The term bigotry permeates the news. I want to share a personal thought.
I have known bigots over the course of my life time. All powerful persons. Disliked n—ers and Jews. Some, even Italians.
They did not know they were bigots. Bigots do not know they are bigots.
They all considered themselves do gooders. Helpful especially to those they demeaned the most.
A bigot is like a tiger. He does not change his spots.
Tropical storm, hurricane…..What is Key West to expect over the next few days. Tension is building on the island. Even with me. I shall be out stocking up for the few days I might be confined to my home.
99L is still 99L. Broke up a bit over Hispaniola. We are going to have rain and winds. Whether more, remains to be seen. The storm’s line runs directly over Key West.
Monroe County’s second Zika case has been reported. Marathon. Travel related. Not the result of a mosquito bite in the Keys.
Driving gets worse and worse on Key West. More and more tourists. Something has to be done.
The City Commission is trying. They have hired a full time employee to deal with the problem.
An initial study has been completed. Done by a graduate student still a student. I cannot knock the initial result. Thoughtful. Some new ideas.
Only a beginning. Lets see where it goes.
This weekend would normally be quiet. A lull in tourism. It will be even quieter because of the possibility of a storm.
I wanted to schedule dinner saturday with out of town friends. They could not make it. Decided to leave saturday morning because of the possibility of a bad storm.
Wise judgment.
The poor Hackley baby. William Hackley reported today: “Babe had a fever again.”
Asians many times appear smarter than we do. They may be. China, Japan, Taiwan, etc. They always seem to be a step ahead in material development.
Singapore announced that within several weeks it will start using driverless cabs. A test. Only six. If the program works, Singapore believes it will reduce 900,000 vehicles a day on their roads to 300,000.
Uber has announced it will soon start testing driverless taxis. In Pittsburgh.
Key West? We threw Uber out! Interestingly, the congestion study referred to earlier suggested as one means of cutting traffic down was to use Uber and other such companies.
Insanity carried to an extreme. I am into alligators. I fear further injury and loss of life.
Insanity prevailed this past week in Bushnell, Florida. Reginald Blanton, age 76, has a horse farm. He was walking in the field with several horses. His 58 year old step son Jack Hildreth was with him.
An alligator came upon the scene. Started jumping for the horses who were panicking. Reginald was carrying. A 9 mm handgun. He put two bullets in the alligator’s head. The alligator was not dead. Stepson Jack was eight feet away from the alligator. The alligator leaped up and at Jack. In one leap, got one of Jack’s legs between his jaws.
Reginald shot the alligator again. The alligator subsequently died.
Alligators no longer are an endangered species in Florida. However there is a law that a person cannot shot/kill an alligator unless licensed to do so.
Reginald had no such license. He was arrested. A felony carrying a five year sentence.
Lets stay with alligators for a moment. Yesterday, an alligator was seen with a man’s body in his mouth. Florida’s Lake Hunter. A witness called it into the police. The police saw the alligator and body also.
My column in this week’s Konk Life is Teaching To The Test Fails. It appeared on E-Blast this morning. The column was also linked to my Key West Lou website this morning.
Another example of insanity. The pure unadulterated human kind again. Phoenix airport this past week. Nine year old boy traveling with his parents. Frequent travelers, including the child.
The boy was born with four heart defects. He has had 15 surgeries. A 16th is scheduled to be done soon.
He has a pacemaker. Ergo, unable to go through usual screening. The parents have the necessary documentation from TSA providing for alternate testing. The documentation also spells out how it is to be done.
The TSA official said no good. Child must go through normal security or he will not travel. An exemption required.
Everyone got in the act. The Homeland Security officer in charge, several other TSA officers and a handful of police officers. Many carrying guns and lasers.
Everyone knew what to do. None knew anything. Each contributing something to the testing performed. Took an hour.
The child was scared. His parents have taught him to live with his disability. He gives it no thought. Not till Phoenix. Mother says child still bothered.
Enjoy your day!