I will be shocked if at the end of the season, Key West merchants complain. The season appears to be a gigantic success. People, bicycles and cars. Everywhere! Everyone smiling.

As it should be.

Last night was simple. First, Don’s Place. Conversation with Don, Jimmy, John and Keith. Bocce and golf the subject matter. Then Don and I to Tavern ‘n Town for dinner.

I love talking about Harry Truman. He is as important to Key West’s history as Ernest Hemingway and Tennessee Williams.

The Key West Citizen’s History portion this morning had a picture of Truman and Speaker Sam Rayburn taking a walk in Key West. Sometime in November 1948. Truman was dressed Key West style. A colorful sport shirt.

The walk took place on one of Truman’s 11 visits to Key West. He spent a total of 175 days here.

Angus. Angus. Angus. One of the nicest guys in town. No one would dispute me. Angus spends time at Don’s Place, plays bocce and works as bar manager at Schooner Wharf. This morning’s E-Blast carries a couple of pictures of Angus on St. Patrick’s Day taken at Schooner Wharf.

This is amazing! I have been talking for three years about Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro. He’ the guy who ran out of toilet paper, milk and condoms. Plus, all kinds of foodstuffs. The Venezuela people suffered and continue to suffer.

I am surprised the people have not yet revolted. Things are that bad.

Maduro needed a scapegoat so as Venezuelans would not think he was responsible. He found one. The United States. He blames us for everything. His present complaint/warning is the United States is assisting in a coup and planning to invade Venezuela. The guy is a nut!

Over the three years, I have compared Maduro to Castro. Castro blamed all of Cuba’s evils for 50 years on the United States. Cuba and Venezuela are close. Best friends.

Raul Castro spoke out yesterday in defense of  Maduro and Venezuela. Regarding the United States, he said it was “…..impossible to seduce Cuba or intimidate Venezuela.” Said by Castro while Cuba and the U.S. are negotiating a reunion.

Everyone crazy!

On this day in 2003, Bush 2 announced the beginning of Operation Iraqi Freedom. The map of the Middle East changed as a result. Wars became commonplace. No weapons of mass destruction were found.

Thank you, Mr. President. Iraq is your legacy. Sad because you did do good in many other areas. Mark Anthony’s words at the time of Caesar’s death come into play. As I recall…..The good men do is interred with his bones, the evil lives on forever.

I have to hustle. Have a haircut appointment this morning. Parking has become a big time problem under the new parking rules. I need extra time to find a proper parking place.

Enjoy your day!





I mentioned yesterday that Raul Castro wants Guantanamo back. Otherwise, there cannot be successful reconciliation talks. Someone wrote me and commented that Cuba has not cashed U.S. rent checks for a log time. I did some checking.

The story.

A lease was entered into between the U.S. and Cuba in 1901.The U.S. leased a 45 square mile area on Guantanamo Bay. It was “to be used for a coaling station.”  A place to refuel Navy vessels. The U.S. was given complete jurisdiction and control over the area per the Cuban Constitution. The U.S. Senate tacked on the Platt amendment in approving the agreement. The Platt amendment gave the U.S. the right to maintain a military base on the island.

Fidel Castro came to power. He wanted Guantanamo back. For 55 years, the U.S.  government has sent a check each month for $4,085 to Cuba as the rental payment per the agreement. Castro has refused to cash the checks. Castro and Cuba refuses to recognize the legitimacy of the 1901 lease.

I have taken the time to set forth the background information I discovered because of Raul Castro’s position yesterday that Guantanamo was to be returned to Cuba as a condition of any reconciliation.

The Charles Eimer’s wrongful death case has been settled. For $900,000. A good result for both sides in view of the questions involved. Darren Horan did a top notch job as attorney for the Eimer’s family in obtaining the settlement. He never gave up.

I learned the City only carries $1 million in liability coverage. Stupid! How can a city such as Key West have so little? The City is pinching pennies where big dollars can be involved. Key West wastes money on over priced construction projects, because of poor judgment, etc. At the very least, the City should carry an excess policy for $5 million. Otherwise, taxpayers continue to be at risk. An excess policy is relatively cheap.

