Anne from Ithaca is a loyal follower of this blog. She commented on why I advised no blog yesterday. She gave me the benefit of the doubt. Thought because of the Orlando killings, I was saying nothing so people could ponder the event on their own before I expressed my thoughts.

Wish your observation was correct, Anne. Makes me look good. Thank you. Not the reason, however. I was tired.

This week’s KONK Life column is The Rape of Social Security. Researched it on saturday. Needed verification of some facts before writing. Rose at 6 yesterday morning to check the facts. Followed by putting the article together.

It was almost 11 when I finished. I was tired! Writing the blog would have been like climbing a mountain. Took a day off. Went to bed and slept till late afternoon.

I never knew of the Orlando disaster till late afternoon when I woke. Ergo, I cannot take credit for having made what Anne perceived as a thoughtful gesture.

Nevertheless, thank you Anne.

You do not need me to tell you the Orlando killings and injuries should not have been. The work of a radicalized young man. Anti-gay and anti-female. He had wrapped himself in his religion.

What blows me out is that the culprit was American born in New York City. Educated. Through college. Not some Muslim nut from the Middle East who somehow got into our country.

How did he get radicalized? My thought is the internet has to have been a major contributing factor. Information and contacts galore available 24 hours a day.

Yesterday was part of Gay Pride Week. The shootings occurred at a gay night spot. Pride Week being celebrated all over the United States. Including of course Key West.

Gays and straights alike wore black arm bands yesterday in Key West.

I want to stay with the Islamic mind/teachings for a moment. A Dutch woman was in Qatar. She had a drink at a bar. The next thing she remembers is waking up somewhere else. Waking up and discovering her body had been had. Raped. Suspects she was served a mickey at the bar.

She reported the incident to the police. They arrested her. The way it is in the Middle East. Women are not supposed to have sex outside marriage. If they do, it is automatically deemed to be the woman’s fault.

She was jailed in March. Tried this past week. Found guilty of illicit consensual fornication and drunkedness. Sentenced to a year in jail and three years probation. Sentence suspended. She is being thrown out of the country. Happily so.

They located the guy. Found guilty of illegal consensual sex and drinking alcohol. Got 100 lashes for the sex and 4o additional lashes for the drinking.

I would normally say these people are crazy. Muslims in general. However, I have seen the error of my ways and wish to be politically correct. Seriously so. Not all Muslims are driven by the thinking of the Orlando shooter nor the laws of Qatar. How do we distinguish between the good guys and the bad? Therein is the problem.

Trump’s comments following the killings off base. He shoots from the hip. Too volatile to be President.

Met Lynn Sherman at the Gardens last night. First time. She is an artist. A successful one. Her paintings sell. She paints fronts of homes on small canvases. She has had several showings at the Lucky Street Gallery.

An interesting woman. Good company.

My lesbian wives Donna and Terri are back in town. Ran into them saturday night at Tavern ‘n Town and last night at the Gardens. Glad they have opted to return. They add to the quality of Key West.

Met two interesting men at the bar at Tavern ‘n Town. Albert Sullivan and Richard Manley. One sitting to my left and the other to my right.

Albert is a physician-scientist. Richard the Manley of Manley de Boer for 40 years.

Humidity becoming a killer. Heavier each day. And it is only June!

Enjoy your day!



Happy Columbus Day!

Italian-Americans consider it their holiday. So do many other groups not Italian in any fashion.

Native Americans in recent years are claiming the day as theirs also. Properly so! Columbus promised to return with ships full of gold. He found no gold. To compensate, he took captured Indians back to Spain. The Indians were sold into slavery. He did this on two successive trips.

Columbus was not as nice a guy as thought.

This year, Columbus Day is October 12. Next year, October 10. In 2017, October 9. The reason is that Columbus Day by law is the second monday in October.

Oregon does not recognize Columbus Day. Why, I am not certain. A small Italian-American population perhaps? Or maybe they just do not like persons of Italian origin.

Speaking of Oregon, shame befell the state last friday. Obama visited to commiserate with the parents of the college students killed and to speak out against gun violence.

Gun supporters showed up. Hundreds or thousands depending which news release read. Signs and yells ridiculing the President. All an insult to the President. Signs like Go Back to Kenya, Obama Not welcome, Go Golf, and Go Home. Shouts of traitor and Benedict Arnold.

Respect, where have you gone?

The organizer of the gun supporters was Casey Runyan. A man with a checkered background. Not qualified to lead in any sense. Google him.

Needed Sloan in the afternoon. I could not tie together my KONK column. New material joined with a column I did two years ago. I am not computer literate. It took her all of 30 seconds.

This week’s KONK Life column is titled Worse Ever Congress. Can anyone argue with me?

Tavern ‘n Town last night. Since I never got out saturday night, I felt entitled to a good meal. I was not disappointed.

Judy bartending. A wonderful woman!

Michael Thomas entertaining. Three couples came in. Obviously on vacation. Sat at the corner of the bar near Michael. Ate and drank. Danced in between bites. A great sight, I thought. The six quietly enjoying their time away from home and responsibilities.

I was glad to see the U.S. win the President’s Cup. We have not been doing well in recent years against foreign competition. Close. 15 1/2 to 14 1/2.

Hillary came out for the Trans-Pacific-Partnership. Finally. She really is against it. Has supported the pact from day one. Politically unpopular for her to do so during a Presidential quest, however.

Obama supports the agreement, also. I do not understand why.

The agreement is nothing more than a license for other countries to steal from the U.S. It is next to impossible for the U.S. to compete. How can we against countries that pay workers significantly less per hour.

Bill Clinton got a similar type bill passed. Bush and Cheney supported the concept. Look at the results.

The pact is not good for America.

Volkswagen’s U.S. CEO appeared before a Congressional committee this past week. Apologetic. Eleven million cars involved. By his own testimony, it will take years to correct the problem.

The worst that will happen to Volkswagen is a stiff fine. A drop in the bucket compared to the profit they made over the years by failing to construct cars per the law.

The bad guys always seem to win.

Enjoy your day!