Abraham Lincoln’s head hung in shame last night as he sat in his monument in Washington. His mind run through with the disgrace of it all.

Charlottesville, Virginia. A moment that will go down in American history. A moment when the dark side of man came to the forefront. Anti-color, anti-Semite, anti-affirmative action, and anti-establishment.

Domestic terrorists. American born and bred.

The trouble makers a significant part of Trump’s base. It cannot be denied. White supremacists, neo-Nazis and the Klu Klux Klan. Dissidents all.

From day one, Trump has encouraged violence. The manner and words he used in the primaries and election against opposition. His yells to those who spoke out against him  at rallies to be thrown out, beaten. His promise to pay the attorney bills of anyone arrested. His chants to jail Hillary.

It goes on. The man is mad. He drives those who are mad. They feed off him.

Breitbart News is a leading white supremacist supporter/outlet. West Wing adviser Steve Bannon was once its CEO. Stephen Miller, who I have likened to Joseph Goebbels, wrote for the publication.

Yesterday represented America’s Arab Spring. With one significant difference. Egypt’s Arab Spring was a protest against a corrupt government. Charlottesville’s in support of evil in its many forms.

Yesterday afternoon was Robert and Ally time. Interestingly, we discussed what was blaring on the TV sets while having lunch at the new Denny’s.

Robert and Ally had a handle on the situation. I was amazed and impressed. At 13 and 12, they understood the right and wrong of Charlottesville.

At first, I was surprised. As I thought further, not. If I and my friends had a grasp on Hiroshima at the age of 10, Robert and Ally a few years older could have an understanding of Charlottesville.

Liked Denny’s! My first time. Robert and Ally had been before and recommended that we have lunch there.

Then to a unique experience. Key West Room Escape.

I questioned when I made reservations whether Robert and Ally would enjoy it. Even if I would. We all did!

Located in the Casa Antigua on Simonton, The Escape consists of two rooms. We were locked in. We were told we had 60 minutes to find the last page of Hemingway’s A Farewell To Arms manuscript.

Not easy! Mentally arduous! Required team effort. We worked together.

I could not have provided Robert and Ally with a better afternoon. Nor Poppa. The grandkids got right into it. Their intelligence obvious. Not an easy task to find the page.

I found Robert and Ally’s mental acuteness exceeded mine. No question about it.

We failed. One step away. The last one. However, we were not able to figure out the last clue.

Young or old, go! You will leave excited. The Adrenalin running.

The proprietor is Kyle Turk. He watches at all times via hidden cameras. Periodically suggests whether you are hot or cold in your quest to discover the next clue.

Turk has come up with a winner. Different and exciting. I hope it takes hold.

I never made it to Giorgio and Sharon’s Sons and Daughters of Italy dinner party last night. I was exhausted by the hunt. Dropped Robert and Ally home. Did not stay. Went to my home. In bed at 6. Never got out.

Enjoy your Sunday!




Our President lies.

Yesterday, I set forth Proverb 17:7 to show from a religious perspective it was wrong for a leader to lie. Today, reference is made to American history.

All of us learned about George Washington and cutting down the cherry tree. Children still learn from it.

It never happened. The story is a myth. However one that has taught most of us that people should speak the truth, not lie.

The verbiage has variations. “Father, I cannot tell a lie…..I cut down the cherry tree.” “Father, I cannot tell a lie…..I barked the cherry tree.” “Father, I cannot tell a lie…..I damaged the cherry tree.”

Mason Locke Weems was a writer. Not very successful. In 1800, he wrote a book which was followed by multiple editions. He made things up. To make his works interesting and sell.

The 1806 edition contained the cherry tree story. Weems had Washington 6 years old at the time.

Though Weems’ tale is a fabrication, it continues to teach that everyone should speak the truth. Even Trump.

Stephen Miller is an aide to Trump. His office near the President’s in the White House.

I have spoken poorly of Miller in the past. Deservedly so. He is a propagandist. I have likened him to Joseph Goebbels.

Miller took questions today at the White House before the press corps. He was pitching Trump’s new proposed immigration law. It would cut immigration in half from its present level. It would also require immigrants to speak English before they could be admitted.

