Terri White Sings! Tonight at Aqua. She is guest performer at Dueling Bartenders. Singing with regulars Tom Luna and Rick Dery.

I am Terri’s chauffeur. Donna working.

Yesterday, I made mention that an alligator had been sighted and photoed at the Boca Chica Naval Base. There were thought to be a total of five.

Crocodiles are an endangered and protected species. I worry about that factor. They have to be dangerous. I would be concerned if I saw one and run the other way.

Alligators are supposed to be different. I do not know if endangered and protected. However saturday at Moss Park in Orange County, a ten year old girl was sitting in the shallow lake. An 8′ 9 ” alligator bit her knee and calf.

Recall the situation that occurred at Disney World last June. A two year old boy was seated on the edge of a lagoon. Attacked and killed by an alligator.

Such scenarios make me nervous. For family, friends and even those I do not know.

Ten days ago, I wrote how Martha Washington was not the most helpful/cooperative wife a President could have. Mention was made she did not attend George’s swearing in in New York City.

The inaugural ball was in New York City, also. One week later. Once again, Martha remained home in Mount Vernon. Whether George was upset, we do not know. History tells us the new President had a wonderful time. History further tells us Washington enjoyed dancing. He danced all night.

Key West’s beloved Harry Truman. His birthday is celebrated today. He was born this day in 1884.

Happy Birthday, Mr. President!

Watched some of the Wells Fargo PGA golf tournament yesterday afternoon. An impressive victory by Brian Harman. His second. His first in 2014.

The last hole determined Harman had the lowest score. He was facing a 3 way playoff. Harman sank a 28 foot putt on the 18th to secure sole first place and the victory.

Enjoy your day!





It was dinner last night with Jenna Stauffer. At the bar at Berlin’s.

It had been a while since we were last together. A lot of catching up to do. Re her life. Mine boring in comparison. Jenna is 30. Her career progressing well. She bubbles with enthusiasm when talking about it.

Gage was bartending. Originally from New Hampshire. Settled in Key West in 1998, the same year I bought my home here. He has been working at Berlin’s nine years. A great gig!

Tom the Sous Chef came out to say hello.

Janine and Meri, two Pier House Beach Bar bartenders, had dinner next to us at the bar. Sisters. Wonderful people. Janine was at Berlin’s last week also when I was there.

Berlin’s is on the second floor. A staircase involved. As Jenna and I were walking down the stairs leaving, Jenna asked if I had fallen recently. I proudly said no. I watch where I am stepping.

At that moment, I went flying. I missed the last step. Jenna caught me on the way down. Saved me from some damage.

I told Jenna it was her fault. I was looking at her instead of the step. Somewhat like the line from  an Affair to Remember. Deborah Kerr telling Cary Grant that her injury was no one’s fault…..she was looking up…..you were there.

One of Fantasy Fest events yesterday was the Zombie Bike Ride. Eight thousand people dressed and made up to look like the walking dead. One uglier and scarier than the other. Took place last night.

I did not see the Ride. Avoided the Ride by twisting and turning and taking different streets to get to Berlin’s. When I was driving home, the Ride was over. The zombies had time to hit the bars. Many were all over the streets riding randomly on their bicycles. Some a bit drunk. Some more than a bit. Weaving from side to side in the lanes.

An accident waiting to happen.

Spent yesterday afternoon working on tomorrow night’s podcast show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. My normal time to prepare had to be rearranged. I have two days of tests re my heart beginning today. Four hours today. I do not know how many tomorrow.

Have to squeeze in some more prep before tomorrow night.

Topics will include a Maduro update. A coup was attempted this weekend. It failed. It signifies the beginning of the end, however.

Other topics involve the Monsanto/Bayer merger, Duterte bad mouthing the U.S. again, and special treatment by the government to John Kerry’s daughter to the tune of $9 million.

Terri White is in the hospital. She went in yesterday. Not her heart. She will be in 3-4 days. Donna spent the night with her. I will be visiting the ladies while in the hospital today.

Reading William Hackley, I have concluded in his time men rented slaves to one another. Hackley wrote this day in 1855 that he “hired a negro woman of William Dennis at $12 per month…..”

