Silent coup. The quiet sneaky attempt to overthrow an existing government. Sometime successful, sometime not. Part of a banana republic experience.

Breitbart is an ultra right publication. Believes in white supremacy. Anti-Semitic. Opposed to present day U.S. government.

Trump’s senior strategist and adviser is Stephen Bannon. Word is he runs the White House and exerts the most influence over Trump.

Bannon is a former CEO of Breitbart.

Breitbart ran article last Friday claiming U.S. intelligence agencies were involved in a “silent coup” against Trump. The Wall Street Journal in a Monday article re Trump mentioned the quote.

Silent coup to me infers banana republic involvement. We are not yet a banana republic. Not even close. Never will be. Even though some lie hoping the seed will be planted that we become so.

Silent coup was the topic of my Go Live video on Facebook yesterday. Thought it interesting enough to repeat here.

If you have not yet, check out my Go Live Key West Lou video. Short. The silent coup one took all of 1 minute 8 seconds.

Poor Liz. Yesterday was day 2 of her hip replacement surgery experience.

Spent the day with her. She was much better. Most if not all of the drugs withdrawn. She slept peacefully in the afternoon. Made sense while talking. Had physiotherapy for the first time.

If all continues as it is, she will be discharged tomorrow.

I missed my Sons and Daughters of Italy meeting last night. Opted to remain with Liz. The Sons and Daughters meetings are part parties also. Fun!

Oh, the pain! Syracuse lost yesterday. To Miami. 62-57.

The end of the road to the NCAA Tournament? Perhaps. Probably, yes. Syracuse is 18-14. Eighteen wins difficult to get in. On the other hand, Syracuse is 10-8 in the ACC. ACC tough. Ten wins carry a lot of weight.

Spring breakers have arrived! All over Key West. Publix and Smathers Beach. I assume Duval bars in the evening. I can not be sure. As much as I do of Key West, Duval bars I rarely frequnet.

From what I have seen, the spring breakers are enjoying themselves responsibly.

Never did spring break when I was in college. No money. Worked holidays at a meat packing plant in Utica. Big hourly. Made a good pay check for two week’s work.

Never missed spring break. Hard to miss that which you have never experienced. Retirement is my spring break.

Aqua’s new Side Bar has entertainment! Got to be great. The bar has a modern flavor. Something different for Key West.

The ladies were at it again yesterday. International Women’s Day. In the U.S. celebrated as a Day Without Women. The ladies stayed home from work. Went out and demonstrated. To show the economic clout of women.

Have to hustle. A late morning manicure with Tammy.

Enjoy your day!




6 comments on “SILENT COUP

  1. It appears to me that our country has become an over priced clothing store. And its not just the clothes that are over priced.

  2. Louis, I did 2 college spring breaks – first in Daytona, 2nd in Ft Lauderdale. Fell in love both times. Sorry you did not experience college spring breaks. They are enriching.

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