Silent coup. The quiet sneaky attempt to overthrow an existing government. Sometime successful, sometime not. Part of a banana republic experience.

Breitbart is an ultra right publication. Believes in white supremacy. Anti-Semitic. Opposed to present day U.S. government.

Trump’s senior strategist and adviser is Stephen Bannon. Word is he runs the White House and exerts the most influence over Trump.

Bannon is a former CEO of Breitbart.

Breitbart ran article last Friday claiming U.S. intelligence agencies were involved in a “silent coup” against Trump. The Wall Street Journal in a Monday article re Trump mentioned the quote.

Silent coup to me infers banana republic involvement. We are not yet a banana republic. Not even close. Never will be. Even though some lie hoping the seed will be planted that we become so.

Silent coup was the topic of my Go Live video on Facebook yesterday. Thought it interesting enough to repeat here.

If you have not yet, check out my Go Live Key West Lou video. Short. The silent coup one took all of 1 minute 8 seconds.

Poor Liz. Yesterday was day 2 of her hip replacement surgery experience.

Spent the day with her. She was much better. Most if not all of the drugs withdrawn. She slept peacefully in the afternoon. Made sense while talking. Had physiotherapy for the first time.

If all continues as it is, she will be discharged tomorrow.

I missed my Sons and Daughters of Italy meeting last night. Opted to remain with Liz. The Sons and Daughters meetings are part parties also. Fun!

Oh, the pain! Syracuse lost yesterday. To Miami. 62-57.

The end of the road to the NCAA Tournament? Perhaps. Probably, yes. Syracuse is 18-14. Eighteen wins difficult to get in. On the other hand, Syracuse is 10-8 in the ACC. ACC tough. Ten wins carry a lot of weight.

Spring breakers have arrived! All over Key West. Publix and Smathers Beach. I assume Duval bars in the evening. I can not be sure. As much as I do of Key West, Duval bars I rarely frequnet.

From what I have seen, the spring breakers are enjoying themselves responsibly.

Never did spring break when I was in college. No money. Worked holidays at a meat packing plant in Utica. Big hourly. Made a good pay check for two week’s work.

Never missed spring break. Hard to miss that which you have never experienced. Retirement is my spring break.

Aqua’s new Side Bar has entertainment! Got to be great. The bar has a modern flavor. Something different for Key West.

The ladies were at it again yesterday. International Women’s Day. In the U.S. celebrated as a Day Without Women. The ladies stayed home from work. Went out and demonstrated. To show the economic clout of women.

Have to hustle. A late morning manicure with Tammy.

Enjoy your day!





A delightful evening! Spectacular! Eugene Robinson live!

Robinson is a Washington Post columnist, Pulitzer Prize winner, and MSNBC commentator.

Love watching him on Morning Joe. The man knowledgeable and soft spoken. His soft spoken nature was evident last night as it is on TV.

The venue the Key West Theater. Packed. 244 seats. Not one empty.

Robinson’s coverage of Trump amusing. Obviously not a Trump fan. His thrust the man does not know what he is doing nor has he surrounded himself with those that do. He suggested, without specifically saying so, he did not expect Trump to fill out his full four year term.

Two observations. Re the audience.

243 whites, 1 African-American. Robinson is African-American.

I am 81. Probably the average age last night. Only 2 persons under 60. My group who arrived in Key West 20 plus years ago aging. Younger interested replacements available?

I have known Kitty 20 odd years. Had not seen her in 10. Saw her last night. We were standing in line together waiting to get in to hear Robinson.

Age came into the conversation. Kitty happy she was 80 and still kicking. I smiled and whispered in her ear I was 81.

Kitty has an ageless beauty. Still shines through.

Kitty was with cane. She had a hip replacement in July. Coming along very well. Cane more of a mental support at this time rather than a physical one.

Hip replacements surround me. My dear fried Liz Moody is in the hospital this morning. For a hip replacement. I am hurrying doing this blog because I promised to be there before she went into the operating room.

Plan on spending the day with her lady friends waiting for the doctor’s report following the surgery. I am bringing my notes for tonight’s blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. I will fine tune the show while waiting.

Topics tonight include Trump/Obama, the new health care act, cursive writing on the rebound, the 4th industrial revolution, a vaccination update, anti-Semitism, Stephen Miller, protests becoming criminalized, and more.

Join me! Nine my time. A fast-moving eye-opening show. Guaranteed you will enjoy!