On my tuesday blog talk radio show, I mentioned rising sea levels and the danger to islands. Especially here in the Florida keys. It is anticipated islands will be encroached upon. Some may disappear. This morning’s Key West Citizen coincidently carried an article re the topic.

Key West is the third ranked city nationally with population vulnerability because of anticipated rises in sea level. The sea level has risen in the keys 9 inches in 100 years. The article mentioned that experts expect the level to rise 3-7 inches by 2030. Then, 9-24 inches by 2060.

Interesting. The problem is many do not believe such will occur.

Busy morning yesterday. A haircut with Lori. I was there 1/2 hour early for my appointment. The problem is parking under the new rules. I left early in case I had a long walk from the car to Lori’s. I lucked out and found a spot a half block away.

Then to Tammy’s for a manicure. Parking a problem again. The shopping mall’s lot full. I had to park on the street in front of Bank of America.

Key West has a distinct problem. Too many cars and too few parking places. Too many cars also for the number of streets in Key West. The problem easy to recognize. The solution not.

I end on a happy note. About a week ago, I advised I was stalemated on my diet. Had been stuck at 27 pounds for two weeks. The problem corrected itself. I lost 3 more pounds this week. The total, 30 pounds in 11 weeks. What a good boy am I!

Enjoy your day!




Raul Castro announced yesterday that a new relationship with the United States was conditioned on the U.S. giving back Guantanamo and paying reparations for 50 years of separation from the U.S. I think we should throw in the Empire State Building, also.

It appears Cuba may not want to dance.

Guantanamo actually belongs to Cuba. We were only leasing it. When trouble started, we kept it. A legal argument may exist. Reparations, forget.

Castro Cuba was and still is friends with Russia. The U.S. and Russia keep making moves against each other. Especially, economically. It could be Castro doing his friend Putin a favor.

A great evening last night! I was out with the Reardons. Dan and Lisa. They own a restaurant in Skaneateles, NY and are snowboards. They spend two months a year in Key West.

We started at the Chart Room with a drink. Then across the street to the Hot Tin Roof for dinner.

The Hot Tin Roof was packed. The streets loaded with tourists. Both signs the season has definitely arrived.

The elected officials who run Key West have a propensity to do stupid things. The season is upon us and two main blocks in downtown Key West are under repair. One on Duval, the other on Simonton. Both blocked off 24 hours a day. I had to make two different detours within four blocks of the Pier House. So did everyone else. Which added to the traffic and aggravation situation.

Termites have always been a problem in Key West. Homes are tented and bombed to do away with the little devils. They are called drywood termites.

This morning’s Key West Citizen reported another type termite in Key West and the lower keys. The Asian subterranean termite.

This termite does not get its beginnings in the wood of a building. It generally starts under the ground. It needs dirt. Then it moves up into a building. Tents are of no assistance. Pesticides must be injected into the dirt. The termite is reported to be more dangerous and damage causing than the dogwood.

The Asian subterranean termite arrived on Stock Island sometime in the 1990s via a boat. It has since traveled to New Town and up the keys as far as Big Coppitt.

One thing about living on a sub-tropical island is that we have a lot of bugs. All kinds. However and to the credit of those who deal with them, a good job is done keeping the bad guys under control.

Enjoy your day!




I watched sunrise this morning. A Key West sunrise. It was not planned. I was up. Looked out the window and there it was breaking clean over the horizon.

Interesting I should have caught it this morning. Last night, I enjoyed Fiddler on the Roof for the zenith time. Sunrise, sunset…..

Another beautiful Key West day. This past week has been unusually good for this time of  year. May it last and what ever winter we were to have let it be behind us.

Got a pedicure yesterday. From Tammy. Lee Nails was unusually busy. Every chair taken for whatever service, every staff person working. I told Tammy she was getting rich. As I often state, she and her husband personify the American dream.

