is back. He missed last week. He was in Hawaii for a family wedding. Enjoyed Hawaii. The waiting/airport part left something to be desired. As those of us who have traveled to Hawaii well know.

Stopped and chatted briefly with my Sons and Daughters of Italy club members. Georgio, where were you?

Tonight, dinner with snowbird Diana Millikan. A unique woman. Interesting and wacky at the same time. Her sense of humor rubs wrong most of the time. In spite of which, I enjoy her company.

Remember the guy who ran down with his moped/scooter two Key Westers on bicycles a few days ago. While shouting “faggot” and “you are in Trump country now.”

The bad guy was from North Carolina. He has been arrested there. Plans on fighting extradition.

Little White House inaugurating a new event. An Easter egg hunt. The first annual Easter Egg Roll is scheduled for April 1. Kids up to 12 eligible to participate.

Syracuse/Georgia Tech at 4 tomorrow. Each must win to receive serious attention for the NCAA Tournament.

Every now and then something bothers me. Requires a venting.

Eugene Robinson is an Associate Editor of the Washington Post, a columnist, a Pulitzer Prize winner, and a frequent participant on Good Morning Joe. I like the man. Admire and respect him.

Robinson and his wife visited Key West last year. They return this year. Today or tomorrow I suspect. He and his wife may have vacationed here in previous years also.

I for one am honored that Robinson has selected Key West for his get away home. Perhaps he will join us full time when he retires.

My problem. Robinson is scheduled to speak Monday at 6 at the Key West Theater. On behalf of the Friends of the Key West Key West Library. Admission free.

I discovered yesterday that he is appearing at The Studios of Key West Sunday. Admission being charged. $250 for a one hour meet and greet and seat for his talk. If one opts out for the meet and greet, the charge is $40.

I doubt the money is going into Robinson’s pockets. Probably a fundraiser for The Studios. Whatever, wrong.

Many of his stature vacation with regularity in Key West. They frequently speak. For nothing. It is wrong for The Studios to use Robinson in this fashion!

Enjoy your day!



Seventy seven minutes. The time spent by Trump yesterday being interviewed by the press.

A free wheeling interview.

Comments are many. I will limit mine to one: Overload. The President looked as if the job was getting to him. Tired. Slow. His responses not as they once were.

The specifics you can get from the media.

One thing concerns me at the moment. Those who supported Trump in the election still support him. After all that has been seen his first month in office.

I hope they will not complain if a catastrophe befalls us.

Lori for a haircut yesterday morning. I went to bed after doing the blog. Slept through my appointment. Lori took me later in the day.

Her new salon is filling out. Pics on the wall, plants on the floor.

Anna brought me home made pierogies. Always delicious!

My cooking of them has always left something to be desired. They stick to the pan, break up, etc. Anna told me how to do it.

Bring the water to a boil before placing the pierogies in. They will sink to the bottom. Stir constantly to prevent them from sticking to the pan. Stir until the pierogies float.

I stirred, they floated and none broke up.

Melted some butter. Poured it over the pierogies. Then a touch of salt and pepper. Voila! A gourmet treat!

The Chart Room last night. Chatted with David and John.

A young lady sitting to my right. I figured early 20s. Turned out to be 26. Thin. Lovely. Great skin.

A different generation. Tattoos. All over. A small diamond on her left cheek bone.

Her name Panda. Showed me her right hand. Starting with the thumb, PANDA spelled out. One letter to each appendage.

Her life not easy. She thinks she has her life finally in order. Attending college. A psychology major. Wants to help people who might be screwed up as she once was.

Lives in Fort Pierce. First time in Key West. Fun for a few days.

I wish her well.

A fellow whose name turned out to be Bill came over and asked if I was Key West Lou. He was excited. Did my heart good. He has been reading me for 10 years.

Bill is from Sarasota. His son is getting married this weekend in Key West. At the Hemingway House. Catered by La Trattoria. The reception a guaranteed winner.

Bill is a home builder. Unique. He builds homes in  the Caribbean. Starting price $12 million.