I mentioned yesterday that the word on the street was that Poker Run was returning. Sunrise Rotary and the City of Key West had abandoned their sponsorships following last year’s Poker Run. We were invaded by a few biker gangs.

I was wrong. There is a comment in Citizens’ Voice this morning that the Sunrise Rotary was not sponsoring Poker Run this year and the rumor that they were was false.

Did two Facebook Go Live videos yesterday. One concerned the rebirth of cursive writing. Fourteen states are teaching handwriting again.

Moonlight was the Academy Award winner for Best Picture. I saw the movie last week after it had received the award. I did not recall much of it. Fell asleep. Because I was tired or bored? Not sure.

There were some numbers in yesterday’s newspaper re the film. Neither a money maker nor costly to film. Gross so far only $25.3 million. Cost to make the film $1.5 million. The gross figure includes the $2.5 made after the film was declared Best Picture.

One in my group who viewed the picture thought we have become too politically correct. The cast is all black. Did the film win because of last year’s Awards and the furor that followed?

I continue to suspect man is living longer. Perhaps so. Read that in 2014, 72,197 persons were over 100 years.

Enjoy your day!


Too much seriousness lately. A bit of levity in order.

The Lone Ranger.

Virtue and honor.

His loyal horse Silver and Indian side kick Tonto.

The Lone Ranger…..Hi-yo, Silver! Away! Tonto…..Me Tonto, you Kimosabe.

I loved the Lone Ranger. Grew up with him on the radio in my youth. On TV in my early adult years.

The Lone Ranger debuted in 1933 as a Detroit radio show. The brainchild of two WXYZ staff. They backed the show with the theme from the William Tell Overture.

The show probably succeeded because of the Lone Ranger’s character. Fidelity to a strict code of conduct. He never smoked, swore, drank alcohol. His speech was grammatically correct, free of slang. He never shot to kill.

We need another Lone Ranger to please us, to show us right from wrong in the most basic of ways.

Spent yesterday afternoon researching my tuesday night podcast show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou.

Spent a few hours in the later afternoon and early evening with Liz. Enjoy her company. We chatted over drinks and a light dinner.

Liz still a die hard Trump supporter. Surprises me. Then again, I am surprised at all who support Trump. In spite of his recent mishaps, she still thinks he is doing and will do great things. From a woman who was Dean at two law schools!

The weather. Cold this morning. Sixty one degrees at 6 when I woke. I need a wife or girl friend to sleep next to.

The high today 72.

An example of how the weather affects southerners as opposed to northerners. About 8, I went downstairs to make a cup of tea. Per my usual custom, I opened the doors to my deck. Cold!!!

The house across the water from me is a renter. There outside was a woman walking around in a bikini. My blood thin. Hers thick so 60 degree weather does not bother her.

Lynda Frechette returns tomorrow night at Aqua with Aqua Idol. Her fundraising vocal competition. An annual event. A lot of work. Do yourself a favor. If in Key West, stop by at 6 and enjoy.

Many of Trump’s executive orders are causing upheaval and concern. The immigration/refugee order one of them.

It is coming out that the order, as well as most of the executive orders Trump signed this past week, are the work of two White House advisers. Done without consultation with appropriate Cabinet Secretaries and their staffs.

Two have gained power with Trump. Appear to be leaders of the White House Office team.

One is Stephen Miller. Thirty one. It blows my mind that a 31 year old is suggesting and making major decisions. Young is ok. however more years are required to garner the experience to make the correct judgment. Can’t beat experience.

Miller is a bit of an extreme. He accused poet Maya Angelou of racial paranoia. He was secretary to Congresswoman Michele Bachman. a nut in her own right. From 2009 to 2016, an aide to Senator Jeff Sessions.

The other is Stephen Bannon. He has an abnormal influence over Trump. He is in the process of solidifying himself as the power figure in Trump’s office.

Breitbart News is a white supremacy website. Bannon was Executive Chairman till moving into the White House. Donald Duke and the KKK announced Bannon’s strategist appointment an excellent one.

Bannon is anti-Semitic. Democrats and Republicans alike oppose him. The man is simply bad news.

Someone said this past week that Bannon makes Cheney look like Mother Teresa,

What goes around comes around!

Oliver Cromwell lead the move to depose the English King. Had him beheaded. Cromwell established a new English Commonwealth to replace monarchy government.

