I enjoyed a cheeseburger in paradise experience yesterday. Before elaborating, a conflict requires explanation.

I have always been under the impression Jimmy Buffett wrote Cheeseburger in Paradise at a drug store once located on the corner of Simonton and United. An old time drug store. A bar with stools that swiveled. Several tables with old time rubber checkered tablecloths.

Buffett enjoyed cheeseburger lunches there. I did, also. Years later, of course. The cheeseburgers were good. I went however for the Buffett memory.

Recently, I was advised that Buffett did not write the song at or about the drug store. Rather, Buffett was on a Caribbean cruise and only had canned vegetables and peanut butter to eat. He dreamed of a cheeseburger. The first island stopped at, Buffett got himself a cheeseburger. Cheeseburger in paradise!

I do not buy the Caribbean story. I have never heard any other than the drug store one for 25 years.

Which brings me to why I am writing about Cheeseburger in Paradise this morning.

I started my evening yesterday at Aqua’s back bar. Mark Watson and friends.

Then decided to take a walk on Duval. Just a couple of blocks. Walked past Margaritaville. Stopped. Why not go in? In 26 years in Key West, I have only been inside twice.

Sat at the bar. Ordered a cheeseburger, of course.

Seated next to me were Dan and Anna from Grand Rapids, Michigan. We chatted. About Flint water, Michigan’s governor, and many other things.

Dan and Anna are around 70. Retired. Children gone. Seeing the world now.

Dan was involved in the manufacture of furniture. I learned that Grand Rapids is known as the Furniture City. Anna, a retired kindergarten teacher.

A good time.

My morning began with the anti-gravity treadmill. I cut everything back another 50 percent. Even time. Only on the machine 15 minutes. Learned something. I went back to my big time speed too soon. I have to crawl before walking. I was not tired at all afterwards nor any time during the day.

Then a Cuban cheese toast and Cuban coffee at the Cuban Coffee Queen.

It took forever to place my order.

There were two couples placing their order in front of me. Probably my age. They only wanted coffee. They asked the counter girl every conceivable question about each of the coffees. Then the sweeteners. What would she recommend? Finally, one guy and one woman walked away and left the completion of the order to the other two.

Came time to pay. Counter girl gave them the check. Oh no, we want separate checks!

Fortunately, I was in good humor. Actually found the whole thing interesting.

I have to compliment the counter girl. Took it all in stride with a never ending smile.

Not the end of the story.

When all four were seated at their table, the ladies took four subs out of their bags. Subs they obviously had purchased elsewhere.

Several years ago, the DC Madam was arrested. Her list of 800 plus prominent Washington big wigs confiscated. Louisiana Senator David Vitter’s name was on the list. He was a candidate for the Republican nomination for President at the time.  That was the end of that. Though he was reelected to the Senate by Louisiana a couple of years later.

Recently, someone went to court to have the entire customer list released for public viewing. The reason being there were names thereon of persons possible candidates for the 2016 Presidential election.

Yesterday, the U.S. Supreme Court denied the request to release the names. Without opinion.

Greece, my Greece! I love Greece!

Greece has had and continues to have big time financial problems. Greece had to be bailed out by the Eurounion. What was unknown at the time was that the bailout dollars were required to meet bank obligations. Shades of the U.S. We bailed the banks out directly.

A study was released last week showing that 95 percent of the monies loaned went to pay off Greece’s bank obligations. Only 5 percent to help the Greek people in crisis.

I spoke to this in a blog last year. Also, on my blog talk radio show.

Many say Greece placed itself in the debt position. So screw them! All must agree with me however that the Eurounion arranging for the multi-billion dollar loans was only to save the European banks’ asses. Not help the Greek people.

Enjoy your day!


Indiana pretty much sewed it up for Trump. Good for him! Bad for America!

I fear he is going to go all the way. The campaign will be dirty. The end will find him left standing. The four years following will tell whether I am correct. I hope I am wrong.

