Normally, I begin with Key West activities and matters of interest. Then move on to political observations, etc.

This morning a couple of things are sufficiently bothering me that I am opening with them. Key West matters follow.

The law is the law. Sounds absolute. It is and is not. There are exceptions to every law. I know. I practiced law for 46 years.

A present day example involves blacks killed by police officers. In most instances appears to be murder. However indictment of police officers extremely rare. There is an exception to a murder charge where the police officer is the perpetrator. If the police officer believes he is in danger of death, he can shot  and kill with no legal liability.

A national disgrace occurred yesterday morning at the Orlando Airport. Alejandra Juarez was deported to Mexico. Alejandra is 39. Illegally entered the U.S. 20 years ago. Married Temo. Temo became a naturalized citizen before his first deployment to Iraq. He deployed 3 times to Iraq as a Marine.

They have 2 daughters. Pamela 16 and Estela 9.

Alejandra has no criminal record.

She duly reported to immigration each year. Never a problem. Permitted to remain. Till now.

As part of Trump’s zero tolerance program, she was deported. Leaving behind her husband and daughters.

Immigration laws are not absolute. Not all here illegally need be deported. There are exceptions. One is “parole in place.” It is discretionary. Permits the authorities to allow an illegal to remain. It is generally applied where the person is a spouse of one who has served in the military.

Alejandra applied 4 times for the parole in place exception. Four times denied.

Alejandra’s Congressman, together with several other Congresspersons, wrote a letter to the President asking that she be allowed to remain. No response.

Temo wrote a personal letter to the Trump explaining he had fought for his country 3 times in Iraq and asking that his wife be permitted to remain. To no avail.

Temo’s job requires traveling. Sixteen year old Pamela is remaining home to live with her father. Nine year old Estela will soon be following her mother to Mexico, however. She needs a mother’s attention. With Temo’s work schedule, such is not possible.

A shame. The story sick.

The dark side of the immigration crisis.

Trump proclaimed “zero tolerance.” Means to me all illegals return to where ever they came from. Not the case in practice.

Syracuse University on July 24 analyzed deportations under the zero tolerance policy. Concern existed especially because of the number of parents and children being separated.

The government is playing games.

In April, 8,298 illegals were apprehended. Zero tolerance came into being. In May, the  number jumped to 40,338. Thirty two percent of the 40,338 were prosecuted.

Here is where the chicanery comes into play. Prosecutorial discretion applies. The government selects those to be brought before a court and deported. Parents with children were singled out for prosecution. Understand clearly, parents with children to be deported swiftly. Illegals without children generally not referred for prosecution.

My point. The government practiced a policy whereby parents with children were selected for deportation. The administration wanted to show how tough it was and children made no difference.

The Trump administration succeeded. However now selective prosecution rears its head. Similar to no records re the children’s whereabouts. What more will we learn as time goes on?

A blot on the character of the United States. Disgraceful.

Is this who we are? What we have become?

One more story involving immigration.

Two male employees at Arizona Migrant Children Centers have been charged with sexual abuse. The facilities operated by Southwest Key Programs. Southwest Key has received $995 million since 2015 in federal contracts to provide shelter services to children in federal custody.

Two separate facilities involved in the sexual abuse matters.

At one, a male employee was discovered kissing and fondling a 14 year old girl. At another, an HIV positive worker was discovered to have gropped 6 teen age boys and having performed oral sex on 2 others.

Whether Alejandra’s story, zero tolerance pin pointing parents with children, or pedophilia situations being discovered, a new swamp has been created. A more dangerous one. To be drained or permitted to go on?

Last night a change of pace for me. Decided to go down to the waterfront. Schooner Wharf and Waterfront Brewery.

Schooner Wharf always fun. Packed with tourists last night. Spoke with an English couple. Both work with Parliament. First time in Key West.

Walked over to the Waterfront Brewery for a bite to eat. Sat at the bar and watched a replay of yesterday’s PGA tournament. Tiger Woods up there. Could win. I pull for the guy. He has paid his dues for any wrongdoing. He deserves a couple more times in the limelight as a winner.

I eat at the Brewery rarely. When I do, I order fish and chips. The fish outstanding. Large, crispy, and juicy.

Donna and Terri’s tonight for dinner. Donna cooking. She called this morning to ask if I liked scallops. Of course! Whatever she is preparing will include scallops.

