The Georgia Congressional result rang out one clear message: Trump is a force who remains acceptable to the people.

During Handel’s victory speech, the audience shouted: Trump! Trump! Trump!

Handel’s victory substantiated my fear that Trump remains strong. My listening post is the Chart Room. A crossroads. Trump supporters are not down on Trump in spite of all the bad stuff flying about concerning him. Their cry is give him time, he’s new to the job, everyone is against him, he cares for us, etc.

I get the same thing from others I speak with.

The Senate healthcare bill is supposed to come out tomorrow. It will reflect how much Trump and the Republicans care about the American people.

Busy day yesterday. I did servile work. Cleaned out the garage. In all the humidity, besides. Knocked me on my ass. Thought I never would stop sweating.

Then prepared my blog talk for the evening show Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou.

I had a great show prepared. I was cut off after 15 minutes. Show came to its normal end, but 15 minutes early. Sloan looking into the problem.

I decided to do less Trump and more other matters. Never discussed a Trump issue in the 15 minutes I was on air.

A welcomed breather!

Tavern ‘n Town again last night. A quick bite to eat before the show.

Glad I went. Tavern ‘n Town has a new Tapas menu 1/2 price plus 2 drinks for 1 from 5-7 on tuesdays and thursdays. A bargain!

My bill was $18.

Carmen Rodriquez was singing. A lovely voice. A lovely woman.

Strange, I have seen and watched her for 20 years. I nod a polite hello each time. She has never reciprocated with a nod back or a hello.

Must have offended her way back when. Don’t recall. On the other hand, perhaps she is just not social.

The local Mosquito Control Board has had a string of unfavorable decisions. The Board decided to limit their terms as a concession to the public. Board members are elected.

The Board voted to limit their terms to 3 terms of 4 years each. a total of 12 years. Some concession! A lifetime!

Courts can be strange. Sometimes a decision comes down I find hard to accept/understand.

The U.S. Supreme Court rendered its decision yesterday in Packingham v. North Carolina. Packingham was a registered sex offender. He used/participated in social media. The Court’s decision included sites like Facebook, You Tube and Twitter.

Packingham set up a Facebook account under a false name and posted a message that praised God for the dismissal of a traffic ticket. North Carolina said it was a no no. Registered sex offenders could not use social media.

The Supreme Court in a unanimous decision said North Carolina was wrong. Its law violated first amendment free speech rights. Even a sex offender has them. They were not lost because Packingham was a registered sex offender.

Justice Kennedy wrote the primary opinion. There were two concurrent ones. Kennedy said social media is a powerful mechanism available to a private citizen to make his or her voice heard. Should be available to all.

Suppose Packingham was using Facebook for sex banter or to induce friendship with a female minor?

It seems to me the decision would encompass that situation, although not specifically spelled out in the decision.

Betsy Dietz much loved. Passed away recently. A celebration of Life is scheduled for 5 today at the Ocean Grill.

The place will be packed!

Key West humidity is a killer this year. About a month early. Heavy!

In 1902, Willis Carrier invented what might be described as modern air conditioning.  He assembled the first large scale electrical air conditioning system. Controlled both temperature and humidity.

What we enjoy today is derived from Carrier’s invention, whether in a large building, residential property or automobile.

Enjoy your day!




“I am not a woman, so I don’t have bad days.”

Putin in a new documentary by film maker Oliver Stone.

Russia’s prostitutes are “unquestionably the best in the world.”

Putin again. This time in a Bloomberg Politics interview. The issue came up when Putin was asked what dirt Russia had on Trump. Putin responded none. He further added he did not believe Trump cohorted with prostitutes while in Russia. It was at that point he added the best prostitutes in the world comment.

Why my setting forth the two quotes? Putin and Trump are leaders of two of the most powerful nations in the world. Both have dirty mouths. Never heard Eisenhower, Truman, or Reagan speak thusly.

There are more important things for leaders of powerful nations to talk about than a woman’s bodily function or who has the best prostitutes.

Never left the house yesterday. Researched and wrote. Started working on last night’s podcast at one in the afternoon.