I intended to start the History of the Key West Rotary today. In installments. Some interesting items to share.

It will not begin today. Others matters interfered. Hopefully, I will have it started by the end of the week.

Enjoy your day!



Terri White experienced a heart attack tuesday while at home here in Key West. She was helicoptered to Miami’s Mount Sinai Hospital.

A catheterization. Ninety percent blockage in one artery. A stent put in.

She was sitting up in bed last night eating a hospital roast beef dinner. Complaining about the beef and the rest of the food.

Terri will be home soon. If all ok, today.

Someone was looking over her shoulder. In addition to Donna. God.

My day yesterday began withe the anti-gravity treadmill. Whereas I took it easy monday and ended up tired, yesterday I went at it. I pushed hard. It is my way. I had to test myself. Went to a high speed fast and stayed there. I was not tired afterwards. You figure.

Then to Walgreens. Always going to Walgreens. Getting old means pills. Tons of them. Not complaining. Keeps me healthy. No question about it. My heart doctor says it is the pills for me.

Even for generics, prescriptions can be expensive. I pay $40 for one and $36 for another. Both reached those dramatic levels this year.

Stopped at Verizon. Still learning my cell phone. Nana my teacher not there. Had to cover the Marathon store. Will stop by again tomorrow.

I am becoming a regular at Aqua. Twice a week.

Last night, the Back Door. Expected to see Mark Watson. Not there. On Fire Island for a few days. Tom Luna covering for him.

Chatted quite a while with Tom. First time so long. Interesting background. An interesting person. He spent much time in New York. We compared notes.

Jeremy came in. Tom introduced us. Jeremy is Aqua’s general manager. Thirty seven. Enjoyed his company. He is knowledgeable. His ability obvious.

Start of mini-lobster season busy yesterday. Much busier than I thought. Guess I was outside watching for the boats too early.

A picture in this morning’s Key West Citizen shows the boats. Bumper to bumper, so to speak.

A 60 year old man became ill while diving off Cudjoe Key yesterday. Fortunately, a Navy helicopter was nearby. Within 15 minutes, he had been airlifted to the Lower Keys Medical Center. Unfortunately, he did not survive.

A boat with four persons went out tuesday. Not diving for lobsters yet. One day early. Merely diving. Intended to go out 7-8 miles. Boat became disabled. The Coast Guard was out looking for them. They were found yesterday 33 miles out. Everyone fine.

There were a number of boats that passed by my home this morning. All heading out to dive for lobsters. Some of the boats overloaded with people. Reminded me of the scene in Jaws when everyone was going out to catch the shark.

Then it rained. At 7:45 it poured. Typical tropical storm. Heavy for 10 minutes. Big time thunder. Water picking up. Then it stopped and everything returned to normal.

I would not have wanted to be out on a boat during those 10 minutes.

William Hackley reports today that Matilda’s milk is still not good. Baby not tolerating it. Baby has been sick for three days. Coughing up green stuff.

I am beginning to worry about Baby.

My Republican, conservative, far right friends, how can you support Trump? A man who invites Russia/Putin to admit and share e-mails hacked from our private files. Trump is crazy. Putin is crazy.

Trump said he would accept Putin’s word on anything he says. Trump forgets that Putin denied for months that it was Russian troops in disguise who invaded Crimea.

Trump makes himself sound like the patriot of patriots. He is going to save America!

The 18th century writer Samuel Johnson said: “Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.”

I have followed and been concerned with Venezuela President Nicolos Maduro for three years. Another President is added. He is President Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines.

Drugs are a major problem in the Philippines. Duterte has authorized police and citizens to kill anyone on the spot who they discover using or selling drugs. He advises he will pardon anyone involved in the killings.

No due process involved. Kill them and throw them into the sea. Dtterte said the fish will get fat off their bodies.

Duterte is a nut. Like Maduro. And, Trump.  Duterte wants to retire with a reputation comparable to Idi Amin. So he says.


Enjoy your day!




Yesterday was another day in. Not bad. Actually good. The title says Tolerable. Turned out to be more than tolerable. I enjoyed the day.

