Magellan sailed around the world hundreds of years ago in a boat constructed of wood.

A 75 foot replica of the ship Magellan sailed broke its rudder near Cudjoe Key. The Coast Guard came to the rescue. Minimal repairs were made. The ship is now docked at the Outer Mile Pole for further repairs.

How did Magellan make it without a Coast Guard? What did he do if and when a rudder broke? Did any repair facilities exist in the parts of the new world he explored?

You must admit. Quite a feat Magellan accomplished!

I finally got out yesterday!

Lunched at Geiger Key. Sat at the bar. Enjoyed looking at the people and view. In between sightings, read the newspaper.

Dinner was at Roostica. The last time there, I noticed the ladies at an adjoining table consuming an antipasto. The ladies and the antipasto both looked good! I ordered the antipasto last night. I suggest you order it the next time you are at Roostica. Beautiful to look at. Tasty to eat. Much too large for one person.  I took more than half of it home.

The Keys History section in this morning’s Key West Citizen contained an interesting note. Fifty years ago this March, total house sales for the month were $1,638,250. Today, many of the larger homes sell for that amount and more.

I am on my soap box again. Two short comments.

History does repeat itself. Many fail to recall. George Santayana said it best: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

The Supreme Court decision this week triggered much discussion re the financing of political campaigns. There is a simple solution. Have the government finance campaigns and limit the time for campaigns. It bothers me that the wealthy are able to exert so much influence in a campaign. Additionally, limit campaigning in a Presidential race to two months. We now are into a two year cycle for Presidential campaigns. Too much!

My book! My book! My book! Available for purchase on and The World Upside Down.

The Cow Bridge Race at noon today. My enthusiasm is waning. It is not the distance. It is the parking. I will probably have to walk a mile each way from where I park and return. Too much!

Enjoy your day!


What a winter! Key West weather has been better than usual. Spectacular!

Today, the temperature will be in the low 80s by day and low 70s by night. The days are warm with a touch of humidity. The evenings cool. Sleep with the windows open type.

It is blissfully calm at the moment. Nothing moving. No breeze. The water and palm trees still. The sun shining brightly on the multicolored MTV house across the way.

Another bad night last night! The audio for my blog talk radio show. I was advised by several it was choppy again. The past two weeks were good. I thought we had the problem licked. Apparently not. Back to the drawing board!

Some parts of the show did get through clearly. Post show comments indicate the Sandy Hook story generated the most feedback. Many concerned.There are nuts out there that are saying Sandy Hook did not occur. It was a put up job by the government and media to get better gun legislation.

If so, where did those twenty angels buried in Sandy Hook cemeteries come from?

Bad people, demented people, abound in every society.

My day was simple. A meeting downtown in the morning. The rest of the day spent at home organizing last night’s show which did not go through well. A lasagna dinner at Roostica. The show.

I have been on police enforcement’s ass of late. I believe cops have gotten too mighty (in their minds) and have deviated from proper paths. The courts too are a bit off also in that they seem to support the police when the police step out of line.

Be that as it may, something happened in Chicago last week that warrants telling. A 13 year old boy had left school with about 15 of his classmates. Lots of snow. A police car was parked nearby with the window open. The officer seated inside. One of the kids threw a snowball at the car/officer. The officer claims it hit his arm. The 13 year old says it was not him and, in any event, the snowball did not hit the police officer. It hit the car.

The 13 year old has been charged with a felony: Aggravated battery to a police officer.

Come on! The charge is heavy handed. What happened to the police officer getting out of the car and admonishing the kids. Better to have put the fear of God in them rather than arrest one with such a serious charge.

The 13 year old has never been in trouble, is a good student, has never been arrested, and is not part of a Chicago gang.

Enjoy your day!


I have a problem and can use some feed back. It involves my blog talk radio show Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Three weeks running, the audio appears to be screwed up. Some told me last night was ok the first 15 minutes and then started jumping from high to low and back to high again.

If any of you listened in, send me a comment/contact here to tell me of your experience. If you were unable to hear the show live and listen archived, let me know your experience, also.