Bear is 8 months old. In 10 days, he is scheduled to be neutered. Disgusting!

Enjoy your day!





Trump did another rally last night. In Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. Before rigid loyal supporters.

The media last night and this morning covered his rantings. The usual. In addition to media reports, I watched his entire talk during the late night when rerun on the internet.

Three important things omitted from the media coverage. The three items stuck out like a sore thumb when I watched Trump’s delivery in its entirety. Each cause for concern.

One had to do with children. Trump has been getting heaped upon for his separation policy re immigrants and their children. Last night, I saw a first. I suspect to portray to the nation Trump’s concern for children and their support of him.

In the group sitting immediately behind Trump as he talked were kids. Many. Interspersed throughout. Obviously there. Some sitting quietly, others waving signs. The cameras zeroing in on them.

A phony demonstration. However, one which puts the fear of God in me. Trump is authoritarian. Would like to be President forever. A dictator. Recall the Hitler Youth. Hitler started the organization in 1926. It grew more rapidly beginning in the mid 1930’s. Existed till 1945.

Is this a beginning? Is this part of an overall plan to get ’em while they’re young?

Sounds crazy. However with Trump, you never know.

The second item that struck me was his reference to NATO and his belief it only exists to protect Europe. A like…..who needs it thing. The suggestion being we are going to get out of NATO, European wars not our concern.

Reminded me of America First and the tenor of some in the late 1930’s in the U.S. The desire by many to have the U.S. stay out of European alliances and wars. The further desire the U.S. should remain an isolationist nation.

My sense of Trump was that he was telling us the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans would protect us. The same crazy talk pre World War II.

The oceans are meaningless protectors today. Kim and North Korea the most recent example. Our military experts advise North Korea has or soon will have missiles with nuclear warheads that can reach the U.S.

Russian submarines carrying missiles with nuclear warheads a similar problem. China has developed the capacity to fire missiles capable of reaching U.S. shores from the new islands it has created in Asian waters.

The third item involved Trump’s threat to shutdown the government if he does not get his wall funding. The question he raised was whether to shutdown before or after the midterms.

He bragged he was not afraid of politics. He might shutdown before.

He mentioned Russ Limbaugh and Sean Hannity supporting him in this regard.

God help us!

Last night, a Blue Macaw evening for me. Diane Millikan my guest. Diane helps me occasionally with research. She is a terrific researcher.

We were joined by Donna and Terri. They brought Elle, short for Eleanor. I never met Elle before. A lovely 37 year old from Argentina. Has been in Key West 10 years. Worked several of those years at Burrito with my friend Grant. Now works at the new sandwich shop in the small shopping center at the corner of Duval and Truman.

Different strokes for different folks. Each country has its own ways. Elle had long armpit hair. Uncovered and obvious. We discussed it. Her custom. The fashion in Argentina.

A little history. On this day in 1492, Christopher Columbus departed from Palos, Spain with the Santa Maria, Pinta and Nina. Nine weeks later on October 12, he and the ships would land in the Bahamas. Columbus thought China. Though unaware and more importantly, he had discovered the New World.

A new study supportive of those who drink alcohol. In moderation, of course. The study claims people who do not drink any alcohol are more likely to develop dementia by early old age. Teetotaling not recommended for the middle aged.

Moderation. What is moderation? One and a half bottles of wine per week.

That’s all? Fortunately, I do not drink wine.

Enjoy your day!



There is a blog I have followed for several months. Posts several times a week. The Justice Building Blog.

The blog appears to be written by a Miami attorney. Pin points court house gossip and fact. Sometimes hits out at Trump and things happening not consistent with our democratic way of life.

The blog always signs off the same way: From Occupied America…..Fight The Power.

The ending apropos.

A pleasant few minutes with Lori yesterday. Before she began, she took me by the hand and led me outside. To show me her business sign: Blown Away.

Lori has been in her new quarters almost two years. Her husband the busiest sign maker in Key West. He never had time to make a sign for wife Lori and put it up.

He finally did as a Christmas present this year. At a time when he is additionally busy because of Irma.

He did the right thing. He now has a happy wife! She has been bothered by not having a sign up.

Spent my time in the Chart Room last night. John bartending. Business so so. People wandering in and out.