Cromwell ruled with an iron fist. When he died, the power went with him. A year after Cromwell’s death, the monarchy was restored.

Cromwell in death was tried for treason. Found guilty. His body was buried at Westminster Abbey. It was disinterred. His dead body was then hung from the gallows.

Cromwell’s popularity really had diminished!

Al Jolson visited Key West around this time in 1947. He attended a U.S. Navy event and later attended a March of Dimes campaign event at the Casa Marina.

Going Live with Key West Lou fundamentals finally locked in. I am pleased with the past weekend’s shows. Camera and Louis coordinated. I am at ease.

Check the show out on your cell phone. App Facebook. Enter Key West Lou. There I’ll be. See and hear me.

Enjoy your day!



Cold this morning! Surprised me. Normally, I can sense a change in weather before it occurs. Missed this one.

The weather for several weeks has generally been in the 80s by day and mid to high 70s by night. I woke this morning to 67 degrees. The high today is projected at 71. Tonight, the temperature will drop to 63.

I already turned the heat on.

Nights will be cold all week. 62-64 degrees.

Tonight is the Sons and Daughters of Italy’s fundraiser. At the bocce courts. The courts sit on the Atlantic. Long pants and jacket time.

My responsibility tonight is to explain/teach novices the game.

The event opens at 5:30. Stop by and have some fun. Enjoy a beer and hot dog. Meet some great people.

Happy New Year! Asian New Year!

A manicure with Tammy yesterday. Tammy born and raised in Vietnam. In U.S. now 12 years. A U.S. citizen since last year. Proudly so.

Tammy educated me a bit as to the Asian New Year.

Celebration week long. Today, the actual day. She and her family have been celebrating all week long. Party at each other’s homes. Food only. No booze. Everyone must be in their own homes by midnight.

This is the year of the Rooster. Did not understand what that meant.

Today being the for real New Year’s Day, families stay home and do a quiet family day.

Fireworks are to ward off evil spirits. I cannot recall what the paper dragon symbolizes.

Learned something interesting. Vietnamese men are entitled to have two wives. They live together with the husband. Her grandfather and father had two wives.

No way will she permit her husband Rickey to have two wives. He is Vietnamese, also. Tammy, Americanized.

Celebrated Dee’s 60th birthday last night at La Trattoria Oceanside.

La Trattoria Oceanside not one of my favorite places. Last night was only the fifth time in 5 years I have gone there. Dee wanted to go. She likes the place.

My dislike reasons are simple.

They did not have our reservation last night. The third time for me in my five visits over two years. The hostess did not care. We ended up with a shit table.

The service is always slow. To get a drink, place an order, get served. The food not worth the charge.

It will be a long time before I go to La Trattoria Oceanside again.

Everyday, a bit. My rewrite of Growing Up Italian going slowly. This is the fourth rewrite. I do not want to do another. I am pleased with the progress.

Going Live on Facebook not where I want it. For some reason, I continue to appear rigid. I am. Also, I have not worked out the distance factor yet.

I am also screwing up otherwise. I did seven separate shows yesterday. Three got lost. I did not press all the buttons to post. One had no voice. I do not know why.

Hang in there folks! I will get it!

The Women’s International Flag Football Tournament in full swing. In addition to the European nations mentioned yesterday who are participating, there are also teams from Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras.

Syracuse/Florida State at noon. Florida State a three point favorite. I will be watching the game on TV.

The annual Key West Craft Fair this weekend. Bundle up and go to the first three blocks of Whitehead. The show always terrific.

In between the Syracuse game and bocce at 5, I hope to spend a couple of hours with Liz.

As a nation, we are late in doing something about lost jobs. The issue today is not jobs leaving the country. A yesterday issue. Four years from now in the next Presidential campaign, we will be arguing robots and automation. We are always behind.

Enjoy your day!



Terror can strike anywhere. Everywhere. Even Key West.

A criminal trial began yesterday in Federal District Court in Key West. The defendant, Harlem Suarez. His goal was to leave a backpack bomb on a Key West beach. In due course, the bomb would blow. People injured and killed.

Suarez a terrorist. Lived on Stock island.

The FBI were on to Suarez. Two undercover agents sold him an inert backpack bomb. Then arrested him.

Suarez had a Facebook site. He spoke of the glories of ISIS on the site. Also, ran pics. One of a terrorist holding the head of a decapitated woman.