CNN’s Jim Acosta asked several piercing questions about the English requirement. His father immigrated from Cuba in the 1960’s unable to speak English.Things got heated. At Miller’s end. He apparently did not like Acosta’s questions. Raised his voice. Implied Acosta was ignorant.

My grandfather came from Italy at the age of 12 in the very early 1900’s. He could not speak English. My grandmother came over later as a teenager. Sixteen. She did not speak English.

My grandparents had eight children. One died. They raised them to be good honest citizens. My grandfather worked his way up in a knitting mill to a supervisory position. His English in due course beautiful. Smooth. Articulate.

My grandmother never learned to speak English. She did not care. Her responsibility was to take care of her husband, children and home. Later, to help care for her grandchildren.

My grandmother raised me in my early years. I spoke Italian before English.

She was a loving woman. Exuded warmth. To be hugged by her was everything.

Lived every day the same way. Her husband, the young ones and her home.

She was up at 5 each morning. Made her husband’s breakfast and got him off to work. Still early. The kids not yet up.

She cleaned her whole house every morning. The kitchen always amused me. She would wrap a clothe around a broom and do the ceilings first. When she was done washing the floor and it had dried, she covered the floor with newspapers.

Neither of my grandparents would be allowed into the United States under the proposed law. I might have ended up a lawyer in Italy instead of here.

My point. They were good people, good citizens. Made their contribution. Their children and grandchildren, also.

I spent a quiet day reading. Waiting for my ankles to go down. Nothing yet.

I will be out of here early this morning. I have to take Terri to chemotherapy.

Enjoy your day!





Stephen Miller appeared on the Sunday talk shows yesterday. His appearances shocking.

Miller is a Senior Advisor to the President. Part of the close to Trump West Wing team. He recently distinguished himself as the preparer of the Executive Order re immigration/banning entry. The order that resulted in a court challenge which Trump has thus far lost.

Miller’s performance on the talk shows shocking. One person commented that Miller was a “talking bag of puss.” Strong language based on strong feelings.

Miller appears to me as one who has perfected lying with a straight face. He reflects a twisted psyche. A propagandist.

I found it interesting when he challenged George Stephanopoulus. Miller told Stephanopoulus that he (Miller) would decide what questions could be asked of him and what not.

A public servant?

Miller is 32. I have recently criticized his youth in holding such a high level post. One which requires experience.

Miller reminds me of Joseph Goebbels. Even looks like him. Google Goebbels and make your own determination. Goebbels was 36 when he became Hitler’s Minister of Propaganda in 1933. He had been a Nazi supporter and influence since 26.

My friends, start getting concerned. We are only at the beginning. Specifically what, I am not sure. Whatever, it definitely will be no good.

Permit a brief thought re immigrants.

The immigrants of today are the Jews of yesterday. A needed scapegoat.

I mentioned this several times five years ago when I visited Greece. Blackshirts instead of Brownshirts. Windows of retail stores owned by immigrants marked with huge Xs. Immigrants openly beaten on the streets while police turned their backs.

We are not there yet. May never be. You never know, however. Our nation is split. People angry. Lead by a person feeding off that anger.

Yesterday was a quiet day at home. Never left. A lazy day. Read, worked on tuesday night’s podcast, sat on the deck and snoozed, watched the Grammys.

Grammys enjoyable! Actually, terrific!

No Aqua Dueling Bartenders tonight.

Syracuse/Louisville. Available locally on ESPN. I may go out to watch the game.

Louisville a 4 point favorite. Louisville ranked #4 nationally.

Syracuse coach Jim Boeheim and Louisville coach Rick Pitino best buddies. Close. Pitino was an assistant coach under Boeheim years ago. Both best man for each other. Both godfathers to certain of each’s children.

Kissing is good! No question about it. Tomorrow a big kissing night in Key West. To celebrate Valentine Day. A mass couples’ kissing at 5:30 tomorrow in front of the Custom House.

I will not be there. Unfortunately.

