One of Key West’s most admired and respected persons is world famous author Judy Blume.

Today is Judy’s birthday. Happy birthday!

My daughters knew Judy Blume before me. Well before me. In their formative teen years. Judy wrote young adult novels. For the growing young lady. Issues like menstruation, self esteem, etc. She also wrote children’s books and adult novels.

Her books have sold over 80 million copies world wide and have been translated into 30 languages.

Judy and her husband George Cooper were instrumental with others in bringing Books & Books @ The Studios to Key West.

Judy can be found daily at Books & Books assisting visitors in making book selections.  Stop in today and wish her a Happy Birthday! Stop in any time to say hello.

Sunday means The Gardens. Kate Miano’s fabulous place.

I stopped by last night. Shocked! The most people I have ever seen attending the event. Ninety nine percent snowbirds. They have returned! Love Kate’s sunday party!

On the way home, stopped at Publix. I consistently run out of food frequently. Perhaps I never purchase enough at one time.

The past few days, I have had a desire for capicola. An Italian meat treat! Tasty. Bought a pound last night.

Capicola’s story interesting. More interesting, I made capicola while employed at a meat packing plant while in college.

Let me share my knowledge of capicola with you.

Capicola brought over from Italy. Referred to as capocollo in Italy.

Purchased at the store in its finished form as a fatty pork/ham cold cut surrounded by red pepper. Thinly sliced. The fat gives the meat a unique flavor.

Capicola is made from the pig’s muscle running from the neck to the fourth or fifth rib of the shoulder or neck.

The next few steps in the process not the same. Location alters the processing somewhat.

After cutting, the meat I dealt with was placed in huge jars of brine. Not sure the precise nature of the brine. Some said red or white wine, garlic and herbs. My recollection is that the room where the barrels were stored smelled good!

The brinning room was a large refrigerator. Not freezing. Merely cold. The room very large.

Row after row of the barrels. The barrels huge. Five or six feet tall. At least four feet wide. Made of wood.

The meat was marinated in the brine quite a while. Exact time, I do not recall. When the meat was ready for casing, the barrels were transported into another huge room.

That is where I came into the picture. My job was to stand on a ladder and remove the meat chunks one piece at a time. Did it with a meat hook. Had to be careful to put the hook into the right place on the meat. Otherwise, the meat would appear damaged and I could get fired.

I wore rubber gloves. No thin plastic gloves as we have today. My hands hot inside the gloves. The reason being the cooking ovens were in the same room and immediately next to where I was working.

I took the hooked meat off the hook and rolled it by hand in a large pan containing red pepper. Then I threw the piece on a large table below me. There a dozen or so workers were placing the meat in casings. Hands and small machines required for the operation.

The pepper would get in the gloves. Between the pepper heat and heat from the ovens, the skin began flaking off my hands. I was transferred to another job.

Once cased, the product was placed on huge trees and then sent into the huge ovens to cook. The ovens each the size of a room. After cooking, removed and allowed to hang several days to cool before delivery to stores for sale.

The owners of the meat packing house were good people. Employees were permitted to eat any of the meats produced for lunch. We normally went for the capicola or hot fresh ham warm as it came out of the ovens. A feast!

Syracuse survived yesterday against Wake Forest. Won 78-70. Syracuse has to win almost all of its remaining games to make the NCAA Tournament.

Trump coming out with his infrastructure plan today. $1.5 trillion. He has the ideas, but not the money. I understand he will suggest the federal government put  in 20 percent. The rest to be paid by the States, local governments, and private investment. The last meaning selling or leasing roads and bridges to private corporations.

The Feds do not have the money. However, I believe it has to come primarily from the federal government. It always has. The States and local governments are broke. Where would they get the money?

Private sector participation a no no from my perspective. It would be like using mercenaries to fight our wars, contracting out various federal jobs, and privatized jails.

It does not work. As we are slowly finding out, costly and full of improprieties and wrongdoing.

Trump is looking to private corporations to fund most of the repair/reconstruction work. I have seen how this works in Italy. The roads and bridges are beautiful. No pot holes anywhere. Most roads tolled. Expensive to travel. The toll charges not cheap. As a result, most Italians look for narrow country roads to travel.