Many thanks.

My day started with a haircut by/with Lori. She has been cutting my hair for 15 years. Whereas I have decidedly aged, Lori looks the same as she did 15 years ago. A lovely woman!

Spent some time afterwards reading the newspapers at the Plantation Coffee House. Such a relaxing place!

Dinner at Roostica. Lasagna. It has become a tuesday night pre-blog show event.

I noticed Duval was quiet yesterday. Lori’s was quiet. So too was Roostica. I asked Patty where the people were. She said this was an expected slow week.

It was not slow on the roadways with the bikers! This you will not believe. I was driving up one of the one way streets toward Duval. Came to an intersection. I had the right of way. Cross traffic had stop signs.

About 20-25 bicyclers were on the side street. I kid you not. That many! They ran the stop sign and made a left turn into my street. They were riding against me. Fortunately, I was able to stop as they rode by me on both sides of the car. Laughing, of course. Enjoying themselves.

Idiots! Said respectfully. I love  tourists!

Burmese pythons are in the news again. A true Florida problem. Especially in the Everglades. A bit in the Keys. The actual number is unknown. Quite high, however. The experts say there are so many that it is impossible to eradicate them. They eat people. Last year, one slid into a house and baby crib and devoured the baby.

A Miami Herald article said that in addition to the Burmese python, there are eight other invasive constrictor species. The article suggested something has to be done. The experts have not been able to come up with a solution. A present questionable solution involves banning their importation into Florida. A drop of water in the ocean, a grain of sand on a beach.

I question the judgment of some activist groups. In this instance, an animal rights group.

We all know Lolita. Many of us have seen her perform. Lolita is the giant whale at the Sea Acquarium in Miami. She has been there for 43 years. An animal rights group wants her freed into the ocean, returned to her natural habitat. After 43 years of being cared for like a baby, I question how long she would survive. Sometimes people carry their “good desires” too far.

Enjoy your day!



Today is a first. A first in a long time. Two years ago, I purchased Dragon. Dragon is the system whereby you speak and the computer types. Fingers are not required. I wear headphones with a microphone.

I tried the system two years ago. I could not get adjusted to it. I put it aside. I took it out again last week. Sloan has been working with me. She understands all these things that I do not. I wrote a chapter to my new book yesterday using Dragon. This is the first time I am doing a blog.

It’s like giving birth to a child!

If I can make it work and get adept, it will save me a lot of time.

The weather started off well yesterday. The morning was warm. Then it started raining. Off and on. Poured big time. Yesterday evening was a bit cool. Today definitely will be cold. The high today will be 64°. The low tonight 59.

I spent a part of yesterday finalizing last night’s blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. The show went well. I suspect I may have to enlarge the show from a half-hour to a full hour at some point. There does not seem to be enough time to do the type of show I want in a half hour.

My only venture out of the house yesterday was dinner at Roostica. Lasagna.

I have not been to Roostica  in a couple of months. The last time there I had a sorry experience with one of the waitresses. I usually sit at a table for 4 because I enjoy spreading out my newspapers. She had me move to a small table for two where the newspapers, glasses and dishes did not fit. Ergo, I have not been back in a while.

I was prepared to do battle with the waitress last night. No more moving. If I did move, it would be out the door. Fortunately, there was no confrontation. She was not there. My waitress was Patricia. A nice lady. She remembered me. She says you always order lasagna. I was happy. I had a friend.

Guns and gun laws continue to be screwed up. Where normally we have been averaging one school shooting every 11 days in the United States, the numbers have changed in the new year. For the worse. During the first 17 days of January, there were four school shootings. Additionally in the last 72 hours, there have been two university shootings.

One of the problems as we all know are the laws. The NRA, the legislators beholden to them, and people of the United States who do not understand what is involved, contribute to the problem. Florida is a state that is pro-NRA and pro gun.

