Catch up time. Two days of blogs in one. My comments limited to local happenings. I leave Trump and world events to another day.

The most important happening was Robert’s graduation yesterday from Montessori. In August, he will start high school.

Robert turned 14 two weeks ago. He is tall and thin, good looking. A radiating smile. Excellent student, excellent tennis player.

A good boy.

It was 14 years ago less two weeks that Robert was in Miami Children’s hospital. Within hours of being born. He had been born with cancer of the liver.

Two major surgeries the first two weeks of his life. He stands tall and healthy today anxious to move on to the next phase of his life.

God bless.

A conflict in the Malcom household yesterday. Ally’s 13th birthday. On the same day as Robert’s graduation. Ally did not like sharing HER day. She celebrates with her girl friends tomorrow night with a sleep over. The family Happy Birthday sunday following dinner.

Poppa loves you Ally. Happy Birthday!

Lets begin with thursday.

Haircut with Lori. Always a pleasant experience. Roughly seventeen years she has been my “barber.”

Followed by lunch at Sandy’s Cafe a few doors down White Street from Lori’s Blown Away.

Began thursday evening with a Meet and Greet party at Dan and Stephanie’s condo on Simonton. The candidate Greg Daniels. He is running for Utility Board Seat D.

If you live between Big Pine and Key West you can vote for Greg. He has deep utility/power experience. Close to 20 years worth.

I had only met Greg one time before. At the Chart Room several years ago. His wife Donna an accountant in Key West.

Donna is from my former home town Utica. Reason enough to vote for her husband Greg. One more reason. The most important. Both Donna and I married into the same family. Her former husband and my former wife were cousins. We survived the marriages and divorces to now live better lives in Paradise.

From the Meet and Greet, I went to the Chart Room. Glad I did! David was there! Not Chart Room David. Don’s Place’s David.

I have not seen David in several months. One of the good guys of the world. Built like and looks like Santa Claus. Has Santa’s heart. Always there to lend a helping hand.

David was at the Chart Room with his friend Robbie. They are soon off to Cozumel for a vacation. Robbie’s sister Karen was visiting and with them.

Also at the Chart Room were Phil and Nichole from Auburn, Alabama. Originally from the Chicago area.

Interesting people. Especially Phil. Phil was a banker for 25 years. Decided to change jobs. Finally did what he wanted to do from the beginning. Teach school. Took a few courses to qualify and now serves as a high school teacher.

Nichole a human relations manager.

A 52 year old homeless man ended his life thursday afternoon. He tied a rope to the railing of the Cow Key Bridge and jumped.

I think it takes more courage to kill one’s self than remain living.

Friday morning was Robert’s graduation. Two items require comment.

The event was held in the Commission Chambers of the new City Hall. Outstanding room! Worth the money! Key Westers can take pride!

The other comment concerns Trump. He complains of immigrants. He is a racist. He should have been at the graduation. Most of the graduates’ names were difficult to pronounce. Literally came from all parts of the world. As to color, tan predominated.

This is the world of today. The graduates represent America’s leaders of tomorrow. Whatever Trump may want, he cannot mold America into what he and his small band of followers might desire.

Back to Sandy’s Cafe. Convenient. Two blocks from City Hall.

At one, Emil La Voche’s funeral service at the Basilica of St. Mary Star of the Sea. A long name. Key West’s Catholic Church.

I only came to know Emil this past year. We met when I joined the Sons and Daughters of Italy. A quiet man. Appeared well liked by all. He led us in prayer and Pledge of Allegiance at the beginning of each meeting.

I learned of his distinguished background only after reading his obituary. Emil spent 31 years in the U.S. Army. Retired a Lt. Colonel. Fought in Korea and Vietnam. Twice parachuted into battle.

After retiring from the military, he joined the Sheriff’s Department. Retired from that position after 25 years. Did not stop him from continuing. He followed the 25 years with another 9 helping out at the Sheriff’s Department as a reserve deputy.

The Church was packed. The parking lot and surrounding streets crowded with cars.

The number paying homage to Emil can best be described in one word: Respect. He was deserving of it.

A dinner party last night at Donna and Terri’s. Donna cooking, of course. What a cook! A culinary expert! The Julia Child of Key West!

