I have found something strange re the news the past couple of weeks. Perhaps you have also.
Close to all of the news concerns the U.S. Kavanaugh primarily.
There are things going on elsewhere in the world. We do not hear. We are buried in the Kavanaugh issue.
Not healthy. World events in the final analysis are equally if not more important over the long run than Kavanaugh.
Fire Prevention Week begins in a few days. October 7-October 13.
In 1948, a fire prevention week existed also. I was in the eighth grade. There was a contest. We had to write a composition about fire prevention. The writer of the best composition would get to read it while standing on a fire truck in front of the school. A big deal!
Mine was the best. Thirteen year old Louis got the thrill of a lifetime. Stood on the fire truck, read the composition, and then blew the fire truck horn repeatedly. The last part the best.
I was a reader early in life. Sat in an easy chair in the living room reading something too heavy for me. A large dictionary at my side so I could look up the many words I did not understand.
Somewhere along the way, I came up with a phrase that stuck in my head while writing the composition: A match has a head, but no brain. Brilliant! I incorporated it into my composition. It became the thrust of the writing and probably caused me to win.
At the time, I thought it had to do with fires. I looked it up this morning. It did not. Concerns stress and anger prevention.
Oh well, it worked at the time!
I further discovered this morning that I was sort of correct. Sort of being the operative words. I came across one comment re the match and no brain in a fire prevention ad put out by a Firemen’s Association. One out of hundreds!
Disposable lighters are in vogue today. Matchbooks a rarity. In 1948, matchbooks were used. A practical lighter did not arrive on the scene till 1972. Gillette bought a French patent.
Matchbooks were used for cigarette lighting, birthday cakes, etc. Matchbooks were a small paper board folder carrying 30 matches. Rip a match off and strike the head on a small pad on the outside of the matchbook.
That scenario was why I was able to use a match has a head but no brain. Everyone used matches! Everyone understood!
A pleasant evening last night at Blue Macaw with Andrea and Joe. Good people. I keep repeating myself. However, they are.
Afterwards, I stopped at Sandy’s Cafe for something to eat before returning home.
I have reported re the mosquito danger in North Carolina. Terrible! Mosquitoes three times normal size. Millions more than normal being bred.
North Carolina’s Governor recognizes the danger. Yesterday, he authorized $4 million to attack the problem. Probably more will be required in time.
One of Florida’s greatest benefactors was Henry Flagler. The railroad, St. Augustine, Palm Beach, West Palm Beach, Miami, and Key West.
Two interesting things about the man. He never graduated from high school. He also actually created Miami. From nothing to something. People were thrilled. They wanted to name the city Flagler. He said, no. There was a river in the area. The Miami River. The city Flagler created was named after the river.
Tuesday night I was supposed to watch Ally play volleyball. She is on the school team. Never saw her play before. To my sorrow, the game was cancelled at the last minute.
One of my TV’s has been down for 2 days. Repair man due this afternoon. Comcast is wonderful!
Tonight, I don’t know. Probably the Chart Room. Several days since my last visit. Time to visit with John again.
Enjoy your day!
Zippo has been made since the depression.
I remember my father repeatedly flipping the lid on his Zippo, with one hand, as we watched the baseball games on TV. A fond memory, permanently stuck in my head. This was in the 1950s.
Zippos were cool with that instantly recognizable “clink” they made. I began smoking just so I could use one.