History records many famous sea battles. Samalis (480 B.C.), Defeat of the Spanish Armada (1588), Trafalgar (1805), and Midway (1942) amongst others. Not mentioned however is Key West’s Great Sea Battle (1982).
Important to the Florida Keys. A battle for independence. Resulted in the birth of the Conch Republic.
The Great Sea Battle is reenacted every year. In April. This year, tonight. The forces of the Conch Republic meet those of the United States. A sea battle like no other.
Involved on the side of the United States are Naval jet fighters and Coast Guard vessels. For the Conch Republic, World War I bi-planes and pirate ships.
Bombs from the World War I bi-planes will be dropped on the Coast Guard vessels. The bombs, rolls of toilet paper. A sight to behold as they flutter downward continually opening. Conch bi-planes will also engage the Navy jet fighters.
On the sea, two pirate ships will appear on behalf of the Conch Republic. Maned by pirates and their wenches. Dressed appropriately. The wenches all young and beautiful.
The pirate ships will attack the Coast Guard vessels with rotten cabbage heads, tomatoes and eggs. The pirate ships will also be equipped with large hoses from which they will spray the Coast Guard with ocean water.
The best show in town! The Best Key West has to offer! Exciting!
The Battle takes place on the Gulf side of Key West off Schooner Wharf. Thousands lined up all along the shore line watching.
Firefighters from near and far are to be complimented in how they have been battling the Big Pine fire. The fire began sunday.
Covers 100 acres. A tough fire. Sixty percent under control as of today. The fire at this point considered minimal. Hot spots being moped up and defensive space around homes and structures being created.
A 65 year old war ended. North Korea and South Korea signed a peace pact. Unquestionably historic.
I was in the last three years of high school during the war. Had it not ended as a practical manner when it did in 1953, I would have been drafted. My life thereafter would have been different.
The U.S. Marine Hymn…..From the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli.
On this day in 1805, the Marines were in Derna. Derna a part of Tripoli. Tripoli had been testing the mettle of the new U.S.
Pirates from the Barbary Coast had been capturing American sailors and charging the U.S. high ransom for their return. The Marines were sent to resolve the situation, teach a lesson, etc.
They did their job. In so doing, deposed the ruler and replaced him with one sympathetic to the U.S.
Student loans. A guarantee for most of a lifetime of debt.
A foremost expert on the subject of student loans has been Drew Cloud. His writings have appeared in major news outlets, including The Washington Post and CNBC.
Cloud the informed person with advice to students with college debt. Portending to be an advocate for their financial well being.
One problem. Recently discovered. There is no Drew Cloud. He does not exist. A phony.
The Student Law Report is affiliated with lenders who loan to students. “Drew Cloud” articles, etc. were prepared by any staff person available.
Students getting screwed by those they thought were helping them.
Trump is running America into the ground as he did with his businesses. Along the way, he is causing the U.S. to lose face.
Bidding for the 2026 World Cup is in process. Two bidders. A joint bid by the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. A bid by Morocco.
Trump tweeted wednesday that countries we support should support us in this bid. Tweeting, “Why should we be supporting these countries when they don’t support us (including at the United Nations)?”
A bully and an asshole. Sorry, I cannot describe him any other way. Tiny Morocco being stepped on by the big and mighty U.S. Other nations being stepped on also.
Interestingly, French President Marcon was in the U.S. this week for a state visit. He and Trump were all over each other. Pawing. Showing affection for each other. Buddies.
France has announced it is supporting Morocco.
Enjoy your day!