I was chatting at the Hot Tin Roof bar last night with a couple from Montana. Trump supporters.

A congenial conversation. Opposing views expressed.

At one poin,t they were expressing their disgust with the Democrats having failed to turn up for one or two committee hearings yesterday. Hearings scheduled for votes re two cabinet picks.

I smiled. Then shared with them a story I wrote in this blog 4-5 years ago.

It was 1840. The actual date December 5. Abraham Lincoln was a member of the Illinois Legislature. He was a Whig at the time.

The Democrats the opposing party.

The Democrats needed a quorum to vote on a piece of legislation they wanted passed. They suspected the Whigs might leave the Chamber so there would not be a quorum. The Democrats had the door locked.

Lincoln was no fool. The Chamber was on the second floor. He walked over and opened a window. Jumped out and ran off. Thereby denying the opposition for the moment the quorum required.

I told my friends, denying a quorum is All American. If Lincoln could do it, so too today’s Democrats.

Sex seems to affect children at an earlier age these days. You show me yours, I’ll show you mine has graduated to sexually explicit classmate photos.

Horace O’Bryant is a Key West school. Kindergarten through 8th grade. An investigation is underway. Sexual photos being shared. The pics taken off campus. Transmitted initially via social media. The pics of middle school students.

Parents, pull your hair out!

A haircut at noon yesterday with Lori. She told me about her recent long weekend Caribbean cruise. Fun. She recommends it.

At one point, the water got rough. Her stomach began to flutter. The remedy was to drink more, she said. The alcohol balanced out the woozy stomach.

Stopped at Farmers Market afterwards. To buy bread. A young immigrant couple sells their home made bread under one of the tents. I who ask everyone everything have never asked them where they came from. The bread is delicious. I bought 15 small loaves. I freeze the bread.

Ran into Boomer at Farmers Market.

The Chart Room and Hot Tin Roof last night. Both places relatively quiet. The Montana couple sat at the bar near me.

The Sons and Daughters of Italy present Buonasera Venezia tonight from 5-8 at the Bottlecap.
A charity fundraiser. I will be there. With Liz. She called yesterday and said she wanted to go. Venice her favorite place. She and her now deceased husband spent many happy days in Venice.

I have been visiting or living in Key West more than 25 years. When first I came, the men did not wear jackets. Dress jackets. Sport jackets. Then one could be noticed every few months. We locals would look at each other and quietly whisper…..Tourists.

I see more and more men wearing jackets the past couple of years. Especially the past few months. Especially when cold. Even however when it is merely part of the dress costume for the evening.

Includes locals.

Key West is changing.

Poet John Keats died in February 1821. Twenty five years old. One of the world’s best romantic sonnet writers.

Keats died in his bedroom in Rome. A four story narrow building at 26 Piazza di Spagna. Immediately next to the Spanish Steps.

I was in Rome 35 years ago with my family for a  month. My wife and daughters deserted me one day to shop. The American dollar was strong. Everything cost one-third of what it did back home.

I was walking around. Sat a while on the Spanish Steps and watched the world go by. Took a walk. Passed the building described. A small brass sign on the side of the door read The Keats Shelley House.

I went in. Explored the four floors. The top floor was the important one.

Keats’ bedroom had been preserved as it was at the time of his death. An outer room had some of his first edition books and manuscripts of his writings. All under glass.

I came across one writing that moved me emotionally.

Recall first that Lincoln wrote the Gettysburg  Address on a brown paper bag. The bag that had carried his lunch.

Keats wrote the opening stanzas of one of his most famous poems on a piece of crumbled paper. The opening lines to Endymion. A several volume work.

Few know Endymion. Most know its opening lines as penciled in on that piece of crumbled paper: “A thing of beauty is a joy forever…..”

Tomorrow at noon Syracuse/Virginia. Tough game. Virginia ranked #9 nationally. I refuse to get excited in spite of Syracuse’s spectacular victory over North Carolina State earlier this week.

I just remembered! I will not be watching the game. At noon, I will be marching in Steve Attis’ New Orleans funeral parade. Followed by mass at St. Mary’s Church.

Enjoy your day!



Stephen Edward Attis has passed on. Known to all as Steve. A good man. None better.

I got to know Steve here in Key west. We had somewhat of a similar background. Both born in 1935. We used to joke that I was older than him. By 2 1/2 months.

Manhattan College frequently came into our conversations. I graduated from Manhattan College. Steve attended Manhattan for a time. He used to tell me he attended several colleges before finally graduating.

