Generally, I many times have no idea of what I am going to do. Today, I know exactly into the evening.

I slept late. It is 10ish and I am just starting the blog. Then research for this week’s KONK Life column. About bees. Bees in warfare. Titled: To Bee or Not To Bee. Love the title!

Bocce. Playoffs today. My team ended up third. All alone. Without playing thursday night. Rained out. Six teams tied for third. One, us. We had beat the other five earlier in the season. Gave us third place alone.

The team plays at 3. I will be there to cheer them on. Spoke with Don yesterday. We are playing monday’s #1 team. Tough!

When the game is over, we will all head to Don’s Place. Win or lose. For the Preakness.

Not done yet.

After Don’s, going to a birthday party. At the Firehouse Museum on Grinnell. One block from Don’s place. The mamey tree 102nd birthday party.

The mamey tree in question lives on the Firehouse Museum property.

What is a mamey tree? I did not know till this morning. A tree common to Central and South America. Some in Florida and rest of U.S. Grows 60-70 feet tall. Bears different colored fruit in the shape of a football.

The father of all mamey trees in the U.S. is the one planted at the Firehouse Museum. DNA substantiated.

The fruit is made into ice cream, milk shakes and smoothies. I will try the ice cream tonight for the first time.

The party is 6-8 pm.

My yesterday began with the anti-gravity treadmill. Jenny encouraged me to move on. I increased the speed. Though not by much.

I am a creature of habit, as mentioned many times. Which means I ended up at the Cuban Coffee Queen again for lunch. Cuban cheese toast and Cuban coffee. Plus, the newspapers. I sat an hour or two reading.

Then home. Early afternoon. Tired. The increased speed on the treadmill? Not sure. Whatever, I took a two hour nap.

Last night, a premier event. Dinner with Jenna at Michael’s. Jenna and I had not seen each other in three months. It was catch up time.

I mentioned in yesterday’s blog that the Oklahoma Senate had this week passed a bill making abortion a felony. A felony for the doctor performing the abortion. It reached the Governor yesterday. The governor vetoed the bill.

Words of wisdom from Aristotle: “There is only one way to avoid criticism: Do nothing, say nothing and be nothing.”

Trump will never avoid criticism.

Enjoy your day!



Aqua and Michael’s last night.

Stopped at Aqua first. Intended to spend time with Mark at the outside Back Bar. David was sitting at the inside bar. Stopped and chatted with him a while.

Then to the Back Bar. Mark always good company.

Where to eat? Decided on Michael’s.

A fair crowd for off season. I was disappointed Suzette was not bartending. I was also looking for Kim who I had met two weeks earlier at Tavern ‘n Town. Kim’s night off also apparently.

Tried the beef boneless ribs. Good. A bone sticking meal. Though no bones. The meat off the ribs buried in a good tasting sauce covering mashed potatoes and some other vegetables.

I have been thinking of getting off gin after 40 years. Wine has been in my mind. I have never been crazy about wine.

The daily special menu showed a special red. The name I do not recall. The composition on the menu took several lines to describe. All kinds of fruit tastes. I ordered a glass. My discerning tongue tasted no fruit.

I was bored at Michael’s bar. Never got a conversation going with anyone. Unusual in Key West to fail to becoming engaged in conversation at a bar.

My yesterday started with the anti-gravity treadmill. Went well. Still going at a slow speed and half time.

I was hungry at lunch hour. Opted for a cheeseburger and fries at 5 Guys.

The afternoon was spent reading and napping. Napping always the best time of the day.

Received two interesting communications yesterday.

Anna telephoned from Milan. All excited. Told me Italy had just passed same sex marriage. While we were talking, I went online to see the story. Anna did not have it quite correct.

Italy approved same sex civil unions. Everything short off same sex marriage. I was not surprised. What did surprise me was that Italy even went as far as it did in approving civil unions. The Catholic Church in Italy has a strong influence regarding same sex anything.

Nevertheless, the approval of civil unions an historical event.

Argos e-mailed me from Athens. I have never met nor communicated with Argos. However, he advised he has been reading my blog since my first Greece trip several years ago.

I have never addressed how Greek’s economic crisis has affected medial care. Argos brought the situation to my attention.

Things are bad! Don’t get sick! Especially seriously ill. Something like cancer.

Government medical plans are paying nothing or close to nothing. Government employees no longer working have no insurance plans.

