There is no joy in Mudville, mighty Casey has struck out…..

Baseball. A different sport. Yet fits the feeling of Syracuse basketball fans.

Boston College destroyed Syracuse yesterday 96-81. BC made 16 of 23 three attempts. Where was Syracuse’s fabled zone defense? Non-existent. As it has been in prior games this season.

My heart bleeds not only for the team and Syracuse, but also Coach Boeheim. His post season interviews reflect his sadness. He assumes full responsibility re the team’s failure to defend/win. He is the coach/teacher.

The team is not guarding. Give an opposing player an open shot and he is going to make it.

The scenario embarrassing and perplexing.

A long season ahead. Orange blood will flow.

I watched the game at home. I died.

Liz gave me a container of her home made Christmas cookies. Delicious. I was so nervous and irritated during the game I ate them all!

Spent the day at home. The Syracuse game took the energy out of me. I did some reading. Learned something new.

Greece in many respects is the mother of western civilization. Ancient Romans spoke Greek. Not Italian. The language did not exist at the time of the Caesars.

The aristocrats spoke Greek. The rest Latin. Described as Vulgar Latin. Classical Latin the language used in legal documents, oratory and administration.

I believe I advised recently that Cleopatra was not Egyptian. Her ethnicity Greek.

Greece’s expansion of its commercial activities resulted in Greece impacting everything it touched.

I am continually critical of the Key West City Commission. Experts at wasting money.

The new City Hall at the former Glynn Archer School is scheduled for its Grand Opening tomorrow at noon.  The spendthrift politicians will be there taking bows. Final cost, $18.8 million. Took six years to complete. Overrun huge.

There was a time most Middle East countries were our friends. Includes our all time Arab friend Saudi Arabia. Especially love Saudi Arabia. They appear to have contributed to 9/11. They gave us $4 a gallon gasoline. Who needs friends like them!

Israel and the Middle East nations come into play. Bitter enemies. From day one. Seems to get worse with each passing year. Truth be told, it never gets better.

In the meantime, the United States pays.

Middle East oil was cheap in the U.S. from 1950-1972. Then came the Yom Kipper War. Israel kicked the Arabs in the ass big time.

During the time, the U.S. supported Israel. As it always has.

OPEC was unhappy with the U.S. position. They stopped exporting oil to the U.S. When the embargo was lifted, OPEC still punished the U.S. by quadrupling the price of oil.

Three significant things occurred as a result thereof.

A recession. Makes sense if oil not delivered and then the price of oil quadrupled.

Japan captured the auto market by coming out with small gas saving automobiles. Affected our Detroit.

Finally, we got a national speed limit. 55 mph. Signed into law by President Nixon in 1974. The law remained in effect till 1995. It was thought by lawmakers that 55 mph was the fuel efficient speed.

I drove the highways of this country in those years. Especially the N.Y. Thruway. 55 mph no way to go! A hare’s pace.

A second government thought was that 55 mph would curb the appetite of American drivers for driving. Good luck! Driving is in the American blood.

I have a fear that the new Republican administration will cut in some fashion Social Security. In the past 5 years, I wrote two columns in KONK Life titled The Theft of Social Security.

Our government has taken close to $3 trillion from the Social Security Fund with no intent to ever pay it back. From surplus funds left over after benefits are paid.

Social Security is not free money to recipients. It comes from payroll contributions made over the years. Not tax dollars. It is the recipient’s own money being paid back.

The national debt is close to $20 trillion. The $3 trillion owed Social Security part of that number.

Most people are unaware that our government’s biggest creditor is Social Security. Japan, who we borrow from constantly, is only $1.4 trillion.

Social Security is self sufficient if the government stopped taking surplus monies out each year and failing to pay back at any time.

This short tale I believe is unknown to many of our legislators. Most cry out how Social Security is breaking the back of the U.S. economy. Bullshit!

Enough re the issue for the moment. I mention it because tomorrow night on my podcast show Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou I will be discussing the matter at further length. Join me, if you can. www.blogtalkradio.com/key-west-lou.