The Key West Citizen ran an article a few days ago talking about a gun problem existing in the keys. The Key West Citizen reported that it is legal to shoot guns in Florida on residential properties if not done in a reckless manner, over a public road or occupied dwelling. Someone living in the Keys built a home made gun range in the back of his home. The gun range has been used by the property owner and his friends for three weeks. The neighbors are concerned. They have safety concerns. They have complained to the police. The police can do nothing

Florida’s a concealed carry state. Additionally, there are other laws which make it easy to use handguns most anywhere. In 1987, Florida passed a preemption law. The law said that only the state could determine laws with regard to guns. It prohibited local governments from having any say or regulation with regard to the use of guns.

The 1987 law had no teeth in it whereby local governmental officials could be punished if they tried to do something which would deviate from state gun laws. In 2001, good Governor Scott signed what might be described as the teeth law. The law provided that local elected leaders and police officials could be fined $5000 and/or be removed from office if they established gun regulations. Any gun regulations.

Thank you, Governor Scott!

When will we learn.

Enjoy your day!



Late with the blog today. Had my TV/internet show this morning. The Key West Lou Legal Hour. No reactions yet to the show. I am confident I will hear the plus and minuses before the day is out. I will report them to you tomorrow morning.

You Tube continues to be a learning experience for me. Every time I think I have it down, something else comes up.

I have previously advised that to watch the show on You Tube, enter Key West Lou on the site. Up pops my picture and show identification. I did this yesterday to see last friday’s show. It was on page 2 of the site. The shows were not in order. I had to search for the most recent one.

I complained to Krystal this morning. Turns out I did not understand the directions she had given me. Nothing new. New instruction is you type in Key West Lou and date of the show. Today’s will be Key West Lou 11/22/13. The show you seek will pop up as #1. The key is to enter the date of the show.

Note that my show is done on Friday. However, it is not available on You Tube till tuesday. Don’t ask me why. I do not know.

I was determined to get out last night. Stomach was still not right.

Stopped at Don’s Place first. Enjoyed a drink with David and Hershel. Hershel has the new book on order. Dave says he will be ordering his today.

Then to the Chart Room. Crowded! Turns out there is a wedding this weekend. A lot of the wedding party in the Chart Room. Emily was bartending and Peter was at the other end of the bar entertaining some ladies.

I met an interesting woman. Stephanie. 29. From Colorado. In the publishing business. It was a perfect match! I bored her with my book. Got into my blog. She does a blog, also. Though not daily. I checked it out this morning. Interesting. Nice appearing. Take a look. The blog is called Boots & Bacon.

Stephanie has a husband. Nick. I met him briefly. Merely to say hello.

Stephanie and Nick are here for the wedding. Friends John Paul and Tiffany. Magic sounding names.

I thought I should eat. I have not been doing much of that this week. A little illness is always good for weight loss. I have now lost 16 pounds.

I went to Roostica. Figured I would do it up good. I had a craving for lasagna. If you are going to cheat, you might as well do it big time!

Cheryl and Roger were there. Snowbirds. Returned to Key West last week. Interesting news. They no longer live in Kankakee (I am sure I spelled it wrong) outside Chicago. They bought a new home in Cape Coral, just outside Fort Myers. Cheryl and Roger plan on going back and forth during the year. Key West will always be in their blood. They will use their gigantic motor home to travel.

I am having dinner with a lovely lady this evening. Jenna.

Key West’s premier musician Larry Smith has been disabled a couple of weeks. He will continue in a disabled fashion for a few more. He had a double knee replacement. We spoke on the phone this afternoon. I plan on visiting him tomorrow.

Every one is family in Key West. Larry is still bed ridden. He has some sort of machine that has to be run almost constantly under his knees. It requires ice. A lot of it. Don visits Larry every day and brings with him the necessary ice. I spoke with Mary Deasy this morning. She told me she was going to be with Larry at 2 this afternoon to do something for him. Larry’s wife Christine has also been waiting on Larry hand and foot when not school teaching.

David and I were talking about Larry last night. Larry has been bow legged in recent years. Badly. Now he is straight legged. Which means he is taller. Probably two inches. It has to screw up Larry’s golf swing! Additionally, his pants will all be too long.