The American people are angered. About everything. Politicians are the first they can get at. They are doing it by nominating outsiders to be their leaders.

Sanders is another example. He has won a lot of States. He won Indiana last night. I suspect he will come up short, however. He will end up the also ran.

Sanders represents an extreme. His not bad in comparison to Trump’s way of thinking.

My blog talk radio show went well last night. I worked during the day fine tuning the show. I went on the air five minutes late. Technical difficulties. If you tried and failed to hear the show, it is archived on Blog Talk Radio, You Tube and my website Key West Lou.

The anti-gravity treadmill later this morning. I am going to cut the time back to 15 minutes. Monday proved to be too much.

Perry Court. Why did the Key West City Commission approve a $12.5 million dollar transfer of land authority money to make the transaction work? I thought the people voted down the acquisition of Perry Court. The Key West political powers are a conniving group.

My column Afghanistan and America’s Heroin Addiction appears in this week’s KONK Life which hits the stands today. Heroin is an issue to which we have closed our eyes. Time to wake up! Read the article. An eye opener.

Audrey Hepburn was born this day in 1929 in Belgium. She spent the World War II years in Nazi occupied Holland with her mother. She is reported to have suffered many hardships.

My friend Anna was born and raised in Navaro, Italy. She lived through a Nazi occupied Italy during the War. Though Anna was probably 10 years younger than Hepburn.

Anna was four when the Americans arrived to free Navaro. Anna’s recollections are many. During the occupation, the German soldiers and the executions against a brick wall not far from her home.

As to the Americans, she distinctly recalls their arrival. She was given gum by one of them. She had never seen gum before. Did not know what it was. She ate the gum as if it were candy.

Enjoy your day!


I returned to physiotherapy yesterday morning. To the anti-gravity treadmill.

Easily three months since I stopped. First, a broken toe. Then, chest pains.

I started slowly. Stayed slow. Half the speed of what I did before.

I had to grocery shop at Publix following the workout. When I got out of the car at Publix, I was shot! Dead tired! Not uncommon. I was always tired in the past when I finished the treadmill work out.

I got in and out of Publix fast.

As soon as I was home, I put the groceries on the kitchen cupboard. Except for the few items that had to go in the freezer. Did not keep the rest.

I hurried upstairs and threw myself on the bed. Dozed on and off till 6:30. Only then did the exhausted feeling leave me.

I have scheduled 3 days a week rather than five. It may end up zero. Tomorrow, I try again. Fifty percent less than what I did monday.

We shall see.

Publix was strange. They are moving aisles around, what is stocked next to what, etc. I think they do it to aggravate customers. Not really. Supermarkets are smart. They know how to place things so we buy more.

I intended to go out last night. After the long tired spell, I decided not. Stayed in and researched tonight’s blog talk radio show. Topics include Puerto Rico’s pending default, Goldman Sach wanting to militarize the moon, Baghdad protestors, two people connected to Flint water problem found dead, Hillary Clinton’s team to run a fundraiser for her in Israel May 17, new F-35’s software buggy/could affect whole fleet, and more.

Join me. A quick half our of interesting happenings. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou.

Have you noticed? My blog talk radio show now has advertisers. I am impressed. The blog talk people told me my numbers were good and worthy of advertising. I have heard, 3M and Walgreens so far.

On this day in 1986, Willie Shoemaker won the Kentucky Derby. He was the oldest man to win the Derby. Overall, he won 8,833 races during his career.

A tiny person. He weighed less than a 100 pounds.

In the mid 1970s, I had a condominium at the Jockey Club in Miami. As did Willie Shoemaker. When not racing, you could find him around the Club. I got to know him a bit. Not well. An exchange of hellos. A conversation on occasion.

He was a quiet man. Private.

Another today in history. The year 1532. Niccolo Machiavelli published The Prince. It was required reading for a political philosophy course I took in college.

Machiavelli was a bad guy. Anything to get ahead. Forget morality, right or wrong.