Enjoy your day! Your holiday!



It bothers me when I see someone in our country or in a foreign one desecrating the American flag. Like burning and stomping. Gets to me.

The Supreme Court of the United States has ruled that such conduct is not criminal. It is the expression of free speech. Constitutionally protected.

Homer Martz is an Iowa farmer. Conservative, God fearing, patriotic. A Chinese pipeline was laid next to his well. No one told Martz it was coming close or that close to his well.

Martz opted to protest. No one would hear him. He hung the American flag upside down. Not to show disrespect. To be heard. Note that the flag pole had been there. He daily flew the American flag.

He felt he had been denied due process because of the failure to advise, give him an opportunity to complain, etc.

Martz was arrested. Iowa law makes it a misdemeanor to misuse in any fashion the American flag. The word misuse is mine. The statute actually has a number of instances where the conduct is considered illegal.

Sticking specifically to the law,  the arrest is a bum one. Again, the Supreme Court in two instances said American flag desecration is constitutionally protected free speech.

I address Martz’s problem for a reason. State and local governments should have known Martz’s conduct was proper. Failing in that regard to do so now subjects Martz to the expense of an attorney, his personal loss of time from his farm work, the taxpaying public  forced to pick up a prosecutor’s bill, a Judge’s expense, and salaries for a full court staff.

The Iowa law should have been removed from the books years ago.

I consider today a significant one in American history. President Franklin Roosevelt signed into law the Social Security Act this day in 1935.

I am confident I will receive a number of negative comments re my position concerning Social Security.

Sixty years from now someone will be writing as I have here regarding the Affordable Care Act.

Has to be difficult be a President’s child! There is a video floating around the internet claiming to show Malia smoking a joint. Marijuana remains illegal under federal law.

Melia was in a group of peers at some event where everyone was jumping and yelling. Kid stuff. Something persons her age do.

As to the toke, I question whether true. The video has only a quick shot of Malia. It is her. Took all of a second and gone. The toke part not clear. At all. Very interpretive she was smoking pot.

If true, I wish I could have been a fly on the wall when Michelle addressed the issue with Malia.

Worked with Sloan yesterday afternoon. Learning the new cell phone, utilizing it together with the computer, etc. A pain in the ass for me. I call it mechanical retardation. Generational.

Some of my readers commented the phrase was incorrect. Technologically retarded appropriate.

Whatever, it is still hard for me. And I am sure others of my generation.

It was Tavern ‘n Town last night. I decided to skip Lobsterfest. Let me share two reasons why.

Summer festival time with stands and shoulder to shoulder crowds, etc. on Duval is a steam bath. Twenty degrees warmer. Body heat. Pictures in this morning’s Key West Citizen show the crowd.

The other reason is that I am not a fan of Florida lobster. I prefer Maine lobster. Not being a snob. Florida lobster is tougher and has a different taste.

I read somewhere this week that the Maine lobster which is available for purchase at Publix is cheaper per pound than the Florida lobster.

What that means besides cheaper, I don’t know. Just sharing.

Ran into an old Syracuse University friend at Tavern ‘n Town. Steve. We had dinner together. Several years back when Steve was not so busy, he used to join me for Syracuse basketball games.

Met Katie Sottak. Steve introduced me. She is a hostess at Tavern ‘n Town. A lovely personable young lady. Twenty seven. Originally from New Hampshire. Has lived in Key West three years.

Her real love is art. Her works are presently being shown at Island Wynds Gallery on Simonton. The gallery next door to Books & Books.

The Hackley baby continues to concern me. I wish Hackley would write the baby’s name in his diary once so we would know.

Today’s problem as described by Hackley was wind and pain. He gave the baby some gin.

The gin thing does not shock me. All families have home remedies that have come down over the years. I recall when my sister Joan was teething. My mother would pour a little Canadian Club over her finger and then rub the finger over Joan’s gums.

Enjoy your Sunday!





Donald Trump is in the forefront these days. More than previously. Justifiably so. The man is mad. America is viewing his instability. More and more each day. He is self destructing before our eyes.