I hope we run into each other again before he leaves town. An interesting person. I would like to get to know him better. Time was limited last night. He had a slew of wedding guests with him.

Did you ever have a desire for a certain food? Of course. We all occasionally do. Mine for a couple of days was a big greasy cheeseburger.

I stopped at 5 Guys on the way home. Not greasy, but good!

I was home in bed before nine o’clock. Watched a 1932 Myrna Loy movie.

On this day in 1972, Dustin Hoffman and his family spent the weekend in Key West. At David Wolkowsky’s Pier House Motel. Today, the gigantic and elaborate Pier House Resort. Big trees from little acorns grow.

Syracuse/Georgia Tech sunday at 6:30. Syracuse needs to win. The NCAA tournament is slipping away. They are talking about Syracuse being one of the four bubble teams having to play their way in.

Russia has a spy ship 30 miles off the Connecticut coast. Opposite Groton, a submarine base.

Many getting excited. Don’t understand why. Russian ships have been in international waters off the U.S. for years. Once beyond the 12 mile limit, waters are international.

We do the same thing to them off their coast line.

No reason for excitement/concern.

Go Live with Key West Lou on Facebook doing well. In two weeks, the volume of viewers has increased 40 percent.

Take a look. See me. I talk about anything and everything several times a day. Short comments. One to five minutes.

I ask one favor. If you watch, press SHARE so all your followers will have the show made available to them. I am obviously trying to increase my viewer followers.

Enjoy your day!


My new show debuts monday morning. Going Live with Key West Lou. On Facebook. The path to the show is Key West Lou and Live.

I will be available on everyone’s cell phones.

You will be able to see me as well as hear me. Not sure whether you will enjoy the show. Time will tell.

Several comments a day. Each short. Thirty to sixty seconds. Politics, social matters, sports, etc. Whatever turns me on at the moment. From wherever I am.

The show will be archived. You can find me any time of the day and listen/watch the shows to that time.

Today busy. A haircut with Lori. She is off for a three day/two night cruise to the Bahamas with friends. Says she did it before. Fun.

Fine tuned my blog talk radio show.

A hurried dinner at 5 Guys.

Show in the evening. Loved sharing Teddy Roosevelt’s story how he saved football. He did. I had minimal comments re the inauguration. Did comment, however.

Doing this blog early. Before 5 in the morning. Have to leave for Miami. Time for the Volkswagen to be tuned up. I need some clothes. Will shop while car being tuned.

Enjoy your day!





Busy day yesterday. Running around doing all kinds of tasks. Including Xmas shopping.

Do not get the impression I am buying a ton of gifts. Not. I am walking around trying to purchase the most thoughtful gift for the few I buy for.

So busy, I never had lunch. Which affected my evening activities.

I had a three pronged plan for last night. Aqua, Alex, and Bourbon Street. Only made Aqua.

Sheila at Aqua. Love her.

So too, Liz. And her friends Mary and Josefina. Joined them at the bar.

Liz dressed all in black. Dynamite!

I enjoyed three drinks with the ladies. They left for dinner at La Trattoria. I remained as it was too early for Alex.

Then my stomach started. Could not understand why. Finally realized that Louis had not stopped for lunch.

So much for Alex and Bourbon Street.

I started home. Knew I had to eat something. Bulk up. Figured 5 Guys would do it. It did. A cheeseburger and fries. I felt fine even before I finished the burger.

Tom and Rick singing at Aqua. A lot of Christmas carols. A lot of people. Twice the normal crowd. Obvious people starting to drift into Key West for a Christmas holiday.

Europeans and Asians included. Germans and Japanese primarily.

The Custom House tonight for its first special Christmas event. Music and holiday lights on the porch/promenade. The Custom House itself open to visitors. Should be good!

My podcast show tonight. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine my time. A fast moving interesting and revealing half hour.

Topics include more on robots replacing workers, General Motors closing five factories for 1-3 weeks, China returning U.S.’s submarine drone, whether Russia’s Turkish ambassador being shot in Turkey an Archduke Ferdinand, purpose of the electoral College, two separate groups of pharmaceutical houses sued by government for price fixing and doctor bribing, and more.

