At sun down tonight, Passover begins. Families and friends will join in what is referred to as a Seder dinner. Passover will last 8 days.

A celebration. Passover celebrates freedom of the Jews from slavery in Egypt.

I will join my dear friend Donna and her family for Seder. Donna has always required her family to join her where ever she is for Passover. They come. Religiously! The one year one of her sons and his family could not make it, they were here for the Seder dinner via Skype. Skyped from both ends.

We are also celebrating Donna’s birthday tonight. Seventy. She does not care I mention her age. She wears it well. She is proud and happy she is still here.

I must mention my Father. Today is his birthday. He would have been 103. He died 5 years ago at 98. I miss him.

Back to Passover. The Hebrew word for Passover is Pesach. Means to pass over.

Moses had visited the Pharaoh. “Let my people go!” The modern version. Actually, “Set forth my people.” Intent of either: Set my people free.

Pharaoh said no. God delivered 10 plagues upon Egypt. All kinds of bad things. The tenth plague was that on this evening the first born of each family would die. Except for Jewish children. Death would pass over their homes rather than enter. The source of the term Passover.

My yesterday began with 5 Guys for lunch. I have been on a diet for 2.5 weeks. Lost 12 pounds. Only problem is I lost 11 the first week. However, I am losing inches. No question. Can wear shorts once too tight. More impressive, I can cross my legs.

The diet high protein.

Lunch consisted of 2 hamburgers, no bread, topped with mushrooms. No fries either.

Then to Walgreens and Publix. The worse time to grocery shop at Publix is sunday afternoon. So many people!

Conch Republic Days begin friday and will last a week. Fun time! Exciting events! My favorite is the Sea Battle. Conch Republic against the forces of the United States. U.S. jets versus pre-World War II bi-planes. Bombs of rolls of streaming toilet paper dropped on U.S. Coast Guard vessels.

The Conch Navy valiantly opposing Coast Guard vessels. Conch pirate ships hosing sea water on the Coast Guard together with eggs, tomatoes and cabbages. Many on the Conch vessels lovely bikini clad young ladies.

An event not to be missed!

I have been opposed to GMOs. I suspect the battle has been lost. A Republican President, Congress and Supreme Court make it impossible to win the fight.

Florida Keys Community College’s Bill Irvin will speak to the GMO issue next sunday at the Botanical Gardens at 1:30. He is a biology professor.

On this day in 1953, the 3-D color film House of Wax appeared on the screen. Starred Vincent Price.

I was a senior in high school at the time. Everyone went to see the movie. Young and old alike.

Especially thrilling was that we had to wear some kind of glasses while watching the film.

The scariest part of the film was not people being killed, dumped in hot wax, etc. It was a fellow on the street hitting a paddle ball. A hand paddle with a rubber ball attached by an elastic string. The ball came flying right out into the audience! Everyone yelped and screamed at the sane time!

Harry Truman time again. On this day in 1950, Truman left Key West after a one month vacation.

Key West loves Harry Truman. Harry Truman loved Key West.

Enjoy your Sunday!


Today is Palm Sunday. A Christian holiday. The day Jesus Christ rode into Jerusalem on a donkey.

A donkey instead of a horse. Reasons two fold. First, to show humility. Second, to evidence to the people that He came in peace and not as a warrior king.

The people scattered palm branches in front of Jesus.

His entry into Jerusalem triumphal.

Less than a week later, Jesus would be dead.

Though not a major holiday, Palm Sunday was one my Italian family celebrated. Generally at my grandparents’. The whole family. Aunts, uncles and cousins.

The meal not unusual. That would come next week on Easter Sunday. A huge bowl of ziti. If a special touch at all, melted mozzarella on top of the ziti. A meat sauce, of course. Meat consisted of the meatballs, beef and pork which were part of the sauce. A huge pasta bowl of such meats. Salad. The meal concluded with espresso and fruit.

My grandfather would start dinner with a blessing. He would take a small piece of palm and dip it into a bottle of Holy Water he kept. He would say a few words and sprinkle us.

The palms were a big deal. You had to go to Church to get palms. They were given out during Mass. When I was a kid, all the palms a person wanted. In later years, each person attending Church got one. Cost, scarcity, or what? I could never figure it out.