Suarez referred to himself as the Black Angel of Death.

Lisa, my grandchildren, my friends, Key Westers, tourists, use the beaches.

Suarez should die.

My blog talk radio show tonight. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine my time. A quick half hour of interesting happenings. Some revealing.

A multitude of topics. All exciting. Like Putin unhappy U.S. troops suddenly in Poland and Norway, police at Standing Rock had/have missile launchers, Trump to sign order today permitting Standing Rock and Keystone Pipeline to proceed, Chinese take lung cleansing vacations, affordable water a looming crisis.

Also, a Mexican TV channel being launched in the U.S., FDA approves a GMO pineapple for sale without testing, Chinese billionaire Jack Ma says U.S. priorities screwed up/wasted trillions on wars and Wall Street/not enough on its people, Mark Zuckerberg for President?, and more.

Only one place to be a 6 this evening. Aqua. For Aqua Idol. A several week singing contest. Great voices. Equally great planning by Lynda Frechette who spearheads the event.

Wind still blowing big time day time  yesterday. I took a ride over to the White Street Pier. In the past, extremely windy days resulted in waves crashing over the pier. A sight to see.

I was not disappointed. Nature pissed off. Waves rising high before slamming down on the pier.

I did not walk on the pier. Some did. I feared I would fall/get knocked over. I don’t need nature’s assistance to fall. I do well enough on my own.

The winds were 50 mph.

A portion of the Westin’s dock gave way because of the winds and waves. A mistake. Not the Westin anymore. Now the Margaritaville.

My evening began at Aqua last night. Dueling Bartenders time.Tom Luna one of the dueling bartenders. Last night his birthday. Celebrated with cake for all.

Barbara was with me. As we arrived, Liz and friends were leaving for dinner.

Walked over to Antonia’s for dinner afterwards. No room at the bar. Decided to head home, stopping at Outback first.

Syracuse/Wake Forest tonight. Syracuse a 2.5 point favorite. I have no idea who will win. My team not doing well this season.

Enjoy your day!



Tonight! Aqua Idol! The start of a new season.

From 6:30-8:00, 14 brand new contestants will vie to be the next Aqua Idol. A journey taking several weeks. Every tuesday evening till there is a winner.

At Aqua, of course.

The event a fundraiser. Held to support the Waterfront Playhouse. Lynda Frechette heads Aqua Idol. She scours the lower Keys for new contestants each season. Fourteen needed. They compete tonight for the first time.

Aqua Idol has been a popular event for years. Get to Aqua early if you wish a seat. It will be wall to wall.

I get cheated. I cannot be there. I will be into final preparations for my podcast show this evening. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou at 9. A quick half hour of interesting political and social events. Accompanied by my comments, of course.

Football injuries are much in the news these days. Both pro and college ball. There was another time when football injuries were big time. The early 1900s. College ball. Pro ball was in its infant stages.

No helmets or shoulder pads in those days.

Deaths commonplace. A large number each season.

President Theodore Roosevelt got involved. He straightened things out. Had he not, football would have been banned in the United States. That close. Several prominent colleges had already banned football.

The opening topic this evening concerns Roosevelt and how he saved football.

Also, the inaugural this week. God help us! The Mexican people and their unhappiness. Major business closings. Some surprising. ISIS gaining ground in Albania. D.A.R.E. ends its anti-weed campaign. Plus, more.

Spent yesterday afternoon working on tonight’s blog talk radio show.

Then to Aqua for Dueling Bartenders. Tom and Rick. Sheila and David. Liz and Mary. And many more.

Dinner afterwards at Mangoes with Barbara and Liz. My first time to the new Mangoes. Lovely. Service excellent. Food merely ok. Not worth the cost.

Major announcement! My new show will begin monday. Going Live with Key West Lou. On Facebook. The show in addition to this blog and my tuesday night podcast.

You will see as well as hear me.

I will do several brief commentaries each day. Whatever strikes me at the moment. Whatever tickles my fancy. From wherever I am. All I have to do is pull out my cell phone and get to it.

The comments will be short. Generally 30-60 seconds.

Archived. Several commentaries can be read at one time.

I am excited. Hope it goes over well. Hope nothing pops up which causes me to push the opening date ahead.

Once again, a problem with stranded whales. Off Hog Key on the Gulf side of Florida. Ninety five whales involved. Eighty one already dead. Naturally or euthanized.