Machiavelli claimed an ideal leader was an amoral, calculating tyrant for whom the end justified the means. Such a man would undertake any action for gain, without regard for right or wrong.

How many such men have left their black mark in modern history. Up to and including some in power today. Think about it.

Enjoy your day!


Today, I return to my beloved anti-gravity treadmill. At Body Owners. It has been more than three months since I last worked out on the machine.

First, it was a broken toe. Then, chest pains. I plan on starting slow. I am going to let the machine do half the work.

Sunday yesterday was the same as always. I wrote my KONK column. Took a little longer yesterday. I had research to complete. The title: Afghanistan and America’s Heroin Addiction. The problem overwhelming.

What stands out is most are not discussing America’s heroin addiction. Do you recall any of the primary candidates mentioning it?

The column publishes wednesday.

Dinner last night at Roostica. Spaghetti and meatballs. The sauce as my grandmother made it.

I intended to go to Publix afterwards. Absolutely nothing to eat in the house! I was too lazy. Have to get there sometime today.

Big Key West week ahead! The Key West Songwriters Festival. Twenty first year. Wednesday through sunday. More than 100 participants. Singers and music emanating from every nook and cranny. A music lovers delight!

My Canadian friend Suzan Hebditch leaves this morning. One of the items we discussed over dinner friday night was the immigration issue. Suzan believes the U.S. is screwing up. Disgracefully so. Besides her Canadian friends, she is in constant touch with many Europeans. All think we should be doing our part and taking in more immigrants.

I disagreed. This is an unusual group seeking asylum. I believe taking more than the 10,000 projected for this year would throw our lives and economy into disarray. Not a selfish position from my perspective. We have to be concerned for our own first. God bless Germany who is willing to take in one million more.

Sounds like I am American First. Not so. No way. However, I find nothing wrong with being concerned for me, mine, and my country re this point.

Suzan can be emotional. Strong in disagreement. Did everything but hit me.

On this day in 1933, the Loch Ness monster was sighted. Its first modern day sighting. Is the monster for real?

Enjoy your day!



I wrote about Comet back in December. He did not have a name at the time. He was a 90 pound loggerhead sea turtle found off No Name Key. He could not dive. There was a fishing hook lodged in a rear flipper and his intestines were impacted.

It was off to the Marathon Turtle Hospital. The Hospital named him Comet.

After some love, antibiotics, squid, and other fish, Comet has recovered. Gained ten pounds in the process.

Time for Comet to go home. To the ocean.

Saturday at noon, Comet will be released. The place Higgs Beach behind Salute’s. Join in giving him a rousing send off.

I am beginning to think turtles are as much loved in Key West and the lower Keys as Harry Truman.

Yesterday was an early morning visit with Dr. Lefferts. No problems. Routine visit.

Then to my friend, the anti-gravity treadmill. An experience! I am impressed at my speed. Never tired while running on the treadmill. When it is over, exhausted!

Spent the afternoon researching further and fine tuning last night’s blog talk radio show.

Gave in. Predicted Donald Trump unstoppable. God help us!

Spent half the show talking about Saudi Arabia. Our “friend” of many years is twisting and turning. All kinds of things happening re Saudi Arabia.

One is the Saudis are flexing their muscle. Talking big. Viewed as a major player in Syria. Biggest importer of firearms in the Middle East.

My message as with Trump. Beware!

Made mention that Saudi Arabia passed a new law in 2014 which is being enforced. Atheists are considered terrorists. Penalty, death. Nineteen percent of Saudi’s population are atheists.

Atheists have been designated terrorists because they do not believe in the Koran. Koran says this is your religion. The atheists have turned their backs on the Koran and religion.

Such goes beyond death to the infidels. Infidels believe in something. Some god or religion. Atheists, nothing.

Accident prone am I. Broke a toe getting up from my desk last night. Hit it against the desk. No big deal. But, it hurts! Cancels the treadmill for a few days.

I discussed at length yesterday the School Board’s poor handling of the $21,000 theft from day care. This morning’s Key West Citizen’s main article on page one involved the State Attorney’s report. Not enough evidence to charge anyone.

