There is a bear in town. By name only.
Donna and Terri’s family now 3. A dog. Named Bear. A golden retriever. Eight weeks old.
A baby!
Met Bear last night. Enjoyed dinner at Donna and Terri’s with Bear.
Bear arrived the night before. Flew in from Detroit. Spent 11 hours in a cage. A 3 hour stop over involved.
Cried all night. Can’t blame him. Stripped from his mother and 8 brothers and sisters. A new environment.
Talked with Donna this morning. He cried again all night. Terri does the night shift.
The game plan is to have Bear trained as a guide dog. Terri is blind in one eye and the other is going. The eye problem has nothing to do with the cancer. Terri is in remission and beaming.
The new Key West Amphitheater presently featuring a four day musical festival. Appears a success. Many tourists in town for the concert. When not at the Amphitheater, they are filling the downtown bars known for good music.
Apparent reason for the early morning shooting at Banana Bay Resort coming to light. Drugs. Police found 4 adults, 3 children and the drugs in one room. Lots of drugs. Marijuana, crack and powder cocaine, MDMS, and drug paraphernalia. All wrapped for sale. In a car outside, oxycodone pills.
Frequent Key West visitor Don Teich spends most of his year working in Asia. He and Chris Maxam are to be married in several weeks here in Key West at the Hyatt.
I mentioned Hemingway recently. For some reason, Don was in Spain. Pamplona to be exact. Where the bulls run. He sent me a photo of him running on the street where the bulls run. At night. Don running, no bulls behind him.
Pebble Beach Golf Tournament this weekend. Watched a bit.
What a course! I played it and its sister courses several times. Pebble Beach the most difficult course I ever played. The pros have their work cut out for them this weekend.
What does a husband do if his wife cheats? Leave, shoot the wife, shoot the lover, whatever?
Marital infidelity appears to have been dealt with in a different fashion in 1829 in Key West. A Mexican Naval officer named Charles Hawkins fought a duel with William Allison McRes, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Florida. Four shots fired. One man shot in the wrist, the other in the thigh.
Satisfaction obtained.
Why the duel? Hawkins saw McRes leaving his wife’s bedroom via the window.
Anna wrote to tell me one of the African negros involved in the voodoo killing was apprehended in the Milan railway station. Brought back memories.
About 10 years ago, Anna and I were in the Milan station. I fell down the stairs. Did a number on my arm. An open cut and bleeding.
Anna panicked and rushed me to a drug store in the plaza. She was going to take care of me. Needed bandages, etc.
The bandages, etc. were behind the counter. Anna is yelling for help. The girl was slow. Anna went behind the counter, grabbed what she needed, and wrapped me up.
As I think back, it may have been the first of my falls.
A new mosquito killer is being tested in Miami. The concern dengue fever and ZIKA. The company MosquitoMate.
Male mosquitoes are sterilized in a lab. They are then incapable of impregnating females. The males do not bite, have healthy sex drives, and will mate with females whose eggs then won’t hatch.
Six thousand were dropped on Brewer Park in South Miami thursday. It is expected that over a six month period, a total of six million will be released.
What is good for the goose is good for the gander. And vice versa.
California Assemblywoman Christina Garcia has been active in the local and national #Me Too Movement.
A male staffer said that in 2014 following an Assembly softball game, Christina approached him, squeezed his buttocks, and tried to touch his crotch. He told two friends immediately afterwards.
Both the Assemblywoman and male staffer agree she was drunk. She has no recollection.
The matter is under investigation.
Ian Welsh is an English blogger I recently began reading. His most recent blog concerned gender pay equality. Women should be paid as much as men for doing the same job.
He reported how the British Broadcasting Company was handling the situation. The BBC is the largest public broadcaster in the world. Twenty thousand nine hundred fifty full-time employees. An additional 35, 402 part-time, flexible and fixed contract staff.
Rather than increase women’s salaries, the salaries of men are being decreased. As much as 30 percent. All in an effort to tackle the gender pay crisis.
Enjoy your day!