My uncles were pros at making crosses and other things out of palms. Small crosses, large crosses. Horses and other animals. Like the balloons of today which can be molded into anything.

The Italian custom was to visit the homes of friends after Mass. To exchange palms. A hug and kiss. Followed by a Happy Palm Sunday!

I was invited by friends on Sugarloaf to party last night. Drinks at someone’s house first. Then dinner at Square Grouper.

About 20 miles each way. Too far for me if I was drinking. I wanted to have a few drinks since I have been avoiding as best possible alcohol while on a diet.

So, I opted for Berlin’s alone.

Shawn and Gage bartending. The lovely Bria singing. Tuna for dinner.

After dinner, I sat in the lounge for a while listening to Bria sing and sipping a Bally’s Irish Cream.

While at the bar, a hug from behind. It was Lynda Frechette. Together with husband Bob, ML and Brad. All good people. Especially Lynda who does for everyone. They were having dinner inside at A&B.

Bob was wearing a blazer. Confirmed my thought expressed earlier this week that the no jacket Key West no longer existed. Bob had jumped over the fence.

Another couple was listening to Bria also. Charlie and Margo. Margo visiting from Maine. Charlie originally from Fonda, New York. Like 70 miles from my home town Utica. Small world.

Bob now lives full time in Key West. On a boat located in a Stock Island marina.

Walmart, where fort art thou Walmart?

Roughly 10 years since it was announced that a private group was going to build a Walmart on Rockland Key. 335,000 square feet with some smaller stores.

Still not built. Key West Citizen reported yesterday size now 150,000 feet. No date to begin construction advised.

The problem has involved the land owners and developers. Ten years of fighting over money, including a court case.

I wish they would get the project off the ground. We need a Walmart in the lower keys. We wear shorts and t-shirts. Brooks Brothers we are not.

We also need a cheaper place to purchase groceries.

The Key West Citizen wrote on the first page of this morning’s paper that taxis are going the way of the dinosaur. No question about it. Such the case, the City Commission should get off its ass and approve Uber and Lyft for Key West operation.

Let me finish with Trump’s bombing of Syria.

I was/am generally opposed. Not our war. I don’t see the English, French or Germans bombing anyone. They’re too smart.

On the other hand, once the Rubicon has been crossed, Trump should have done the job correctly. Destroyed Assad’s Air Force.

What did Trump do? Fifty nine missiles. Directed at one air base. Twenty planes destroyed. Twelve killed.

In retaliation for 70 plus lives lost. Proportionate? No way!

Even worse, not one of the runways was damaged. It is said the U.S. spoke with Russia in the afternoon and advised what we were going to do. I suspect that during any conversations, Russia said no potholes in the runways, please.

The Democrats describe the bombing as a pin prick. I have to agree. Not a political conclusion on my part. A common sense one.

Enjoy your Sunday!




Don Rickles died this past week. He was 90 years old.

Rickles was a comedian extraordinaire! His type comedy off the beaten track. Insulting! Over the top so!

A stand up comedian, he was like a bull getting the best of the matador. He gored his subject matter. Generally, some one in the audience.

I was his victim one time.

It was the mid 1970’s. I was staying at the Plaza in New York City. Rickles was performing at the Copacabana. The shows were 7 and 9. I wanted to see the 9 o’clock show. No room at the inn. Seating only available for the 7 o’clock show.

I would not be seeing Rickles.

My room was on the back side of the Plaza. I had to use the small elevator at the back of the first floor to get to my room.

In was late afternoon when I got in the elevator. No one else on the elevator. As the doors were closing, a body came bursting through. It was Don Rickles.

We nodded to each other. I started in. Explained my desire to see the 9 o’clock show, no room, etc. Could he help? Took a piece of paper and pen out of his pocket. Asked my name and wrote it down.

He told me to enter through the front door of the Copa. Ignore the long line waiting to get in. Ask for a Mr. somebody. The elevator stopped, doors opened and Rickles was gone.

I was thrilled.

I was dressed and ready early. The Copa was walking distance from the Plaza. As I walked by the Pierre, I decided there was time for a drink. The Pierre bar one of the most intimate in New York City.

