The Great Sea Battle is tonight! At 7. The waters off Ocean Key House. The Conch Republic and the military forces of the United States. Do not miss it!

The Coast Guard cutter will not be there. Sequestration. There is a replacement. Conch Republic officials have kept the replacement secret. We will find out this evening.

The Key West Lou Legal Hour this morning at 10. An eye opener as I get behind the scenes a bit. Available on television and the internet. Television from Key West through Miami-Dade County on Comcast Channel 87 and U-Verse Channel 19. On the internet world wide.

Join me. I guarantee you will enjoy the show.

Yesterday began with a haircut. I thought my beard trim of the day before was well done. Lori did not. She shaped the beard up. Oh, well. A barber I am not.

Then took a walk along Duval. I was downtown and thought I should put the time to good use.

Lunch was at Blossoms. My usual Cuban toast sandwich. Read the Key West Citizen. On page 2 there was a picture of Tennessee Williams standing on the front porch of his home. Williams lived in Key West for more than 30 years. His home was on Duncan Street. Lisa lives on Duncan Street. One block away.

Spent the afternoon fine tuning today’s TV/internet show.

Bocce last night. A disaster. We lost all three games. No one was on, except perhaps Keith who played the first game. It is beginning to look more and more certain that we will not be making the playoffs.

I have a heart doctor appointment at 3 this afternoon. To get the results of my electrocardiogram test.

My friend Anna lives well. She slept in Courmeyeur, Italy last night. In the heart of the Alps. This morning she is driving to Chamonix, France to shop at a fruit and vegetable market. Followed by lunch in Geneva, Switzerland.

What a life!

Enjoy your day!



Tomorrow morning at 10 my time…..The Key West Lou Legal Hour. Via television and the internet.

Stimulating topics. Like the Boston bombings from several different perspectives, the New England-New Jersey tsunami risk, a dirty Tulsa dentist and an equally dirty Philadelphia doctor, food poisonings on the rise, Congress mini-managing rather than legislating, an NRA tee shirt gets an eighth grader suspended from school and arrested, kilts enhancing sperm count, more avalanches, the TSA pocket knife issue, FBI arresting the wrong person in ricin case, and more.

One of the more includes U.S. hospitals shipping immigrant patients back to their home countries to avoid the hospitals getting stuck with non-covered medical costs. The hospitals even pay for their flights to where ever they came from. An example of care being overridden by cost. A shame situation.

The show can be seen on television from Key West through Miami-Dade County on Comcast Channel 87 and U-Verse Channel 19. On the internet world wide.

Again, 10 tomorrow morning.

I trimmed my beard yesterday. All of it. By myself. First time. I have been doing part and Lori part. I figured it was time for me to do it all. Came out good!

It was wonderful getting out last night!

My evening started at Don’s Place. Don, Jimmy, Hershel and another person playing cards at the bar. Erika having a drink. I stayed a while. It felt good being there.

Then to the Chart Room.

Emily had the popcorn waiting. Finger licking good! Just enough butter and salt.

Kisses from Sheila and Jean who were sitting at the bar.

Buffalo friends and Key West lovers Tom and Karen Dixon were in. Spent some time with them. Good people. Good company. It is a family trip for the Dixons. Met their daughter and her husband. They have a son here also. Did not meet him. He was in bed resting from the rigors of Key West.

Dinner at the Hot Tin Roof with Jean and Frankie. Dined with celebrities last night. Jean is Key West’s  Golden Girl. Frankie is the Admiral of the Conch Republic Navy.

This is Conch Republic Week. The nation that seceded has survived 31 years.

Big doings tonight. The parade down Duval. Described as the World’s Largest. People step off the curbs, come out of restaurants, etc. to join in the walk.

I made a mistake yesterday. Misinformed you. The Conch Republic Sea Battle is not saturday. It is friday. Tomorrow night. At 7. Get to the gulf side of the island early to get a good spot to watch from. The event is very much worth seeing.