Better now than later. If elected, I worry about him and the nuclear button. So should you.

I spoke of Trump on my blog talk radio show last night. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Half the show. Example after example of his instability.

Spent yesterday afternoon preparing for the podcast.

The Civil War has intrigued me since my college days. Today, I read everything I can get my hands on re the War.

The Key West Library is sponsoring a Civil War event. Titled Civil War Living History. In the Library’s Palm Garden. Saturday, August 13.

The editorial in yesterday’s Key West Citizen concerned Social Security. It was a republication of an editorial carried in the South Florida Sun Sentinel titled Put Priority On Solvency For Social Security.

A bad editorial. Avoided discussing the real reason why Social Security has money problems. The reason being the government borrows surplus monies in the Social Security Fund and never pays back. The government owes Social Security $1.8 trillion. Social Security is the biggest creditor of the United States. Ahead even of China.

The issue of pay back is always avoided in articles. If the government started paying back over a long period, the monies would be more than sufficient to keep Social Security payments at a level where cuts would not be required. Not even discussed.

The American people continue to get screwed by a government that borrow’s their money with no intent to ever pay back.

The William Hackley saga continues. Baby doing much better. Visited Mrs. Hews four times this date in 1855 for breast feeding.

A quick Venezuela update.

Two weeks ago, Venezuelans were eating their pets. This past weekend, they were invading zoos and stealing the zoo’s inhabitants. For consumption purposes obviously.

Curacao is one of the largest cities in Venezuela. Has a large zoo. Some people snuck into the zoo in the middle of the night. They were after a horse.

When the zoo keepers arrived in the morning, all that remained of the horse was the head and ribs.

A Venezuelan revolution is long overdue. Recall three years ago they ran out of toilet paper. The country is still out of toilet paper.

My column in this week’s KONK Life is German Persecution of Homosexuals. Sick, sad. Hits the stands today.

Key West has many fun events. One of the local favorites is the Battle of the Bars. Bartenders and servers engage in a competition down Duval Street. The winner gets bragging rights for a year.

The Battle of the Bars this sunday at one.

Enjoy your day!



Anne from Ithaca is a loyal follower of this blog. She commented on why I advised no blog yesterday. She gave me the benefit of the doubt. Thought because of the Orlando killings, I was saying nothing so people could ponder the event on their own before I expressed my thoughts.

Wish your observation was correct, Anne. Makes me look good. Thank you. Not the reason, however. I was tired.

This week’s KONK Life column is The Rape of Social Security. Researched it on saturday. Needed verification of some facts before writing. Rose at 6 yesterday morning to check the facts. Followed by putting the article together.

It was almost 11 when I finished. I was tired! Writing the blog would have been like climbing a mountain. Took a day off. Went to bed and slept till late afternoon.

I never knew of the Orlando disaster till late afternoon when I woke. Ergo, I cannot take credit for having made what Anne perceived as a thoughtful gesture.

Nevertheless, thank you Anne.

You do not need me to tell you the Orlando killings and injuries should not have been. The work of a radicalized young man. Anti-gay and anti-female. He had wrapped himself in his religion.

What blows me out is that the culprit was American born in New York City. Educated. Through college. Not some Muslim nut from the Middle East who somehow got into our country.

How did he get radicalized? My thought is the internet has to have been a major contributing factor. Information and contacts galore available 24 hours a day.

Yesterday was part of Gay Pride Week. The shootings occurred at a gay night spot. Pride Week being celebrated all over the United States. Including of course Key West.

Gays and straights alike wore black arm bands yesterday in Key West.

I want to stay with the Islamic mind/teachings for a moment. A Dutch woman was in Qatar. She had a drink at a bar. The next thing she remembers is waking up somewhere else. Waking up and discovering her body had been had. Raped. Suspects she was served a mickey at the bar.

She reported the incident to the police. They arrested her. The way it is in the Middle East. Women are not supposed to have sex outside marriage. If they do, it is automatically deemed to be the woman’s fault.