As luck would have it, I met a young lady from Paris. We started talking. I asked if she would like to join me for the Don Rickles show at the Copa.

She was as thrilled as I was. She picked her extra long mink off the back of her chair and dragged it behind her as we went out the door.

The Copa at this point was two blocks away. We arrived. The line was long outside. I followed Rickles’  instructions. We walked in without waiting. Mr. somebody was there. He asked us to sit at a table on the side and brought us drinks.

The show at the Copa was not on the first floor where we were seated. The show room was in the basement.

After the long line had gone through, my Parisian friend and I were alone in what was a big room also. Had we been forgotten?

Mr. somebody suddenly appeared and escorted us downstairs. The room was packed. He snapped his fingers and all of a sudden two waiters showed up, one carrying a small table above his head. We and the table were escorted right up front. Not even first row. A step beyond.

A bottle of champagne appeared.

To truly image the Copa, recall Goodfellas. Several scenes were shot in the room.

I thought how lucky I was to have run into Rickles. The treatment was top shelf.

Rickles came out. It took him all of three minutes to attack me. I was the show! For a half hour. He beat me, abused me, made fun of me.

Told the crowd how I asked him for help in getting a reservation. Who did I think I was, he asked. Made fun of my nose which he said was large. I did not know it was large till that moment. Accused me of being a Jew.

As to Paris, he said she’s too good looking to be your wife. Has to be your girl friend. Asked her if I was taking good care of her. Figured I must be as he pointed out her mink coat on the back of her chair which was partially lying on the floor. Then looked at me and asked if she was good.

So it went for thirty minutes. Not one second’s break. Everyone laughing, including me.

After the show, he came over, shook hands and apologized. Which was not required. We chatted  a few minutes and he was off.

There was no charge for anything.

A fun evening.

Enjoy your day!


Gail Collins in a recent New York Times column commented…..Russia worked hard to get Donald Trump elected President. What did they get out of it? Multiple high level investigations…..these days in Washington you’d be much better off being a Mexican.

As to the Syria bombing, I believe these Middle East battles are not our headache. Especially a civil war. Our military should not die in such a fight. We are not the world’s protector.

However if fight we must, then let’s do it right. Hit ’em hard and hit them once. So hard they will not question whether we will return for a second visit.

We should have wiped out all six of Syria’s air bases in one night. Assad’s air force is his strongest military arm.

Six wiped out air bases proof to Assad and the world that the U.S. does not screw around.

Roostica for an early dinner last night. Limoncello wings.

Then to Tammy’s for a manicure. What a business! I am proud of Tammy and her husband Ricky. They work hard and deserve every success they are enjoying.

Then to bocce. Another no joy in Mudville evening. Team lost 2 of 3 games. Details bitter. Won’t even share them.

Something is wrong. The team is not playing as it has the past several seasons.

Weather changed. I woke in the night to a roar. A constant roar. It was the wind. Still blowing. From the north. 20-30 mph. Brought temperature down. From high 70’s at night to 65 last night. High today 75. Down from 87. Sixty five tonight again.

Amazing how Key West weather changes on the flip of a coin.

Our local Florida Keys Community College is to be complimented. There will be an April 12 ribbon cutting. Opening an era of offering an Associate Degree in Culinary Management. Needed in a  tourist destination community like Key West.

Enjoy your day!



The Titanic and an iceberg came into contact in North Atlantic waters many years ago. Similar conditions exist today re icebergs in the North Atlantic. In the same area where the Titanic went down.

More than 400 icebergs have drifted into North Atlantic shipping lanes this past week. Causes two fold.

The first, too much warmth too early in the season. Second, winds are running counter clockwise. Thereby drawing the icebergs south.

Sort of like the lobster currents problem I mentioned the other day.

One ship has made contact with an iceberg. Damage minimal. The ship in dry dock under repair.

My first stop last night was Tavern ‘n Town. Same problem. No seats available at bar. Tourists galore. No room for Louis.

Opted for the Chart Room.

John bartending. Always good company. Great with guests.

Met Susan and Huggie. Huggie  husband’s nick name. Both retired school teachers from Charleston.

