The market crashed. It has had a couple of up days. Not enough to compensate for the overall loss.

Last July, I began predicting a market crash late last year or early this year. A February crash occurred.

I have been speaking of robots and artificial intelligence for over a year. Coming big time! No question about it!

Already on U.S. shores minimally. An onslaught between now and 2020.

My concern and one which I reiterate is that we are doing nothing to prepare for the robot invasion. Few, if any, government programs in place to train and retrain our population.

Andrew Yang has already announced his candidacy for President in 2020. A tech millionaire. He claims unemployment similar to the Great Depression will occur. Which he believes will result in a societal breakdown. Destabilization.

He sees robots replacing truck drivers, retail workers, call center workers, fast food workers, insurance company and accounting firm employees.

All about the same time!

Trump can save our ass. It is on his shoulders. Companies will return to the U.S. Not with the human manufacturing jobs Trump talks about. Most will be robotic jobs. The argument that robotic jobs will create other type human jobs not realistic. Those claiming it are talking pie in the sky.

Trump must recognize what is around the corner and gear up to meet the robotic invasion by training and retraining programs now.

I doubt he has the vision.

Hit the road late yesterday afternoon. In the company of Catherine. We did Martin’s Happy Hour and the Chart Room. I introduced Catherine to the Chart Room.

I was home early. Watched Alex Haley’s Roots till 2 this morning. Roots being shown because February is Black History Month.

There is a Key West Black History Month event scheduled for this coming friday at 3 in the afternoon at Bayview Park. To honor Key West’s Forgotten Soldiers.

Forgotten Soldiers are those Key West blacks who fought on the side of the Union in the Civil War. One hundred twenty six of them.

Featured speaker is Maxwell B. Shavers. Maxwell is 15 years old and presently lives in Richmond, Virginia. His great, great, great grandfather Peter Shavers one of the Forgotten Soldiers.

Eight Key West Shavers fought with the Forgotten Soldiers. One, Frederick Shavers, the only to be killed.

Bear is better. Eight weeks three days old. Donna says slept better last night. Means Donna and Terri slept better also.

The veterinarian put Bear on a boiled chicken and rice diet as opposed to dog food. Bear was experiencing a bowel problem. Seems to be on the mend, also.

I bought Bear a small toy rubber mouse. Squeaks when pressed. Donna says Bear finally started playing with it yesterday afternoon. She sent me a pic of Bear attempting to destroy the mouse.

The label whores fits more than ladies who sell their bodies for income. Men utilizing their services can be referred to in the same fashion. Especially a public official who have campaigned against prostitution and then used public funds to pay for the motel room where he enjoyed sexual pleasures from prostitutes.

A form of hypocrisy.  A do as I say and not as I do thing.

Utah GOP State Representative Jon Standard publicly anti-prostitution. Fought to increase the fine for women convicted of prostitution. Spoke of prostitution’s evils. Blamed the women, never the men purchasing their services.

A prostitute Brie Taylor blew him in.

Standard is married and has four children.

He has resigned his position.

Catholics believe the Virgin Mary appeared to 14 year old Marie-Bernarde Soubirous for the first time this day in 1858. At a location near Lourdes, France. The Lady appeared 18 times.

Mary-Bernarde died at 35. Later canonized and now known as St. Bernadette.

Thousands travel each year to Lourdes seeking the curative powers of waters that flow where the Virgin Mother appeared. There have been significant recoveries.

I have known only one person who went to Lourdes seeking Mary’s help. He was dying from cancer. He was not one of the fortunate ones.

An 80 degree Key West Sunday in the making. Another glorious day ahead.

Enjoy your Sunday!




An interesting comment kept popping up yesterday on Facebook. Anonymous. However, many were sharing it with their friends.

The comment was right on. I paraphrased and used it on my Facebook video later in the day. About 2 minutes worth.

I titled my video: Crocodile Tears…..Hypocrisy.

The shooting at the ball field where the Republicans were practicing was horrific and touching. I shed a few tears watching the occurrence on TV. The Republican Congressmen were my people. Americans. An attack/injury to one is an attack/injury to all.