Another Trump folly, mistake, not thought out plan, in the making.

Enjoy your day!

1950’s MILK MAN

The Keys History section in this morning’s Key West Citizen has several 1943 photos of Adam’s Dairy. One of the photos is that of a milk bottle.

Milk back then was contained in a glass bottle. As was chocolate milk and orange juice. No plastic cartons.

I was a milk man in 1959 while attending law school. I was at the dairy at 3:45 in the morning loading my truck. Left the dairy for my first delivery 4:15. Finished the run in time so I was seated for the start of my first class at the law school at 9.

Two recollections of the job.

I learned how to carry five glass bottles of milk in one hand. Three through the fingers and two in the palm. Impresses me to this day.

The other was that I had to drive the milk truck standing. Not easy. Took me a while to get it down.

The clutch and brake were the same pedal. Down a certain distance, the clutch. Further, the brake. Both close. If I went down too far and inadvertently hit the brake, disaster could occur.

One time the suddenness of the braking caused the cases of milk behind me to rapidly pitch forward pinning me against the front window. Bottles flying out the open doors. The truck stopped on its own in a field down the road. Thank God for the field.

Milk flowing down the street. Broken glass all over.

In addition to the clutch/brake pedal, one had to shift with the right hand.

Those were the days. No school loans. Work. Worked your way through school while going to school.

Prepared for tonight’s blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Topics include the Washington scene, Russian protestors, James Bond in Key West, March Madness, $10 trillion missing from Pentagon, spinach leaf replacing heart tissue, and more.

Join me at 9 my time for a fast moving and revealing half hour. www.blogtalkradio.com/key-west-lou.

My first stop last night the La Concha bar.

Then on to Books & Books for the Kay Redfield Jamison lecture re her latest work concerning the poet Robert Lowell. A review of his bipolar disorder.

Judy Blume did an excellent job in getting Jamison to come to Key West and putting the talk together. The crowd was huge. Twice the usual size.

After the lecture, hurried over to Donna and Terri’s for dinner. Donna an outstanding cook. Pot roast last night.

Terri’s adopted son and his lady friend with us. They are visiting for a week.

Adopted son threw me off. The adopted son is 35. White.

Terri explained that years ago when he was a small person, he would stand daily outside Radio City Music Hall. Trying to get in. Terri was performing. She was opening for Liza Minnelli.

After seeing him for several days, Terri confronted him and the rest is history. He now lives and works in New Haven.

Diana Millikan has a friend of consequence arriving today for a visit. Business and pleasure. Robert Labrousse is the Haitian Minister of Haitians Living Abroad.

Robert and Diana first met in Paris in 1966. Robert was a U.S. Army MP at the time. They renewed the acquaintance during the years Diana lived in Haiti.

Robert will be in Key West for three days. Socializing with Diana and meeting with local Haitians.

The athletic event of the year takes place saturday. For those in the best of shape. The Cow Key Bridge Zero K Run.

The bridge is 300 feet long. The distance of the run. More than 1,000 will participate. Most will walk. Most will be costume attired. The winner’s time will be around 40 seconds. The winner will have run.

Only in Key West!

Enjoy your day!




Judy Blume has arranged a big one for Books & Books tonight. Kay Redford Jamison discussing her newest book: Robert Lowell, Setting The River On Fire.

A rather unique presentation. The famed poet Robert Lowell was bipolar. Jamison is bipolar. As well as being Professor of Psychiatry at John Hopkins.

Six tonight for a most interesting discussion.

After Jameson, I will be off to Donna and Terri’s. Donna cooking. Her famous pot roast. Juicy and tender.

Yesterday another lazy one. A bug must have recently bitten me.

I did get out of the house. Drove up to No Name Pub for lunch. Love the place!

Later in the afternoon, watched North Carolina/Kentucky. A game! North Carolina won by 3. Great basketball. Kentucky on its way to the Final Four.

Oregon a part this year of the Final Four, also.

March Madness had its birth this day in 1939. The first NCAA Tournament. Oregon beat Ohio State.

It was doubtful Oregon would make the Final Four this year. Congratulations to them.

