History records many famous sea battles. Samalis (480 B.C.), Defeat of the Spanish Armada (1588), Trafalgar (1805), and Midway (1942) amongst others. Not mentioned however is Key West’s Great Sea Battle (1982).

Important to the Florida Keys. A battle for independence. Resulted in the birth of the Conch Republic.

The Great Sea Battle is reenacted every year. In April. This year, tonight. The forces of the Conch Republic meet those of the United States. A sea battle like no other.

Involved on the side of the United States are Naval jet fighters and Coast Guard vessels. For the Conch Republic, World War I bi-planes and pirate ships.

Bombs from the World War I bi-planes will be dropped on the Coast Guard vessels. The bombs, rolls of toilet paper. A sight to behold as they flutter downward continually opening. Conch bi-planes will also engage the Navy jet fighters.

On the sea, two pirate ships will appear on behalf of the Conch Republic. Maned by pirates and their wenches. Dressed appropriately. The wenches all young and beautiful.

The pirate ships will attack the Coast Guard vessels with rotten cabbage heads, tomatoes and eggs. The pirate ships will also be equipped with large hoses from which they will spray the Coast Guard with ocean water.

The best show in town! The Best Key West has to offer! Exciting!

The Battle takes place on the Gulf side of Key West off Schooner Wharf. Thousands lined up all along the shore line watching.

Firefighters from near and far are to be complimented in how they have been battling the Big Pine fire. The fire began sunday.

Covers 100 acres. A tough fire. Sixty percent under control as of today. The fire at this point considered minimal. Hot spots being moped up and defensive space around homes and structures being created.

A 65 year old war ended. North Korea and South Korea signed a peace pact. Unquestionably historic.

I was in the last three years of high school during the war. Had it not ended as a practical manner when it did in 1953, I would have been drafted. My life thereafter would have been different.

The U.S. Marine Hymn…..From the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli.

On this day in 1805, the Marines were in Derna. Derna a part of Tripoli. Tripoli had been testing the mettle of the new  U.S.

Pirates from the Barbary Coast had been capturing American sailors and charging the U.S. high ransom for their return. The Marines were sent to resolve the situation, teach a lesson, etc.

They did their job. In so doing, deposed the ruler and replaced him with one sympathetic to the U.S.

Student loans. A guarantee for most of a lifetime of debt.

A foremost expert on the subject of student loans has been Drew Cloud. His writings have appeared in major news outlets, including The Washington Post and CNBC.

Cloud the informed person with advice to students with college debt. Portending to be an advocate for their financial well being.

One problem. Recently discovered. There is no Drew Cloud. He does not exist. A phony.

The Student Law Report is affiliated with lenders who loan to students. “Drew Cloud” articles, etc. were prepared by any staff person available.

Students getting screwed by those they thought were helping them.

Trump is running America into the ground as he did with his businesses. Along the way, he is causing the U.S. to lose face.

Bidding for the 2026 World Cup is in process. Two bidders. A joint bid by the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. A bid by Morocco.

Trump tweeted wednesday that countries we support should support us in this bid. Tweeting, “Why should we be supporting these countries when they don’t support us (including at the United Nations)?”

A bully and an asshole. Sorry, I cannot describe him any other way. Tiny Morocco being stepped on by the big and mighty U.S. Other nations being stepped on also.

Interestingly, French President Marcon was in the U.S. this week for a state visit. He and Trump were all over each other. Pawing. Showing affection for each other. Buddies.

France has announced it is supporting Morocco.

Enjoy your day!






Strange as it may sound, Key West is a very peaceful place to live.

Most think it is Duval Street night after night. Once for me. No more. The once being when I first started coming to Key West 26 years ago. After a few years, I had it with Duval. Too much for me. The excitement gone.

I still hit a bar or restaurant occasionally. That’s it. Don’t do one bar after another anymore.

Some things I did yesterday and will do today reflect the peaceful existence I enjoy.

Researched and wrote all day yesterday. Chart Room last night. Only the Chart Room. Sat at the bar and chatted with John. For a while with Phil from Minneapolis who sat next to me.

Phil only 36. A hard worker. Ha already made his mark and a bit of a fortune in an intellectual property firm he founded and sold. He is on vacation with an absolutely lovely lady friend. They are staying at the Pier House.

Enjoyed my time with John and Phil. Stimulating conversation.

A tough day ahead today. A haircut and manicure. Several hours apart. I will read and write in between.

Tonight, bocce. Though I no longer play because of my heart, I am still carried on the team roster. I sit on the players’ bench and cheer my friends on. Enjoying a couple of drinks at the same time.