All the years I have been in Key West, there should be little I do not know about the island. Something new popped up yesterday. The Quantum Boat Races.

I know the races are here every year. I go to the waterfront to see the sailboats tied up. I have never seen a race, however.

I went to Fort Zach. Figured I would stand at the point where the rocks and beach meet. A perfect spot for watching the races. So I thought.

No way! The boats do not race/sail near shore. They are way out. Mere specs on the horizon.

Strange and not so strange things happening internationally.

We are negotiating with Iran  re nuclear arms. A big time long time process. The whole world knows. Putin continues to be smart and Iran says we do what we want to do.

Tuesday an agreement was signed between Russia and Iran. A military cooperative deal. A joint response to U.S. interference. They pledged cooperation in the “struggle.” The struggle referring once again to the interference of foreign forces in  the region. Primarily, the United States.

Query: Is Iran  dealing in good faith with the U.S. in the nuclear talks? Many think not. I am one of them. They are buying time.

Then yesterday Speaker Boehner made a startling announcement. Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu will shortly speak before Congress.

Foreign affairs have generally been left to the President to take the lead. Not Congress. Boehner may think we are screwing up the Iran talks. Perhaps. He may want to make the President look bad. Perhaps. Boehner invited Israel’s Netanyahu to speak before Congress. Netanyahu constantly warns not to trust Iran re nuclear weapons.

Netanyahu may be correct. Whether correct is not the issue. Boehner in this instance went over the head of the President with regard to an international matter. A no no.

With those thoughts, I leave you.

Enjoy your day!


The morning of what will be another good day in Key West!

Today’s Key West Citizen’s Day in History section made comment re Key West chickens. On this day in 2004, the City Commission appointed an official chicken catcher. An experiment that failed.

The contract with the chicken catcher was for 9 months. He would be paid $20 for each chicken captured. There was a limit of 900. At the time, it was estimated there were 2,000-3,000 free roaming chickens.

The chicken catcher captured 542. Considered to be roughly 25 percent of the chicken population. At that point, the chicken catcher packed it in.

He claimed the City leaders were not committed to the cause. He felt they were micromanaging by providing him with chicken lists which specified particular areas where he should do his catching. The chicken catcher found this difficult. Many chickens might be in  a particular area today, but not tomorrow. They moved at will. The chicken lists were useless. By the time he got to an area to catch them, they were gone.

The chicken catcher claimed Key West residents were not cooperative.  They would stomp on his traps and taunt him. The oral abuse was too much.

Another consideration was involved. Money. Chickens are an endangered species or have some sort of protected status in Florida. They cannot be killed. The chicken catcher was required to ship them to a chicken farm located somewhere in northern Florida. The chickens would spend their remaining days in chicken comfort. The cost of shipping the chickens north came out of the $20.

There are chickens in Key West to this day. They probably will be here for all time.

Where did the chickens come from? Two sources are suggested.

The first involves cock fighting. A big sport in the keys for years. It is said cock fighting matches still go on in the wooded mangrove areas away from highways and police. The chickens of today are the descendants of the chickens originally brought to the lower keys for cock fighting purposes.

The other source is that early on, chickens were part of the food chain. There were no super markets. People kept chickens for food and eggs. A number of today’s chickens are descendants of those chickens.

Personally, I do not like the chickens. They are dirty and I fear germ carrying. I will concede however they are lovely to look at.

On to professional football. When I first heard of the deflated ball problem and the Patriots a few days ago, my initial reaction was that whoever was involved should be barred from professional football for all time. The wrong as bad as that committed by the Chicago White Sox many years ago. However after watching many retired pro football players on TV commenting on the issue, it appears every team does it. If so, then the punishment, if any, should be nominal.

The NFL however must put means and rules in place that will prevent this from happening again. The whole matter leaves me with a sour taste.

We close with my diet. I finally lost another pound. I am thrilled. It is now 28 pounds I have shed. I look forward to 30, though I do not plan quitting at that number.

Enjoy your day!