The report bothered me. Not because no charges. Rather, the report named the individual suspected to be responsible. The thief. In detail. In spite of insufficient facts to charge her.

My experience in New York was the prosecutor would issue in a case that had received notoriety a simple…..Insufficient facts to support an indictment.

Glad today wednesday! Past few days tough. Now have wednesday, thursday and friday off.

Enjoy your day!


Ted Williams…..An All-American great!

Famous baseball player, Hall of Fame, World War II fighter pilot, and fisherman. It is the fisherman portion I am concerned with.

Williams loved fishing in the Keys. Especially for tarpon. He bought a home in Islamorada in 1943. Became a Florida resident. Stayed 45 years. Left in 1988.

The reason…..He said it was time to leave when he could no longer make a left turn on US 1 because of the traffic.

He will not be the last to leave for that reason.

I open with two great men today. The other is David Wolkowsky. Besides being my new found friend at physiotherapy, David is a Key West icon. Loves Key West. David is responsible for Key West’s development as a fun funky off beat place.

David is the reason for the Pier House. It was 1967. Where the Pier House sits today was nothing more than a ruddy dirty part of the waterfront. David was a visionary. On this day in 1967, construction began on the Pier House Motel. Fifty units.

Truman Capote was a guest at the Motel. Took over David’s trailer on the site. Capote referred to the Pier House Motel as “elegant inefficiency.”

The Pier House Motel was completed one year later in 1968.

Big trees from little acorns grow. Today’s Pier House.

My yesterday began with the anti-gravity treadmill. Love it! One problem, however. I have a lot of get up and go when on the treadmill. Once I am off, I am dead tired.

I began researching for a subject to write about for this week’s KONK Life column. Came up with nothing. I will come up with a topic. Generally, a gem. But it is always last minute that it hits me.

Last night was Schooners and the Waterfront. Schooners packed, as was the Waterfront. Waterfront food great again. Fried calamari, wings, and fish and chips.

There was a traffic jam of traffic jams yesterday. Construction on US 1 in the Cow Key Bridge area. One lane traffic for about 300 feet in the north bound lane. Traffic held up on Northern and Southern Boulevards, as well as Flagler, as far as the eye could see and beyond. Down to Sears Shopping Center on Northern Boulevard, around the curve on Southern, Flagler to Habana Shopping Center.

A one to two hour delay at noon time.

Police directing traffic would have helped. The delay would have been less. Only one officer directing traffic. At US 1 and College Road. The one place an officer was not needed. The construction and one lane traffic ended at the College Road intersection.

Don called me. The team won 2 out 3 at bocce thursday night. Though not playing, I plan on following the team.

Syracuse/Pitt this afternoon. Syracuse a 3 1/2 point favorite. I think Syracuse will lose. Definitely if the team plays as it did against Louisville.

Syracuse needed Louisville and Pitt wins to guarantee a bid to the big post season tournament. If Syracuse beats Pitt today, Syracuse will be on the bubble.

The game is at 2. Dan Reardon, I will be watching the game at Don’s Place.

Enjoy your day!


My thoughts re the Trump/Pope Francis fiasco.

The media complains no one really takes Trump on. The Pope did it in a few words. Following which few, if any, media persons and primary candidates said good for the Pope.

Does everyone fear Trump?

Trump had balls taking on the Pope. The Pope is obviously a good man. Trump may not rise to the same level. Trump’s conduct/statements to date suggest it.

The scenario reminds me of Joseph Welch and the Mc Carthy hearings. Senator Mc Carthy was labeling everyone a communist. No one had the courage to stand up to Mc Carthy.

Welch was a Boston lawyer representing someone before the Committee.

Welch got fed up with Mc Carthy’s statements made about someone close to Welch.

Welch was a little man. He looked Mc Carthy in the eye before all America (the proceedings were televised) and in a quiet voice said, “Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?”