I had to stop playing a couple of years ago. When I bent over to pick up the ball, I fell over. My  team mates began doing he bending and handing me the ball. Kind of them. Made me foolish.

Then I started losing strength when I threw the ball. That definitely was the end. I was of no value to the team.

I retired from bocce.

Conch Republic Days begin tomorrow. A many event weekend. Adults playing like children. I will watch some of the activities.

The carrier fleet heading for North Korean waters a continuing fiasco. No one assumes responsibility.

The USS Vinson was more than 3,000 miles away heading for the Indian Ocean for war games with Australia. Has been turned around and is now heading for Korean waters. Still around 3,000 miles away.

An obvious screw up. Trump and his people take the position that they were correct when they said the carrier fleet was heading for Korean waters. They never said when, however. Now that the Vinson has turned around, the fleet is heading for Korean waters.

Ergo, no one was misled.

We all make mistakes! Own up to them when they occur.

Trump came out with another beauty yesterday. He said Korea “actually used to be a part of China.” Truth searchers say no.

Tillerson announced yesterday he is seeking an exception for Russia from certain sanctions. Russia and Exxon-Mobile discovered what may be the largest oil deposit ever in Arctic waters. Saudi Arabia’s deposits minuscule in comparison.

Russia and the oil company are engaged in a joint venture/ownership in drilling for the oil. Work stopped because of the sanctions.

Tillerson says let the work proceed. What is he thinking? Here we are investigating Russia for tampering with our elections. Consider also Tillerson was CEO of Exxon-Mobile for 15 years.

Tillerson forgets he now works for the people of the United States.

Enjoy your day!



A male inmate at the Monroe County Jail masturbated in front of a Sheriff Department female employee. Scandalous! He has been charged with indecent exposure.

There are those who cry out for the closing of Fantasy Fest. Or at the least, a change in the nature of the event. The reason being nudity, sex, etc.

I have taken the consistent position that those who decry Fantasy Fest are loonies. Do gooders. Religious zealots.

I have seen nudity at Fantasy Fest. I have never seen sex performed or masturbation. Masturbation before a woman would be considered by some to be worse than that which occurs at Fantasy Fest. I do.

No one except yours truly is calling for the County Jail to shut down.

I have written re the County Jail with tongue in cheek. The masturbation serious under the circumstances. What is good for the goose is good for the gander, however.

All comments have been made to show the ridiculousness of those complaining about Fantasy Fest.

Aging does bring on medical problems. I am getting sick of being sick.

I stubbed my little toe on the desk Thursday night. Broke it. No big deal. We have all had broken toes.

I take Effient. A blood thinner. I woke yesterday morning with the foot having the broken toe completely swollen up through the ankle. My foot and ankle twice their normal size.

Knowledgeable that the blood thinner could cause a pooling of blood, I went to Urgent Care. I was correct. The tiny fracture and the stubbing itself had caused more than normal internal bleeding.

Nothing to do. Keep your foot up. Not easy if I am to write. It will take two weeks for the swelling to subside.

This blood pooling thing is a perfect example of big trees from little acorns grow.

It was difficult to research further and write this week’s KONK Life column David Wolkowsky. Made me nervous. The written column has to be in to the publisher by 5 this afternoon.

The anxiety manifested itself at 3 this morning when I woke worrying about the problem. I could not return to sleep. Got up and went to my desk. Completed the research at 6 this morning.

I have become a night worker. What is it called? The graveyard shift?

Sloan will be here at 10:30. To show me how to work the new cell phone. I am not machine literate.

Wanted to watch Syracuse basketball yesterday afternoon. No way. Not carried on any channel here. When a team is not doing well, television ignores the team.

Syracuse beat North Carolina 75-66. Still leaves Syracuse on the bubble for the big tournament.

Yesterday was Senior Day. Two players will not play again for Syracuse after this season. Trevor Cooney and Michael Gbinje. Both were taken out of the game just before it ended and received standing ovations.

Cooney will not play pro ball. Too small. He was fortunate however in that he was able to play five years. He walks away from Syracuse with a Master’s degree.

Gbinije has a chance at pro ball. A good one. He needed four years to develop. And develop he did. He scored 34 points yesterday. Made eight 3s.

MASH was a major television show. About a medical unit during the Korean War. It ran 11 seasons. The last show was on this date a long time ago.  A 2 1/2 hour special. Watched by 77 percent of the television audience.

Those of you who recall, remember Hawkeye, Trapper, Hot Lips Houlihan, and Radar? A great show!