Great topics. Interesting. From D-Day to Trump to government waste to European Union and African Islamists to inequality to flying cars.

Quite a variety.

Rained all night. Heavy. Raining heavy this morning. Going to rain all day and tonight. Streets will flood. I may not get out tonight.

June 15 is National Dump to Pump Day. Fifteenth annual one. The cry is not to drive your car. Take a bus, bicycle or walk.

City of Key West pushing the day. Want everyone to ride the bus. We ain’t got enough busses!

The City Commissioners also want us to drive cars less. They encourage bike riding. To reduce traffic congestion.

Very anti-automobile. I like my car and prefer driving it. Especially since I live three keys outside Key West. I cannot see myself riding on a bike on  US 1 or the Boulevard. A sure auto/bicycle accident in the making. My old body involved.

Trump went to Saudi Arabia two weeks ago and sucked up to the Saudis and representatives of 53 other Arab nations. Turns out his visit has emboldened the Saudis. Great America is apparently on their side.

Two developments in the last 24 hours prove the point.

Iran was terrorized by ISIS. First any type terrorist attack in 10 years. Tehran no longer safe from ISIS.

Qatar has been warned by Saudi Arabia to change their tune and dance to Saudi Arabia’s dictates. The Saudis have blockaded little Qatar. Thirty six hours ago, ten  conditions for Qatar to agree to were submitted by the Saudis to Qatar. Qatar was given 24 hours to agree. Otherwise the veiled threat of invasion.

Twenty four hours have passed. No agreement, no invasion. The fear of war continues to exist, however.

None of this would have happened had Trump not behaved as he did when he visited Saudi Arabia. Again, he emboldened the Saudis. His conduct gave tacit approval to Saudi Arabia to flex its muscle.

The problem with Iran is Sunni / Shite hatred for one another. They tolerated each other for 10 years. Till trump got involved with the Saudis.

I fear Trump is going to get us into a war. Not necessarily the Middle East. Somewhere. It’s a big world. He’s a loose cannon with a six shooter on his hip.

Enjoy your day!


I attended the Vietnam Living Memorial event at Bayview Park yesterday.

I especially feel an attachment to the veterans of the Vietnam War. I did not serve. However, those who did are close in age to me. Probably why I feel a kindership.

It took a long time for our country to honor the Vietnam vets. They are a sight to behold at any ceremony involving them. Pride. Their faces reflect it.

Picked up Terri at 5. She was to sing as part of Dueling Bartenders at Aqua. Donna working. I played chauffeur.

Dropped Terri off. Did not go in. Instead drove down to the Chart Room.

Met the new bartender Shaun. He was a manager at Rum Barrel. Rum Barrel closed a couple of weeks ago.

A young couple came in. Both worked at Casa Marina. I sipped and listened to their conversation with Shaun. One of them was a bartender at Casa Marina. Bartending the primary topic of their conversation.

Returned to Aqua.

Tom Luna and Terri singing up a storm.Terri starred tree months on Broadway playing the jail matron Mama Morton in Chicago. She sang All That Jazz last night. Wild!

Some of the nicest people live in Key West. Try us and you will understand. Many at Dueling Bartenders are locals. Comradeship exists.

My Facebook video is three months old. Seems I did the right thing. Many people watching. As to locals, four came up to me to comment on the video show, how much they liked it, etc.

Made me feel good.

I am losing friends frequently. Persons who were close to me. Most recently, a judge and police lieutenant. Contemporaries.

Death abounds. A certainty. I do not think about it. The thought would diminish the fun I am having.

Watched Trump lay a wreath at Arlington Cemetery on TV yesterday. His words warm. He was Presidential.

What bothered me was the roaring welcome he received. Had to be a selected crowd. The enthusiasm for him overwhelming.

A little Lincoln Memorial and Jefferson Memorial.

On this day in 1922, former President William Howard Taft dedicated the Lincoln Memorial. Construction began in 1914 and was completed in 1922. The Memorial impressive.

The Jefferson Memorial was completed in a shorter time. Construction began in 1939 and was completed in 1947. Bronzed in 1947. Equally impressive.

