The Today In Keys History section of the Key West Citizen carried a brief comment re Robert Frost. To the effect that it had been announced on this date in 1934 that Robert Frost would spend the winter in Key West. His first visit.
Inquisitiveness tickled my fancy. Where did he stay? What did he do? Etc. Did a bit of research.
The winter of 1934 may have been Frost’s first visit, it was not his last. He returned in 1945. Spent every winter in Key West through 1960.
Jessie Porter’s home was a haven for writers. Daily visits. Sitting around and talking. Frost included.
Porter’s home was at 410 Caroline St. A garden cottage was located on the property. Frost leased the cottage during his 1945-1960 stays.
Porter’s home today is known as The Heritage House. It is listed as a National Literary Landmark.
Away from the Porter premises, Frost’s favorite place to hang out was the Casa Marina.
Spent yesterday afternoon preparing for tonight’s podcast. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine my time.
Topics off the wall! All kinds of interesting things happening. I will open with the alleged Russian hacking of the Democrats and the opposing views of the CIA and FBI.
Followed by Chinese factories making our Xmas toys under deplorable working conditions, pharmacy executives arrested for bribing doctors to recommend their pain killing drug, a black man arrested for DUI strapped into a chair and beaten by a police officer causing the black man to lose sight in one eye, Venezuela eliminating half its paper money, and more.
Aqua first last night. Liz and Mary there. Sat with them. Jean Thornton on the other side of the bar. Tom Luna, Rick and Traci entertaining.
Alex tapped me on the shoulder to say hello. His wife standing outside. Alex was playing across the street. I will have to stop in next week to hear him blow his horn.
Liz and Mary left for dinner at Antonia’s. I headed for Bourbon Street.
Berlin’s Bria sings monday and tuesday evenings at Bourbon Street. Went especially to hear her. As usual, outstanding.
Sitting at the bar next to me were Jen and Paul. Jen vacationing from Fargo, North Dakota. Paul a December snowbird for years.
Jen and I had an interesting conversation re Standing Rock. She lives where it all happened. I expected her to be sympathetic to the Sioux cause. She was not. She felt the Native Americans were making a lot out of nothing.
While the Polar Vortex is reaping havoc on the northwest, Key West weather has never been better. Mid 80s yesterday. Never hot. No humidity. Comfortable.
The Polar Vortex is expected to be felt over the keys early next week. Very cold weather. Significant drop in temperature.
The war between the community and the Lower Keys Medical Center continues. An attorney hired by the community group reported that the hospital board had no authority to act and that the legal paperwork involved years ago was binding.
The battle will continue. I don’t understand why the community group does not take a direct assault on the company operating the hospital for insufficient care, over billing, etc.
Last but not least. My new streaming show will not debut thursday as planned. The best laid plans of mice and men…..
Only one problem. Described yesterday. It will not be resolved by thursday.
Enjoy your day!
Jen and I had an interesting conversation re Standing Rock. She lives where it all happened. I expected her to be sympathetic to the Sioux cause. She was not. She felt the Native Americans were making a lot out of nothing.
end quote
Its nice to get all sides of a story before taking an opinion.
Regarding the beaten man losing an eye. Stuff happens that shouldn’t. There are bad cops, they are few. I’m wondering why no mention of the cops being ambushed and killed. 2 shot just yesterday and recorded. Guess the color.