The book is out there! A week now. I know some are buying it. European orders thus far include China, Greece, and Italy. Many in the U.S. have requested the book. I am getting a slew of emails from people I do not even know telling me they have ordered the book. Most are aware of the book through this blog.

The World Upside Down by Louis Petrone. Available in ebook or paperback on and

Enjoy your day!




It can’t get any better. I refer to the weather. Key West is blessed this fall. Beautiful days.

At the moment, I can see the outside. I am sitting inside my kitchen looking out over the water and everything else. The water is still. As is the air. A small white cloud here and there. God is good type weather!

Makes me feel good.

I walked yesterday. Outside. On South Roosevelt Boulevard along the Atlantic Ocean. A bit humid. Made me sweat. My tee shirt was soaked when I was done.

Ate at Roostica on Stock island last night. Went specifically for the Wednesday night special. Baked chicken and potatoes. Just like Mom made!

Tomorrow morning is my TV/internet show. The Key West Lou Legal Hour. I spent time yesterday off and on working on the show. Interesting topics. The Washington fiasco, of course. Plus, my thoughts on the Alec Rodriquez situation.

Add to these two topics, the origin of the cocktail, women not persons under Canadian law till 1929, food stamps and the shut down, cameras soon to be on shelves in super markets, a recent study suggesting Oreos as addictive as cocaine and morphine, my continuation on government waste, and more.

The show is at 10 in the morning my time. It is available from Key West through Boca Raton on television via Comcast Channel 87 and U-Verse Channel 19. Via the internet world wide.

The government shut down and debt limit problems were disgraceful. The Republicans should be ashamed. Especially, Tea Party members. Reports indicate the shut down cost the economy $24 billion. Take it out of the pay of the Tea Party members in the House of Representatives.

Will it happen all over again in 2-3 months? I hope not. You never know however when it comes to politicians.

Bocce tonight. I am anxious to play.

Frankie, aka Frankie the Plumber, is generally my partner. The best player on our team. One of the best in the league.

Frankie had heavy heart surgery more than six months ago. Died twice on the table.

When he returned to playing bocce, he had lost it. He was not the Frankie of old when it came to the game. We felt sorry for him. He had to be bothered by it, though he never said a word.

I am happy to report Frankie is back! The past few nights we have played, he has been the Frankie of old. I am happy for Frankie. I am happy for the team. We need him!

Enjoy your day!





The Rose Tattoo was a mid 1950s movie. Starred Burt Lancaster and Anna Magnani. Lancaster was a big time hero type Hollywood star of that era. Magnani was an Italian star.

Magnai played a wild woman in the film. Lancaster loving and submissive to her. An unusual role for Lancaster. The movie won Magnani the Academy Award for Best Performance by an Actress.

The significance of the movie is that it was filmed in Key West.

Hal Wallis was the producer. During this week in 1954 he was in Key West scouting locations for the film.

The selected site was a small house on Duncan Street.

Duncan Street is key here.

Tennessee Williams wrote the play from which the movie was derived. Williams lived two blocks away on Duncan at the time. My lovely Lisa lives on Duncan today. Her home is three blocks from the Rose Tattoo house and two blocks from Tennessee Williams’ home.

The Rose Tattoo house still stands. Run down. Covered with unkept shrubbery. I believe it is presently a rental.

The Tennessee Williams house is owned by others now. The house looks terrific.

A lovely morning here in Key West. Sun shining. A few white clouds. Water green.

I spent my day time yesterday researching and writing. The writing has altered my life style. Most of my days lately are spent inside typing away.

It was the Chart Room last night.

Merri bartending. Notice I have spelled her name differently. One of my readers emailed me and told me her name was not spelled M A R Y. It was M E R R I. I asked Merri last night if it was so. Yes, she said. Merri is a loyal blog reader. I asked why she never told me I was misspelling her name. She said it made no difference to her.

Sat next to Brian. First time I met him. A Key West local. He works for a boat towing operation. An interesting business! I learned much from him. His company comes out to get you if you run out of gas or get stuck on a sand bar. They also do salvage work.