Bocce tonight. I missed last week. I am anxious to play tonight. I was advised our team won only one game last week. Probably because I was not there. Only joking! We are not doing well this season. I doubt we will make the play offs. But…..We are having fun!

Larry Smith will not be playing tonight. He has a special show at the Wine Galley. I attended his last special event. Terrific! Limited seating, an admission fee, great entertainment. I recommend the event to all.

Enjoy your day!




I have never seen police cheered. Watertown last night was a first. Even during 9/11 there was not a similar reaction.

The only other time I can recall cheering in the streets similar to last night was in World War II.  On VE Day and VJ Day. My recollection is clear of people pouring out of their homes and cheering in the streets. Not for police, but for the event. The cheering was the same however.

I thought my back was getting better. Ergo, I did not take the pain pill last night that helps me sleep. I apparently needed it. I did not fall asleep till 4 this morning.

I am trying to get off the pain killers. It may not be time yet. I hurt this morning.

My back kept me in last night once more. Hopefully, I will be into Key West tonight. I think a couple of gins would help better than anything else. Another reason I am getting off the pain killers.

Key West weather continues to be perfect. Mid 80s by day. A clear sky. A slight breeze. And humid. Not bad yet. Need air conditioning, however. I am doing this blog at the kitchen counter with the doors to the deck and ocean open. It is 8:45. The temperature in my kitchen is 81 degrees. I fight air conditioning.

Today is Earth Day. Big doings in the Keys. Turtles getting a big play. Many children’s activities involving turtles. There are beach clean-ups planned and a mediation walk at Higgs Beach in addition.

The Key West Lou Legal Hour went well yesterday morning. I sat in pain. Did the show in pain. I do not know if it was obvious.

Viewers commented most about designer vaginas and tittoos. The last word is spelled correctly.

Yesterday’s show is being rerun by the television studio today at 4:30. If you missed it yesterday, you might want to watch it today. You will be able then to get the full flavor. The show is also being rerun sunday at 3 and wednesday at 6. Via television on Comcast Channel 87 and U-Verse Channel 19. Via the internet world wide.

The Key West Lou Legal Hour is now also You Tubed. The You Tube show runs one week behind. However, they are all there.

Whew! Glad I have finished. My back continues to bother me. I am off to bed.

Enjoy your day!






We woke this morning to news that one of the perpetrators in the Boston Marathon bombings was dead and the other still being sought. We saw on television several Massachusetts towns closed down. People ordered to stay indoors with doors locked. Police going door to door.

It all looks like a military occupation.

Has to be fearful. Has to be done however to find the culprit.

This type search a new happening for America. I recall no one like it in the past.

9/11 changed our world. The Boston Marathon bombings add to that change.

One of the communities on shut down is Newton. I know Newton. My daughter Beth used to live there. I visited Newton often. A typical American community. Quiet. Conservative. Who would ever have thought that Newton and the other towns involved would one day be under the tension and scrutiny they are today.

My back is still killing me! Last night I thought I was on the mend. This morning it is almost as bad as the first day. I just popped four Motrin.

I stayed in all day yesterday. Even missed bocce. Today, I must go out. My TV/internet show is at 10 this morning. I shall suffer through it. Forgive me if my comments are a bit harsh during the show. They will be pain motivated.

Again, my television/internet show is at 10. Available on television from Key West northward through Miami-Dade County on Comcast Channel 87 and U-Verse Channel 19. The show can also be seen world wide on the internet.

Join me. The show is quick moving and informative. Guaranteed you will like it.

The show is also available 24 hours a day on You Tube. Type in Key West Lou Legal Hour.

Enjoy your day!







The Key West Lou Legal Hour tomorrow morning at 10. Available via television on Comcast Channel 87 and U-Verse Channel 19. Available world wide on the internet.

This has been an action packed week. Topics tomorrow will include the Boston bombings, the Senate gun bill vote, Pope Francis and the nuns, Guantanamo, North Korea, an update on the Greek euro problem, Florida snail invasion, another 911 abuse, a new study regarding bras, kayak fishing in Hawaii, a $100,000 parking fine, and more.