Spoke with a 72 year old man. He had a heart problem similar to mine. Aortic Stenosis. The aortic artery as it passes through the heart narrows. Narrows too much and you’re gone!

He had the surgery 6 months ago. Done through the ribs. Bovine used. A vein or artery from a cow, I assume. Previously, a pig.

He claims he is energized since the surgery.

My problem was discovered seven years ago. Surgery much more complicated at the time. Surgery four or more hours. Lengthy hospitalization. Six month recovery period.

The man was out of the hospital in five days.

Modern medicine advances swiftly.

I was aware the procedure was much simpler at this time. I asked my heart doctor recently why we didn’t do it now. I am getting older. Lets get it done before I get any older and might not be able to handle the surgery.

He was against it. Told me about the movie star Bill Paxton. He had it done when discovered. His philosophy do me when I am young and strong.

He died as a result of the surgery.

My doctor says wait. Tells me I am not ready yet, does not want me to be another Bill Paxton.

I have changed my New Year’s Eve plans. The game plan was to be with Donna and Terri and several others for the evening. Abandozza for dinner at 7. Aqua at 9 for the drag show. The street in front of Bourbon Street at midnight to watch Sushi come down in a shoe.

I thought I could handle it. Upon further consideration, decided the evening too much for me. Spoke with Donna last night. Told her to take me off the list.

The evening not a total failure. Syracuse plays Virginia Tech at 6.

Christmas week is the busiest week of the year in Key West. How busy? I observed last night more bicycles on the streets than cars. And more people crossing the street at intersections without looking.

Every evening a disaster waiting to occur. Rarely does one, however.

Friend Kevin Malloy was in a scooter accident December 13. Just found out. He was helicoptered immediately to Miami. Still in the hospital.

Hurt pretty bad. Broke 8 ribs. Four had to be plated. Badly road burned his face. Required plastic surgery.

He is on the mend. God bless! I look forward to sharing his company again soon.

Think Trump is crazy? The world is crazy!

Yemen has been involved in a three year war. Soldiers needed. Children have been recruited for three years. Two thousand one hundred twenty two so far, not including 2017. Ages generally 12-16. Some as young as 7.

Recruiting/compelling the young to fight who are under the age of 15 is a war crime under International Law.

Who can do anything about it? Can anything be accomplished?

Arab countries in western Asia are exploding. Yemen one example.

Trump is unaware of many things. One, the limits of his Presidential power. He thinks he is omnipotent. A king rather that an elected officer of the people. Acts autocratically all the time.

In an impromptu interview by Michael Schmidt of the New York Times yesterday afternoon, one of the revelations was Trump being of the opinion because he is President he could do anything he wanted with the Justice Department.

The last President who thought that way was Richard Nixon.

Forget not Irma and Me. Available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and KoboBooks.

Enjoy your day!





We lose our freedoms a bit at a time. The cumulative effect at some point could be overwhelming.

America lost last night when Senator Elizabeth Warren was charged with impugning the character of a fellow member of the Senate. Jeff Sessions.

Does not make sense. Sessions the Senator was not the subject matter of the discussion. Sessions the nominee for Attorney Genera was. As such, he was fair game.

Especially since Warren was chastised and seated for wanting to read a letter by Coretta Scott Key re Sessions’ qualifications. Her letter of some 20 years ago when Sessions was a candidate for a federal judgeship. Read then, why not now?

The world’s greatest house for debate tainted itself last night by stifling fair comment.

My blog talk radio show last night interfered with watching the Syracuse/Clemson game.

Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou touched several Trump situations. Topped off with the Chicago Police Department’s unusually high suicide rate.

Syracuse, my Syracuse! Won again! By one point. 82-81. With a 3 pointer at the buzzer. God bless America! God bless Syracuse! Keep it up guys!

This morning finds the water level low. Tide out. Water calm.

A number of houses of prostitution existed in the Key West area in the 1930s and 1940s. The U.S. Naval Base provided most of the customers.

One was Alice Reid’s aka Mom’s Tea Room. She once was found guilty of bringing women across state lines for purposes of prostitution in violation of the Mann Act. Sentenced to three years. Another time, one of her ladies committed suicide. Cecelia Thompson Trunks. An overdose.

Whore houses are no more. Replaced by the socially acceptable strip joints/gentlemen’s clubs.

As well as escort services provided via telephone and the internet. Menu services. Order what you want.