I normally research my KONK Life column on saturday. Started yesterday. Gave me a two day head start. Research not finished. Another 30 percent to go.

The subject involves who pays for national political conventions. The Republican one is two weeks away. Who picks up the tab for the balloons, confetti, alcohol, etc.

An interesting eye opening subject. You will enjoy reading the article.

Jennifer stopped in yesterday. While Anna is in Poland visiting family, Jennifer has been giving me a hand around the house. I sent her grocery shopping.

Today, the beginning of the Fourth of July weekend. Key West will be crowded. A fun weekend for all ahead.

Tomorrow, I am free!

Early afternoon, I will be with Tammy for a manicure. Tomorrow at 5, Don’s Place. David is 65. He is retiring. A surprise retirement party for him. Not a surprise, however. Someone told him.

Then to Blue Heaven. To hear Terri sing. I missed her show last saturday.

I will be back in the grove!

This week’s KONK Life column is Captain Bligh A Good Man. It was linked this morning to my Key West Lou website. It also ran on KONK’s E-Blast.

When it came to sex types and/or tastes, I knew gay, lesbian, homosexual, lesbian, and cross-dressing. During the final stages of the gay battle, the word transgender started to pop up. I must admit, I had never heard the word. Almost eighty years old and I did not know what the word meant. I had to google it.

It was announced yesterday that the ban on transgenders in the military has been lifted.


What next?

Stupidity knows no class. Even smart people can be stupid.

Attorney General Loretta Lynch yesterday in her private plane meeting with former President Bill Clinton.

Enough said.

Enjoy your day!



George Will and I are on opposite ends of the political spectrum. With one difference. He is to the far right. I consider myself a liberal tending more toward the middle.

Will has been in the forefront of the Republican establishment forever. I read his columns. Enjoy the times he is on TV talk shows. Even though I do not agree with his positions, I enjoy keeping up with what the other side is saying.

Will announced yesterday that he is leaving the Republican Party because of Trump. A man of his convictions. He could have taken the easy way out and said he was not voting for Trump. No pussy footing involved. I respect that.

Will’s position simply is let the Democrats win this election. Work on 2020. Trump is that bad for the country and he must not win.

Speaking of Trump, I mentioned yesterday that no camera shots were shown of the crowd Trump was talking to in Turnberry. I suspected it was small. It was. The crowd was shown on TV this morning. Less than 30 people.

Spent yesterday afternoon researching this week’s KONK column. It will be about William Bligh. Captain of the Bounty. Remember the movies Mutiny on the Bounty.

Movie making takes liberties with the truth. In the Bligh/Bounty movies significantly. Bligh was not the bad guy. Actually good to his men.

Surprisingly, Bligh faced three court martials. He was exonerated in all three. Historians view him as a good leader wronged by events not of his making.

I plan on writing the column this afternoon.

Never got to see and hear Terri White at Blue Heaven last night. My reservation was for 7:30. Jenna got held up at work.

It was a later dinner for us at Martin’s inside. Wienerschniztel and brie. We ate in the air conditioned inside dining room.

Tuesday weighing on me. Don’t know why. I have been through this before. In addition, my sciatica has returned.

Can’t win.

Enjoy your Sunday!



Mighty oaks from little acorns grow.

The old English phrase came to mind as I read this morning’s Key West Citizen. A picture of the then new Pier House Motel circa 1968 appeared on page 2. The seed of today’s magnificent hotel property.

My yesterday began with the anti-gravity treadmill. I keep saying…..love the machine!

Then to another love. Tammy at Lee Nails. Manicure time.

Tammy shared that husband Ricky’s uncle and family had visited for the weekend. Uncle, wife and two children. Lots of people. Lots of cooking and eating. Lots of fun. She was tired, but still enthused from it all.

Tammy was born in Vietnam. She has lived in the U.S. 12 years. Her weekend reminded me of the visits by Italian relatives when I was a child. The same scenario.

The Cuban Coffee Queen my next stop. A Cuban cheese toast and Cuban coffee. Read the newspapers.

Spent the afternoon working on tonight’s blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine my time. Join me. www.blogtalkradio.com/key-west-lou.