There have been stranded whales near Key West in past years. More than one time. I recall several years ago a pod stranded off Cudjoe Key. Went to take a look.

More than 500 volunteers and professionals appeared over a period of several days to help. Wet suits available to all who wanted to assist.

Some whales saved. Some died.

The effort impressive.

William Hackley mentioned yesterday his hope that what appeared to be a new Seminole War in 1856 would not be as expensive as previous ones. How expensive was expensive back in those days?

I did a bit of research. There were three Seminole Indian Wars. The first in the 1820s. the last 1855-1858.

Strange fact pattern. The federal government wanted to move the Florida Seminoles west to Oklahoma. Contrasted with the post Civil War years when the federal government was trying to move western Indians to Florida.

The Second Seminole War was the expensive one. Cost $30 million in a year when the federal budget was only $25 million. The basis for Hackley’s statement in 1856.

On this day in 1961, President Dwight Eisenhower spoke to the Nation. He warned to beware the “military-industrial complex.” He was well aware of their greedy nature and not necessarily acting in the best interests of the country.

Eisenhower was correct. His words not heeded. The military-industrial complex thriving. Encourages wars, overcharges, etc.

I close with Syracuse. My Syracuse. Settling in that this will not be one of Syracuse’s best seasons. Lost yesterday 85-68 to North Carolina.

Syracuse cannot play with the big guys this year.

Enjoy your day!



Liz unquestionably is the Perle Mesta of Key west.

From her earliest years, Liz’s hobby has been cooking. Her preparation spectacular! The results special.

Liz’s dinner parties and simple gatherings planned to the smallest item. Her food choices always delicious. All of course prepared by Liz. Her drink choices right on. She knows her wines and stronger alcohols. Mouth watering deserts.

Topping it off, Liz knows how to direct conversations so her guests all participate.

I was her guest at a dinner party last night at her home. Cocktails in the garden. French lasagna the entre. The wines tasteful. The creme cheese desert the end of a perfect evening.

The dinner party small. Liz, Sheila, Barb and Louis.

My today full.

A manicure at noon with Tammy. Cocktails tonight at David Wolkowsky’s. His guest of honor Robert A. Caro. Caro twice a Pulitzer Price winner. He is best known for his biographies of Lyndon Johnson and Robert Moses.

Later in the evening, I will see La La Land. A musical. The first in many many years.

Florida Keys Community College is to be commended. Every person from day one who contributed to FKCC becoming the institution it is today included.

KKCC is now offering a four year Bachelor’s degree. The first class seeking the four year degree began studies this past monday.

Obviously, Cuba is of great interest to Key Westers. A mere 90 miles away. Most attempting to leave Cuba for the freedom of the United States the past 50 years ended up on our beaches or in our waters.

In 1995, President Clinton established the wet foot / dry foot policy. If a Cuban reached soil, he/she stayed. If still in the water, it was back to Cuba.

Yesterday, Obama announced he was changing the policy. Getting rid of it. Effective immediately. He signed an administrative rule authorizing the same. Trump can undo Obama’s ruling when he takes office.

Today In Keys History noted former President Herbert Hoover arrived in the Keys on this date in 1958 for a fishing trip.

Hoover did not believe public funds should be used for private purposes. Like bailing a bank or business out with taxpayer dollars. As Bush 2 and Obama did.

Many historians and economists believe the great depression of 1929 could have been avoided had Hoover opted to bail out some of the businesses going down.

Trump and L. L. Bean. Linda Bean is a co-heiress of the L. L. Bean business. She sits on the L. L. Bean board. She made a $30,000 contribution to a PAC supporting Trump.

There is now a public cry negative to L. L. Bean’s well being. Even some of her co-board members cry the same tune. She should never have supported Trump. The reason why simple. Most items sold by L. L. Bean are manufactured in China.

Trump in support of Linda Bean and L. L. Bean tweeted yesterday…..BUY L. L. Bean.

So much for Buy American.

Some more re robots and automation.

Connor Forrest wrote an article on August 3, 2015 listing jobs in line for robot takeover.

One was assembly line workers. Ford and Toyota already using robots. The beginning of the end for human employees in many assembly line businesses.

Another involved fast food employees. McDonald’s is already using kiosks for ordering in many parts of the U.S. It is anticipated cooking positions in the fast food industry are next.

