Sheriff Ramsay is a persistent individual. He does not give up.

A perfect example is the U.S. pedestrian cross walk in Key Largo. Ramsay said it was wrongly designed. An invitation to disaster.

Florida DOT Secretary Boxold ignored him. Ramsay complained to the Governor’s office and went to the press.

A meeting resulted within days.

Boxold came to Ramsay. The meeting took place in Key Largo.

The flashing yellow light will be a double solid red one. Pedestrian has a button to press. Light goes flashing yellow. Then, solid yellow. Finally, double solid red.

Ramsay suggested Boxold get a hold of Key West authorities to correct similar problems on Northern Boulevard. Lets hope a meeting takes place soon.

You may not recognize me the next time we meet. Got a haircut yesterday. I am bald. Had it all cut off. A #1 on the electric razor.

I am not sure the motivation. I must admit I like it.

Lori not there to cut my hair. First time she has missed in 20 years. Emma did me.

Lori and her boy friend have lived together for years. They married New Year’s Eve. Civil service. City Hall. No one knew it was coming.

Their respective families were thrilled. One group from Maine. The other, Long Island. The family wanted a for real wedding, however. They got it. The ceremony sunday at West Martello. Reception to follow at Rooftop Cafe.

I will have to congratulate Lori a second time when I get my next haircut. It may be a long while.

Stopped at Cuban Coffee Queen for lunch after the haircut. No room at the inn! Tables full. Line a mile long waiting to order.

So much for lunch. I left.

The Cuban Coffee Queen is doing tremendous. Good for them!

Rain all day. Monsoon type rain on occasion.

Not certain about today yet.

My KONK Life column Clarence Thomas / Anita Hill appears in this morning’s E-Blast.

It aggravates me. The Saudi snub of President Obama when he arrived for the oil meetings. We have to stop kissing Saudi’s ass. They need us militarily more than we need them for anything. Saudi Arabia’s time as a world oil giant diminishes by day.

Came across an interesting statement yesterday…..It was all started by a mouse. The reference was to Mickey Mouse. The statement made by Walt Disney.

Enjoy your day!



No blog today. I have poison in my pen. Better I write nothing at all.


Stopped at Farmers Market yesterday morning. Had one intent. To buy Greek bread.

I purchased a loaf a few weeks ago. To try out. Excellent! Crispy crust, soft inside, loaded with cut up black olives. To die for!

I bought four loaves and a dozen rolls. Froze most of it. Picked on the rest most of the day. Toasted and buttered. Wild!

Before Farmers Market, I stopped at Blown Away for a haircut. Wrong day. Actually, correct day under normal circumstances. I forgot Lori is vacationing in Maine and will not return till next week. My appointment was actually scheduled for next week.

A new bocce season began last night! Great fun! Like opening day at any major sporting event. Handshakes, hugs, glad to see you, etc.

We won 2 out of 3 games. Lost the first 16-3. The only game I played. Not the way to begin a new season. The team came back, however. We won the second, 16-1 and the third 16-11.

Don back. Surprised to see him. He was not due till next week.

Food Network’s Curtis Stone and Beach Eats USA ran a Key West Beach eatery edition thursday evening. Hot Tin Roof was one of the eaterys featured. Sorry I missed it. The actual filming was done six weeks earlier.

Today’s KONK E-Blast carries my KONK Life column for the week. Hemingway’s First Love. Enjoyable and revealing.

A study came out concerning the Wal-Mart to be built on US 1. Claims Wal-Mart will not adversely affect traffic.

I hope so. I am all for the Wal-Mart. However the parking lot accompanying it is being constructed to hold 1,258 cars. Suggests a lot of traffic to me.

Studies have a way of screwing things up where traffic is concerned. The Boulevard a perfect example. I hope this job gets done properly.

Sal Salinero died yesterday at 73. A fourth generation Conch, Key West icon, and world famous artist. He will be missed.

Heard on TV this morning that Al Gore is or may have thrown his hat in the race for the Democratic nomination for President. Good! He got screwed the last time around. He won the popular vote by 500,000 votes, yet lost. Florida and its absurd type ballots screwed him. Actually, not correct. The Florida judicial system screwed him.

Had Gore become President, I doubt Iraq would have occurred. I further doubt the Middle East would be the cauldron it is today.

The media went crazy yesterday announcing that Warren Harding, 29th President of the United States, had fathered an illegitimate child while in the White House. The reports were not generally presented in a correct fashion. The actual story was that recent DNA testing established and verified the impregnation.

Not new news. I reported on Harding’s sexual exploits 6-7 years ago. The location motivated my comments. A West Wing closet. Would you believe! As good or bad as Clinton in the Oval Office.

The lady’s name was Nan Britton.

Harding enjoyed his escapades. He also carried on a lengthy meretricious relationship with Carrie Fulton Phillips. Harding claimed her to be his only true love.

Enjoy your day!