It was the beginning of the end for Mc Carthy. His power and fear inducing ability went straight down. The mighty fell. David victorious over Goliath.

No one stood with the Pope yesterday. No other Davids. Amazing.

My yesterday was busy once again. Fortunately, the weather turned warm. It was a nice day to run around.

I started the morning with the anti-gravity treadmill. Then visited Lori for a haircut. Great news while with Lori. She got married!

A doctor visit later in the afternoon. Then to Martin’s. Did happy hour with appetizers. Then to the full priced menu for stone crabs. Terrific stone crabs! Medium sized. A bit smaller than those served at Ibis. Better, however. Give yourself a treat. Go to Martin’s for stone crabs.

The issue of Hillary’s speaking transcripts came up again last night. She was asked when she was going to release them. A few weeks ago, she said she would. Last night her response was to the effect that when everyone else turns over theirs, she will hers. A you show me yours and I will show you mine response.

There is no relation between Hilary’s transcripts and those of others. Because of the monies paid to Bill and Hillary.

CNN came out with a report two weeks ago. Since 2001 through last May, Bill and Hillary received$153 million in speaking fees. $7.7 million alone from big banks. Hillary was paid $1.8 million of the $7.7 million.

The report also pointed out that a super PAC supporting Hillary took in $15 million in the last quarter.

Last year when the issue was first raised, Bill and/or Hillary said the money was turned over to their Foundation for charitable use. You don’t hear that anymore. The suspicion is it went into Clinton pockets.

I for one would like to know what Hillary’s transcripts reveal. What promises/representations were made to the big banks and corporations.

This week’s KONK Life column was linked this morning to my Key West Lou website. It also appeared in KONK E-News Blast this morning.

The E-Blast article contains 14 uncapitalized words. Generally at the beginning of a sentence. Six misspellings. In addition, the last two paragraphs are a jumbled mess.

Not my fault. I have asked Guy deBoer to run the column in corrected fashion tomorrow.

How the world has changed.

There was a time when a school teacher could not be married. This morning’s Keys History section in the Citizen told of an incident which occurred in Key West in 1902. Sarah Ann Roberts had married. She was a teacher. The Board of Education asked for her resignation. And got it! It was that or be fired.

On this date in 1942, Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed an Executive Order for the removal of resident enemy aliens from parts of the West. A disgrace since acknowledged.

Japanese primarily affected. Italians, also.

Joe DiMaggio’s parents lived in the San Francisco area. Joe had joined the U.S.Army.

His father was prohibited from traveling more than five miles from his home. Which meant he could not fish. The fish he caught were sold at his restaurant. He also could not operate his restaurant. It was more than five miles away.

Enzio Pinza was taken into custody. He was held three months and then released.

I find all this interesting. I am of Italian extraction. My mother was born in Italy. She came to the United States at the age of two months. Many many years before Mussolini ever came to power.

My mother applied for a job in a war plant during World War II. A munitions plant. It took her forever to get approved. She was investigated as perhaps being an Italian spy or what have you. She finally received approval. She examined finished rifles to make sure there were no defects.

Enjoy your day!



A lovely morning! For a change!

I stepped out on the deck just as the sun rose. Beautiful!

Some rain predicted. Not much. Just heard thunder.

Sick turtles are in the right place when in the Keys. There is a turtle hospital located in Marathon. The Marathon Turtle Hospital.

Extended cold weather and high winds are not healthy for turtles. Such weather also contributes to a red tide. All dangerous to turtles. Such weather can also be potentially fatal. Can result in tissue generating tumors.

Clearwater sent 18 turtles to the Marathon Turtle Hospital recently. All sick. Only 9 survived the trip. The other 9 presently stable. They are being sent to a local hospital today to be CAT scanned to see if tumors are developing.

I know turtles live in water. Crocodiles also. I am not sure their species. Fish, mammal, what?

Anyhow, an American Crocodile was seen in Little Hamaca Park in Key West yesterday. Resting on a drainage pipe. Five to six feet long. Rob O’Neil was able to get a picture. It ran in this morning’s Key West Citizen.