She was jailed in March. Tried this past week. Found guilty of illicit consensual fornication and drunkedness. Sentenced to a year in jail and three years probation. Sentence suspended. She is being thrown out of the country. Happily so.

They located the guy. Found guilty of illegal consensual sex and drinking alcohol. Got 100 lashes for the sex and 4o additional lashes for the drinking.

I would normally say these people are crazy. Muslims in general. However, I have seen the error of my ways and wish to be politically correct. Seriously so. Not all Muslims are driven by the thinking of the Orlando shooter nor the laws of Qatar. How do we distinguish between the good guys and the bad? Therein is the problem.

Trump’s comments following the killings off base. He shoots from the hip. Too volatile to be President.

Met Lynn Sherman at the Gardens last night. First time. She is an artist. A successful one. Her paintings sell. She paints fronts of homes on small canvases. She has had several showings at the Lucky Street Gallery.

An interesting woman. Good company.

My lesbian wives Donna and Terri are back in town. Ran into them saturday night at Tavern ‘n Town and last night at the Gardens. Glad they have opted to return. They add to the quality of Key West.

Met two interesting men at the bar at Tavern ‘n Town. Albert Sullivan and Richard Manley. One sitting to my left and the other to my right.

Albert is a physician-scientist. Richard the Manley of Manley de Boer for 40 years.

Humidity becoming a killer. Heavier each day. And it is only June!

Enjoy your day!



William Gordon died yesterday. He was flying a World War II vintage P-41 at a New York city air show. his plane crashed into the Hudson river.

Gordon was 56.

Gordon was no stranger to Key West. Earlier this year, he participated in gthe Naval Air Show at Boca chica. He also flew a bi-plane on behalf of the Conch Republic Air Force in the Conch Republic Days Bloody Battle recently.

He was no stranger to Key west. in recent years he has visitied many times. Friends indicate it was his intention to permanently reside here at some point.

May he rest in peace.

Sloppy Joe’s grand opening recently passed. I forgot to mention it. I refer nogt to the four years Sloppy Joe’s wass located at what is now Captain Tony’s on greene Street. TRather to the corner of Duval and Greene opening on May 5, 1937.

The grand opening was at 9 in the evening. Free dancing. First time i was aware dancing was a pay event in Key West then or now.

Sloppy Joe’s has remained openb for 79 years. The place the mosrt popular in bar in Key West. It provides a unique Key West flaor. It will be in th dsame place doing the same business 79 years from now.

Screwy afternoon yesterday. Lunched at 5 Guys. no food at home. Intended to grocery shop after lunch.

5 Guiys’ parking lot empty. It was 1 pm. thought the place waqs closed. Not so. i walked in and the employees all standig around. Not a customer present.

I placed my oder and waited. cionmtinued to wait. was taking forever to get fed. and I was the only one prfesent!

the problem appeared to be everything had been closed down to some extent. The cooking arfea had to be heated. Fresh French fries had toi be made.

Finally, my number was called. 84. I looked agt the employee who called my number. i had a strange look on my face. he suddenly understood and bust owut laughing. I did, also. I was the only customer in the place. Sitting right in front of where he was.

Then to Publix. Parking lot half full. where were the other shoppers on the saturday of Memorial Day Weekend?

I went inside. Very few.

I asked the gent behind the cold cuts counter where were all thje peeople. He said they had come in in droves in the morning. it had been quiet since.

Spent a couple of hours rfeasearching this week’s KONK Life column. Four different subjects. None turned me on. None I thought would be of interest to readers.

Here it si sunday morning and I still do not have a topic. Bad!!! My column  has to be to the Publisher by 5.

Dinner time! Wanted to try something different. Did. ended up at the Half Shell Raw Bar. I had not b een therre in at least 15 years.

Enjoyed! A dozen fresh oysters and a crab stuffed lobster. To die for!

Today is Bob Hope’s



Howard Livingston is an outstanding entertainer! Leaves you smiling and happy. His wife Cindy a great lady. The perfect couple.