I have always favored the Jefferson Memorial. A tall standing Jefferson. If I recall correctly, 18 feet. Majestic.

William Hackley’s diary interesting this morning. Today’s date in 1856. Hackley noted a man was convicted of larceny. He was sentenced to one hour in a pillory. To expose him to public abuse.

I was surprised the pillory was still in use in 1856. I thought it had disappeared as a punishment instrument years earlier.

Every now and then someone makes a statement in Citizens’ Voice that has no basis in fact. Some ill informed individual wrote that Key West needs to “charge more for the scads of underpriced free parking we have in Old Town.”

The writer knows nothing of that which was written.

Private parking is expensive. Public parking, generally more so.

Municipal lots charge from $3 to $4 an hour. Multiply the numbers by 3-4 or more hours. The dollars add up.

As to free parking, none exists.

It costs me roughly $100 a week to park. I live three islands up, 5 miles from downtown Key West. I drive in at least 5 mornings a week. Three to 4 evenings, also. Morning parking generally 4 hours. Evenings, 4-6.

Do the math. The lots where I park generally in the $4 range. The closer to the action, the more the City charges.

I mentioned an only in Key West occurrence yesterday. Two women fighting because one had failed to give the other an orgasm.

Today, a similar happening reported.

The man was using the men’s room at Bayview Park. Upon leaving, he ran into a former girl friend. She started shouting and grabbed him by the balls. Squeezing hard. He claimed he “experienced immediate pain and discomfort.”

The police were called.

She must have thought she was Donald Trump…..Once you grab them by the crotch, you’ve got them.

My podcast show tonight at 9. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. So many happenings this week, I have a wide range of topics to choose from.

Join me at 9.

Enjoy your day!





The Anti-Defamation League issued a report yesterday. Claims anti-Semitism on the rise in the United States. Statistics provided in support.

In the first quarter of 2017, there have been 541 incidents. An increase of 86 percent over the same period last year.

Viewing 2016 alone, a larger number of incidents occurred over 2015. The leading states were New York, California, and New Jersey. Florida alone saw a 50 percent increase in number of incidents.

The cause? The article suggests Trump. The article accuses Trump of using anti-Semitic memes during the campaign.

2016 saw an overall increase of 34 percent over 2015. One third of the increase occurred in the last two months of 2016.

Spoken words of hatred beget hatred. Mouthing hatred encourages hatred.

Is Trump anti-Semitic? I don’t think so. He is a man with a Jewish daughter, son in law and grandchildren. I sense Trump to be a man who uses any tool to get ahead. Not actually believing what he says. Not thinking or concerned with the impact of his words.

Still makes Trump responsible for his spoken words. He creates problems whenever he opens his mouth.

By the way, anti-Semitism is down in Europe.

Spent yesterday afternoon researching tonight’s podcast show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Exciting and revealing. Fast moving. Nine my time.

Topics will include anti-Semitism, Netanyahu’s wife in the process of being indicted re using state funds for private spending, bomb attack on Monsanto plant in Italy, middle class continuing to collapse in 20 major U.S. cities, reflection on recent power outages in San Francisco, New York and Los Angeles.

Also, a Venezuela update, Trump’s neocon conversion, 900 high school students searched and groped by police, former Trump county chair and Judge arrested for child sex trafficking, United and American Airlines incidents, and more.

Arrived at Aqua early yesterday for Dueling Bartenders. An hour early. Read newspapers till show time.

Tom Luna and Rick Dery singing. Tom a Notary. Married Rick and his spouse this past week. Congratulated a happy Rick re his marriage.

Liz showed up! I had not seen her since her hospitalization. Still  with cane. Looks much better. Face relaxed. The eternal hip pain gone.

We decided to have dinner at Antonia’s. Closed. I forgot it was Taste of Key West. Mangoes was open. As unhappy as I was with my last visit, it was the closest open restaurant.

I must admit, the meal was terrific. I thoroughly enjoyed a shrimp pasta. I will return. Lesson learned, I should not condemn a restaurant based on one poor meal.

Technology amazing! Moving super fast in recent years.