Topics include the past week’s police fiascos, the U.S. Marshalls who raided the wrong apartment and required a mother and her two daughters to stand naked outside, a GMO update, gangs in America, free college educations, compulsory military service, and more.

The Chart Room first last night. Sheila and Jean there. Lovely people. Great personalities. The three of us a mutual admiration society. I enjoyed my time with them.

Decided to have dinner at Tavern ‘n Town. Struck gold! Met wonderful people.

Sat at the bar per my usual custom. Seated nearby were Bill and Joyce. Bill lives on Sugarloaf and Cindy on Cudjoe.

Bill originally from Pittsburg. He and his family are in the wholesale food business. Publix a customer. Bill’s company is known as Pati Petite Cookies.

Joyce a personality. Full of vim and vigor. Delightful. Beautiful. A contagious laugh. Recently retired.

There had to be a reason for Joyce’s bright honest exuberance. It finally came out. She is from Indiana!

Joyce has part time position. She is a roving security guard at Venture Out, a housing complex near Square Grouper. Roving the operative word. She rides a golf cart.

I felt a soft arm around me. It was Mary Ann Westerlund. A Key West friend of many years. Her husband Roger passed on two months ago. Mary Ann is getting along.

Bill and Joyce left. Mary Ann Westerlund appeared for a moment. Then came Lisa who sat where Bill and Joyce had. Lisa another great meet.

Lisa an orthodontist. Root canal specialist. She is from somewhere on the mainland. Has a Key West office in Perry Plaza that she visits each week.

Excellent company. Tired. Decided to stay overnight at the Marriott rather than drive back.

Lisa is married. Mother of two. Proudly showed me her children’s pictures. Her Dad badly ill. The concern heavy on her.

A lovely young lady. She is friends with my Key West dentist George Linder. I spent a few minutes boring her with the story of my implants which Dr. Linder did. Love my implants!

I finished the evening sitting alone at the bar with a snifter of Grand Marnier. Thinking what a pleasant evening, what nice people.

I wrote yesterday that Terri White would be appearing in New York on October 16 at the Kennedy Center. Did I screw the whole thing up!

Terri is appearing October 16 in Washington, DC in the Terrace Theater Upstairs at Kennedy Center. Thank you Marty from Blue Ridge for correcting me. I have not heard from Donna yet re the mistake. I am sure I will.

Enjoy your day!


I watch Morning Joe every day. Religiously.

Joe’s opening lines this morning sort of paraphrased the title of my book. The World Upside Down.

Joe opened with…..”The world is upside down. The political world is upside down.” The reference to media handling of Trump. Anti-Trump pitch, incorrect quote reporting and failing to recognize the mood of the country.

I have had similar thoughts the past two weeks. The media seem to want to take control of the election. Influence the electorate. Not the way things are supposed to be done. An unencumbered free press delivers information to the people. Influencing/controlling not the media’s responsibility.

I am normally up and at the computer between 5 and 6 in the morning. Not yesterday. My Saturday night went so late that I overslept. Woke at 8:30. I had to hustle to get yesterday’s blog out.

Sunday is writing day for me. My weekly KONK Life column. It is due at the publisher’s by Sunday. This week’s article concerns a Hemingway love affair. His first. Titled Hemingway’s First Love. Took several hours.

It’s good! Sorry to say so myself. It tells the whole story. The tale does not end soon after Hemingway left Italy. It involves events which occurred in Key West in the 1960s following his death. Revealing.

Dinner at Roostica last night. Spaghetti with meatballs and sausage special. The sauce the closest to that which my mother and grandmother made. My only complaint is that pork pieces are not available. The pork falls apart in the Roostica preparation. Pork adds to the flavor of the sauce. I miss having  pieces to eat.

One thing I continue considering odd.  My people called sauce sauce. Everyone in Utica called it sauce. I never heard gravy till Roostica opened. I raised the issue with other Italian-Americans here in Key West. All only knew sauce as gravy. Interesting.

Terri White coming east! She has a solo performance scheduled at The Kennedy Center in New York City on October 16. I hope she and Donna can find the time to shoot down to Key West for a few days afterwards.