I knew Howard before he was Howard Livingston. Back when he wore three piece suits, had short cropped hair and always a clean shaven face. At the time, he was CEO and owner of a Chicago manufacturing plant. The plant made railroad engine diesel parts.

We met at Mangoes some 15 years ago. By accident. Howard and his then wife, me and my then wife. We bonded instantly and became close friends.

It was a cold January day. Sun shining. Winter in the Keys. Long pants, etc. I was down. Sort of depressed. Did not know why. Howard happened to call. He sensed it. He said…..Hey man, come on  up and you and I will go out on the boat. I said we’ll freeze. He said dress for it.

I did. Pajama bottoms covered by long pants. Shirt, sweat shirt and heavy up north type winter jacket. A hat and gloves.

It was cold out on the water. I froze my ass off in spite of the clothing.

Howard grounded the boat on Marvin Key. Howard handed me two plastic chairs. He carried a half gallon of Beefeaters and some glasses. He walked me to a line of trees. Within five minutes, both of us were stripped to the chest. The trees broke the cold wind. The sun reflected on us from the sand.

We sat for hours. Sipping. Chatting. Sitting quietly. Snoozing a bit.

Cell phones were not terrific back then. Reception always questionable. On Marvin Key, I would have expected no one could reach me. I received a call. Surprisingly.

The call was from my office in Utica. The purpose was to inform me that we had just settled a particular case for $2 million. Our fee $600,000 plus.

I felt better. Instantly. It was either a combination of the place and call. Or, the call itself.

Howard said it was time to eat. We walked back to the boat. Howard cooked tuna steaks and vegetables on a grill on the back of his boat. We sat on the plastic chairs in the water as we ate.

Howard knew how to live! He still does today. He loves being a musician, singer, and song writer. His new life. Better than the three button suit.

Why Howard and Cindy today? I ran into the two of them at Roostica last night. We rarely see each other these days. He works constantly. We chatted a while. He and Cindy wonderful people.

I spent most of yesterday completing my research and then writing this week’s KONK Life column. One of the best I have done. Involves Social Security and how we are being screwed by the government. The article is titled The Looting of Social Security. Read it if you can. It publishes wednesday. A guaranteed eye opener.

Enjoy your day!


This is the night! Perhaps the best of Fantasy Fest! Toga Party!

The place Sloppy Joe’s. Inside and out. The street packed.

Men and women wearing white togas. More women than men. Togas skimpy.

It is negotiation time. The key for the ladies is to get as many beads as possible. The men want to see and the women are willing to show. First, the breasts. Then a move downward, front and back. Each a separate transaction. The lower the body part exhibited, the more expensive. Breasts go for one ring of beads. The southern exhibits, two or more.

Ain’t nothing under the toga or covering the privates.

I suspect I enjoy Toga Party best for three reasons. First, I am a voyeur. What a bad boy am I! Second, I am a man. Men are visual. We enjoy looking at naked women. Third, I never got to a toga party while in college. Remember the movie Animal House? I went to a Catholic college and we did not do those things.

Years ago, I would not have missed the Toga Party. In recent years, they are not as important any more. Tonight, I have bocce. Bocce supersedes toga. An age thing, I suspect.

I watched the Republican debates last night. Each Republican debate is worse than the previous one. I don’t understand. There is much talent on the stage. The moderators are a major problem. Last night’s were the worst. The questions stupid, no respect for the candidates, not fair with follow ups.

Mike Huckabee got into something close to my heart. Social Security. He talked about the $3 trillion the government in effect stole from the Social Security Fund.

My day yesterday began with the anti-gravity treadmill. The power went out while I was on the machine. About 10 minutes into my workout. Power failure common in the Keys. Some people left. Never know how long these things last. I waited it out. Locked into the treadmill. Power returned in fifteen minutes. I was glad I waited.

My next  chore was to get the flat fixed. The tire was sitting on my back seat. With a rim in it, the tire would not fit in the Volkswagen Beetle trunk.

Got to Sears at noon. Told it would take to 4 or 5 before car was done. I suspected it would take that long. I was like 88th in line!