We are testing driverless vehicles. First probably will be marketed by the end of this year or next year. Now comes flying cars. Not driverless. A big move forward, however. Expected to be market ready in three years.

Arkansas should be credited! Tried to squeeze 10 executions into one week. Got most in. Two last night. What a claim to fame!

Actually, disgraceful!

Enjoy your day!





When it rains, it pours…..

Donna and Terri have been having a rough time of it. Battling Terri’s cancer.

Donna got the flu shot this year. Not the time to taunt the gods. Terri and the flu would not be a good combination.

Donna has the flu! Big time! The worst from her perspective. Strong coming from Donna who has had some heavy illnesses in the course of her life.

Donna has a type of influenza A. One of the influenza’s protected by the flu shot. Hit her New Year’s eve. Twice in the hospital yesterday. Temperature 103.

Donna says it is death. Even getting a little better is in the death area.

The flu shot does not always work. Some still come down from the flu. Not from the shot itself. You cannot get the flu from the shot itself. The virus injected is dead.

Hang in there Donna. Terri, stay away from Donna.

Spent yesterday afternoon preparing for tonight’s podcast. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine my time.

A major topic is the Theft of Social Security. The Fund would be sound if the government stopped taking surplus funds out every year. Presently, the United States owes Social Security just under $3 trillion.

You will find the truth interesting. It will anger you as well.

More robot discussion. China is on the way to replacing in excess of 600,000 employees at one of its plants with robots. Also, further exploration of poor veteran care at Veterans’ Hospitals. The story of a veteran who died with maggots in his wounds.

Plus, a Texas police officer who sexually assaulted a 13 year old girl, a Mexican scheduled for deportation and/or removal 19 times who raped a 13 year old girl on a bus, the Miami cop who was fired for bragging the black neighborhood was a good place for gun practice, the EPA intentionally hiding radiation in water at a number of sites, the story of a 13 year old boy paralyzed from a chicken pox vaccine, and more.

Aqua big last night! Tons of people. The season ongoing.

Many friends. Sheila, Jean and Joe Thornton, Stephanie, Liz, Mary and Josefina. Tom and Rick doing the Dueling Bartenders thing.

Made two new friends. Anna and Everett. Owners of Anna’s Cabana. A lovely 40 foot power vessel. They live on the boat when in Key West. It is presently docked near A&B Lobster House.

Anna is the Captain and Everett the first mate.

You know who is boss in that family!

They told me they were steady dinner customers at Berlin’s. We hope to run into each other.

An Alabama night. Anna and Everett Alabama residents. As are Joe and Jean. Anna and Everett plan on being at the game in Tampa on January 9. Joe and Jean will be gut wrenched here in Key West.

In distant past years, there was a drop off of tourists immediately following New Year’s day. Not in recent years. Not this year.

I had difficulty finding a parking place near Aqua.

Liz and the ladies left early to have dinner at Virgilio’s.

Liz and her friends like to whoop it up. Spent New Year’s eve at the bar at Aqua from 5:30 to 11:00.

Then to Bourbon Street to her Bria sing. The best!

Tim and Scott at the bar. Enjoyed a couple of drinks with them. Friends of Donna and Terri. Know them from the Back Door.

They work for Bourbon Street, though not last night. They told me how busy New Year’s eve was. They were still tired.

Stopped at the street level bar/restaurant under Crabby Dick’s where Alex plays tuesday nights. Chatted with Alex and his wife. Met Alex’s brother who is vacationing here.

I was energized. Not tired enough to go home yet. Walked over to Virgilio’s to chat with Liz and friends.

Virgilio’s impressed me. A good 10 years since I had been there. A night club back then. Still a night club. However, a restaurant during dinning hours. The place was packed. Had there been room, I would have joined the ladies for dinner.

Dinner was at Outback. Easy. A cheeseburger. Watched the final minutes of the USC/Penn State Rose Bowl game. A tremendous finish! Just like pro ball. The last couple of minutes everything. USC won with a field goal in the final minute after intercepting a Penn State pass.

Somewhere along the way last night, Hard Rock Stadium  came into the talk.