Enjoy your Day!



Two photos in this morning’s Key West Citizen kick off today’s blog.

The first of a crocodile. The picture not of concern. The place where taken is.

The four foot crocodile was photographed off the seawall on South Roosevelt Boulevard. One quarter mile from Smathers Beach.

The crocs are moving in. Not in large numbers yet. But every few months another sighted.

It bothers me. Whether Orlando was a croc or alligator, I do not recall. However, the story of the 2 year old frightening.

Many tell me the area belonged to the crocodiles and alligators before man arrived. It is their home man has taken. The crocs are merely reclaiming what was theirs.

The other photo was a 1967 one of the newly constructed Key West Towers. Ain’t no more Key West Towers in Key West. Looked like Key West by the Sea to me. Could not be, however. I have always been under the impression that Key West by the Sea was initially Navy offices and barracks during World War II.

Did a little internet searching. Hard to find a Key West Towers. Finally found an historical piece advising that Key West by the Sea was built in 1967, Ergo, Key West by the Sea initially was Key West Towers. The Navy never was involved.

My day yesterday began with a manicure with Tammy. Tammy is Vietnamese. Wears her black hair long. Yesterday it was streaked. Typical woman. She wanted a change.

Looked good. The Americanized version of a Vietnamese beauty.

We were engrossed in conversation while she worked on my nails. An hour after I left, I discovered she had forgotten to buff the nails on my left hand. One hand is bright and shiny, the other bland and dull.

I am returning thursday for a pedicure. She can fix my nails at that time.

I was hungry hungry. Decided on 5 Guys. It had been a long time. I knew I would be sorry when I finished. I was. Shot over to Home Depot to work the bloat feeling off by walking.

Last night, Aqua. Monday cocktail time is Dueling Bartenders. I enjoy the place. The mixture of music is delightful. They play and sing old, relatively new and in between music. I am not familiar with today’s music. 1940s, 50s and 60s is what I know and recall. I get my shot of it monday’s at Aqua.

Tom Luna bartending. Always bartending. A magnificent voice.

Tom has been in Key West close to  30 years. Arrived January 2, 1989 and never left. He has achieved iconic status. Everyone loves and respects him.

Goddess Galore aka Rick Dery was not to be found.

Beatrix Dixie was working the bar and singing along with Tom. I am relatively new to Aqua on a steady basis. I suspect Beatrix is new. Not sure. Whatever, she is a beauty! Sultry. sexy.

Beatrix has an ass, boobs, great legs, lovely face, wonderful hair. Even her voice is feminine. Looks real. Hard to tell.

A couple of weeks ago, Sheila was around the corner of the bar from me. Beatrix was singing. First time Sheila had seen her. Sheila came to me and said…..Would you believe! A compliment to Beatrix’s talents.

Tonight my podcast broadcast. Tuesday talk with Key West Lou. Nine my time.

Generally, I am behind. This week, I have already prepared three times the material needed. My problem this afternoon will be to pick and choose. Then organize.

I am beginning to receive comments to the show. Same as those of you who comment here. One difference. So far, all nice. Listeners must be a different breed of people from readers.

Enjoy your day!


Two political observations. Re current happenings.

Democrat sit in in well of House of Representatives. A shame grown men and women have to conduct themselves as they are to make a point. Not the way for government to be run.

I do not blame the sit ins. I blame the Republicans. Who are cowering to the NRA, who are under the thumb of the NRA.

Trump off to Scotland for the opening of a golf course. I believe his second course there. The Scots have been pissed off with Trump re the construction and operation of one of them. I am curious to see how well he will be received.

Trump should stay home. He needs to address the American people more. One good speech a President does not make.

A local political update. The genetically modified mosquito fiasco.

The Mosquito Control Board voted last night to adjourn the vote re the issue from August to election day in November. If Zika is a true crisis, the vote should not be delayed. I thought even August was too far away.