Hospitals are short in every area. Painkillers and scissors in short supply. Bring your own blankets and sheets when entering a hospital. Cancer operations delayed four months or longer. Regardless of seriousness of the cancer. Many die before time for the operation arrives.

Five thousand doctors and 15,000 nurses have left Greece because they cannot get paid.

If no insurance, the person is put on a waiting list. Months to wait for hospital admission. If one wants surgery earlier, a bribe is required.

I never gave thought to this area of Greek life. Horrible!

Trump/Ryan meeting this morning. I am anxious to listen to the post meeting comments by both. I am a political junkie at heart.

Hillary has to start hitting back. At least through a surrogate. Trump’s charges are building up. Hillary’s quaint smile is not sufficient response.

My Syracuse University is screwed up athletically. Everything seems to go wrong.

Mike Doyle was hired less than a year ago to be Athletic director. Was on the job 310 days. He is taking the AD job at the University of Minnesota.

I blame central administration for the athletic department’s problems. SU is run like a major corporation. Decisions are made by the higher ups and those below are compelled to accept already made decisions.

One example. Boeheim never knew Syracuse was going to the ACC till after it was a fait accompli.

Read a recent article that said municipalities have received $2 billion in surplus military equipment over the past 10 years. State of Florida the most. $300 million.

We all have a general knowledge of that which makes up the military equipment. One item surprised me, however. Bayonets. 5, 638 of them. To use against demonstrators?

Enjoy your day!



It comes around every year without fail. April Fools’ Day. A fun time for many. Much joking around. Each of us will probably experience a small part of it today.

As usual, the Key West Citizen has outdone itself with its special April Fools’ Day publication. Unbelievable. It had to take a week or more to put together.

I recall the first time I read a Citizen’s April Fools’ Day publication. Some 25 years ago. My first April Fools’ Day in Key West.

Read the Citizen over breakfast. The main story was that the City Commission had banned smoking on sidewalks and beaches. Absurd, I thought. Stupid. They can’t do that.

I expressed my feelings to my then wife. She knew about the Citizen’s special April Fools’ Day edition.

She laughed. I laughed. If it was gotcha, I had been got.

Visited with my heart doctor yesterday. Dr. McIvor. I walked into his office and he hit me with something to the effect he should not talk with me. I figured it had to do with my stress test results. My heart dropped. He laughed.

The good Doctor is a Virginia graduate. I forgot he was a Virginia grad. He was referring to Syracuse beating Virginia last weekend. An interesting discussion unfolded. My stress test results forgotten by both of us.

Test results ok. I am going to live. He could not tell me the cause of the two pain hits I experienced in one day. I was advised not to be concerned.

My blood pressure better. Not where we both want it. Half way home at this point.

June and I had dinner last night at Michael’s with Wayne and Peggy. A couple I met last week. Fun people. A good time.

Michael and Suzette were glad to see me back. Twice in a week!

This week’s KONK life column Ma, Ma, Where’s My Pa? hit the stands wednesday. It was carried in today’s E-Blast News. Also linked this morning to my Key West Lou website.

Two visitors of world wide fame arrived in Key West this past weekend.

The Blue Angels who will be performing this weekend. The Blue Angels announced their arrival yesterday by flying low the length Duval.

The Budweiser Clydesdales visited schools and trotted proudly up Duval.

Everyone does Duval!

Conch Color’s Tom Oosterhoudt in a Miami hospital again. Not good. A prayer in oder.

Some crazy things going on in the outside world. Not unusual.

A petition bearing 50,000 plus signatures was delivered to the Republican National Committee. The signers requested that delegates and visitors to the National Convention be permitted to bear arms. Pistols.

A shoot out guaranteed if permission is granted. Gun fight at Ok Corral time.

Guns in the news a second time.

The Mississippi Senate passed a bill permitting churches to form militias. Members would be permitted to bring guns to services. The bill further provided that a killing at a church or place of worship would be considered justifiable homicide.

A big night tomorrow! Syracuse/North Carolina in the Final Four. North Carolina a 9.5 point favorite.

I am pleased with Syracuse’s performance thus far. The team has overachieved. At this point, I do not care whether Syracuse wins or loses. Not true, really. I do care.

What will be will be.

Weatherwise, it looks great outside. However, the wind is blowing from the south. Generally means a storm some time during the day. Not always. Most of the time.

Enjoy your day!