Susan and Huggie married in 1988. Honeymooned in Key West. They have been visiting Key West once a year ever since.

Huggie was stationed in Key West with the Navy in 1968. I asked him about whore houses at the time.

I have been trying to settle on a topic for a Key West book. One whose subject matter not written yet. Not sure it will be whore houses, though the subject is under consideration.

Huggie was a reservoir of information. Three streets came out of his mouth without hesitation. Fleming, Eaton and Southard. Today the location of some of Key West’s finest homes.

He could not recall the names. I mentioned a couple I had come across in other areas. He was not aware of them.

Dinner was alone at the bar at Hot Tin Roof.

Abigail bartending. She had waited on us when I was out with Chris and Don the other night. I recalled after I left that night that I had short changed her on the tip.

Told her, apologized, and made it up in cash last night.

Abigail is new to Hot Tin Roof. Her name interesting. Not many Abigails around these days.

Did some research. Abigail comes to us from Biblical times. Abigail was David’s third wife. Reportedly lovely and sweet.

The dictionary describes an Abigail as super sweet, extremely gorgeous, and tons of fun.

Abigail a beauty! All I know about her.

I noted in the Key West Citizen History Section that Joseph Smith began the Mormon Church this date in 1830 in Fayette, New York. Fayette is to the south of my hometown Utica. In Seneca County.

Multiple wives. Initially sounds great if you are a man. I don’t think I could have handled it. One wife was enough for me.

Harry Truman again. I mention him whenever I can. He is an integral part of Key West history.

I came across a Truman quote. Reflects the humor of the man: “My father was not a failure. After all, he was the father of a President of the United States.”

Bocce tonight. Just before, a manicure with Tammy.

Enjoy your day!


Tom Keller is a snow bird who owns a home in Key West. We are Chart Room friends.

He e-mailed me an article this morning from yesterday’s Wall Street Journal. The opinion/commentary had to do with raises in the minimum wage and robots. Written by former CEO of CKE Restaurants Andy Puzder.

The robot portion is interesting in itself. However, it is the job numbers set forth which motivate my comment here.

The numbers refer to entry level jobs.

A significant number of young people (20-24) are without work. Blacks lead. Forty percent in Chicago and 30 percent in New York and Los Angeles.

White men, 10 percent in all areas reported.

Nationally, black men 24.1 percent and whites 16-19 percent.

My question concerns 10 years from now. What will the numbers be? I suspect higher. How can they not be with the increasing wave of robots that will be replacing human employees.

Spent more time than normal yesterday fine tuning last night’s blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. New Trump news kept breaking. I was required to reset, rearrange and add topics for the show.

Trump had a big day. The gassing in Syria and the missile launching in North Korea. Tied in with Tillerson’s comments.

I added the preceding to my Trump comments which already included Trump seeking out bad guys as friends as opposed to countries that have been our friends for generations, Trump’s NAFTA reversal based on oil industry pressures, the Pentagon announcing the number of troops on the ground in Syria and Iraq henceforth secret, and young Kushner over his head and overloaded.

A lot of Trump.

Someone recently wrote a very negative comment about this blog. A free country. So be it. One of his items hit a soft spot. Harry Truman. The writer suggested I write too much about Truman.

I do. And I should. Truman is as much a part of Key West as Hemingway.

Truman loved Key West and Key West loves him to this day. He is remembered all over the island. From The Little White House to Truman Annex to the Harry Truman look a like who walks around certain public events to public discussions based on his life, etc.

Truman spent 175 days vacationing in Key West spread over 11 trips.

Which brings me to a today Truman observation. Truman and wife Bess left Key West this day in 1969. The end of a two week visit.

His last.

Bum Farto, where are you? Farto the Key West Fire Chief convicted of drug dealing.

He was due in court this day in 1976 for sentencing. Never showed up. Never seen since.

The suspicion is he was the victim of a Jimmy Hoffa ending.

The U.S. had a run of police shooting blacks. The U.S. Attorney’s Office under Obama got involved. Investigated the major cities having a frequency of such problems. After two years of investigation and discussion among the feds, mayors and police chiefs, solutions in writing are being arrived at. Called Consent Decrees. Federal officials will oversee actions by local police till the problem has worked itself out.

