Some people fear mosquitoes. More than just not liking them. Actually fear them. It is called insectophobia. Also, entomophobia. Defined as an unrealistic fear of one or more classes of insect.

Mosquitoes are insects. The phobia is linked with fear of itching.

Those afflicted with the phobia are prone to say: “Kill them all!”

Never knew some feared simple mosquito bites merely because of the itching. Yellow fever I could understand.

I became interested in the topic the past few days. Some TV programs showed pictures of Trump during the campaign and since elected swapping mosquitoes who were flying around him. He generally referred to them as no good. Said, “Kill them all!”

Our President has the phobia!

Spent yesterday afternoon fine tuning last night’s podcast. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. I had the program organized. My intent was to begin with some non-Trump items. Then move on to Trump re immigrant children and tariffs.

The U.S. Supreme Court screwed me up. They decided Trump v. Hawaii yesterday. Had to work the decision into the show.

I do not agree with the decision. The Supreme Court has become as politicized as Congress and the Nation. Our government is not working at any level.

The issue in the case was religious freedom. Not Presidential power.

I have read portions of the decision and listened to various TV persons analyze it. Associate Justice Sotomayer had it right in her dissent. Chief Justice Roberts majority decision read like Comey explaining his decision re Hillary Clinton and her computer usage.

Another case was decided yesterday. One of importance re immigrant children. The case was decided in a California federal court by Judge Dana M. Sabraw.

The case pin pointed separating children from their parents.

Judge Sabraw ruled that authorities cannot split families who illegally cross the border. Those already separated must be reunited within 30 days. Two weeks for children under 5. All children must be allowed to speak with parents within 10 days.

The Judge hit certain things right on. He wrote property is accounted for with more efficiency and accuracy than immigrant children. Also, adults may not be deported from the U.S. without their children.

He observed that chaos existed. The chaotic circumstances of the government’s own making.

The government will probably appeal.

I had time to sneak out for a bite to eat before the show. Hurried to Roostica. Arrived in time for Happy Hour. Did not know they even had a Happy Hour.

A good deal! Eight limoncello wings for $8. The full meal of 10, $12. Two less and save $4. A good deal!

Chatted with the man who sat next to me. From England, he has worked at Byrd’s 15 years. Byrd’s is where Cheryl and Roger used to park their RV on Stock Island.

He knew Cheryl and Roger well. Agreed they were the best of people. Said Roger had stopped by in the morning to say hello.

Americans do not tolerate taxation without representation. It caused the Revolutionary War.

The U.S. Supreme Court decided last week that internet sales could be taxed. I believe the issue not yet resolved. It will be litigated ad infinitum till it reaches the Supreme Court again.

“Leave my husband alone!” Like “Don’t tread on me!”

Trump administration officials and supporters are being harangued. People feel they are being abused. They have begun pushing back. Last week saw Secretary Kristjen Nielsen and Sandra Huckabee Sanders confronted. Both in restaurants.

Yesterday at Georgetown University, Georgetown students approached Majority Leader McConnell and his wife Transportation Secretary Chao as they were leaving dinner at the University. The students played the recording of the now famous immigrant children voices, cries of woe, etc. They also shared their thoughts. Directed at McConnell.

His wife came to his defense: “Why don’t you leave my husband alone?” Followed by, “Leave my husband alone.”

This is but the beginning. Confrontations will continue. Again, people are upset. Even some conservatives. Government is not being run as it should. I worry about the demonstrations nationwide which are to take place this saturday. Emotions are running high with the children situation. The fuse is lit. I hope nothing of a serious consequence occurs.

Suicides on the rise. This we have heard for several weeks. A recent article indicated that farmers are the occupation group with the highest suicide rate. Five times more than the broader population.

Blame is attributed to economics. Farmers are living on the same income as they earned 15 years ago.

Things are expected to get worse. As they do, farmer suicides are expected to increase.

Causes will include retaliatory tariffs from China, the EU set to further undermine U.S. crop prices, and the Federal Reserve expected to soon raise interest rates making loans upon which farmers depend increasingly expensive.

My KONK Life article re Sand hits the stands today. It will appear in E-Blast friday.

The world is running out of sand. Getting expensive. Black markets popping up to handle sales.

Note that sand is a non-renewable natural resource.

The article interesting. If you have the opportunity, read it.

BOB has a day off.

Enjoy your day!





Indiana pretty much sewed it up for Trump. Good for him! Bad for America!

I fear he is going to go all the way. The campaign will be dirty. The end will find him left standing. The four years following will tell whether I am correct. I hope I am wrong.

The American people are angered. About everything. Politicians are the first they can get at. They are doing it by nominating outsiders to be their leaders.

Sanders is another example. He has won a lot of States. He won Indiana last night. I suspect he will come up short, however. He will end up the also ran.

Sanders represents an extreme. His not bad in comparison to Trump’s way of thinking.

My blog talk radio show went well last night. I worked during the day fine tuning the show. I went on the air five minutes late. Technical difficulties. If you tried and failed to hear the show, it is archived on Blog Talk Radio, You Tube and my website Key West Lou.