Whether houses of ill repute of old or today’s more modern ways of finding sexual companionship, all wrong. Most of the women young ladies working under adverse conditions. In many instances, the products of human slavery.

Trump’s executive orders becoming cumulative. The orders and proposed legislation empower corporate America. The people losing along the way. A step at a time.

Stephen Bannon not happy with merely changing America. He is out to change the Vatican, also.

Bannon a Catholic. He is not happy with Pope Francis. A liberal. Bannon at best can be described as a far to the right conservative.

Politics everywhere. Even in the Vatican. Bannon has joined with Cardinal Burke to undermine and replace somehow Pope Francis. Burke a conservatve Church leader who was demoted by Pope Francis.

Lenin hoped his communist philosophy would ultimately take over the whole world. Bannon I suspect is hopeful that his far right beliefs will bring down not only government as we know it, but also the Catholic Church. Each to be replaced by new and radically different governments.

Yemen and the United States today. A perfect example of the tail wagging the dog.

Trump’s first commando raid was into Yemen last week. A disaster. One American killed, one $75 million helicopter lost, 14 al Qaeda soldiers killed, several citizens killed. One an 8 year old girl.

Yemen might be described as a split country. The U.S. recently assisted the good guys with an anti-terror ground mission.

Yemen is unhappy. Citizens were killed. A no no in most Middle East countries. Yemen’s people are upset. They have been burning the American flag in the streets.

They have also said they want no further anti-terror ground missions. No Americans to fight on their behalf. However, they will permit American military drones to continue their attacks. Also, they will permit American military advisers to remain.

A sort of biting the hand that feeds you situation.

Enjoy your day!


The issue comes up every year. Nudity at Fantasy Fest. It is an issue because a handful of locals who believe nudity is terrible, not God like, bad for children, etc. Key West fathers unfortunately to some degree pay attention to the squeaky wheel.

My recollection two years ago is that the leader of the dissenting pack admitted he had never attended Fantasy Fest. The blind shall lead you…..

The issue is at the forefront once again. The police have warned that violation of the local nudity laws will not be tolerated. No showing of genitalia. What happens to those that do not know what genitalia means?

The genitalia thing applies even if painted.

Plus, no exposed female nipples. Nor pubic hair. I was under the impression pubic hair was a yesterday thing. Of course, no public sex.

Finally, no fun.

There is a full moon. During Fantasy Fest week. A contributing factor to the nudity problem. Those arrested  can claim they were temporarily deranged because of the full moon.

You may have noticed I do not do all ten days of Fantasy Fest. Twenty years ago, I did. Too much for this old body now. Even my eyes are bad. I have difficulty seeing the bare bodies. Ergo, no sense in going.

I do one to three nights. Goombay is one. Sedate. Quiet. Everyone clothed. I have one to two nights left, or perhaps none at all. Depends on how I feel.

Tonight definitely no Fantasy Fest. The Republican debates. I will enjoy watching the debates more than some ladies running around with their breasts exposed. The old age factor could be affecting my judgment.

I spent a part of yesterday fine tuning last night’s blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou at 9.

Immigration the big topic. Well received based on comments. Germany’s hospitals overrun with immigrants. A bad situation. Worse than anything Arizona ever experienced. Shocking what is happening.

The show is archived on Blog Talk Radio and You Tube. It will be linked to my Key West Lou website tomorrow morning. Listen to it. The Germany/immigrant thing an eye opener. Especially since most of the media is not running with the story.

Snuck in two chapters of Growing Up Italian. Wrote, edited and polished each chapter. I thought I would have the book out by Christmas. Not this Christmas. Definitely/hopefully next year’s.

I did not catch much of the Royals/Mets game last night. Missed the early part of the game because of my show. Started watching around the sixth inning. Fell asleep at some point. I was not aware the game went 14 innings. Missed the fun parts.

Accidents happen in war. Innocents are killed. Recently, the U.S. bombed a Doctors Without Borders hospital. Yesterday, the Saudi coalition bombed a Doctors Without Borders facility in Yemen.

It happens. The solution is not criminally trying the guilty country for a war crime. The more appropriate solution is to stop wars entirely. Only then will the problem go away.

My ribs and chest still ache. Though less. I am going to try the anti-gravity treadmill this morning.

Enjoy your day!