I have not had a cold in 20 years. For real. I got one this week. The mother of all colds. Running nose, sneezing, a sore throat, and generally feeling lousy.
Last Sunday, I began noticing a lot of sneezing and complaining of a sore throat, etc. I smiled. Not me. I was immune.
Finally, got hit Wednesday. Yesterday, the worst.
Slept for the first time last night. Woke this morning. Laying in bed noticed no sore throat, no runny nose. Finally over!
No. Once up and around a few minutes and everything started again. Nowhere as horrible as yesterday, however.
Today and tomorrow and I should be fine.
Sorry I rejoined the world of susceptibility to colds.
While dying, I enjoyed watching Syracuse/Connecticut from my bed. Syracuse won 51-21. As expected. Next week, Clemson! A giant in collegiate football. Undefeated also while playing better teams than Syracuse.
Hope we win! Don’t know!
Enjoyed watching Tiger Woods over the course of the afternoon. He’s back! Hope he wins. Holding a 3 stroke lead going into the final round.
Woods played magnificently. Five straight birdies on the front 9.
If he wins today, it will be Woods 80th PGA Tour victory. More importantly, his first tour victory in more than 5 years.
The world is pulling for him.
Stupidity continues to prevail. A most recent example is what is happening to Tammie Hedges in North Carolina.
Terri has been threatened with arrest for having saved more than 2 dozen animals during hurricane Florence.
Terri runs a non-profit called Crazy’s Claws n Paws. She is in the process of building a shelter. Florence hit. Terri offered space to persons without anywhere to leave their pets. Opened her doors. Pet owners and rescuers brought animals in. Terri did not go out and get any herself.
There was no charge for the sheltering, feeding, etc. Total brought in were 17 cats and 10 dogs.
After Florence had passed, Terri received a call from the head of Wayne County Animal Services. He berated Terri. Terri to get a warrant for return of the animals. Implied Terri could be arrested. She was told she was a “lawbreaker” for operating a shelter without a permit. Note she was only constructing the shelter when Florence hit. Not doing business yet.
Terri turned over the animals. Now concerned she may be arrested.
Some in authority are just assholes. The only way to describe them.
Enjoy your Sunday!
Watch out for pneumonia, it takes out a lot of us old folks.