The lower Keys had another sighting last year.

I am not happy even one has arrived in Key West. Where there is one, there has to be more, will be more.

An anthropologist recently told me the Keys are a croc’s home also. That we must learn to live together.

I prefer not to live with them.

At Body Owners yesterday morning for the anti-gravity treadmill. Jenny back. Good to see her. Jenny was away a few days. Her mother in law died in northern Florida. Sad, but not sad. She was 102.

My blog talk radio show tonight at 9. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Join me for some interesting topics. Some the would you believe type.

Topics include a Kentucky bill requiring wife and doctor approval before Viagra can be purchased. Introduced by a female legislator. Her philosophy being if men can make laws about sex and reproductive rights for women, similar laws should be adopted for men.

Eliot Spitzer at it again. In a Plaza Hotel room registered in his name, a woman called 911. Said Spitzer was choking and hitting her. Police arrived.

Some people never learn!

Other topics include Justice Antonin Scalia, Catholic bishops not following Pope Francis’ dictates re disclosure of sex abuse, and Venezuela finally being totally out of food. And more.

Desired stone crabs last night. Went to Martin’s. Closed on Mondays.

Second choice was the new Waterfront Restaurant. My second visit. No stone crabs, of course. Enjoyed the best calamari ever! White and soaked in beer batter.

Many visit Sarabeth’s. A fine eating establishment at the corner of Simonton and Southard. Are you aware it was once a synagogue? Yes. Dedicated this date in 1908. Rodef Shalom Synagogue.

There were once three synagogues in Key West. Key West at the turn of the century (1900) was the Miami Beach of Florida. Actually, there was no Miami Beach at the time. Jewish vacationers visited Key West for their winter sojourn.


In the 1920s, Miami Beach was developed. That was the end of Key West as a vacationing place for affluent Jews. They flocked to Miami Beach. With their leaving, the need for three synagogues went also. Today, there is one synagogue in Key West.

Good morning, June.

Everyone enjoy their day!




It is time again! For the handful of righteous to complain about Fantasy Fest. Specifically, the nudity. More hearings. Press attention.

The group is a squeaky wheel. Receives more attention than deserved.

Fantasy Fest is an adult party. If the nudity offends, stay away!

Dinner at La Trattoria by the Ocean last night. Food good. Food always good over the years.

I tried Open Table to make a reservation. For 7 o’clock. Received a confirmation. Arrived at 7. The hostess told me my table was still occupied. I asked how long a wait. She did not know.

She had already noted I had an Open Table reservation. I reminded her of that fact. Give me any table. She said the next one. I told her I would be at the bar.

Forty five minutes and two drinks later, I returned to her. Asked pleasantly when I should start complaining? About what, she asked. I told her and reminded her of our earlier conversation. She remembered neither me nor the reservation.

She told me my Open Table reservation showed a no show/cancellation.

Politely, I said just give me a table. She looked up and said, Oh, I see one over there.

Ordered. A century later, still no food. A long wait. No drinks, either.

I do not know whose fault it was. I suspect the hostess. I was there on time. She probably failed to click some part of the Open Table program..

Anti-gravity treadmill in the morning. Research in the afternoon. Next week’s KONK Life column will tell the story of a female pirate.

US 1 and Northern Boulevard are both dangerous travel lanes. An accident slows down traffic and sometimes causes delays of 3-4 hours.

A three car crash occurred on US 1 yesterday. On Niles Channel Bridge. Minimum injuries, fortunately. Police directed traffic over one lane for two hours. During that time, traffic was backed up 8-10 miles in both directions.

An interesting fact. Locals do not seem disturbed when delays occur. An accepted part of the Key West life style.

Harry Truman. Harry Truman loved Key West and Key West loves Harry Truman. Visited our island 11 separate times for a total of 175 days.

In 1953 after leaving office, Truman decided to tale a family vacation to Honolulu. Wife Bess and daughter Margaret joined him. A Kansas City newspaper made it sound like a desertion of Key West.