I wanted Italian for dinner. Stopped at Roostica on Stock Island on the way home. Enjoyed baked ziti. I have thus far eaten three pastas at Roostica. Lasagna, spaghetti and ziti. The pastas were all good. The sauce leaves something to be desired. Too light. Tends to be watery. I enjoy a thicker and more bodied red sauce. My Italian upbringing!

Roostica has been open less than a year. It is a gold mine. Always crowded. I must be the only one the sauce bothers. Actually the place is more of a pizza restaurant than pasta one.

You will recall when I returned from Italy in August, I flew Delta from Atlanta to Key West and seated next to me were Paul and his daughter Katlyn. Paul was a reservist and also a fire lieutenant in the keys. Katlyn a high school student. We had a great time. The conversation most enjoyable.

At the Key West Airport, Paul introduced me to his wife Tracey.

As I was eating, a woman came over and said hello. It was Tracey. She called over to Paul and Katlyn. Nice people all. I was happy to see them again.

Show time tonight! Blog talk radio! My show!

Join me at 9 for a half hour of interesting chatter about world events. Some topics eye openers.

Enjoy your day!


I have gained a few pounds since I returned from Europe. It is not the eating. It is the lack of exercise. I walked a lot on the trip.

Guilt has been added to the pounds. I decided to walk yesterday. Did the Home Depot for a while.

I have been writing three books at one time for the past couple of years. One is a series of short stories. I wrote a new short story yesterday afternoon. It is the tale of a deaf man who heard for the first time at age 40. Touching.

Following which I spent some time reviewing and finalizing my notes for last night’s blog talk radio show. It is all in the refining.

The show went well. I had some technical difficulties at the beginning. Started about 3 minutes late. It could be me. Sloan will be here this afternoon and we will run through the get on the air process again.

Topics last night included transgenderism as a civil rights issue, the Syrian problem which began as a civil war and now has the added dimension of being an oil battle between certain world powers, China owning all pandas in U.S. zoos, and Florida’s proposal to urine test high school athletes.

If you missed the show last night, it is archived and available 24 hours a day. Merely go to, hit the archive button and enter Key West Lou or Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou.

We live in changing times. Dramatically changing times. I fear that most world leaders and people do not realize it. There is a danger in failing to recognize changes which are rapidly occurring.

Two examples.

Syria. I say the United States should stay out. That is not the point of this comment, however. It is that our major support is from two nations who are no longer world powers. Great Britain and France. We are the only big guy left among the three. We must open our eyes and form alliances also with real major powers. The world is not only changing, it has changed.

The New York Times. I could not get into the Times on my tablet yesterday. I found out in the evening that it was off the air because it had been hacked. Hacked by the Syrian Electronic Army. The same army that successfully hacked in the recent past the Financial Times, the Washington Post, and Huffington Post. The same Army that sent out Twitter messages from Obama and Oprah Winfrey supporting Syria’s Assad.

The Times hacking and others mentioned are clear examples that wars need not be fought on battlefields to be effective.

Enjoy your day!


August and September are Key West’s rainy season. Yesterday was an example.

I was driving into Key West in the early afternoon. I had a 1:30 appointment with Lori for a haircut. It had not rained up to that point in Key Haven where I live. Threatened, but no rain.

When I was half way down the Boulevard, I ran into rain. It soon became obvious that it had been raining heavy in Key West for quite a while. The roads were flooding.

By the time I reached the parking lot behind Antonia’s, it was impossible to see more than 5-10 feet. I sat in my parked car waiting for the rain to stop. It did not. Finally, I said screw it! I was dressed for the rain. My blue rain slicker, a hat and crocs.

I stepped out of the car. My left foot was immediately covered with water. Above my ankle. It was at least 6 inches deep.

The whole parking lot was in that condition.

I walked to Lori’s. Got soaking wet on the way. My blue slicker finally had it. I have owned it for about 10 years. It has been everywhere with me, including Europe. A couple of holes developed in the neck line. I was drenched!

Lori’s hair dressing salon was taking on water. Towels were strewn on the floor on the street side to absorb the water as it came in.