Enjoy your Sunday!



Fantasy Fest continues!

Two biggies today. The Masquerade March and the Bourbon Street Pub Tea Dance.

The Masquerade March has grown over the years. Initially, it was a bunch of locals and tourists dressed in costumes who walked from the cemetery to Duval. Now numbers in the thousands. A second route had to be added several years ago.

Both groups will leave from the cemetery. One takes the old route up Fleming. The other, the new way. People party in front of their homes and on porches. The marchers are cheered on.

I have never marched. However, I have enjoyed several great porch parties over the years.

Key West’s gay intersection is Duval and Petronia. Two popular gay bars are cross cornered from each other. 801 and the Bourbon St. Pub. A big event starting at 1 this afternoon at the intersection. The event is called the Bourbon Street Pub Tea Dance.

A scaffold is erected in the center of the intersection. Two levels plus the street. The two levels have music makers.

There is a guy in black leather with his butt exposed playing a guitar on top every year. Ladies climb the scaffolding to dance. People dance in the street. Where room can be found. The intersection is packed throughout the event.

Bocce last night. Missed the toga party for it.

We played Larry’s team. We were tied with them for third. I am happy to announce we won all three games! Everyone on our team played well. We had to if we were to beat the opposition.

My yesterday began with the anti-gravity treadmill at Body Owners. Then grocery shopping at Publix. I enjoy grocery shopping. I meet old friends and make new ones.

An attractive woman and I kept running into each other. Finally, she jokingly said…..I’m stalking you. I responded…..Please do!

I will be on the radio for 15 minutes at 12:30. 104.9. KONK News. Guy deBoer will be interviewing me re this week’s KONK Life column Boudicca, Warrior Woman.

It was announced yesterday that China is changing its policy from one child per family to two. Some news persons said it was because China needed added workers for its developing manufacturing industry.

Not correct. I did a TV show on the topic four years ago and wrote about the issue one year ago.

Four years ago, China announced it was studying whether to go from one to two children per couple. It took till now for China to make the decision.

The reason four years ago was who was to take care of the elderly. In China, the young always had taken care of the old. By limiting the number of children, China had limited the number available to care for elderly parents.

Last year, China discussed another problem. Under the one child rule, more girls than boys had been born. A significant number. The boys are now young men. There were not enough ladies to go around for marriage or sex.

Single Chinese men are traveling to the Korean border to engage in sex with Korean prostitutes.

In addition, a new business was born. The men wanted wives. The prostitutes sold themselves for an entire year agreeing to live as a man’s wife.

Such did not solve the problem entirely. Still not enough ladies. Multiple partners were born. Two to four men contract with one prostitute who would be the common wife of all of them for one year.

Enjoy your day!



I am close to the end of the healing process. I think I have recovered. No more pain. However, I have to continue antibiotics through friday.

Today, I shave. Did not get around to it yesterday. I have decided no beard. Another time, perhaps. I want to see my face clean.

I plan on going out today. A walk. Hopefully out tonight, also. No drinking yet. Just to see people and talk. I am a social person.

I have been deluged with e mails and telephone calls concerning my health, wishing me well, etc. The number overwhelming. Humbling. From as far away as Thailand, Italy and South Africa. All over the U.S. And of course, Key West.

We speak of Key West as being One Family. The world can be One Family.

Thank you.

Recall the gang that could not shot straight. We have two such groups in the Keys. The Monroe County Commission and the Key West City Commission. They know not what they do.

The County Commission gave in by vote the extra money Waste Management was seeking. An amount in excess of the contract price.

I sometimes think our elected officials forget they are not spending their own money. They are taxpayer dollars!

Key West loves Harry Truman. Harry Truman loved Key West.

I came across a comment yesterday that “…..the greatest disappointment of his Presidency was his failure to pass comprehensive health reform.” He should not have been disappointed. He achieved in so many other areas. Like the decision to drop the atomic bomb, the Marshall Plan, and his decision re Korea.

I consider Truman to have been one of our greatest Presidents. No President gets the whole job done.

A most interesting blog talk radio show last night. Two issues appear to have garnered the most interest.

The first, Saudi Arabia and its want ad advertisement for swordsmen/beheaders. They need to hire eight more. The job was listed under the Religious Jobs section.

The other about prostitution being legal in Germany. It has made Berlin the sex capital of the world. Germany taxes the ladies of the night. Taking in a ton of money. Always on the look out for another tax gimmick, Germany now has made bestiality in brothels legal.

Anything for a dollar! Morality and image meaning nothing.

Enjoy your day!