Join me. An interesting and informative show. I guarantee you will enjoy it.

My back. Oh, my back! Still in pain this morning, though considerably less. Still bad, however. Cannot sit, stand or lie down. This morning’s blog is difficult to do. The pain takes my breath away.

I did Motrin by day yesterday. Helped. Till it wore off. Did Advil with benadryl last night. Terrific stuff! I slept like a baby. Back to Motrin this morning. It has yet to kick in.

I shall survive.

Thank you to the several who telephoned and asked if there was anything they could do. Key West IS family.

Bocce tonight. Good luck! No way I am going to make it. I cannot bend from the waist, let alone squat.

That is the end of today’s blog. I basically did nothing yesterday. Ergo, there is little to report today. Sorry.

Enjoy your day!





Bocce last night. We did not do well. Only won 1 out of 3 games. Fun nevertheless.

My friend Pati was on the opposing team. She started playing  bocce last year. Last night, she killed us! Played terrific! Hate you Pati!

Larry Smith’s mother Helen watched Larry’s team play. Her husband and Larry’s father passed away a few weeks ago. Helen is now living with Larry and Christine.

Got through my day yesterday. Haircut, Coffee Plantation House, hospital, worked on this morning’s show, etc. I will get the echocardiogram results April 26.

Fine tuned this morning’s TV/internet show. The Key West Lou Legal Hour. A wild week! Great topics! Like the gun bill, banks, China and cybercrime, morning after pill, and Egypt and the Christians. Plus more.

Join me at 10 this morning my time. TV and internet via Comcast Channel 87 and U-Verse Channel 19. Via the internet world wide.

I was hungry after bocce. Stopped at Stick ‘n Stein. If I recall correctly, the second time in 15 years.

I went for two reasons. Jen is now bartending there. Keith told me on tuesdays and thursdays wings were ten cents a piece.

Stick ‘n Stein is a big place. At least a dozen pool tables. Several bars.

Last night was pool league night. As soon as I walked in, I saw Eddie. Eddie is a premier Key West pool player. I had not seen Eddie for a couple of years. We shook hands and hugged. I watched him shoot a bit. He was good! He could run the table.

Way back before Corey, Lisa and Eddie went out for quite a while. I once thought Eddie was going to be my son in law. Eddie’s mother also daily babysat Robert and Ally when they were baby babies. Good people.

Jen was bartending. Poor Jen. From 7 in the evening till 4 in the morning. A long time.

Keith came in and joined me.

I enjoyed 10 wings. Cost me all of $1! They were absolutely delicious! I recommend the ten cent wings. You can beat neither the price nor the quality!

I have to hustle. Must review my show notes, then shower and get to the studio to do the Key West Lou Legal Hour.

Enjoy your day!




Got a phone call early last evening. Get dressed! I am taking you to dinner!

It was Dee.

I am not one to turn down a free meal. Especially with a beautiful lady.

Two hours later, the doorbell rang and we were on our way. Pisces was our destination. Dee’s choice.

Pisces is a top Key West restaurant. I had not been there in four years. Don’t know why. I have never disliked it. The only excuse I can think of is that Key West has so many exceptionally fine reataurants, it is difficult to eat in them all.

The meal was outstanding! Caviar and Maine lobster for me. The caviar washed down with ice cold vodka. For real. It was poured from a block of ice.

An enjoyable meal, an enjoyable time. Yes, Dee paid. I am beholden.

Yesterday started with a visit to Lisa. She fell last week. Hurt her back. It still hurts. Will not see a doctor. She is waiting for the pain to go away on its own.

I have decided Jake is scared by my deep baritone voice. It places him in a defensive mode. I have to remember to speak quitely around him.

Then to Publix. The cupboard was bare again.

I spent the afternoon working hard. On tomorrow’s Key West Lou Legal Hour tv/internet show.

This has been a great week for news! Everything happening. My task was to decide which topics to discuss and organize them. I will be talking about things as mundane as the common safety pin, the Salk vaccine, bad guy banks from several perspectives, the euro, Germany’s economic stands continuing to place the world in jeopardy, Putin and some bare breasted women, a mother who left her baby on the side of a road during a snow storm to freeze, today’s Senate vote on a gun bill, and more.