George and Art were dinner guests also. George and Art have a new dog. A small black bull dog. Two weeks younger than Bear who is growing at a rapid rate. Now, huge.

The two played terrifically with each other all night. Like little kids. Best of friends.

Speaking of Julia Child, I recall seeing her kitchen when I visited the Smithsonian Museum of American History. The Museum recreated her kitchen in Cambridge, Massachusetts exactly as it was.

One housekeeping item. A screw up re my KONK Life column.

This week’s should have been The FBI of Today The Jews of Yesterday. Will not be. Last week’s column was the Right To Declare War. When it was being printed, the last 25 percent was omitted. The best part from my perspective. I described Trump and Kim’s words at the time as being who had the bigger dick.

To correct the omission, KONK Life reprinted the War Declaration article in its entirely this week. The FBI/Jews article will not appear till next week.

KONK Life also publishes for the internet its daily E-Blast. The FBI/Jews article did appear in yesterday’s E-Blast if you wish to read it early.

WordPress has begun publishing my KONK Life column on my Facebook page. You can find the article there now.

Enjoy your day!



I refer today for the first time to Trump as Mr. President. Not because he has achieved that recognition in my mind. Because for the first time he may be leaning that way.

My concern Syria.

The President has challenged Putin for the first time. Especially this morning. Recognizes Russia as a partner with the bad guys in Syria and bearing responsibility for the gasings.

The President said he was going to do something re the chemical attack. That was over the weekend. All recognized time was of the essence. If there was to be retaliation, it had to be immediate. Don’t give Putin and others time to move their war machinery around, get ready for a military hit, etc.

The President screwed up. It is now wednesday. The too long a time has passed. Putin however kept it alive with his tweet that he and his friends had the where with all to knock down any missiles the US might shoot.

An added concern is that the US has at least 2 Naval vessels in the area that are subject to retaliatory missiles.

I believe we have no choice but to go for it. Destroy something big time in Syria. Take the gamble with Putin. He has thrown down the gauntlet. The US cannot do what Obama did. Nothing.

Note that Russia is in bad shape. Their economy is way down. The ruble fell again last week. Putin cannot afford an all out war.

I further believe if Putin sees the US is serious, he will back off on the rhetoric and find a way to quiet the confrontation. He has done such in the past.

I criticize the time it has taken with no reaction yet by the US. Where is our planning? Where have the CIA and military been? Plans should have already been prepared and held in abeyance till needed.

An obvious failure in Washington in protecting the US. This fault may include the Obama administration.

Yesterday, my first book signing. Sold ten books in 3 hours. Not disappointed. Did not think prior to the signing I would sell one.

More experienced authors Reef Perkins and Robert Coburn participated also. I doubt they sold more than 10 books each.

The problem was no one came. We were alone for 3 hours in the hot boiling Key West summer sun.

Ross Pipkin was part of the program. Ross does voice overs for books. He did a reading. Interesting and humorous.

I thank good friends Kate Miano and Lynda Frechette for attending. A Jane who I never met before.

Towards the end of the 3 hours, Bob and Stevie from the Chicago area arrived. We had never met before. They came especially to buy my book. Bob and Stevie are loyal readers of this blog.

They leave today for home. Hopefully, we will meet next year when they return. We agreed on the Chart Room.

My favorite female bartender Nicolle showed up with her partner Dara. Nicolle works at Antonia’s. She did not buy a book. Did not have to. She had already purchased a copy through Amazon. She brought the book in for signing. My pleasure!

The book signing was at the Andrews Inn. Michael and Albena new owners. Eight months. Albena from Belgium. The Inn was run down when purchased. They have fixed the place up. Irma interrupted and added to the renovations.

The Inn is lovely. Tiny adding to its quaintness.

Michael noticed the crowd was sparse. Actually, non-existent at one point. He showed ingenuity. Went out on the street and dragged about 20 tourists in. Induced them with the free food and drink. A smart guy. The Inn cannot fail.

The book signing was a charity fund raiser. Titled the Bow-Wow Meow Book Signing. A fundraiser for the SPCA. Help the dogs and cats.