Till yesterday. Trump stuck his nose in.

Trump is pro-police. Does that make him anti-black? I don’t know. In any event, Attorney General Sessions’  people appeared in Federal Court in Baltimore yesterday asking the Court for a 90 day delay in signing the Consent Decree. The reason to be sure the Consent Decree did not work against Trump’s goal of promoting officers and morale while fighting violent crime.

I would assume shooting unarmed blacks a violent crime.

Sessions a bigot from day one. He as well as Trump not qualified for the positions they hold.

Enjoy your day!


Uber can operate in Broward and Dade Counties. Uber cannot operate in Key West. It is against the law. A local law.

The reason Key West prohibits Uber and Lyft is what is known as the Bubba system. Take care of your friends. In this case, the taxi companies.

A close knit group. A monopoly in effect for those who have licenses to operate.

It has been a significant number of years since Key West has given a taxi license to another company or person.

Our City Commissioners: Wake up! The future is here!

A lot of running around yesterday.

Want a cell phone stand. Went everywhere. Verizon, Office Max, etc. No one sells stands. Probably because a cheap item. I will have to order one over Amazon.

Publix for groceries. Crowded for a monday.

Spent time preparing for tonight’s blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine my time.

Topics tonight include Trump making friends with a corrupt Egypt, Jared in Iraq, Pentagon issues new order prohibiting disclosure of number of ground troops in Iraq and Syria, one robot replacing 6 human jobs.

Also, a Venezuela update, 8 Ivy League colleges receiving more in federal funds than 16 states, Trump/NAFTA and oil industry pressure, private prisons using detained immigrants as free labor, drug company overcharges Veterans Affairs Department $20 million, and more.

A fast moving eye opening half hour show. Join me. www.blogtalkradio.com/key-west-lou.

The final game of the Final Four last night. North Carolina won. Beat Gonzaga by 5 or so points.

One of the most unexciting games ever. Not the fault of the players. The referees responsible. Called too many fouls in the second half. Many bullshit. Never gave the kids an opportunity to play, to get into a flow.

Trump seems to suck up to the not so nice countries. Many whose standards are less than ours.

Yesterday, it was Egypt. The Egyptian President visited. Trump embraced him as our boy! Told him he had Trump’s personal friendship.

The present Egyptian administration took over as a result of the 2011 Arab Spring revolt. Obama and Hilary wrong at the time. They supported the revolutionaries against Mubarak. Mubarak who had been a true friend for years.

The new Egyptian administration bad people. Its track record despicable. Contrary to american values in many respects.

It is told Lincoln dreamed of his assassination 10 days before it occurred. Seven days after the dream, he told his friend Ward Hill Laman about it.

Three days later, an assassin’s bullet killed Lincoln.

The following reported in a recent Washington Post article.

Vice-President Pence has some quirky (my description) religiously motivated actions. Founded in the first instance by Billy Graham. Never be alone with a woman, avoid temptation.

Pence believes a man should never dine alone with a woman. Nor work alone with women…..I don’t work with women. If they’re attractive, I’m too tempted. And if they’re not what’s the point?

Pence does not attend an event where alcohol is served unless his wife is with him.

The best is the Mrs. Butterworth episode.

Mrs. Butterworth is a syrup. Sold in a container the shape of a bare woman. Pence was at a table waiting for others including his wife. A Mrs. Butterworth bottle in his line of vision. He asked the waiter to remove it from the table till his wife arrived.

His wife arrived. Pence asked the waiter to pour syrup out of the Mrs. Butterworth container on his pancakes. Pence did not wish to touch the bottle.

Crazy? Strange at the very least.

Enjoy your day!



Running late. Slept late. Feel good.

This morning’s Key West Citizen ran a major story regarding real estate sales. They fell in 2016.

Since 2009, real estate sales have increased each year over the previous year. Not 2016. Key West sales dropped 17 percent. Sales in the lower Keys outside Key West 8 percent.

There is a message. Real estate prices are not realistic. People have become aware. Prospective buyers are reluctant to spend the dollars required to live in  Paradise. Especially when they can buy better and significantly cheaper on the mainland.