The show runs live friday mornings at 10 my time. It is available on television from Key West north through Miami-Dade County on Comcast Channel 87 and U-Verse channel 19. Seen world wide on the internet.

Join me for what I believe will be a most interesting show!

If you are unable to watch friday morning, the show is rerun by the station on saturday at 4:30, sunday at 3, and wednesday at 6. It is also You Tubed and available there any time.

I still have at least another three hours to spend fine tuning tomorrow’s show. It will absorb a good chunk of my afternoon.

A busy day ahead. My plate already full. A haircut with Lori at 11, an echocardiogram at 12:30 at the hospital, work on the show, and bocce in the evening.

Enjoy your day!




When it rains in Key West, it rains! Yesterday was that kind of day. A blustery rainy day all day.

Key West is at sea level. Which means not much room under the island for pipes. There are two systems. One for sewage and one for drainage. The sewer system always works. The drainage water run off pipes are another story.

The sewers cannot handle a heavy rain. Certainly not one that lasts all day. The streets flood. Deep enough for a canoe or row boat in some places. Perfect for swimming in others. I have actually seen people swim at the Eaton and White Street intersection when flooded.

The flooding screws up traffic. Front Street adjoining the Pier House is impossible to drive through. The Boulevard is under a 2-3 year construction. Only two lanes open. Both going the same way. Into town. Yesterday only one lane. The driving lane was impossible to drive through.

The rain and flooded streets did nothing to dampen spirits. Never do. Tourists move into the bars in mass. Everyone still has a good time.

The Key West Lou Legal Hour was at 10 yesterday morning. Viewed on TV and the internet. Love doing the show!

People I heard from after the show seem to have especially enjoyed two topics. One having to do with title to money passing to the bank once it is deposited. The other concerning the rip off being perpetrated on the public by the pharmaceutical industry.

I spent a bit of time after the show working with Jenna and Krystal. Spoke with owner Rich. He likes the show. People are talking about it. My friday show is being recorded and will be shown three additional times during the week. Saturday at 4:30, sunday at 3 and wednesday 6 in the evening.

Spent some time in the afternoon writing next week’s column for KONK Life. My deadline is 5 friday afternoon. The article is entitled Screwed Again. The story of brand name and generic drug companies working together to the economic detriment of the purchasing public.

Saw the heart doctor late in the afternoon. I keep laughing. My internest told me after my annual physical concluded monday that I was in the best shape since she started caring for me 6 years ago.  I mentioned it in tuesday’s blog which I did in the morning. I also said I hoped I was not jinxing myself by sharing the information.

That evening my ankles were swollen big time with fluid. First time in a very long time. Took me two days to get them down. Concerned me. Ergo, the visit to the heart doctor.

I took my blood and urine results from my annual physical with me. He was impressed! Cut back on two of my heart medications. However, he did not know why the swelling occurred. He has scheduled me for a battery of tests.

Next time I will keep my mouth shut!

My ankles were down and I felt good so I went out last night.

Started at Don’s Place. Spent some time with Hershel and Don. Our bocce team lost 2 out of 3 thursday night. I missed the game. I stayed home because I did not feel right.

Then to the Chart Room. The tourists were in out of the rain. So also were Sheila, Peter, Sean, and Katherine. Jean Thornton came in. She is back. Chatted with them all off and on. Lest I forget, the ever charming Emily was bartending.

I heard some sad news while at the Chart Room. The kids’ toy store on the second floor of the white custom house building is closing down. Sad! A great store for children’s toys. Reasonably priced and  quality.

It was raining. I did not want to walk far. Went to the Wine Galley and ate at the bar. Larry was playing. As usual. He introduced me to his brother. Larry’s father died two weeks ago. His brother drove their mother down to Key West from Dansville, Pennsylvannia. She will be living with Larry and Christine for a while.

Sloan has already been in today. 8:30. Our work for the day is done.