When first built in 1987, it was the Joe Robbe Stadium. Joe Robbe was the first owner of the Miami Dolphins. He was also the prime mover in getting Joe Robbe Stadium built.

I was in Joe Robbe Stadium in 1987. For Super Bowl XXIII. The Stadium impressed me no end. Especially the elevators.

Think of the long almost vertical elevators at the Atlanta airport. Robbe Stadium had similar elevators. Multiple ones. Side by side. You rode up swiftly to your seat before the game. The elevators took you back to ground level after the game. All elevators were down only after the game.

When Robbe died in 1990, he left a $100 million estate.

Back in the early 1970s, I had a condominium at the Jockey Club in Miami. A private club. The place to be in the those days. Fun 24 hours a day.

Joe Robbe had a condo there also. Occasionally we would enjoy a drink together at the bar. A nice guy. Willie Shoemaker would join us on occasion. He lived at the Jockey Club, also.

Enjoy your day!



President John Kennedy was assassinated this day in 1963. All America cried. It was the end of Camelot.

The excitement and anticipation of his Presidency has never returned.

It seems impossible! The year is rapidly moving to its end. Major holidays ahead.

In two days, Thanksgiving. Christmas one month later.

Key West gets into holidays big time. Especially, Christmas. Two big parades.

The first December 3. Key West’s annual Christmas Parade. More exciting than Macy’s parade. For real!

The parade on Truman. The whole community turns out. The beads of Fantasy Fest are candy for the children. Thrown from the floats.

Robert and Ally go crazy. Waiting to catch as many goodies as they can. They come prepared. Each with a large bag.

The Lighted Boat parade December 10. An experience. Out on the water in a boat decorated like a Christmas tree. Forty or fifty other boats similarly attired. Generally cold. Nothing like being on the open water on a cold December evening. You wear everything! Even long johns if you have them.

The bigger the boat, the more fun. A band. Dancing. Great food. Alcohol.

Nance Frank is Key West personified. She operates an art gallery on Greene Street. Gallery on Greene. Many a local artist has become successful because of her efforts.

The City Commission is dancing around with a parking garage on Greene Street. Nancy wrote a Letter to the Editor which appears in this morning’s KONK Life E-Blast.

Stay away, she says! The 600 block of Greene Street is one of the last vestiges of old Key West. A concrete two or three story parking garage destroys the flavor of the block.

An excellent letter from one who knows best!

I recall building sand castles on the beach with my children. Not a lost art. The children of yesterday the adults of today. Some still build sand castles. Only bigger. Much bigger. Huge!

The Third Annual International Sand Art Competition this week. Wednesday to sunday at the Casa Marina.

Stop by daily and watch the artists work. Beginning friday evening, the sculptures will be lite. Wild!

A premature slap on the back in this morning’s Key West Citizen.

Work was begun a few months ago on the Truman Waterfront Park. After 15 years of screwing around with the project by the City Commission and others.

A major announcement in this morning’s newspaper. First two steps on schedule for the planned December 2017 completion.

A year away!

Guaranteed it will not be on schedule December 2017. Excuses, reasons will be forthcoming. Behind. Over run costs accumulating.

The City Commission is ultimately responsible for the project. History will repeat itself. Behind! Excuses numerous!

Does anyone in government really pay attention to these things?

Podcast time. My blog talk radio show tonight. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine o’clock. Join me for a fast moving thoughtful eye opening half hour.

Topics include the technological revolution making humans obsolete, people of Flint still without clean drinking water, Maduro continues to screw up in Venezuela, Secret Service having lost or cannot find 11,780 items.

Also, CIA appointee Pompeo a supporter of torture and anti-GMO labeling, Attorney General appointee Jeff Sessions wants to reverse marijuana legalization, Russia withdrawing from UN’s International Criminal Court, and more.

I will not be writing today’s installment re Key West Rotary history. The Key West Rotary and Boy Scouts. Boy Scouts were big nationally and in Key West in the 1930s.

My research not completed. Yesterday busy getting ready for tonight’s podcast.

Tomorrow, Installment 20.

Enjoy your day!