Steve born and raised in the Bronx. Manhattan College is located in the Bronx. I also lived for a time at 682 E. 141 St. in the Bronx. We talked how things were then and now in the Bronx.

A bocce player. As the years added on and he had some difficulty with his legs, Larry Smith used to help him stepping on and off the court, picking up the ball for him. In spite of his problems, he shot well.

Steve’s wife, Midge. The two married 61 years. The best of wives. Always with him, always watching out for him.

Steve and Midge regulars at Don’s Place. Loved by everyone.

A New Orleans style funeral procession planned. What else for Steve? Saturday at 12:15. Begins at the Dean Lopez Funeral Home. Onward to St. Mary Star of the Sea for his funeral service.

Never been in a New Orleans type funeral procession. I will saturday.

Spent yesterday afternoon perfecting material for last night’s podcast. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou.

As much as I disliked it, Trump took up the whole half hour. We talk about nothing else anymore.

The show went well. I am anti-Trump so it was easy.

Trump’s Supreme Court nominee is Neil Gorsuch. Appears extremely intelligent. Extremely conservative, also. I do not approve of him.

Not important what I think. His problem is getting Senate approval. The Dems are lining up against him. Properly so.

Stephen Bannon has become the ring leader in the White House. Trump relies on him. A bad move.

Bannon is a Rasputin. He will not fuck Trump as Rasputin did the Czarina. However, he will screw  the United States. Bannon seeks the destruction of government as we know it.

I have never played dominoes. I have never seen anyone playing dominoes in Key West. Nevertheless, there is a Domino Tournament this saturday at the Southernmost Hotel. The first of many to follow. Sponsored by the Sunset Key West Rotary. Named after and honors the well liked Maury Madruga who recently died.

Remember ZIKA. Hit Florida about this time last year. We were told to beware. ZIKA coming in epidemic proportions.

Where is it today?

Instant fear as with Ebola. Everyone gets excited and jumps to do something immediately. Haste rarely required.

A Sons and Daughters of Italy fundraiser 5-8 friday at Bottle Cap. Italian food, deserts, music, silent auction, etc.

Called Buonasera Venezia. Translated, Good Evening Venice.

Our home grown terrorist Harlem Suarez was convicted on terrorism charges yesterday in Federal Court. Took the jury one hour to convict. Suarez planned on burying a nail filled back pack bomb on Smathers Beach and then detonating it with a cell phone.

He is yet to be sentenced. I suspect a significant sentence. Suarez is going to be an old man when he gets out of jail.

A quote in the World Almanac section of this morning’s Key West Citizen worthy of note. Langston Hughes in Dreams wrote: “Hold fast to dreams / For if dreams die / Life is a broken-winged bird / That cannot fly.”

I enjoy doing Go Live with Key West Lou on Facebook. Every day, several times a day. For a few minutes. I can be seen as well as heard. If you have not, take a look. You might enjoy. Go to Facebook and enter Key West Lou. Voila! Me!

A big evening ahead. Dinner with Liz.

Enjoy your day!


So many matters of importance occurred in the last 24 hours. Trump, immigration/refugee ban, draining the swamp, Peter, Paul and Mary, etc.

For me, the most important was Syracuse defeating Florida State 82-72. Florida State ranked #6, Syracuse unranked. A big victory. Students rushed the floor in excitement.

I was alone watching the game from the comfort of my easy chair. I shouted out a GREAT! at the end of the game. No one heard me. I was like the tree falling in the forest. No one hears it.

Worked on rewriting one chapter in Growing Up Italian. Sunday Dinner. A great family time!

The Sons and Daughters of Italy had a fund raiser yesterday. A bocce fundraiser. Excellent attendance. Many who had never played bocce. I served as teacher to two novice sisters from Little Torch Key.

Who would have thought bocce could serve as a fundraiser? Giorgio did. He is to be complimented.

Cold continues. Sixty three during the evening. The high today only 67. Rain big time off and on. Winds 20-30 mph. White caps visible in the ocean. A gray day expected.

Two Civil War events on tap this week. Described as Living History events.

One in the Palm Garden of the Key West Library. Thursday from 11-3. All kinds of information and artifacts re the Civil War.

The other at Fort Zachary Taylor State Park. Friday and Saturday. Part of Civil War Heritage Days. A mid 1860s encampment.

Edgar Allen Poe’s The Raven was published this day in 1845.

Remember Goodnight Irene, If I Had a Hammer, Where Have All the Flowers Gone, and Blowin’ In the Wind?