The History Section in this morning’s Key West Citizen has a picture of a trolley car taken in 1904. I remember street cars. We had them in Utica. My time to recall would have been 1937-40. Three to five years old. The trolley ran on Bleecker Street. Took us downtown. One to two miles.

Enjoy your day!




Too much seriousness lately. A bit of levity in order.

The Lone Ranger.

Virtue and honor.

His loyal horse Silver and Indian side kick Tonto.

The Lone Ranger…..Hi-yo, Silver! Away! Tonto…..Me Tonto, you Kimosabe.

I loved the Lone Ranger. Grew up with him on the radio in my youth. On TV in my early adult years.

The Lone Ranger debuted in 1933 as a Detroit radio show. The brainchild of two WXYZ staff. They backed the show with the theme from the William Tell Overture.

The show probably succeeded because of the Lone Ranger’s character. Fidelity to a strict code of conduct. He never smoked, swore, drank alcohol. His speech was grammatically correct, free of slang. He never shot to kill.

We need another Lone Ranger to please us, to show us right from wrong in the most basic of ways.

Spent yesterday afternoon researching my tuesday night podcast show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou.

Spent a few hours in the later afternoon and early evening with Liz. Enjoy her company. We chatted over drinks and a light dinner.

Liz still a die hard Trump supporter. Surprises me. Then again, I am surprised at all who support Trump. In spite of his recent mishaps, she still thinks he is doing and will do great things. From a woman who was Dean at two law schools!

The weather. Cold this morning. Sixty one degrees at 6 when I woke. I need a wife or girl friend to sleep next to.

The high today 72.

An example of how the weather affects southerners as opposed to northerners. About 8, I went downstairs to make a cup of tea. Per my usual custom, I opened the doors to my deck. Cold!!!

The house across the water from me is a renter. There outside was a woman walking around in a bikini. My blood thin. Hers thick so 60 degree weather does not bother her.

Lynda Frechette returns tomorrow night at Aqua with Aqua Idol. Her fundraising vocal competition. An annual event. A lot of work. Do yourself a favor. If in Key West, stop by at 6 and enjoy.

Many of Trump’s executive orders are causing upheaval and concern. The immigration/refugee order one of them.

It is coming out that the order, as well as most of the executive orders Trump signed this past week, are the work of two White House advisers. Done without consultation with appropriate Cabinet Secretaries and their staffs.

Two have gained power with Trump. Appear to be leaders of the White House Office team.

One is Stephen Miller. Thirty one. It blows my mind that a 31 year old is suggesting and making major decisions. Young is ok. however more years are required to garner the experience to make the correct judgment. Can’t beat experience.

Miller is a bit of an extreme. He accused poet Maya Angelou of racial paranoia. He was secretary to Congresswoman Michele Bachman. a nut in her own right. From 2009 to 2016, an aide to Senator Jeff Sessions.

The other is Stephen Bannon. He has an abnormal influence over Trump. He is in the process of solidifying himself as the power figure in Trump’s office.

Breitbart News is a white supremacy website. Bannon was Executive Chairman till moving into the White House. Donald Duke and the KKK announced Bannon’s strategist appointment an excellent one.

Bannon is anti-Semitic. Democrats and Republicans alike oppose him. The man is simply bad news.

Someone said this past week that Bannon makes Cheney look like Mother Teresa,

What goes around comes around!

Oliver Cromwell lead the move to depose the English King. Had him beheaded. Cromwell established a new English Commonwealth to replace monarchy government.

Cromwell ruled with an iron fist. When he died, the power went with him. A year after Cromwell’s death, the monarchy was restored.

Cromwell in death was tried for treason. Found guilty. His body was buried at Westminster Abbey. It was disinterred. His dead body was then hung from the gallows.

Cromwell’s popularity really had diminished!

Al Jolson visited Key West around this time in 1947. He attended a U.S. Navy event and later attended a March of Dimes campaign event at the Casa Marina.

Going Live with Key West Lou fundamentals finally locked in. I am pleased with the past weekend’s shows. Camera and Louis coordinated. I am at ease.

Check the show out on your cell phone. App Facebook. Enter Key West Lou. There I’ll be. See and hear me.

Enjoy your day!