I left the car. Walked over to Regal Movies. I figured I would have lunch and then go to the movies. That would kill the 4-5 hours.

No afternoon movie available at the theater.

Enjoyed a two hour lunch at Outback. Read the newspapers. Left at 2. How long could I sit there? I even ordered a dessert to kill time.

Then to T.J. Max and Sears. Looked over men’s clothes. Not much time killed. Looked at everything else, except ladies’ underwear.

It was now three o’clock. Where was I to go? I was at the Sears Shopping Center without a car. I opted to return to the tire facility. My car was still in the lot. Had not been touched yet. Asked the guy about when. He said many still ahead of you. About five o’clock.

Went into Sears’ waiting room. Air conditioning not working well. Slept off and on.

Finally, the car was finished at 5:30. They could not find a hole. Did not know why tire went flat. Cost, $24.

I am concerned it will go flat again. We shall see. The tire is only six months old.

I hurried home to watch the debates which began at 6. First thing I did was pour myself a gin. Then blended into the recliner chair to watch.

I was tired.

Never got to watch the Royals/Mets game. Mets down 2. Next two games in New York should be interesting. The Royals almost won the World Series last year. I think they are committed this year and will be difficult to deny.

This week’s KONK Life column Boudicca, Warrior Queen linked to my Key West Lou website this morning. keywestlou.com.

Syracuse plays Florida State saturday. Syracuse a 20.5 underdog at the moment.

Bocce tonight. Play Larry’s team. We are tied with his team in third place. Serious business tonight.

Enjoy your day! If you are in Key West, add to it. Visit Toga tonight at Sloppy Joe’s!


It’s only just begun. Fantasy Fest. I want to share a few observations. Not necessarily what you might expect.

Key West is a tiny island. Not enough room for homes, people, cars, bicycles, and dogs. Less room during Fantasy Fest.

Event planning is scatter brain. At 5;30 last night, I drove into town on the Atlantic side. There was a 5K race on Simonton and Duval. Police and police cars moving traffic slowly. As I crossed Simonton and Truman, Truman blocked off to the north. A police officer and police car in addition. I looked down Truman. Road construction way down the street.

This morning’s Key West Citizen in the Comments section: Simple rule for Fantasy Fest nudity. Cover everything below the waist, including breasts!

I was in the Chart Room. Met an interesting couple. They have visited Key West many times. Especially for Fantasy Fest.

Mid 60s. He a retired oil company executive. They now live in Houston. Originally from Illinois. They are going home this coming weekend for some event. Returning for the power boat races next week. Well traveled. Well heeled. They have a 61 foot Viking that sits in a slip in St. Augustine.

They were planning on attending the BD/SM party last night at Kelley’s. I did one time. Ten years ago. Bad ladies Donna and Terri took me. A voyeur experience. You must dress appropriately for the event or no admission.

As they were leaving, I noticed the woman was dressed in a rather skimpy black outfit. Nipples 1/8th inch from falling out. Tummy and body areas exposed. Nothing bad. On the edge, however.

I said…..Oh, you’re already dressed. No, she said. I have to change first.

Her next outfit had to be something!

Why do I mention this couple and their planned evening? I have always maintained that one of the large groups attending Fantasy Fest are seniors from conservative middle America. They are here for a brief foray into exciting decadence.

Good for them!

So much for Fantasy Fest.

My morning was determined by the fall the day before. My doctor first. No bruising. Sore in chest and rib area. I take a blood thinner every day. My doctor was concerned with internal bleeding and blood accumulation. I was not aware this could be a problem.

So it was x-rays of chest and ribs. Plus, a cat scan of my head as I hit it hard when I came down.

I get the results sometime today. I doubt anything wrong. I feel good.

After the medical procedures, I was tired. I also spent an hour as part of my annual physical. I decided to go out for breakfast. Someone mentioned last week that the Creperie in the K-Mart Plaza was excellent and I should try it. I did.

Go! Outstanding!