The anti-gravity treadmill later this morning. I am going to cut the time back to 15 minutes. Monday proved to be too much.

Perry Court. Why did the Key West City Commission approve a $12.5 million dollar transfer of land authority money to make the transaction work? I thought the people voted down the acquisition of Perry Court. The Key West political powers are a conniving group.

My column Afghanistan and America’s Heroin Addiction appears in this week’s KONK Life which hits the stands today. Heroin is an issue to which we have closed our eyes. Time to wake up! Read the article. An eye opener.

Audrey Hepburn was born this day in 1929 in Belgium. She spent the World War II years in Nazi occupied Holland with her mother. She is reported to have suffered many hardships.

My friend Anna was born and raised in Navaro, Italy. She lived through a Nazi occupied Italy during the War. Though Anna was probably 10 years younger than Hepburn.

Anna was four when the Americans arrived to free Navaro. Anna’s recollections are many. During the occupation, the German soldiers and the executions against a brick wall not far from her home.

As to the Americans, she distinctly recalls their arrival. She was given gum by one of them. She had never seen gum before. Did not know what it was. She ate the gum as if it were candy.

Enjoy your day!


My blog talk radio show was at 9 last night. It takes me five minutes before to connect with the radio station. The process is not permitted till 8:45.

It was 8 o’clock. I was watching primary returns. I fell asleep. Woke precisely at 9. Rushed to the computer. It took till 9:06 to connect.

This has happened before. I have to move my ass under pressure to connect.

Listeners last night were cheated of five minutes. Those archived will never know. I know and apologize. Promise to never fall asleep again.

The blog talk radio show went well. In spite of the lost five minutes. I hit hard on two issues. Female genital mutilation in England and Michigan’s Senate passing a bill last week making oral and anal sex illegal. Good for 15 years in jail!

The high number of mutilations in England is due to the high number of Muslim immigrants. Michigan’s soon to be law is the government invading the bedroom. Nine states already have such laws.

Today is wednesday. Wednesday is Hump Day. For me, Screw Off Day. No writing till the weekend.

The anti-gravity treadmill in the morning. Increasing my speed. I am impressed!

I misjudged my preparation for last night’s show. I thought I had things pretty well ready. About an hour’s work to complete.

I was wrong. Took me 3.5 hours. The reason being I found some items more interesting than that which I had prepared.

The New Hampshire results telling. I hate to admit it. It appears Trump will end up the Republican nominee. The Sanders/Clinton race still up in the air. Sanders victory impressive. Beat Hillary by 22 percentage points.

I suspect Hillary may be on her way down. Not because she is a bad woman. Her time has passed. She represents yesterday’s thinking. She has too many other problems on her plate.

Sanders an interesting candidate. He is of the Jewish faith. He would be the first Jew elected President should he win. Much like Obama’s victory as the first black.

We were all shocked by Flint, Michigan. It now comes out the lead problem has occurred in the past in other cities and in each the news of was kept from the public. Sebring, Ohio, Washington, D.C., Jackson, Mississippi, Durham and Greenville, North Carolina.

On this day in history in 1763, the French and Indian War ended. Recall, I made mention two weeks ago in KONK Life of the war as part of my Yankee Doodle Dandy article.

The Brits won  the French and Indian War. As a result, France lost most of its colonial empire. France did not forget. Many historians believe the French supported the colonists in the Revolutionary War for that reason.

Enjoy your day!



Late night!

Iowa surprised. No question about it.

Trump came in second. Cruz won. Rubio one point behind Trump.

Rubio has the momentum. New Hampshire going to be interesting..

Sanders deserves all kinds of accolades. Ran a dead heat race against Clinton. I think Clinton won by two tenths of one percentage point..

The polls were off. Lets see how they do in New Hampshire.

My friend Tom in Iowa was correct. He always is. He told me yesterday Rubio would make an excellent showing.

Last night a run around. No question. Season is here. In full force.

I went to Hogfish for dinner. A line waiting to be seated. Went into the bar. I generally can find a seat there. It has always been catch as catch can. The bar has some tall round tables. Sure enough, got one.

Sat down. Hostess came over and said all tables in bar now seated by list. I talked to her a bit and thought I had sweet charmed her. She walked away.

Two minutes later this big waitress with a distinctive harsh voice told me to sign up and wait. She made it clear I would not be waited on.

Not wanting to wait, I took a chance on Roostica a few minutes down the road. Anticipated the same problem. I was lucky. Walked in and a table available in the bar room.

I will be making reservations from this point forward till the season ends.

Too many people! I fear the island will sink from the sheer weight of them.

My blog talk radio show tonight at 9. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Interesting topics. Iowa, of course. In addition, the danger of anti-American citizen groups, military spending, destruction of the middle class, cost of a college education, and more. www.blogtalkradio.com/key-west-lou.

Syracuse/Virginia Tech tonight at 8. I will be able to watch most of the first half. Vegas spread has Virginia Tech winning by 10.

Short blog. Have to move my ass. An early morning visit with one of my doctors. I wish I was being paid for these doctor visits.

Enjoy your day!