Regarding people in their 60s, I read that women generally are drinking hard stuff and men wine. A change in drinking choice. Proof once again that women are the stronger sex.

Did some research yesterday afternoon for my tuesday evening podcast show. I have been waiting till tuesday to prepare the past couple of weeks. Made for long tuesdays.

Donna and Terri celebrated their anniversary this past week. Not from the day they married. From the day they first met. Eight years now. The right is theirs to determine from what date.

They were to be my guests last night to celebrate the event. Donna called mid afternoon to say Terri was a bit under the weather and they had to cancel.

So, I did Berlin’s alone.

Gage and Shaun bartending.

A couple to my left were eating 2 pound lobsters. I was tempted. Thought it would be too much for me last night. Instead, I enjoyed Berlin’s filet mignon special. A small piece of meat. To die for! Great cooking at Berlin’s!

Bria entertaining. A voice! She was singing 40s, 50s and 60s tunes while I was there. I sat a while after dinner to continue enjoying her.

Bria is a big woman. Not fat. Large. Very sultry. Innocently exudes sex.

Key West is supposedly studying the use of bicycle sharing to help reduce auto traffic. I say supposedly because I question whether Key West is taking it seriously.

China is. Successfully. If it is working for China, it will work here.

Bike sharing is escalating in China. Beijing has 5.6 million automobiles. Two companies in the business. Ofo and Mobike. Their bikes located all over Beijing. The customer locates one, books the bike using a cell phone, and rides away.

Ofo is the cheaper of the two companies. Its market college students. The rental cost is $. 07 American money per hour. With a $13 deposit for the bike. Returned when trip completed.

What blew me out was the cost of a new bicycle. Ofo pays $30 for a new bike. A used one cannot be purchased for that money in Key West. Not even close.

Hangzhou has the largest public bicycle program. The largest number of bicycles in any city world wide. Eighty four thousand bikes!

Key West City Commission, pay attention to China. It does not hurt to study a city where a bicycle program has proven successful. A smaller community such as Key West provides an easier opportunity for success.

We are into the voting season. Secret ballot. No one’s business who a person actually votes for.

Was not always so. There was a time when a voter’s choice was made publicly. Before an audience of friends and neighbors. A public act.

The setting was generally a platform in a public square. The voter went up, openly enunciated who he was voting for. A clerk recorded his vote. This was done in front of huge crowds. Some in the crowds heckling, drinking and/or brawling.

Thus was the method of voting in the U.S. from colonial times to the 1880s. Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln were elected this way.

Key West busy again this weekend. Not as many visitors as for Fantasy Fest. Large enough, however.

Parrotheads. Jimmy Buffett fans. This weekend their annual convention.

People come from all over the U.S. to enjoy the Parrothead convention, as people do for Fantasy Fest. Parrothead partiers significantly subdued in comparison to those that attend Fantasy Fest.

Some Fantasy Fest women from Iowa and Nebraska for example proudly exhibit their breasts. Grandmothers, teachers, etc. Good persons all. The Parrothead women on the other hand keep their clothes on. Limit their fun/foolishness to wearing crazy hats. The international sign of a parrothead.

Different strokes for different folks.

Key West Rotary history continues. This is installment 6.

The time continues to be 1925.

In November 1925, a Rotary meeting was held in St. Paul’s Parish Hall. A distinguished speaker.  Frank W. Lovering. A building contractor and former managing editor of the Boston Herald. His speech described as stirring.

The subject was Key West’s need for a planning board.

Problems discussed by Lovering are the same today in many respects. Parking, wider streets to accommodate increased traffic, better school facilities, a modern waterfront.

Key West has been successful re school facilities and a modern waterfront. A failure as to parking and more driveable streets.

He recommended the City plan for the pipeline recently authorized by the State legislature. Also, plan for the additional cars that would be coming to Key West down the Overseas Highway.

Lovering recommended that the City “…..plan for growth of that yet you may–a distasteful job. But necessary.”

Re the waterfront, “Give ocean traffic a chance in your zoning map so that proper segregation will make a modern and a practical waterfront.”

Lovering closed his address with…..”Be broad of mind and of vision.”

Enjoy your day!