Russia experienced 99 separate protests over the weekend. In its cities and towns. Unusual. Especially against Putin. Putin does not tolerate opposition. Several opposing political leaders have died under strange circumstances the past two years. Their deaths thought to be Putin ordered.

Now street protests. Will Putin call out the tanks as the Soviet Union did in Hungary in the 1950’s?

Is Russia experiencing an Arab Spring as Egypt did?

My gut tells me Trump has an involvement. I suspect the negative Trump/Russia dialogue in the U.S. is working against Trump in Russia.

Hemingway left his mark on Key West. For which we are all glad.

Many the words he wrote or spoke became memorable quotes. One I especially enjoy involves love: Stop chasing the wrong one, the right one won’t run.

Words of wisdom!

On this day in 1998, the band played and the drums roared. The FDA approved Viagra. The first oral medication to treat erectile dysfunction.

Harry Truman again. Never forget, Truman loved Key West and Key West loves Harry Truman.

Truman spent 175 days over 11 trips enjoying Key West. On this date in 1952, Truman left Key West for Washington following a three week vacation.

Enjoy your day!


I enjoyed a few drinks with David last night at the Chart Room.

While we were talking, a couple approached. Tim and Maureen from Tennessee to say hello. We met for the first time last March.

Our conversation revealed we had mutual Key West friends.

Nice people. Glad they stopped by. They are Key Westers in the making. Told them to buy a house!

Prior to the Chart Room, I had a doctor visit at 4. Then a drink at Square 1. Bocce friend and Square 1 chef Jay came by to chat. He leaves today or tomorrow for Park City, Utah to snowboard.

A stop followed at Studios of Key West. The new art gallery is fantastic! Loved it! The work being shown Martiini, the artist who works with metal. Many of his pieces large and magnificent. As were the prices. Wow!

I make the money observation because I purchased two of Martini’s works about 20 years ago. Large pieces. In the $200-300 range. None even close to that price range today.

A work by Christine Cordone was hanging. A lovely water color.

Then walked across the street to listen to Judy Blume speak on behalf of the Friends of Key West Library. The line was long. Wrapped around the block as far as the eye could see. I was not in the mood to wait in line. Skipped Judy Blume.

Walked Duval a bit. The new CVS in place of Fast Buck Freddie’s not as bad as I thought it would be. Yet, no where Fast Buck Freddie’s windows. A part of Key West lost forever.

Ran into Guy deBoer. He was sitting in front of the cigar store on Duval a few doors past St. Paul’s. He was writing today’s E-News Blast.

Earlier, I was driving down Duval towards the Pier House. A tourist woman on a bicycle in front of me. In front of her, an electric cart of tourists. Tourists are easy to recognize.

We had to stop for the light at Caroline. The woman on the bike went around to the side of the electric cart. She proceeded to berate the hell out of the driver. No question, she was mad!

She was telling him he came within a foot of her as he drove past. I smiled. A foot is a lot of room on Duval. Especially around 5 in the late afternoon.

The World Almanac Section in this morning’s Key West Citizens notes  the British burned down the Library of Congress and its 3,000 volumes in 1814. A new Library to be built. No books, however. The World Almanac indicated the government purchased Thomas Jefferson’s library of 6,487 books.

The reason for the purchase not mentioned.

Congress authorized the purchase because Jefferson was broke. He laid in bed dying a bankrupt in effect. Congress properly felt an obligation to one of our nation’s founders. Ergo, the purchase.

My blog talk radio show tonight. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine my time. Join me. Interesting topics. Cutting edge. www.blogtalkradio.com/key-west-lou.

I have to hustle. Back to the doctor’s at 8:30. Fasting blood work.

Enjoy your day!



In January 1898, the Battleship Maine left Key West for Havana. The Maine arrived on this date in Havana. On February 15, 1898, the Maine was blown up in Havana harbor.

Many American sailors died. Many are buried in Key West Cemetery.

The American people were aroused. The cry…..Remember the Maine, to Hell with Spain!

The Spanish-American War was inevitable.

I spent most of the day time yesterday writing this week’s KONK Life column. Yankee Doodle Dandy. The column is not merely a recitation of verses, it is an explanation of what the words mean. In addition, a showing of how the tune came to bite the British in the ass.

