You northerners can laugh all you want! Sixty three degrees is cold in Key West! Our blood is thin.
I will probably wear long pants tonight. It has been months since last my legs were so covered.
Hogfish for dinner last night. I had my blog talk radio show to do at 9. I like to stay close to home. Enjoyed a lobster roll and read the newspapers.
Blog talk time later. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. If you missed the show, it is archived. It is also available on You tube.
I have visited Greece twice in the last year and a half. Roughly one month each time. Traveled the islands as well as visiting Athens. I love Greece! It has everything. Yesterday, today and the scent of tomorrow. It also has problems. Big time.
The euro and Germany have devastated the Greek economy. The highest rate of unemployment in all of Europe exists in Greece. Jobs almost non-existent. Many unemployed. Begging common place. Fathers cannot feed their families. Demonstrations. The Nazi party on the rise.
I have written four articles for KONK Life concerning today’s Greece. Two of them are in my recently published book. The World Upside Down.
Now comes an even more tragic event. You will find it hard to believe. But as I have been repeatedly saying, desperate people do desperate things.
The World Health Organization announced yesterday an HIV twist never heard before. Anywhere. Fathers and single mothers are injecting themselves with the HIV virus. Intentionally. The reason simple. The Greek government considers HIV a disabling illness. Persons so afflicted receive a 700 euro a month pension from the government. Plus free medical to help contain and control the disease.
Seven hundred euros is a lot of money in the Greek economy of today. Rent can be paid and food put on the table. Not a lot, but enough to sustain a family.
Would you believe? Have you ever heard? Desperate people do do desperate things!
The World Upside Down is available for sale. and The Greek stories I have included in the book give you a taste of the book’s style. Read it. I am sure you will enjoy the essays. Consider purchasing extra copies as Christmas gifts for friends.
Syracuse beat California in the Maui Classic last night 92-81. I did not see the game. Got screwed up somehow. I thought there were only four teams in the tournament. Turns out there must be six. Syracuse plays Baylor tonight in the finals. Both teams are ranked. Syracuse #8 and Baylor #18. Should be a good game. The game will be Syracuse’s first test against a ranked team.
I will be watching the game from the comfort of my bed. It does not begin till 10 pm.
Tomorrow is turkey day! I enjoy the Thanksgiving meal. I will stuff myself. Recently lost 16 pounds so there is room to spare.
Lisa bought the turkey sunday. It has been sitting in my garage refrigerator thawing. I checked it this morning. Still hard as a rock! Lisa’s headache to resolve. I am sure she will.
Enjoy your day!
Injecting themselves with HIV ? Seriously? WTF..
Read today’s blog for latest update.
The story may not be quite factual given these reports:
However, given what Lou has seen in Greece I bet some people are doing this drastic measure for food money.
Marty…..You are correct. Read today’s blog.
Will do. Looking forward to the blog. BTW, about seven chapters into the book and all I can say is…excellent. Well written and well researched. Your articles on Sharia Law are literally downright scary. Wake up America!
Marty, thank you for your comments.