Got a phone call early last evening. Get dressed! I am taking you to dinner!
It was Dee.
I am not one to turn down a free meal. Especially with a beautiful lady.
Two hours later, the doorbell rang and we were on our way. Pisces was our destination. Dee’s choice.
Pisces is a top Key West restaurant. I had not been there in four years. Don’t know why. I have never disliked it. The only excuse I can think of is that Key West has so many exceptionally fine reataurants, it is difficult to eat in them all.
The meal was outstanding! Caviar and Maine lobster for me. The caviar washed down with ice cold vodka. For real. It was poured from a block of ice.
An enjoyable meal, an enjoyable time. Yes, Dee paid. I am beholden.
Yesterday started with a visit to Lisa. She fell last week. Hurt her back. It still hurts. Will not see a doctor. She is waiting for the pain to go away on its own.
I have decided Jake is scared by my deep baritone voice. It places him in a defensive mode. I have to remember to speak quitely around him.
Then to Publix. The cupboard was bare again.
I spent the afternoon working hard. On tomorrow’s Key West Lou Legal Hour tv/internet show.
This has been a great week for news! Everything happening. My task was to decide which topics to discuss and organize them. I will be talking about things as mundane as the common safety pin, the Salk vaccine, bad guy banks from several perspectives, the euro, Germany’s economic stands continuing to place the world in jeopardy, Putin and some bare breasted women, a mother who left her baby on the side of a road during a snow storm to freeze, today’s Senate vote on a gun bill, and more.
The show runs live friday mornings at 10 my time. It is available on television from Key West north through Miami-Dade County on Comcast Channel 87 and U-Verse channel 19. Seen world wide on the internet.
Join me for what I believe will be a most interesting show!
If you are unable to watch friday morning, the show is rerun by the station on saturday at 4:30, sunday at 3, and wednesday at 6. It is also You Tubed and available there any time.
I still have at least another three hours to spend fine tuning tomorrow’s show. It will absorb a good chunk of my afternoon.
A busy day ahead. My plate already full. A haircut with Lori at 11, an echocardiogram at 12:30 at the hospital, work on the show, and bocce in the evening.
Enjoy your day!