Table side tablet ordering systems for ordering. Chili a company so involved.

Enjoy your day!


I have attended many club meetings over the years. I cannot recall the last time a meeting was opened with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.

Till last night.

I attended my first meeting of the Sons and Daughters of Italy. It was held at Bottle Cap. The business portion of the meeting began with a prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

My recollection is that prayer is no longer permitted to start the school day. As to the Pledge of Allegiance, some States require it, some have made it optional, some have no law re the issue.

I had no problem with the prayer and Pledge at the meeting. Actually, it felt good to do both again at the beginning of an event. Days of my youth.

The Sons and Daughters are having a fundraiser January 28. Together with the Key West Wildlife Center. The Sons and Daughters portion is to benefit their scholarship fund.

The fundraiser a big deal. A large crowd anticipated. Between 100-200.

It is a bocce fundraiser. Will be held at the Key West bocce courts from 5:30-9:30. New and experienced players welcome. Bocce teachers will work the courts where the newbies will be playing. Hamburgers and hot dogs. Total cost $20.

Following the meeting, I met Barb at the outside bar at La Te Da for dinner. It was crispy duck for me. Meat loaf for Barbara.

This evening’s meal will be exceptional. Liz is having a small dinner party. The woman can cook!

I was looking for something in the afternoon. Looked everywhere, but my desk. My desk a mess. Five years since I have cleaned and rearranged it. Piles of papers here and there.

I had no choice. Had to clean the desk top. Stored some papers in filing cabinets. Threw others out. Did not find what I was looking for.

Cleanliness is next to Godliness so I guess the effort was not without some benefit.

I have referred to Victor at the Chart Room many times as having an exceptional mind. He is a philosopher of sorts. Reads heavy philosophical books.

On my first trip to Greece several years ago, he gave me The Law by Frederic Bastiat to read on the trip.

I started reading it on the first leg of the flight to Atlanta. Stopped after 30 pages. The material too heavy for me.

I thought I left the book on the plane when I arrived in Atlanta. Apologized to Victor on my return. We occasionally joke about it, the book being forgotten on the plane, the material being too heavy for me.

Guess what? I found the book yesterday. It was on my desk. Under a good ten inches of papers. I have no recollection of seeing the book once I departed the plane in Atlanta.

Can’t wait to return the book to Victor. My conscience will finally be clear.

The cross walk problems on North Roosevelt Boulevard appear to be coming to resolution. There are six cross walks. The State says three will be eliminated. Two will have pedestrian activated signals. Nothing required to the remaining one.

Corrections not yet final. Nothing ever is when dealing with the government. The State wants to check their traffic figures once more before finalizing the corrections.

Another year!

Today In Keys History notes that in 1952, 250 shrimp trawlers operated out of Key west. Each averaged a catch of 2,500 shrimp a day.

No more. Shrimp primarily harvested somewhere else today. Only a few shrimp boats remain in the Key West area.

I made mention in my tuesday podcast of the 1951 hit song Shrimp Boats: Shrimp boats is a-comin’ / Their sails are in sight. / Shrimp boats is a-comin’ /there’s dancing tonight.

Shrimp boats was introductory to my dissertation re robots. Today concerning shrimp fishing itself.

Political correctness continues to go a step too far.

Students at the University of London’s School of Oriental and Asian studies want white philosophers eliminated from their text books. Their position being only African and Asian philosophers should be studied. The students’ purpose “to decolonize” the “white institution.”

They wish to be rid of Plato, Descartes, Immanuel Kant and Bertrand Russell.

Vice-Chancellor Sir Anthony Seldon responded to the request: “There is a real danger political correctness is getting out of control. We need to understand the world as it was and not to rewrite history as some would like it to have been.”

Good for you, Vice-chancellor Seldon! Administration hierarchy in the United States are  capitulating to similar type requests by students. Like remove campus statues of white heroes and replace them with African-Americans.

Enjoy your day!



Orange Bowl tonight! Michigan/Florida State. Michigan a 7 point favorite.

I am watching the game with several of my new found Sons of Italy brethren. At Giorgio’s home.

Whether the old stadium or new, it is still the Orange Bowl to me. In the past 25 years, I have watched Syracuse and Super Bowl at both stadiums. Twice chartered a plane and flew myself and several friends in. Another time came down on a friend’s 165 foot Viking.

It was the life!