The column publishes in KONK Life wednesday.

I could not do two things at once. Had to turn off the TV thereby missing the New England/Denver game. I caught the last minute. Exciting!

I felt sorry for the Patriot’s point kicker. His first miss in 524 tries. The point might have made a difference in the ultimate outcome of the game.

Syracuse lost to Virginia last night. 73-65. Oh, my Syracuse!

Syracuse played well against #13 Virginia. Around the middle of the second half, the game was tied.

Virginia definitely the better team in spite of how well Syracuse played. They have it all. Offensively and defensively.

A major Syracuse problem is the lack of a big man. The opposition keeps getting the ball into the post.

Dinner at Roostica. The sunday night special. Spaghetti and meat balls. Just like grandmother made.

The Kelly McGillis Flag Football Classic gets underway tonight. The ladies meet at Aqua. An excellent place to get things going.

Judy Blume is an author extraordinaire. Her books have sold over 85 million copies world wide. Blume is a Key West resident.

Tonight at 6, Blume is speaking as part of the Friends of Key West Library Series. The Key West Theater, 512 Eaton Street.

Divorce made easy.

Modern America now has no fault divorce.

In days of old, Henry VIII came up with his own method. Behead the women!

Islamists make it extremely easy for the man to divorce. He looks at his wife and says three times…..I divorce you. It does not work the same for the ladies. They are required to go through the court process.

The Smiths are in the news. Larry and Christine.

Larry plays tonight at The Little Place Jazz Club. 8:30. Larry is one of Key West’s finest performers.

Christine’s fame initially as a teacher and singer. She is professionally known as Christine Cordone.

In recent years, she added painting to her retinue. Christine has an exhibit scheduled for February 4 at Art @ 830 on Caroline. Great watercolors!

Enjoy your day!






Great writers have found their way to Key West over the years. Judy Blume one of them. Judy calls Key West home. Still writes. Her books have sold 88 million volumes.

She is the icon of children, teen and adult fiction. Her writing personal. Especially her earliest works which were and continue to be helpful to young ladies world wide. Her books concerned issues facing young women growing up. Things like periods, birth control, and anxiety about bra size.

Her early works were censored. They were penned at a time when sex and puberty were not matters for public discussion.

Today’s Guardian carries an interesting article. Titled The Ten Best Judy Blume Quotes. I never read the Judy Blume books for young ladies. Periods and bra size were never my concern. The quotes indicate the need for what she wrote and what I missed. Missed I believe as a father. The matters she wrote about were better left to mother.

Some of the quotes set forth in The Guardian.

“I don’t think I’ll ever get married. Why would I? All it does is make you miserable.”

“Like my mother said, you can’t go back to holding hands.”

“That’s not a bad word…hate and war are bad words, but fuck isn’t.”

“Are you there God? It’s me Margaret. I just told my mother I want a bra. Please help me grow, God. You know where.”

My KONK Life column this week was published yesterday. It is carried in today’s E-Blast and has been linked to my website keywestlou.com. Titled We Lost Our Way. About screw ups which reflect our moral compass has been lost.

Greece. My Greece. Woe!

Greece is and has been since 2010 a nation under occupation. Economically. The Euro nations dictating policies and priorities. In every conceivable way. Micro managing. The noose was placed around Greece’s neck. The Euro nations led by Germany squeezed Greece tighter and tighter.

Blame not Greece alone. The Eurounion bears responsibility. It has had the governmental control of Greece in hand for five years. Things have not gotten better in that time. Worse, actually.

Enjoy your day!




I am late getting started this morning. Had to be at the hospital early. Heart CAT scan. Part of annual check up.

The Keys History Section  in this morning’s Key West Citizen made mention of houseboat row. A part of yesterday’s Key West. A series of houseboats were tied off South Roosevelt Boulevard. In the area now fronted by an expensive condo complex.

The boats were of all sizes and shapes. Young and old. Some tied in a line. Others, helter skelter. A beautiful sight! A slice of the real Key West.

The houseboats were parked illegally. The State told them to get out. It took more than 25 years before the State succeeded. Most of the houseboats moved to Garrison Bight.

I loved the houseboat scene! I was disappointed when they were finally forced to move. A real Key West site forever lost.