My first stop last night was a first.

Jimmy Olson entertains thursday evenings at the Gardens. Inside. Sits at a baby grand, plays and sings. Impressive. His singing and the ambiance. I recommend the evening to you.

Guy de Boer made an appearance. Shooting pictures for KONK Life.

Kate Miano holding court outside. A lovely and pleasant woman always. Her company a pleasant experience.

There was a political gathering in the gardens around the pool. Met Andrew Korge. Husband, father, civic leader and now the Democrat candidate for State Senator. Korge hails from Miami. Involved in real estate.

Korge and I talked a bit. He espouses Democratic values. Something I like.

One admonition to Korge, don’t forget us in Key West because we are a small island far from the mainland. Some representatives have.

Dinner was at the bar at Michael’s. First time in a long time. I do not know why I do not go to Michael’s often. The place is first class in every regard.

Suzette bartending. Have known her for years. She never changes. Always lovely.

Big game tonight. Syracuse/Gonzaga. Sweet Sixteen. The game is at 9:40. Gonzaga a four point favorite.

I hope for two things. Syracuse wins. I stay awake to see the whole game.

Canastota is the onion  capital of the world. It is a small village lying between Utica and Syracuse. Four thousand residents.

Besides being the onion  capital, it has two other distinctions. It is the home of the International Boxing Hall of Fame and was the home of Carmen Basilio.

Basilio at one time was the welterweight and middleweight world boxing champion. He beat Sugar Ray Robinson for the middleweight championship. Robinson regained the championship in  a 15 round decision fight this day in 1958.

Basilio was the pride of central New York during his fighting years and thereafter.

Robinson’s mother lived in the Bronx. Around 232nd Street and Broadway. Robinson visited her often. His pink Cadillac convertible parked in front of her home.

I attended Manhattan College. Located at 242nd Street. Often on a walk, my friends and I would see Robinson’s car. A few times the Champion himself. Always a wave and smile and a hello guys.

How did the United States come to acquire Key West as its own? On this day in 1822, a Lt. Matthew Perry of the U.S.Navy planted an American flag on Key West. The action formally made Key West a property of the United States.

It is the little things in life that aggravate. Yesterday around noon, I received a telephone call from the Fraud Protection Bureau. Someone was using one of my cards. The card was automatically canceled.

I had to go to the bank to get a temporary card. While there, I was advised there appeared to be other improper charges.

Such is his life.

Enjoy your day!





My undergraduate school was Manhattan College. Over the past few years, Jack Kelly and I have run into each other at the Chart Room. Jack a Manhattan grad also. A bit younger than me. He graduated in 1968. I, 1957.

The Manhattan College thing provided instant bonding.

Jack once had a home on Cudjoe Key. Long gone. In recent years, he has been taking a week here and there to visit Key West.

Jack was at the Chart Room last night. Always good to see him. We talked a bit about Manhattan and some of the grads. One or two we both know. Then Jack surprised me. He is returning to Key West full time.

Jack is buying a home in Bayview. He is also in the process of closing on three restaurants. That’s returning big time!

One is the former Finnegan’s Wake. Last operated for several days as Backspace. Jack will be reopening it as Cayheuso. A tapas place.

Another is World of Beer. Near Sloppy Joe’s. Jack plans on naming the new establishment Jack Kelly’s Citizen. Such vanity! Not really. Turns out the location was the first home of the Key West Citizen.

The third place is on Front Street. Across from Two Guys. Not Island Dogs. Next door to Island Dogs. An empty two story commercial building.

The name of the new enterprise escapes me. Its purpose not. Jack intends it to be family friendly. In addition to food, etc., the restaurant will provide all kinds of games for the kiddies to busy themselves with. Even the parents.

Jack is retired Air Force. He presently lives in Washington, DC. He remains active with the Arnold Air Society.

Welcome back, Jack! Good luck!

Jack and I hung together for a few hours at the Chart Room. While there, I met Devin Callahan. A snow bird. He is in Key West frequently. Surprising we had not met before.

Then Wilk and Erin. Their second visit to Key West. Hail from Spring Lake, NJ. My cousin Lois had a summer home there and I frequently visited. A high rent district.

Wilk liked my watch. He kept looking at it and commenting. He has one similar to mine. The watch is nothing fancy. A SWATCH. I bought it at an airport kiosk in Athens three years ago.