Tonight big! Very big! The Final Four!

I will be watching the Syracuse/Michigan game at 8:30 at the Big Ten Sports Pub. May Syracuse win! I believe they will this evening.

Enjoy your day!





Show time! Nine this morning. The Key West Lou Legal Hour. Television and internet.

Topics to include the most northern point in the United States, Andrew Cuomo, the cruelty of Sharia law, and Ho Chi Minh. Plus other goodies. One of the most revealing will be how brand name pharmaceutical houses and generics get together to screw the American public.

The show is available via television from Key West through Miami-Dade County on Comcast Channel 87 and U-Verse Channel 19. Via the internet world wide. Note there is a new site address for the internet portion.

Join me for a most interesting show.

I was in a lazy mood yesterday. Fine tuned today’s show and otherwise laid around doing nothing.

My ankle water problem continued. I was to see the heart doctor at 4:30. While driving to his office at 4, I received a cell call. His office was running behind…..could I come in at 6? No. Bocce at 6. So it is this afternoon at 3.

I returned home. All of a sudden, I felt lousy. Telephoned Captain David and told him I could not make bocce. Immediately went to bed and slept whatever it was off.

I feel fine this morning.

A short blog. I did little yesterday so I have little to report today. That is the way it goes.

Enjoy your day!



You will recall last thursday night when a stray dog joined me at Sandy’s. We shared my sandwich. He was a large beautiful boxer type. White with tan and black spots. Large sympathetic eyes.

A police officer stopped to eat. He saw the dog was untagged. Told me he was going to take him to the pound.

I left.

I could not get the dog out of my mind. I decided yesterday to stop at the pound to see if his owner had claimed him. I did not want euthanasia in his life.

I drove them crazy at the pound. I was told by the first staff person that the police had brought no such dog in thursday night. In fact, no dogs. Two others joined us. They assured me they had no dog as I described in the pound. I wanted to be sure. I asked if they would let me see the dogs. They took me through the building housing the strays. My dog was not there.

Good! He apparently walked away from the police officer or his owners showed up at Sandy’s. Whatever, my friend was not on the execution block.

I was a bit disappointed that I did not find him. I had visions of me saving his life by adopting him. Jake could use a cousin. I could use a friend. Living alone for eight years is starting to wear on me.

I saw my internest monday. Under went a total physical. Best condition I have ever seen you in, she told me. I reported the news to you in tuesday’s blog. I also mentioned I should not have. I might be jinxing myself.

Yesterday morning my ankles started swelling, By bed time, they were swollen big. I have a 4:30 appointment this afternoon with the heart doctor.

Next time I will keep my mouth shut!

Had to stop by the hospital in the afternoon. No big deal. Needed a bone density test to complete my annual physical. Heather works the bone density department. A very charming person.

I spent the afternoon and evening working on friday’s TV/internet show. The Key West Lou Legal Hour. The show is almost complete. Topics include how brand name drug makers buy off the generic companies to the detriment of you and me, how when we deposit money in the bank title to the money automatically passes to the bank–not ours anymore,  Ho Chi Minh, FOX News, the extremes of Sharia law as practiced in Saudi Arabia, some Final Four chatter, and more.

Join me. I guarantee you will enjoy.

The show airs on television from Key West through Miami-Dade County on Comcast Channel 87 and U-Verse Channel 19. On the internet world wide. Note that the internet address has changed. Please make note of the new weyw one.

Show time is 9 in the morning my time.

Finally…..You Tube! Assumedly all problems are worked out. My friday show will be available on You tube  forever. To find it, merely go to When the screen appears, enter Key West Lou Legal Hour.

The shows are being differentiated by date. The date initially televised.

One hangup. Why, I do not know. The You Tube show will not appear on You Tube till one week after the show is aired. So you will always be one week behind in watching the show if you watch solely on You Tube. Right now last friday’s show is not on You tube. The one the week before is. Last friday’s show airs tomorrow.

All too much for my ancient brain!

Bocce tonight! I need a couple of drinks and a few laughs.

Enjoy your day!