I like the condos. The pristine water view where the houseboats once stood. However, it is Naples to me. I did not move to Key West to live in a Naples environment. I wanted to live in Key West time as my friend Howard Livingston would say.

Watched Jeb Bush yesterday. His Presidential announcement great show. Well orchestrated. One of the best I can recall.

I do not think Jeb Jush has it to win. The Bush family argument does fly. His comments from another time. He is out of today’s loop.

Bush lacks charisma. A necessary ingredient in a national and TV campaign. John Kennedy would not have won without it. Bush does not have it.

Judy Blume still on the road. She is touring introducing her latest book In the Unlikely Event. She is presently on the west coast. Every where she speaks, she is well received. a respected woman. a woman with a talent.

We await Judy’s return to her Key West home.

I started yesterday on the anti-gravity treadmill. I took it slow because of my recent sciatica problems.

Drove over to the Cuban Coffee Queen afterwards for Cuban cheese toast and coffee. I parked behind the new fire station on Simonton.

Key West has crazy parking machines. One gets a ticket out of the machine which is then placed on the dashboard of the car. There are two machines in the parking lot. Next to each other.

Both were broke. A City employee was trying to fix them. Success was not coming easy.

I stood around five minutes so I could get a ticket. No ticket on the dashboard and I would get a ticket! The gentleman from the City saw me standing there. He asked how much time I needed. I told him 1.5 hours. He said, ok. Be back by 1:30. I am calling in so no tickets will be given out till 1:30.

I asked…..Are you sure? No problem he retorted.

When I returned at the specified time, he was still working on the machines. I gave him a thumbs up and smile. He returned the same with a wave and smile.

A nice guy.

Big basketball tonight! Cavs and Warriors. Cavs have to win. Otherwise, it is all over for them.

My blog talk radio show tonight, also. Nine my time. Join me for some interesting comment. www.blogtalkradio.com/key-west-lou.

Topics tonight include getting drunk on the front steps of your home not public intoxication, another police assault involving a 13 year old boy, why big company and government computers are being hacked, banks involved with FIFA scandal being investigated for failing to report money laundering activities, some Jeb Bush, an Austrian brothel owner who is protesting high taxes on his business by offering free sex in the afternoons, a Greece update, and more.

Enjoy your day!


Key west has had Ernest Hemingway, Tennessee Williams, and other famous writers. The run continues. One of today’s is Judy Blume.

Judy Blume is a young vibrant 77 year old. Two days ago, she published her most recent book In The Unlikely Event. Her 29 published novels have sold 86 million copies world wide.

Judy is also known as the Fairy Godmother of Puberty. Early in her career, she wrote books for young girls . Regarding topics young ladies confront. Menstrual periods, sex, religion, etc.

Her early books on sex related subjects were banned in some quarters. The thought was too much knowledge for young girls/ladies.

Respected and loved. Another Key West luminary.

My yesterday started with the anti-gravity treadmill. Still not up to speed. Going cautiously. Tomorrow, I will blow it out.

Then to the Cuban Coffee Queen. Cuban cheese toast and coffee. Spent about two hours. Reading the newspapers and watching people come and go.

Bocce party tonight! At Don’s Place.

Fourteen teams comprise the thursday bocce league. Five of those teams have combined to have an additional competition. Sort of side bet. Those are the money games.

We won this season! Don’s Place. It has been four years since we last won.

The party is fun. There are trophies for everything. Even one for the most obnoxious (for want of a better term). It is known as the Larry Smith Award. I won it once. Though I do not consider myself obnoxious. Not even close. I think they wanted to give me something and the award was the only one left.

Don’s Bean Bag Throwing Tournament was last saturday. I keep referring to Key West as the place where adults come and become children again. Two sixty year olds won the contest. Don and David.

Life can be difficult. It has its moments. An event happened in Syracuse this week evidencing it.

A couple, 41 and 36, were having sex. They mistakenly used industrial glue instead of lubricant. Stuck together! Emergency people called. The couple were delivered to the hospital joined and bare ass.

An embarrassing moment!

I keep waiting for a story about the man who took Viagra and had a problem after four hours. Does it really happen?

Enjoy your day!