Additionally emotional were the Republican Congressmen weeping , swelling up, choking on their words.

The Facebook comment referred to earlier tragic occurrences. Asked where were Congress’ tears for the 20 children killed at Sandy Hook, the 49 people killed in a night club, the 9 people killed at a church service.

Even more to the point, where were Congress’ tears when Gabby Giffords was shot in the head. Gabby being one of their own.

The comment an excellent observation.

Though hopeful, I do not believe this most recent tragedy will bring the two parties together. Sincere talk. Results elusive, however. I doubt the love and roses talk will last more than a few weeks. Kumbaya not for Republicans and Democrats in these times.

Decided to visit Donna and Terri yesterday afternoon. Terri had been under the weather the past few days.

Picked a perfect time to go. Dry in Key Haven. As soon as I was two blocks from Donna and Terri’s, all hell broke loose rain wise. I got soaking wet in the 20 feet from my car to their porch.

Stopped at the French Croissant next to Roostica to pick up some pastries for the sick visit. Croissant’s pastries are the best! Bare none! Expensive also. Worth it, however.

One problem. Donna has sworn off carbs. Since her heart attack, Terri avoids fats. Only Louis enjoyed a pastry. I took the rest home with me.

Ended up staying for dinner. Donna continues to be an excellent cook. Fine restaurant dining.

Got home around 9.

Citizens’ Voice carried an interesting comment this morning: “Key West is a traffic jam.” Truer words cannot be written.

Accidents happen even on the high seas. The one in Tokyo harbor this week. There was another naval one in 1942 in waters off Key West.

The US Navy had mined the waters to the northwest of Key West. The steamship Bosiljka was on its way from New Orleans to Key West. It accidently sailed into the minefield. The Bosiljka was sunk.

Hitler was a master liar. He believed in the Big Lie. The bigger the lie, the more who would believe it.

Joseph Goebbels believed his Fuhrer’s words. He repeated the thought in his form and style. Orally and in writing. “If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it.”

Yesterday’s talk shows had one of Trump’s new attorneys on. His message: Trump is not under investigation.

The Hitler/Goebbels approach at work.

My home town is Utica. Central New York located.

A small village to the west is Frankfurt. Less than 10 miles away. I cannot recall the population. I would guess around 5,000, if that many.

As far back as I can recall, there was a sign on the highway where cars  entered Frankfurt. The sign: Frankfurt…..Watch Us Grow.

The sign is still there. Never replaced. Worn by the more than 70 years of its existence.

Frankfurt never grew.

Frankfurt achieved notoriety this past saturday. Made the news big time. Illegal bird fighting. Chickens primarily.

A barn on farm land. A bird fighting ring inside. Fights going on. Close to 40 spectators.

Police had been investigating. They raided the place. Forty two persons arrested. Fifty five birds captured. Sixty eight thousand dollars seized.

There was another barn on the property. The barn was used as a game bird breeding and training facility. One hundred eighty more birds were captured.  And last but not least, 100 grams of heroin.

Frankfurt finally made it!

I doubt most of the residents were pleased by the gaming. Assuming they knew. Frankfurt is small town America. People provincial. Honest, good folk.

It’s still raining.

Enjoy your day!




My health problem surfaced last tuesday. Other than the emergency room that night, I have not been out of the house for a week. Perhaps tomorrow. I want to experience one day without pain first.

My blog talk radio show tonight. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. The show is done from home so no problem.

Interesting show tonight. Very interesting. Topics like Saudi Arabia and hypocrisy, German government making money off bestiality brothels, 40 year old woman who just delivered her 13th son, 65 year old woman who already has 13 children delivering quadruplets, Milwaukee man pronounced dead not dead, new DEA chief will no longer focus on marijuana, trailer park owners getting rich, and more.

Join me at 9 my time.

KONK Life hit the stands yesterday. My article this week Saudi Arabia And The Hypocrisy Of It All. A detailed expose.

The last time I was out of the house (last tuesday), gasoline was $3.99 a gallon. This morning, I read the national average is $2.74. Why so much more for we Key West natives? Don’t tell me the drive from Miami for delivery adds $1.25 on to the average price!

Enjoy your day!