Politicians never seem to get things done properly/timely. Recall the Flint water crisis. Some six months ago made public. Recall further the furor in Washington re the problem. Congressional hearings held. Local officials defecated upon by Washington know it alls. Something had to be done.

Nothing done yet.

No federal monies have been allocated yet. The President, Senate and House have different numbers in mind as to how much. So nothing done so far. While Flint water no better today that six months ago.

Anti-gravity treadmill yesterday. Moved up a few additional notche. Still a long way to go, however.

Still have not grocery shopped. Wanted a heavy lunch to make up for a minimal breakfast. I was hungry! 5 Guys the winner.

Back Bar at cocktail time. Mark Watson bartending.

Good company. Rick, John, Donna and Terri, and Donna’s daughter Stacie.

Speaking of Terri, she sings saturday night at Blue Heaven. Visit. She is not to be missed. Her voice outstanding.

Dinner later at Duffy’s. Maybe my last time, except for an occasional Maine lobster. It bothered me spending $5 extra for a prime rib I could not finish. Duffy’s other dishes do not appeal to me.

I have been doing some Hemingway reading the past few days. Re his loves. The man was a cocks man. Amazing how many women he had in addition to his wives. A couple were popular Key West writers.

The research was for a possible column. Will not be next week’s column. Too many and too much involved. The subject requires more research.

Enjoy your day!




There was a time when no one contemplated Burmese pythons would be living in South Florida. And in such large numbers! Hundreds of thousands, if not millions.

Experts say the Burmese python will never be eradicated. It can only be contained/controlled. The situation was already out of hand when experts realized the Burmese pythons had made a home here.

Now comes the Nile crocodile. As with the Burmese python, not native to South Florida or anywhere in the Americas. The Nile crocodile has become an invasive species also.

Nile crocodiles comes from Africa. Impossible to swim the Atlantic! No one knows how they got here.

So far, only three have been discovered. Two males and a female. That is how the pythons started. Big trees from little acorns grow.

The crocodiles discovered so far have been found in the Everglades. The males run big. Around 16 feet and weigh 1,600 pounds.

The concern is that Nile crocodiles are man eaters.

My yesterday began with Tammy. Always pleasant to be with her. A manicure and small talk.

Then a heavy lunch at 5 Guys. A cheeseburger and fries.

Stopped at Walgreens. Prescriptions to pick up.

Sometimes either the drug store or the insurance company screw up. Yesterday was one of those days. I am not sure who the guilty party was.

I take Nexium twice a day. Bad acid reflex for years. Cost per month $36. With insurance. Yesterday, I was handed the generic. Same price. $36. I questioned the situation. I was told I could have either. Same price. No one understood who was responsible for the screw up.

I return to Walgreens today to pick up the Nexium.

Ran into Joseph from Hot Tin Roof. His bad back worse. He was using a walker. Surgery on his back scheduled for next wednesday.

Then to Publix. Everything screwed up. Product locations moved. Not just a few feet. Aisles away. Confusing.

I was not the only one complaining. I could hear the mumblings in every aisle.

Between the Walgreens problem and Publix, I fear I am beginning to sound like a cranky senior.

Shot down to Farmers Market. Before 1. Only six tents. It had rained heavy early morning.

I went to buy three items. Mel’s rum cake, honey and Greek bread. No one selling those items. Next week, hopefully.

Bocce called off last night. The heavy morning rains left the courts flooded.

I did not go out in the evening. I filled in the bocce absence with some pleasure reading. World War II stories. Narratives by those in the fight.

This week’s KONK Life column a winner! Read it. Very interesting. An eye opener. The column: Heroin Will Survive New Drug Bill.

The column appears in this morning’s E-Blast. Also archived this morning to my Key West Lou website.

One thing  about our country is that people never give up. We are fighting abortion 50 years after it became legal. We will be fighting same sex marriage 50 years from now.

A perfect example is what happened in the Oklahoma Senate this week. The State Senate passed a bill making abortion a felony.

Enjoy your day!