Lori dried off my wet back.

The Key West Citizen reports items of local interest. Sometimes too much. Important national news is not always printed. I looked at this morning’s paper to read the Citizen’s report on yesterday’s deluge. Fully expecting it to be there. Nothing!

I returned home immediately. Had to finalize my notes for last night’s blog talk radio show.

I enjoyed an early dinner at Roostica’s on Stock Island. Lasagna. I could only eat half. There is another meal in the refrigerator.

Tuesday Talk With Key West Lou was a pain! Show time was 9. I could not get in. Apparently, technical difficulties at Blog Talk Radio’s end. After 15 minutes, I was able to connect via telephone.

I did an abbreviated show. Fifteen minutes. It irritates me when this happens. I had prepared for 30 minutes. I do not know how many were still tuned in. Few I would assume. Fortunately, the fifteen minutes are archived.

I probably talked too fast. I felt like I was in a race.I wanted to cover the Egyptian situation in detail. Also, the breast implant bomb story. I could only get a bit of each in.

The North Roosevelt Boulevard construction is a disaster. Two lanes into town. The return trip on Flagler.

This morning’s Key West Citizen reports the Key West City Commission voted last night to go to three lanes sometime in October. Two one way, the other in reverse. The disaster will continue and be greater! Guaranteed!

I have only two things scheduled for today. Sloan in the afternoon and babysitting at 5. I plan however to be out tonight. I need some Chart Room and Don’s Place.

Enjoy your day!



“She burned too bright for the world.”

Spoken of another Cathy. Cathy of Wuthering Heights.

The words befitting our Cathy.

Cathy Hollner was my friend. She was everyone’s friend in Key West. A lovely charming person.

I first met Cathy at La Trattoria. Probably where we all met her. Kathy was a bartender and waitress. Always a smile. Always a cheerful greeting. I sometimes went to La Trattoria for no other reason than to enjoy Cathy’s company. We had similar backgrounds. Both from upstate New York. She, Albany. Me, Utica. We agreed we hated northern winters. We agreed Key West was the place to be.

Cathy got sick about three years ago. What, I am not certain. Whatever, it was worthy of several operations, The first in Miami. The surgeries and ailment took their toll. She went from a good figured woman to pathetically thin. Non recognizable. That bad.

During her illness, we spoke a few times on the phone. She telephoned me last about a month ago. Just to talk.

I saw her last about two weeks ago in Publix. I almost did not recognize her. She was even thinner. Drawn. We hugged and kissed. She told me she was getting better. She had gained 10 pounds. I could not see it.

Cathy died a couple of days ago. Sad. Very sad. I hurt.

There is a service scheduled tomorrow at one in the afternoon. At an appropriate place. La Trattoria. I will be there. As will most of Key West.

On a happier note, today is Father’s Day. Happy Father’s Day to all who so qualify. We deserve such a day!

Yesterday was a quiet one for me. I read and watched the PGA. A tough course! Sloan snuck in for an hour. I am still learning how to post photos. Published a few to WordPress and Facebook. Anna stopped by to iron some shirts and shorts for me for Europe. I leave Thursday.

For whatever reason, I thought I was leaving Wednesday. Good thing I checked my itinerary. I can see myself standing at the Delta counter at the airport saying there must be some mistake…..can you get me on anyhow?

Florence and Venice have been added to the trip. Both places will be a first for me.

It was bocce banquet time last night at Turtle Krall. I was not up to it. Too much partying recently. Needed a light meal and sleep. No drinking.

I had dinner at Roostica. A strange sounding name. It is Bobby Mongelli’s new Italian restaurant on Stock Island. Second time I have gone.

Outstanding! Roasted chicken and potatoes. Just like my mother used to make.

The place was packed. Tables turning over. Bobby’s got another winner. He also owns Hogfish.

Today a special time in Key West history. The 45th anniversary of the Chart Room. A celebration party is scheduled from 5-8. I will be there. I would not miss it.

Marty, I hope you come in for the party! I have not seen you in ages.

Enjoy your Sunday!