Tom Keller is a snow bird who owns a home in Key West. We are Chart Room friends.

He e-mailed me an article this morning from yesterday’s Wall Street Journal. The opinion/commentary had to do with raises in the minimum wage and robots. Written by former CEO of CKE Restaurants Andy Puzder.

The robot portion is interesting in itself. However, it is the job numbers set forth which motivate my comment here.

The numbers refer to entry level jobs.

A significant number of young people (20-24) are without work. Blacks lead. Forty percent in Chicago and 30 percent in New York and Los Angeles.

White men, 10 percent in all areas reported.

Nationally, black men 24.1 percent and whites 16-19 percent.

My question concerns 10 years from now. What will the numbers be? I suspect higher. How can they not be with the increasing wave of robots that will be replacing human employees.

Spent more time than normal yesterday fine tuning last night’s blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. New Trump news kept breaking. I was required to reset, rearrange and add topics for the show.

Trump had a big day. The gassing in Syria and the missile launching in North Korea. Tied in with Tillerson’s comments.

I added the preceding to my Trump comments which already included Trump seeking out bad guys as friends as opposed to countries that have been our friends for generations, Trump’s NAFTA reversal based on oil industry pressures, the Pentagon announcing the number of troops on the ground in Syria and Iraq henceforth secret, and young Kushner over his head and overloaded.

A lot of Trump.

Someone recently wrote a very negative comment about this blog. A free country. So be it. One of his items hit a soft spot. Harry Truman. The writer suggested I write too much about Truman.

I do. And I should. Truman is as much a part of Key West as Hemingway.

Truman loved Key West and Key West loves him to this day. He is remembered all over the island. From The Little White House to Truman Annex to the Harry Truman look a like who walks around certain public events to public discussions based on his life, etc.

Truman spent 175 days vacationing in Key West spread over 11 trips.

Which brings me to a today Truman observation. Truman and wife Bess left Key West this day in 1969. The end of a two week visit.

His last.

Bum Farto, where are you? Farto the Key West Fire Chief convicted of drug dealing.

He was due in court this day in 1976 for sentencing. Never showed up. Never seen since.

The suspicion is he was the victim of a Jimmy Hoffa ending.

The U.S. had a run of police shooting blacks. The U.S. Attorney’s Office under Obama got involved. Investigated the major cities having a frequency of such problems. After two years of investigation and discussion among the feds, mayors and police chiefs, solutions in writing are being arrived at. Called Consent Decrees. Federal officials will oversee actions by local police till the problem has worked itself out.

Till yesterday. Trump stuck his nose in.

Trump is pro-police. Does that make him anti-black? I don’t know. In any event, Attorney General Sessions’  people appeared in Federal Court in Baltimore yesterday asking the Court for a 90 day delay in signing the Consent Decree. The reason to be sure the Consent Decree did not work against Trump’s goal of promoting officers and morale while fighting violent crime.

I would assume shooting unarmed blacks a violent crime.

Sessions a bigot from day one. He as well as Trump not qualified for the positions they hold.

Enjoy your day!


I enjoy writing about Harry Truman. Not only because of his connection with and love for Key West. His life in general. Truman was a no bullshit person. Straightforward and honest. He called them as he saw them.

I received an e-mail yesterday containing a Truman quote. I was familiar with the quote. It merits comment here.

“My choices in life were either to be a piano player in a whore house or a politician. And to tell the truth, there is hardly any difference.”

The quote first came to my attention when I read David McCullough’s Truman. The biography was published in 1998. I did not get to read it till ten years ago.

The book another War and Peace. Long. One thousand plus pages. Took forever to read. Especially the way I read it.

Borders had a Key West book store location ten years ago. On Northern Boulevard. Where today sits a PET store. I used Borders as a library. The Key West library was adequate. However, parking terrible. Borders had a large parking lot.

Borders also had small comfortable black leather chairs. I sat and read Truman in one of those chairs. A couple of hours a day. It took forever to complete.

Spent yesterday afternoon fine tuning last night’s blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Did the show at 9. A bit of everything. Sports, politics, life in general. Covered a multitude of sins.

One being a New York City problem. Taxi drivers and hired car drivers are making sexual comments to female passengers. And, ejaculating on them. The comments and ejaculations increased big time last year.

New York is working on a new local law to ban the sexual comments and ejaculations. Punishment, a $1,000 fine. I would throw them in jail!

Watched Wisconsin political dribble off and on during the day. It’s the political junkie in me.

I was pleased to see Trump and Hillary take a beating. Hopefully the losses will shape them up. Trump has to learn honesty. Hillary that truth is not to be twisted.

Dinner at Roostica.

Three weeks ago, forget getting a table. Not even get a seat at the bar. The season is over. The place was deserted last night. Pleasant!

I appreciate the small crowd does nothing for Bobby and his staff. However, it is nice once again to enjoy one of my favorite dining places.

Difficult sleeping last night. I turned on Turner Classics. A great two hour show. Not an old movie. The life of Gregory Peck. Gregory Peck casually moderating the show. A great man, a great show. An interesting life. Not typical Hollywood. A family man first. Then an actor who took his work seriously.

Enjoy your day!