More and more homes were listed last year with asking prices of $1 million and more. Some, several hundred millions of dollars.

What’s the saying…..Don’t kill the goose that lays the golden egg. The goose is being killed. By piggish exorbitant prices.

The next to feel this experience will be the hotels. Tourists will go elsewhere. To Florida vacation sites with cheaper hotel facilities.

I have seen the high price impact over recent years. People staying in high end hotels going to their rooms at dinner time with a pizza and six pack.

Next to suffer will be the restaurants. High prices and smaller portions will not be tolerated. Even alcohol costs.

All will happen because Key West became a pig. A gluttonous one.

Treated myself yesterday morning. Eggs benedict at Camille’s. Sat at the bar. Read the Sunday papers. First time in a couple of years I have been to Camille’s.

Last night, Don and Chris. My friends from the Syracuse area. Both world travelers with their work. Don primarily South Korea and China. Chris, Europe and Asia.

They are snowbirds. Visit 3-4 times a year. Love Key West!

They had a major announcement for me. They are getting married! Wonderful! Both around 50. This will be a second marriage for both. Two better people cannot be found. Last night, two happier people could not be found.

The wedding to take place in Key West. March 24. That’s next year. Chris advised that it had to be that far ahead. Venues not available that fit into their schedules.

We met at the Chart Room first for a drink. Then to the Hot Tin Roof for dinner. A good time throughout the evening. We chatted about everything. Especially Syracuse basketball. Die hard fans as I.

Dinner over, I headed home. Don and Chris left me to take a walk down Duval. The difference in our ages responsible for our different paths.

My Facebook quickie video had to do with matelotage yesterday. Sailors marrying. In pirate days. Gay marriages. Generally the French. The English and Spanish frowned on homosexuality.

Rules/laws applied. If one partner was killed, the surviving partner automatically was given his share of the bounty.

The gay marriage bit began in the early 1600’s. Sex partners were scarce. Pirates in port would import for a time a ship load of prostitutes from another island.

Final Four tonight. How exciting can it be?

Cow Key Channel Bridge Run yesterday. A new record. Fourteen seconds. The previous, 21. A tough 350 feet to travail.

Key West has advised Lyft to cease and desist. Otherwise, drivers will be arrested. Per local law passed last year to protect taxi drivers to the detriment of the public. The Bubba system in operation.

Leotards. Credit therefore attributable to The Daring Young Man On the Flying Trapeze.

Jules Leotard graduated from law school. Decided not to practice. Wanted to be an aerial acrobat. Not yet known in those days.

He joined the circus. Invented the aerial trapeze in 1859. Two years later, The Daring Young Man On the Flying Trapeze was written in recognition of his aerial activities.

Leotard’s clothing was loose and dangerous while doing his aerial act. The clothing also failed to show off his exceptional physique. He designed what today is known as the leotard. Tight fitting with long sleeves. Initially called a malliott. Twenty years later, became known as a leotard in honor of its designer.

Trump says the U.S. is ready to act alone on North Korea if China does not take a tougher stand against North Korea’s nuclear program.

Suggests a pre-emptive strike.

Scares the hell out of me!

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

Secreting unpaid tax dollars a big business. There are 214,488 offshore tax haven entities.

Enjoy your day!



In a Letter to the Editor in this morning’s Key West Citizen, the writer stated that Monroe County’s annual visitors equal 65 times the number of permanent residents.

Checked the numbers as best I could. Appear correct.

The population of Monroe County is 75,000. Key West makes up 25,000 of that number. Sixty five times Monroe County’s 75,000 permanent residents totals nearly 5 million. Key West’s share 1.65 million.

I have commented in the past I could not understand how Key West has not sunk under the tourist burden. Space problems alone past the breaking point.

The Keys are guilty of gluttony. Going after more and more tourists every year. The pleasure of the islands being lost along the way.

Strange day yesterday. Did not feel right. Stayed in all day.

My pleasure came from the Final Four games. Terrific! Oregon better than most thought. Lost to North Carolina by only one point. Gonzaga/South Carolina another good game. Close, with Gonzaga winning.

Monday night should be wild!