Not much help yesterday. I feel guilty. I plan on sending a check.

I enjoyed doing my podcast last night. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. A mix of topics. Key West, Anchorage, and a little Trump. I try to include topics about what is going on involving persons other than Trump. He is available enough on the media.

The weather continues to be hot. Summer definitely here. Eighty six yesterday. And humid! Will be the same today.

Very likable and talented artist Jon “Tosh” McIntosh died last month. A memorial service will be held this saturday at 3:30 at St. Paul’s Church.

Sons and Daughters of Italy meeting tonight.

I was doing a Key West Lou Live video every day til about 2 months ago. Louis ranting and raving about some issue for a few minutes.

Renewed the show this morning. It is revived! Look for it daily on Facebook.

Enjoy your day!



The world has changed! At least for me.

I was up at 6 yesterday morning. Did my research for the blog. Went to begin the blog at 8. No wi-fi. No TV, no land line also.

Called Comcast. Everything will be working at 11:18 said the recorded message. Came noon and still nothing. New recorded message said 11:30 in the evening.

I learned yesterday I cannot live without the internet. I needed to pound the keys to get the blog out. Then research into the afternoon re other matters. I was a druggie in withdrawal.

The Comcast problem is the reason there was no blog yesterday.

Two days of thoughts to share.

Syracuse got their asses whipped by Virginia tuesday night. Syracuse has lost its last 3 or 4 games. This keeps up and Syracuse will not even get into the NIT.

Yesterday’s Citizens’ Voice brought Forrest Gump to mind. His famous line…..Stupid is as stupid does.

The people of Florida have the fourth weakest credit in the United States. Key West rents are off the wall. Unaffordable for many. Three and four workers required to share an apartment.

Yesterday, Trump once again proved he is all heart. The billionaire President has started the process whereby States will be allowed to impose a work requirement on their Medicaid programs. To qualify, a person must prove he/she is working, training for a job, or volunteering. Exempted are the medically frail (whatever that means) and pregnant women.

Which brings me back to Forrest Gump and stupid is as stupid does.

Most of the Key West workers live pay check to pay check. They voted for Trump because he was going to make their lives better. Thus far he has not. Nothing has changed.

They still love Trump, however. Give him time, the Democrats are screwing him up, etc.

Stupid is as stupid does.

Let me go another step forward. Jared Kushner, son in law to the President, is a special adviser to the President. Sits at his right hand in the White House.

Kushner’s other life had him involved in real estate.

A federal position as Kushner has requires that his position not be used for personal gain.

Kushner accompanied Trump on Trump’s first visit to Israel. Kushner’s White House responsibility involves U.S.-Middle East policy. Which includes Israel.

Just before Kushner left on the trip, a major financial Israeli investment firm invested $30 million in Kushner’s real estate company.

The rich get richer, the poor poorer.

And yet, many Key West workers continue to have faith that Trump is Moses. He will lead them to the better life. Not going to happen. Stupid is as stupid does.

Two important events to report.

Ladies, January is Cervical Health Awareness Month. Get checked! If you do not have a physician, Womankind will help.

My love of history will be satiated later this month. 1776 opens January 23 at the Waterfront Playhouse.

Enjoy your day!



Orange Bowl tonight! Michigan/Florida State. Michigan a 7 point favorite.

I am watching the game with several of my new found Sons of Italy brethren. At Giorgio’s home.

Whether the old stadium or new, it is still the Orange Bowl to me. In the past 25 years, I have watched Syracuse and Super Bowl at both stadiums. Twice chartered a plane and flew myself and several friends in. Another time came down on a friend’s 165 foot Viking.

It was the life!

Let me stay with sports a moment. Syracuse beat Cornell earlier this week. The ACC starts New Year’s Day. Syracuse will be playing Boston College at noon.

I was Liz’s guest yesterday at lunch. Antonia’s. Excellent lunch. Exceptional company. Liz brought me a canister of homemade Xmas cookies. The woman an outstanding cook! Delicious!

Noon today with Tammy for a manicure. Tammy brightens a person’s day.

Today, the quiet before the storm. Tomorrow, New Year’s Eve.

Key West filled up. Many visitors this week.