Nothing farther from the truth. Truman returned several times to Key West after he left the Presidency. Stayed at a private residence those times.

Commercial air travel was not yet in vogue. It was a train from Kansas City to San Francisco. Then a boat to Honolulu. The Union Pacific Railroad and the liner President Cleveland.

Truman had been to Honolulu one time before. On his trip to Wake Island to chastise General Douglas MacArthur. When he landed in Honolulu, he refused a flower lei. Said it was not appropriate for a President to wear. On the later trip no longer being President, he accepted the lei.

The Catholic Church has screwed things up more than once over the years. Religion in general has.

On this day in 1633, Galileo made his first appearance before the Roman Inquisition. He was charged with heresy for advocating the earth revolved around the sun and not vice versa. The Catholic Church disagreed. The Church claimed the earth and not the sun was the center of the universe.

My problem is not with the Church’s ignorance. It is why the Church was even involved in an astronomical/scientific issue. One that had nothing to do with saving souls.

Greece, my Greece. Poverty and hard times still abound.

The Eurounion imposed a new and more severe austerity program on Greece last year. Since that time, farmers have had their social security payments tripled and their taxes doubled.

Last month, the farmers protested. In Athens. Eight hundred strong. Drove their tractors into town and blocked a main thoroughfare. A demonstration followed. Soon a battle between farmers and police. The farmers defended themselves against the police with tomatoes and shepherd’s crocks.

Question: Why was this scenario not reported to us by the media? I have no recollection of reporting or discussion.

If I am correct, it is further proof that the news we receive is selective in nature. I blame the corporations owning the various news media. They call the shots.

Enjoy your day!


My blog talk radio show was at 9 last night. It takes me five minutes before to connect with the radio station. The process is not permitted till 8:45.

It was 8 o’clock. I was watching primary returns. I fell asleep. Woke precisely at 9. Rushed to the computer. It took till 9:06 to connect.

This has happened before. I have to move my ass under pressure to connect.

Listeners last night were cheated of five minutes. Those archived will never know. I know and apologize. Promise to never fall asleep again.

The blog talk radio show went well. In spite of the lost five minutes. I hit hard on two issues. Female genital mutilation in England and Michigan’s Senate passing a bill last week making oral and anal sex illegal. Good for 15 years in jail!

The high number of mutilations in England is due to the high number of Muslim immigrants. Michigan’s soon to be law is the government invading the bedroom. Nine states already have such laws.

Today is wednesday. Wednesday is Hump Day. For me, Screw Off Day. No writing till the weekend.

The anti-gravity treadmill in the morning. Increasing my speed. I am impressed!

I misjudged my preparation for last night’s show. I thought I had things pretty well ready. About an hour’s work to complete.

I was wrong. Took me 3.5 hours. The reason being I found some items more interesting than that which I had prepared.

The New Hampshire results telling. I hate to admit it. It appears Trump will end up the Republican nominee. The Sanders/Clinton race still up in the air. Sanders victory impressive. Beat Hillary by 22 percentage points.

I suspect Hillary may be on her way down. Not because she is a bad woman. Her time has passed. She represents yesterday’s thinking. She has too many other problems on her plate.

Sanders an interesting candidate. He is of the Jewish faith. He would be the first Jew elected President should he win. Much like Obama’s victory as the first black.

We were all shocked by Flint, Michigan. It now comes out the lead problem has occurred in the past in other cities and in each the news of was kept from the public. Sebring, Ohio, Washington, D.C., Jackson, Mississippi, Durham and Greenville, North Carolina.

On this day in history in 1763, the French and Indian War ended. Recall, I made mention two weeks ago in KONK Life of the war as part of my Yankee Doodle Dandy article.

The Brits won  the French and Indian War. As a result, France lost most of its colonial empire. France did not forget. Many historians believe the French supported the colonists in the Revolutionary War for that reason.

Enjoy your day!