To err is human. I prove the adage frequently.

Twice this week, I commented on the Cow Key Channel Bridge Run. Said it was Saturday. Saturday was yesterday. No run. The reason simple. The run is today.

So there is yet time for some of you to make it. Noon today.

Yesterday’s race was the Seven Mile Bridge one.

Interesting that one day a 7 mile run and the next a 300 foot one. Only in the Keys!

Both races will have between 1,000 and 1,500 participants.

We are spoiled by modern conveniences. Like running water. William Hackley reported that this day in 1856…..There was no water in the tub or well, so I could not bathe.

A day without bathing ugh!

Russians protested in 99 cities and towns last weekend. Against corruption in government. They are back this weekend.

I ask now as I did last week whether the Russian protests are an extension of the Arab Spring. Is Putin’s foundation crumbling? Could be. He is killing those who could top him all over the world.

Don and Chris in town. Plan on having dinner with them tonight.

Enjoy your Sunday!



April Fools Day was born during the Middle Ages. Which means a lot of people have celebrated the day. Even George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. And Donald Trump, of course. I am sure our President has a sense of humor beyond the guillotine and tweeting.

Periodically, an April Fools joke is created which exceeds all others.

Like the 1957 BBC aired spaghetti grows on trees news report. The BBC had discovered a Swiss family that was harvesting long strands of pasta from spaghetti trees.

Thousands were interested. Though the news report was for real.

The BBC continued the joke by advising callers that all that was required to grow spaghetti was to place a sprig of spaghetti in a tin of tomato sauce and hope for the best.

A 1998 advertisement by Burger King hit big. Burger King took  a full page ad in USA Today. Announced a new menu item. A left handed burger.

Thousands ordered the left handed burger over the next few days.

A date for drinks with Callie last night. At Louie’s Backyard. The place we met last week.

Three hours of good company. I enjoyed, she enjoyed.

Callie runs a catering business. Small dinner parties and cocktail parties. She previously was pastry chef for several years at Louie’s. Got bored doing the same thing every day.

Her company is Provisions of Key West. She can be reached at 305-433-1677.

Callie knows everything about food. Its historical derivations, different ways to prepare, etc. I was impressed. We got as far back as Greece 1300 B.C.

I have been on a diet. Eleven pounds in 12 days. Hate it! Eating little and walking more. Yesterday, I only had two hard boiled eggs and some cottage cheese before meeting Callie. Four drinks later, I had to eat.

Stopped at Outback on the way home. A six ounce filet mignon, sweet baked potato with nothing on it, and steamed vegetables.

Robert has bartended at Outback for years. We have become friends over that time.

As I sat down, he immediately started telling me how his 4 1/2 year old was sick. Down. Experienced me told him not to worry. Children are always sick. They need to get sick to build up immunities to various diseases.

Robert looked at me as if I was crazy. I thought he was a new father. Did not understand me.

I did not understand him. He was talking to me about his dog. A large tumor growing on the dog’s upper gum.

The big race today at noon. The Cow Key Channel Bridge Run. All 300 feet of it. Over 1,000 costumed participants. Record time 23.1 seconds. Several seeking to break it this year.

Such is what we do in Key West! A 300 foot bridge race! The distance is evidence we are normal. The abnormals are those who do 15 Ks and 26 mile marathons.

Following the race, a party at Botanical Gardens. The Botanical Gardens Beer Bash.

Lobster season has ended. Not good this year. Not bad. Mediocre.

Lobster is a $50-70 million dollar business in the Keys. Why the drop off this year?

First, the weather. Too warm. Cold fronts are required to move lobsters forward. Warm weather screws up their normal migration pattern. The result fewer lobsters caught.

Second is price. The Chinese and Japanese are big buyers. Especially prior to and during their holidays.

The Chinese and Japanese smartened up. Learned how to play the game. Became better negotiators. Resulting in less money in the pockets of the fishermen.

Stock Island’s Rusty Anchor has been closed two years. To reopen in May.

The owners of El Siboney bought the restaurant. Fish will be the mainstay of food served. Prepared as Rusty Anchor used to. A few El Siboney Spanish dishes will be on the menu also.

Enjoy your day!