Peter, Paul and Mary. Hits they sang.

Peter, Paul and Mary did not write the music they sang. They did make the tunes winners, however. Even Bob Dylan benefited. It is said the vocal group made Dylan’s revolution possible. Blowin’ In the Wind was one of them.

Andrew Jackson was our Nation’s first populist President. Trump is a populist President. Trump and many of his followers compare Trump to Jackson.

In 1834, there was a labor dispute. Workers on the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad. The workers were rebelling because of persistent poor working conditions and low pay. The workers consisted of Irish, German, Dutch and blacks.

Jackson sent in federal troops to quell the disturbance. It was the first time a President had ever done so.

Trump has not sent federal troops anywhere. Not yet. He could in the future. Recall this past week his observations re Chicago, carnage, murders, etc. He suggested the Federal government might have to go in if things did not get better. The National Guard?

Trump’s handling of the immigration/refugee situation yesterday reflects a Jackson type mentality. Overbearing, overwhelming.

A further comment re the immigration/refugee order. Seven countries were named. Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen. Not one terrorist from the seven named nations has ever performed a terrorist act in the United States.

Whereas, Saudi Arabia has. Seventeen or eighteen of the terrorists who perpetrated 9/11 were citizens of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia also gave us $4 a gallon gasoline.

Saudi Arabia not listed in the order. Oil, money the reasons? Whatever, the Saudi’s have had their heads up our asses for years. One arm around our shoulders, the other in our back pocket.

One more Trump issue.

He claimed during the campaign that he was going to drain the swamp. Get rid of lobbyists who come directly from government and end up working for lobbying groups that require government favors. A five year ban.

Trump’s order refers to administration officials. I do not know what administration officials refers to. Merely his immediate White House staff? Does it extend to Congress and the military?

I did a little digging. Could not come up with the answer.

Congressmen eat big when they move from the hallowed walls of government to working for lobbying groups. Recall Eric Cantor who was defeated in a Republican primary four years ago. He immediately was hired by a lobbying group. Starting salary $3.4 million a year. He did not even finish his term. He resigned his seat soon after the election and went to work in the private sector.

Our generals and admirals likewise benefit. Eisenhower warned us to beware of the military-industrial complex. They hire the retired military at huge dollars who then go back to their still in the service friends and work out contracts generous to the military manufacturer/producer.

Yes, the honeymoon is over. I gave Trump a week before criticizing him. I wanted to wait longer. He is our president. Give him a chance.

I figured three to six months. No way where Trump is concerned. He is a dynamo. He has already done more in his first week than any other President. More does not necessarily mean good, however.

He is not qualified for the position. He is a trouble maker.

I worry.

Enjoy your Sunday!





















Cold this morning! Surprised me. Normally, I can sense a change in weather before it occurs. Missed this one.

The weather for several weeks has generally been in the 80s by day and mid to high 70s by night. I woke this morning to 67 degrees. The high today is projected at 71. Tonight, the temperature will drop to 63.

I already turned the heat on.

Nights will be cold all week. 62-64 degrees.

Tonight is the Sons and Daughters of Italy’s fundraiser. At the bocce courts. The courts sit on the Atlantic. Long pants and jacket time.

My responsibility tonight is to explain/teach novices the game.

The event opens at 5:30. Stop by and have some fun. Enjoy a beer and hot dog. Meet some great people.

Happy New Year! Asian New Year!

A manicure with Tammy yesterday. Tammy born and raised in Vietnam. In U.S. now 12 years. A U.S. citizen since last year. Proudly so.

Tammy educated me a bit as to the Asian New Year.

Celebration week long. Today, the actual day. She and her family have been celebrating all week long. Party at each other’s homes. Food only. No booze. Everyone must be in their own homes by midnight.

This is the year of the Rooster. Did not understand what that meant.

Today being the for real New Year’s Day, families stay home and do a quiet family day.

Fireworks are to ward off evil spirits. I cannot recall what the paper dragon symbolizes.

Learned something interesting. Vietnamese men are entitled to have two wives. They live together with the husband. Her grandfather and father had two wives.

No way will she permit her husband Rickey to have two wives. He is Vietnamese, also. Tammy, Americanized.

Celebrated Dee’s 60th birthday last night at La Trattoria Oceanside.

La Trattoria Oceanside not one of my favorite places. Last night was only the fifth time in 5 years I have gone there. Dee wanted to go. She likes the place.

My dislike reasons are simple.