I learned something about the watch. It is water proof. Never knew. He says he showers and everything with it on. Showed me on the back where it says Water-Resistant.

We got into Lobsterfest. Wilk and Erin are enjoying the event. He did mention however he was shocked when they had to pay $15 each for two broiled lobsters on the street. He initially thought the price out of line. So did I when he mentioned it. However after tasting and enjoying the lobsters, he said they were well worth it.

The high point of the conversation was when Wilk told me he was a Mercedes technician. Joy of joys! I bought a Mercedes 420 SEL new in 1987. Kept it 27 years before selling. In mint condition. Only 124,000 miles. Never driven in winter the last 20 years. Everything original and in good shape.

I took care of the Mercedes. Probably because it was the first expensive car I ever bought. Paid $54,000 cash in ’87. A lot of money for a car back then. A lot of money period!

Lobsterfest by the way appears to be a gigantic success this year. Makes me happy. Lots of kids. A family event.

Met Tyler and Sandy. Celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary. Congratulations! They are from Cherry Hills, NJ. It was a New Jersey evening.

Tyler is in real estate. Sandy a distributor for Wegmans. Sandy was surprised I knew of Wegmans. Not a southern supermarket. I explained I originally am from upstate New York. Ergo, know Wegmans.

Jack, Tyler, Sandy and I ended up having a late dinner at Michael’s. Great food! Enjoyed the veal chop. The dinner conversation enjoyable. Humorous on occasion. Jack, Tyler and Sandy good company.

The lovely Suzette bartending.

A long day ahead for me. I will be writing this week’s KONK Life column. The research is complete. It is the story of Ernest Hemingway and Agnes von Kurkowsky. Their love story. Agnes was Hemingway’s nurse when he was recovering from war wounds. Agnes is Catherine Barkley in A Farewell To Arms.

There is more to the story than most know. I will be tracing the impact of their love affair into the 1960s.

Enjoy your Sunday!



What a glorious Key West morning!

A God in His Heaven, all is right in the world, morning.

Sun bright. A sprinkling of white clouds. No breeze. Palm trees and water still.

Terrific show yesterday morning. The Key West Lou Legal Hour. Based on post show comments, the Chen Guancheng story proved to have generated the most interest. He is the Chinese activist in the news. My comments during the show were critical rather than supportive. Whatever, the comments got people talking about the topic.

After the show, I went to the Plantation Coffee House. Ordered a plain bagel toasted with cream cheese and a cup of coffee. Sat down and read the papers. The bagel was a further testing of my new chewing prowess.

A couple own Plantation. The husband is Theos. I do not know his wife’s name. I am ashamed. She knows mine. She reads my column in KONK Life religiously and comments on it when I come in.

I spent the afternoon at home writing. One of the things I wrote was next week’s column for KONK Life. It has to do with jailed prisoners receiving better health care than you and me.

Kurt telephoned at dinner time. Let’s have dinner! We met at Michael’s a half hour later.

We ate at the bar. Kurt introduced me to the bartender. It had been a while since I was in Michael’s. His name is Tim.  A nice guy.

Suzette was waitressing. She came over to talk to us. She knows Kurt well. Suzette and I have met but are simply on a hello basis. The last time I saw Suzette was 4 years ago. The night of the Fantasy Fest parade. We were at a party upstairs in the old theatre building on Duval. It has a huge balcony. A perfect place from which to watch the parade.

Suzette had a husband at the time. I had a wife. Neither of us has a spouse now. Her husband Emmett was a good guy. He used to bartend at Michael’s. We occasionally played golf together and had a drink at Don’s Place.

Suzette is extremely lovely. A knock out. A charming personality besides. The three of us had interesting chatter together.

I was still testing my chewability. I ordered the veal chop. It is the house specialty. To die for.

The veal chop consists of a large veal cut. It is served on the bone. The chop is stuffed with a bit of crab meat. Not much. The outside of the chop is covered in a light film of bread crumbs held on by a touch of oil.

Everything went well! I chewed with no problem at all. Enjoyed the taste even more. It was a pleasure to be dining on real food again and experiencing individual food flavors.

I stopped at Don’s Place afterwards with Kurt. Kurt was scheduled to work last night. From 9 to 6 this morning. We had a drink at the outside bar.

Nine o’clock arrived. Kurt went to work. I went home.

I was in bed by 9:30 and slept like a baby all night.

Enjoy your day!