While at the Chart Room last night, I also met The Pig Man. As I am Key West Lou, he is The Pig Man. He is David Williamson. Lives in Big Pine. Travels the lower keys. He barbecues pigs for parties. Good company.

Dinner was at the bar at Hot Tin Roof. Chatted with Joseph a bit.

Someone at the bar was from Rhode Island. The bartender Matais started talking about Block Island. I have rented homes on and sailed into Block Island many times. Turns out Matais was born and raised on Block Island.

I mentioned Mike Shields who I recently discovered owned a coffee house for years on Block Island. Matais was aware of the Michael Shields story.

It’s a small world.

My blog talk radio show tonight. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine my time. Join me. www.blogtalkradio.com/key-west-lou.

Interesting topics tonight. Like Muslim immigrant takeover of German hospitals resulting in big time chaos. The media not reporting the disaster. It was getting out via social media. Merkel asked FB’s Zuckerberg to block the comments.

Ben Carson’s inconsistent position on abortion.

Also, 65 million Social Security recipients will not get a cost of living increase next year. Something I do not understand as the U.S. government owes Social Security $3 trillion it borrowed and never paid back.

Boudicca in 60 AD and the brutality she subjected captured Romans to. Makes ISIS look like kids.

A couple of GMO updates.

Enjoy your day!



My yesterday started with physiotherapy. Grueling. Leaves me completely tired afterwards. Yesterday, a young lady named Amanda contributed to my discomfort.

We may be making progress. After only two visits, it has been determined that I walk with my knees rather than hips. Makes for a shorter step. Could explain step fallings.

Stopped at Publix after physio. Ran into Stevie. Had not seen him in months. Stevie was the bartender at the Wine Galley for years. Thereafter, at Tavern ‘n Town. He is no longer bartending. Has some sort of office job. A good guy!

Spent a portion of the afternoon final prepping my blog talk radio show for last night. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou.

The show went well. Provided an opportunity for me to expose people who do not know what they are talking about. I refer to Social Security.

New Jersey’s Chris Christie spoke yesterday in New Hampshire. He is concerned with the national debt. Said Social Security has to be cut back. One way is to raise the eligibility level to 69.

What no one talks about is why Social Security periodically looks like it may suffer 15-20 years down the road. Either they do not know or do not want us to know. I honestly believe they do not know the true story. Especially members of Congress, from both parties.

The biggest creditor of the United States is the Social Security Fund. The government owes Social Security $1.7 trillion. We only owe China $1.3 trillion.

President Johnson needed money to wage the Vietnam War and support his social programs. Social Security had a ton of money sitting in the bank. Money that would never be used. Note that Social Security takes in more than it pays out. Then and now. Surprising, isn’t it.

Johnson got Congress to pass appropriate legislation. The government was empowered to borrow the money. No promissory note in return, however. Merely an IOU. Not legally enforceable. The intent was to pay the monies back. Per custom, the path to hell is paved with good intentions. Not a penny has ever been paid back! And, the government continues to borrow here and there from Social Security whenever it can.

No one cares. Few know. We are never told.

The Conch Republic Independence Celebration begins friday. Ten days of fun! The best part for me is the Sea Battle. Conch forces defeating U.S. sea vessels and planes.

Key West has a new City Planner. Thaddeus Cohen. He attended his first Commission meeting last night. Suit and tie! Obvious he was new to Key West. He was jokingly told no one dresses in Key West. Casual everything and everywhere.

I remember the first Key West wake I attended. I wore suit and tie. Back home, it was called respect. I was the only one so dressed. Even the deceased was dressed casually. I learned. I attend wakes today in shorts  and a sport shirt.

When in Rome, do as the Romans do!

Richard Boettger has an excellent article in today’s KONK Life E-Blast. Peary Court and Walmart’s Scrooges. One of the best articles I have read re the issues.

Michael Shields deserve congratulations, also. Mike organized the Policing in Paradise ACLU Seminar monday night. Key West is buzzing. Everyone complimentary.

The Titanic sunk this day. Sad. More than 1,500 lives lost. Passengers and crew.

Enjoy your day!