I have seen Sushi and the ball fall several times at midnight. Sushi at Bourbon Street. The ball at Sloppy Joe’s. Both fun events. Crazy!

There is a Key West group that has been around several years. The Southernmost Drinking Liberally group. A bunch of progressive Democrats getting together to imbibe and discuss/argue politics. The first meeting of the year is next week on January 5 at the VFW on Northern Boulevard.

I plan on going. Should be interesting. It will be nice to be with “my people.”

There is a photo on the Southernmost site of the inaugural Key West meeting 9/5/14. Clearly visible, Sheila of Chart Room fame!

The group not isolated to Key West alone. There are 214 nation wide. Described as a phenomenon. Face to face old style 19th century bar room politicking. Engagement the goal, not inebriation.

Prior to yesterday, December had five days where the blog clicks were high. Yesterday exceeded the five days by 25 percent. Wow!

Today, a sad day for lovers of Jewish deli sandwiches.

Carnegie Deli is the last standing such deli in mid Manhattan. Carnegie closes its doors today. Its run 1937-2016. Seventy nine years.

My favorite was hot pastrami on rye with Russian dressing. Three inches of pastrami on 2 slices of thin rye bread. Absolutely delicious! Good for the arteries! A big time cholesterol hit!

Wind blowing big time this morning. Straight down from the north. Palm trees bending. Howling wind. White caps coming in off the ocean.

Enjoy your day!




A pleasant afternoon yesterday. Lay in the shade by the pool. Read and snoozed.

First stop last night was the Tavern ‘n Town memorial event for Judy Wood. Two groups of people. Locals at the bar. Another group in the back of the dining room were special tables, food, photos, etc. had been set up. Knew none. I assume out of town family.

Bobby Nesbitt and Carmen Rodriquez singing. Bobby telling Judy stories.

I believe Judy was in her mid 60s at the end. Age has a way of adding pounds, sagging facial muscles, etc. My body is a wreck at 81.

Judy’s photos from another time shocked me. A knockout! Such a beautiful woman!

May she rest in peace.

Tavern ‘n Town was too crowded. Drove over to Outback for dinner. A small prime rib.

Then to bocce. Don’s Place was playing the Sons of Italy. Don’s Place won 2 and lost 1. The Sons of Italy played well. Don’s Place nowhere near well. Two of the games were close. Don’s Place won  the last game easily.

Don’s Place still in first place alone. The other two top teams lost 1 or 2 games.

Met Jerry. He plays for the Sons of Italy. Not Italian. One human family extends to bocce teams.

Jerry a former Navy reservist. Thereafter involved with two credit unions. Now, totally retired.

Love the guy! He reads this blog! Has been reading it! He asked if my name was Lou and did I write, etc. That is how we got started.

Syracuse/Boston College tomorrow. Boston College a 4.5 point favorite. My fingers are crossed.

Rick Pitino. Famous basketball coach. Successful at his work. Coaching at Louisville for the past 10 years or so. A winner!

Pitino and Jim Boeheim best of friends. Stood up for each other when married, godfather to each other’s children.

I know Pitino. Not as well as Boeheim. Pitino is a horse lover. He owns, runs and breeds them. I spent some time with him in Saratoga over the years. Watching him buy horses at the Saratoga Horse Sale a memorable experience.

The NCAA has been investigating Pitino. The charges came down yesterday.

The issue involves escorts and strippers who were hired to entertain recruits and players. In the same University dorm where the hopefuls were spending a weekend.

The claim is assistant coach Andre McGee made the arrangements, paid the money, etc. There is no charge that Pitino was aware. However, Pitino is charged similarly as Boeheim was. As head coach, it is his responsibility to know everything going on with the team. The technical terminology “…..for failing to monitor a member of his staff (McGee).”

I thought the charges against Boeheim were bullshit. Different from Pitino’s. He was charged after a 10 year investigation. They had to dig to find something concerning Boeheim. The Pitino investigation only took one year.

Sex procurement a no no. No question about it.

I find it hard to believe Pitino was not aware. A hands on person.

At some point in time, there will be a Pitino suspension. Inevitable.

Tonight, Goombay!

Enjoy your day! And evening!