It comes around every year without fail. April Fools’ Day. A fun time for many. Much joking around. Each of us will probably experience a small part of it today.
As usual, the Key West Citizen has outdone itself with its special April Fools’ Day publication. Unbelievable. It had to take a week or more to put together.
I recall the first time I read a Citizen’s April Fools’ Day publication. Some 25 years ago. My first April Fools’ Day in Key West.
Read the Citizen over breakfast. The main story was that the City Commission had banned smoking on sidewalks and beaches. Absurd, I thought. Stupid. They can’t do that.
I expressed my feelings to my then wife. She knew about the Citizen’s special April Fools’ Day edition.
She laughed. I laughed. If it was gotcha, I had been got.
Visited with my heart doctor yesterday. Dr. McIvor. I walked into his office and he hit me with something to the effect he should not talk with me. I figured it had to do with my stress test results. My heart dropped. He laughed.
The good Doctor is a Virginia graduate. I forgot he was a Virginia grad. He was referring to Syracuse beating Virginia last weekend. An interesting discussion unfolded. My stress test results forgotten by both of us.
Test results ok. I am going to live. He could not tell me the cause of the two pain hits I experienced in one day. I was advised not to be concerned.
My blood pressure better. Not where we both want it. Half way home at this point.
June and I had dinner last night at Michael’s with Wayne and Peggy. A couple I met last week. Fun people. A good time.
Michael and Suzette were glad to see me back. Twice in a week!
This week’s KONK life column Ma, Ma, Where’s My Pa? hit the stands wednesday. It was carried in today’s E-Blast News. Also linked this morning to my Key West Lou website.
Two visitors of world wide fame arrived in Key West this past weekend.
The Blue Angels who will be performing this weekend. The Blue Angels announced their arrival yesterday by flying low the length Duval.
The Budweiser Clydesdales visited schools and trotted proudly up Duval.
Everyone does Duval!
Conch Color’s Tom Oosterhoudt in a Miami hospital again. Not good. A prayer in oder.
Some crazy things going on in the outside world. Not unusual.
A petition bearing 50,000 plus signatures was delivered to the Republican National Committee. The signers requested that delegates and visitors to the National Convention be permitted to bear arms. Pistols.
A shoot out guaranteed if permission is granted. Gun fight at Ok Corral time.
Guns in the news a second time.
The Mississippi Senate passed a bill permitting churches to form militias. Members would be permitted to bring guns to services. The bill further provided that a killing at a church or place of worship would be considered justifiable homicide.
A big night tomorrow! Syracuse/North Carolina in the Final Four. North Carolina a 9.5 point favorite.
I am pleased with Syracuse’s performance thus far. The team has overachieved. At this point, I do not care whether Syracuse wins or loses. Not true, really. I do care.
What will be will be.
Weatherwise, it looks great outside. However, the wind is blowing from the south. Generally means a storm some time during the day. Not always. Most of the time.
Enjoy your day!