They did not have our reservation last night. The third time for me in my five visits over two years. The hostess did not care. We ended up with a shit table.

The service is always slow. To get a drink, place an order, get served. The food not worth the charge.

It will be a long time before I go to La Trattoria Oceanside again.

Everyday, a bit. My rewrite of Growing Up Italian going slowly. This is the fourth rewrite. I do not want to do another. I am pleased with the progress.

Going Live on Facebook not where I want it. For some reason, I continue to appear rigid. I am. Also, I have not worked out the distance factor yet.

I am also screwing up otherwise. I did seven separate shows yesterday. Three got lost. I did not press all the buttons to post. One had no voice. I do not know why.

Hang in there folks! I will get it!

The Women’s International Flag Football Tournament in full swing. In addition to the European nations mentioned yesterday who are participating, there are also teams from Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras.

Syracuse/Florida State at noon. Florida State a three point favorite. I will be watching the game on TV.

The annual Key West Craft Fair this weekend. Bundle up and go to the first three blocks of Whitehead. The show always terrific.

In between the Syracuse game and bocce at 5, I hope to spend a couple of hours with Liz.

As a nation, we are late in doing something about lost jobs. The issue today is not jobs leaving the country. A yesterday issue. Four years from now in the next Presidential campaign, we will be arguing robots and automation. We are always behind.

Enjoy your day!


I have attended many club meetings over the years. I cannot recall the last time a meeting was opened with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.

Till last night.

I attended my first meeting of the Sons and Daughters of Italy. It was held at Bottle Cap. The business portion of the meeting began with a prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

My recollection is that prayer is no longer permitted to start the school day. As to the Pledge of Allegiance, some States require it, some have made it optional, some have no law re the issue.

I had no problem with the prayer and Pledge at the meeting. Actually, it felt good to do both again at the beginning of an event. Days of my youth.

The Sons and Daughters are having a fundraiser January 28. Together with the Key West Wildlife Center. The Sons and Daughters portion is to benefit their scholarship fund.

The fundraiser a big deal. A large crowd anticipated. Between 100-200.

It is a bocce fundraiser. Will be held at the Key West bocce courts from 5:30-9:30. New and experienced players welcome. Bocce teachers will work the courts where the newbies will be playing. Hamburgers and hot dogs. Total cost $20.

Following the meeting, I met Barb at the outside bar at La Te Da for dinner. It was crispy duck for me. Meat loaf for Barbara.

This evening’s meal will be exceptional. Liz is having a small dinner party. The woman can cook!

I was looking for something in the afternoon. Looked everywhere, but my desk. My desk a mess. Five years since I have cleaned and rearranged it. Piles of papers here and there.

I had no choice. Had to clean the desk top. Stored some papers in filing cabinets. Threw others out. Did not find what I was looking for.

Cleanliness is next to Godliness so I guess the effort was not without some benefit.

I have referred to Victor at the Chart Room many times as having an exceptional mind. He is a philosopher of sorts. Reads heavy philosophical books.

On my first trip to Greece several years ago, he gave me The Law by Frederic Bastiat to read on the trip.

I started reading it on the first leg of the flight to Atlanta. Stopped after 30 pages. The material too heavy for me.

I thought I left the book on the plane when I arrived in Atlanta. Apologized to Victor on my return. We occasionally joke about it, the book being forgotten on the plane, the material being too heavy for me.

Guess what? I found the book yesterday. It was on my desk. Under a good ten inches of papers. I have no recollection of seeing the book once I departed the plane in Atlanta.

Can’t wait to return the book to Victor. My conscience will finally be clear.

The cross walk problems on North Roosevelt Boulevard appear to be coming to resolution. There are six cross walks. The State says three will be eliminated. Two will have pedestrian activated signals. Nothing required to the remaining one.

Corrections not yet final. Nothing ever is when dealing with the government. The State wants to check their traffic figures once more before finalizing the corrections.

Another year!

Today In Keys History notes that in 1952, 250 shrimp trawlers operated out of Key west. Each averaged a catch of 2,500 shrimp a day.

No more. Shrimp primarily harvested somewhere else today. Only a few shrimp boats remain in the Key West area.

I made mention in my tuesday podcast of the 1951 hit song Shrimp Boats: Shrimp boats is a-comin’ / Their sails are in sight. / Shrimp boats is a-comin’ /there’s dancing tonight.

Shrimp boats was introductory to my dissertation re robots. Today concerning shrimp fishing itself.

Political correctness continues to go a step too far.