Let me stay with sports a moment. Syracuse beat Cornell earlier this week. The ACC starts New Year’s Day. Syracuse will be playing Boston College at noon.

I was Liz’s guest yesterday at lunch. Antonia’s. Excellent lunch. Exceptional company. Liz brought me a canister of homemade Xmas cookies. The woman an outstanding cook! Delicious!

Noon today with Tammy for a manicure. Tammy brightens a person’s day.

Today, the quiet before the storm. Tomorrow, New Year’s Eve.

Key West filled up. Many visitors this week.

I have seen Sushi and the ball fall several times at midnight. Sushi at Bourbon Street. The ball at Sloppy Joe’s. Both fun events. Crazy!

There is a Key West group that has been around several years. The Southernmost Drinking Liberally group. A bunch of progressive Democrats getting together to imbibe and discuss/argue politics. The first meeting of the year is next week on January 5 at the VFW on Northern Boulevard.

I plan on going. Should be interesting. It will be nice to be with “my people.”

There is a photo on the Southernmost site of the inaugural Key West meeting 9/5/14. Clearly visible, Sheila of Chart Room fame!

The group not isolated to Key West alone. There are 214 nation wide. Described as a phenomenon. Face to face old style 19th century bar room politicking. Engagement the goal, not inebriation.

Prior to yesterday, December had five days where the blog clicks were high. Yesterday exceeded the five days by 25 percent. Wow!

Today, a sad day for lovers of Jewish deli sandwiches.

Carnegie Deli is the last standing such deli in mid Manhattan. Carnegie closes its doors today. Its run 1937-2016. Seventy nine years.

My favorite was hot pastrami on rye with Russian dressing. Three inches of pastrami on 2 slices of thin rye bread. Absolutely delicious! Good for the arteries! A big time cholesterol hit!

Wind blowing big time this morning. Straight down from the north. Palm trees bending. Howling wind. White caps coming in off the ocean.

Enjoy your day!




Tonight, my podcast show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou.

Blog Talk radio had a technical difficulty last week. My show never aired. Neither I nor listeners were able to get in.

Last week’s lead topic never heard will be presented tonight. The American Christmas Story. Two days after Christmas. The story still fitting. One most of you have not heard. A touch of paganism, its celebration banned in Boston in the late 1600s, not a celebrated holiday during our revolutionary years, A Christmas Carol, Civil War impact, Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus, and on and on till today.

Join me at 9 my time. A quick interesting half hour.

Last night, Aqua! Monday night. Dueling bartenders time.

Liz and friends Mary and Josefina at the bar. I joined them.

Liz’s relative Christina was there. With Brian. Liz and Christina are related. Christina and Brian Liz’s house guests for the holiday.

Sheila at the other end of the bar. Went over for a kiss.

Tom and Rick singing. Bria a visiting performer. She stopped by for a moment and gave me absolution once more for my poorly expressed thoughts concerning her several weeks ago.

Tom sitting next to me. Met him for the first time. His wife Claire with him. I did not get to talk with Claire unfortunately.

Tom, a retired attorney. A major law firm partner. He and Claire live in Chevy Chase, Maryland.

Key West visitors for many years. Snowbirds. Presently here for a four month stay.

Claire has an interesting background. Initially, a science teacher. Then returned to school herself and obtained a Doctorate. In statistics. Returned to the working world as a professional statistician.

Walked over to Bourbon St. following Aqua. Bria sings monday nights. I was unaware she would be appearing also at Aqua last night. I enjoy Bria’s singing so treated myself to seeing her twice in one evening in two different venues.

Syracuse basketball tonight. Cornell. Syracuse should win.

The true test of the team’s ability begins January 1 when the ACC starts its season. Syracuse plays Boston College New Year’s Day.

I fear I am going to bleed a lot of orange this season!

Debra and Patrick back in town! Great entertainers. The best. There was a time they spent the season at La Te Da. No more. They moved north to Richmond, Virginia. Return sporadically to Key West.

Tuesday January 3, Debra and Patrick will appear at Virgilio’s as part of Skipper Kripitz’s League of Crafty Musicians. On saturday January 7, they will appear from 5-8 at Salute’s Sunset Happy Hour.

Do yourself a favor. Go listen to Debra sing and Patrick play.

Only in Key West. This saturday at noon the annual Dachshund Walk. Other dogs may participate. Costumes suggested. Noon at the Monroe County Courthouse.

Enjoy your day!