I have mentioned here and on my blog talk radio show several times this past year of China’s move into the South China Sea.

China has been in the business of what might be described as land reclamation. They are building small islands where water previously existed. The purpose to erect airfields on the islands. It greatly extends China’s ability to exert dominance in the area.

Also involved is China’s naval buildup the past five years. China has swiftly constructed a large navy. Superior to anything the U.S. can place in the area. Our Navy has not received sufficient funds in recent years. We are spread too thin to counter China’s buildup in the South Seas area.

Time to pay attention.

Ferguson in the news again. Yesterday was the one year anniversary of Michael Brown’s death. Seems just like yesterday. There were demonstrations. Police in battle equipment again.

Things got out of hand. A black was shot. He is dead.

Reports this morning tell us that some blacks were yelling…..We are at war!

Bothersome. Apparently things have not improved in Ferguson.

Enjoy your day!


I am a political freak. No question about it. I love politics!

Not all aspects, however.

Hillary announced yesterday. Several Republicans announced before her. Rubio announces today.

Hillary’s announcement was 575 days before the election. A year and a half. For that period of time, you and I are going to be bombarded with political reporting, bickering, polls, etc. Most, if not all, of little value till September 2016.

As the campaign progresses, I will feel like I am getting beat up. The same thing day in and day out.

575 days are not required to let us know what which each candidate stands for. I do not want to live with Hillary or any other politician for 575 days!

My solution is twofold: Public financing and strict time limits for Presidential elections. Such will remove the big dollars of corporations and the rich thereby guaranteeing the people will be heard. Time wise, elections should be no more than 2-3 months. Start September 1, for example.

I may write re this issue in a future KONK column. I need to do some research first. I suspect it has been tried elsewhere.

Spent a good chunk of yesterday writing this week’s KONK Life column. Iceland Jails Bankers, etc. Interesting. Iceland’s successful battle against greedy banks yesterday and today.

I was able to get out later in the afternoon. Took my tablet and went over to Salute’s. Sat outside in the shade and continued reading Elizabeth Warren’s A Fighting Chance. With an occasional peek at the bikini clad ladies, of course.

Tonight should be interesting. I am going to my first ACLU meeting. Not to join. To listen. At the Florida Key’s annual Town Hall Meeting.

I decided to go when I saw the program is chaired by my friend Michael Shields. An excellent writer. A liberal at heart.

Two items on the agenda. Police policy in Paradise. The other, treatment of minorities and the disadvantaged. Should be interesting. More interesting for me. My first formal town hall meeting.

Terri White sings for Key West tuesday night. At the Waterfront. Try to attend. You will never hear better.

The bocce rankings came out yesterday. We fell from 2nd to a tie for 3rd. Not bad considering we lost 3 games thursday night. This thursday, we play the team tied with us for 3rd place. Nothing easy at this stage of the season!

Enjoy your day!



Nudity once again in the news. A 47 year old man went swimming in Dante’s Pool bare ass yesterday afternoon. Initially, funny. Not really, however. Half the people in the pool many times are children.

The individual was arrested. Properly so.

Nudity has its place in Key West. Private homes and private guest houses where permitted and out of sight of children. Not in one of the largest public pools in Key West!

Tourists are leaving Key West faster than I thought they would. I noticed half of those here last week gone. Makes walking and driving safer and easier.

My day was simple yesterday. Started with a haircut with Lori. Always pleasurable. Lori is good company. She has been doing my hair some 15 years. We have become friends.

Did some shopping at Publix afterwards.

Then home for what I assumed was to be rest before bocce. For whatever reason, my body became wracked with pain. Bones. The discomfort disappeared around 10. No way could I have played bocce. Did not even go.

Keith reports we lost all three games. We #2 ranked lost to #1 ranked.

I knew it would be close. If we won one game, we would have been happy. The scores were 16-12, 16-13 and 16-15. Not bad. Competitive. Not enough, however.

The #1 team is exceptionally good. Perfection. There is a big difference in this instance between #1 and #2. We were playing a team a step above.

Donna and Terri are in town! We are having dinner together tomorrow night.