Students at the University of London’s School of Oriental and Asian studies want white philosophers eliminated from their text books. Their position being only African and Asian philosophers should be studied. The students’ purpose “to decolonize” the “white institution.”

They wish to be rid of Plato, Descartes, Immanuel Kant and Bertrand Russell.

Vice-Chancellor Sir Anthony Seldon responded to the request: “There is a real danger political correctness is getting out of control. We need to understand the world as it was and not to rewrite history as some would like it to have been.”

Good for you, Vice-chancellor Seldon! Administration hierarchy in the United States are  capitulating to similar type requests by students. Like remove campus statues of white heroes and replace them with African-Americans.

Enjoy your day!



A double header last night. Joined the Sons and Daughters of Italy and attended their Christmas Party.

Actually, I rejoined the Sons of Italy. I was a member of the organization years ago in Utica when the name did not contain Daughters.

The ladies have come a long way.

Back in the 1970s, there was a cigarette called Virginia Slims. I don’t know if it is still available. Virginia Slims came up with a bull’s eye advertising slogan. Ladies…..You’ve come a long way! True today. In every area.

The Christmas party was at La Trattoria. Great food. Great people celebrating the holiday. The Sons and Daughters a party group!

Georgio sponsored me. A personality. I sat with Georgio and his wife Sharon, Karon and Stan, Donna and Bob, and Jerry. The wine flowed.

In order to become a member of the Key West chapter of the Sons of Italy, the remotest connection to an Italian background suffices. I think even if your best friend is.

The President a Michael Kelly.

Kate Miano in attendance. As usual, a knockout. Her hair last night red. A subdued red. Perfect for Kate! She looked terrific!

Santa Claus was at the party. He is a member. A natural beard. He suggested Robert and Ally must have discovered the truth about Santa. He did not get a call to make his usual Christmas Eve visit to Lisa’s.

Santa Claus is Mac McCauskand. It was obvious he is a well liked person.

A big night for Mac. He was inducted into the Conch Republic Navy. An Admiral swore him in. We all participated, even to the left handed salute.

I assumed Mac would go in as a lieutenant at the very least. Not so. Something along the order of chief dishwasher.

Many at our table Rotary members. None had read my 27 installments re the history of the Key West Rotary. Which means they don’t read my blog. For shame.

Interestingly, I heard from no Rotarian re the history. Guess Rotarians generally don’t read the blog either.

I had a good time. Thank you Georgio and Jerry for asking me to join.

Enjoy your day!



It finally happened! The first flight from Key West to Havana without all the red tape. Friday was the big day. The first regularly scheduled flight in 55 years. Havana Air the airline.

The start of something good. The remarriage of Key West and Havana is long overdue.

I started my research for this week’s KONK Life column thursday. Researched all day yesterday. I plan on writing the column today. The topic is Tom Cotton. He is the new U.S. Senator from Arkansas. He is also the author of the letter to Iran that 46 other Republican Senators signed trying to discourage Iran from signing any nuclear agreement with the United States.

His background surprising. He is to be taken seriously. A dangerous man who is being groomed for the Presidency.

A unique evening. Drinks first at the Chart Room. Then a long slow dinner at the Hot Tin Roof. My companion, June Hudson. We chatted so long that by the time we were ready to leave, we were the only customers left. A good time!

John Lukas was at the Hot Tin Roof bar earlier in the evening. I stopped and talked with him a bit. A good guy. I had not seen him since JDL’s Sports Bar closed several months ago.

We all have committed a faux pas or two. No one is perfect. Everyone occasionally makes a mistake. Some can be embarrassing.

The Key West Citizen published a Wedding Guide for 2015. Describes perfect honeymoon locations. No mention of Key West! A major faux pas. Especially since Key West is considered the #2 place in the United States for a wedding.

The main story in this morning’s Key West Citizen involves animal shelters. The three located in the Keys. The Upper Keys, Marathon, and Key West. Turns out the Upper Keys facility is performing more euthanizations than Marathon and Key West.

Eighty percent of dogs and 79 percent of cats are put down. Substantially more than the other two facilities. Something wrong in Denmark here!

When I was a young lawyer in Utica, I joined the Sons of Italy. My mother was born in Italy, my father in the U.S. After being an active member for several years, I dropped out. My practice had grown and I had to cut back on outside activities.

There is a Sons of Italy chapter in Key West. I never joined. The name has been altered. It now is the Sons and Daughters of Italy. Most of today’s Italo-Americans are second generation. Both genders are now accepted equally into the fold.

Enjoy your day!