The Citizens’ Voice had an interesting comment yesterday….. Old men send young men to war…..let those who vote for war be sure their children and grandchildren get to fight in that war. The best was it is “…..easy to fight a war with other people’s kids.”

I have been talking about ticket quotas and the evil of the system for three years. The Florida Senate last week passed what is known as the Waldo Bill. It would be illegal to have quotas.

The evil of quotas is not the giving of an improper ticket alone. The revenue from the fines generally goes to support the judges’ salaries and costs of operating the court system. Speaks for itself!

Harry Truman again! On this day in 1950, Truman left Key West after having spent a month vacationing here. Presidential vacations are working ones. Still better to work in the informal and relaxing atmosphere of Key West rather than Washington. Truman obviously thought so.

Today would have been my father’s 101st birthday. Happy birthday, Dad!

He did not do bad, however. Made it to 98. We should all be so blessed!

This week’s KONK Life column Money Corrupts is available also on my Key West Lou blog page. keywestlou.com.

Only one way to say what I am going to say. It takes balls! I saw advertised on television yesterday Monsanto’s pesticide Roundup. I could not believe it. Several countries have outlawed the pesticide as carcinogenic. Last week the World Health Organization said beware, possibly carcinogenic. The problem is the U.S. government loves Monsanto and supports Monsanto’s endeavors. A disgrace.

Enjoy your day!


I spent yesterday afternoon trying to decide what my KONK Life column will be this week. Four topics have been zeroed in on. I have to pick one today, finish my research and start writing.

The topics tickling me this week are all interesting. The Chamberlain story never told, Iceland kicking the ass of banks and bankers since 2008, the beginnings of money corruption/corporate influence in the 1960s, and Nestles and California water.

Met some terrific people in the Chart Room last night. Unfortunately, I was late for a dinner reservation and could not spend as much time as I would have liked. I am confident however we will run into each other. The two couples recently bought homes in Key West.

Five persons in all. Out together for the evening.

First, David and Marilyn. Presently have two homes. One in Owensboro, Kentucky and the other on Emma Street in Key West. David is a retired school teacher, Marilyn manages a dental office.

A second couple was Martin and Brandy. One home in West Fargo, North Dakota and the other on Washington Street in Key West. Martin and Brandy still work for Caterpillar.

Money is big in North Dakota because of oil. I jokingly said I could go to North Dakota, get a job at McDonalds and end up earning a ton of money. Some truth to the statement.

The fifth person was David from Bowling Green, Kentucky. He is Martin’s father. Mentioned several times how Martin had purchased his ticket and brought him down for a visit. Proudly so. He reminded me of my father. Dad died two years ago at 98. He visited Key West many times.  Always happy to be with me. Proud of his son who had a home in Key West.

David mentioned he had something to do with a piece of land in the 1980s in Kentucky. Spend A Buck was the 1985 Kentucky Derby winner. He trained on the land.

Keith and Jennifer met me at the Chart Room. We had a drink and then were off to the Hot Tin Roof for dinner.

We had a lot of fun at the Hot Tin Roof. Keith and Jennifer are part of my bocce team.

My saturday night is already committed. I will be watching the Final Four in my bedroom from the comfort of the recliner chair. I have given up running around town trying to find a new venue for basketball watching. There are tons of reasons none tried so far worked for me.

I do not care who wins. I have no particular choice. I just want to watch good basketball.

Passover is upon us. Seder is part of Passover.

I have experienced several seder dinners over the years. The first time was 15 years ago with Aaron Wechter. In recent years, with Donna Barnett at her daughter’s Key West home. I am always invited. Had to skip last night because of my prior committment with Keith and Jennifer.

Donna and Terri White have lived in California for roughly three years. I have not seen them in a while. We have been in touch and plan on meeting in the next few days.

Tomorrow is Easter. I have to get Easter gifts for Robert and Ally. I always wait till the last minute to do things of this nature. I am the greatest Christmas Eve shopper you ever met!

Robert and Ally are 10 and 9 respectively. They will get enough baskets, candy and chocolate bunnies from others. I have decided it is time for something different. I plan on buying each a book.

Today’s KONK Life E-Blast carries my most recent column. Things We Should Know. Take a look.

Enjoy your day!