A lovely morning! For a change!

I stepped out on the deck just as the sun rose. Beautiful!

Some rain predicted. Not much. Just heard thunder.

Sick turtles are in the right place when in the Keys. There is a turtle hospital located in Marathon. The Marathon Turtle Hospital.

Extended cold weather and high winds are not healthy for turtles. Such weather also contributes to a red tide. All dangerous to turtles. Such weather can also be potentially fatal. Can result in tissue generating tumors.

Clearwater sent 18 turtles to the Marathon Turtle Hospital recently. All sick. Only 9 survived the trip. The other 9 presently stable. They are being sent to a local hospital today to be CAT scanned to see if tumors are developing.

I know turtles live in water. Crocodiles also. I am not sure their species. Fish, mammal, what?

Anyhow, an American Crocodile was seen in Little Hamaca Park in Key West yesterday. Resting on a drainage pipe. Five to six feet long. Rob O’Neil was able to get a picture. It ran in this morning’s Key West Citizen.

The lower Keys had another sighting last year.

I am not happy even one has arrived in Key West. Where there is one, there has to be more, will be more.

An anthropologist recently told me the Keys are a croc’s home also. That we must learn to live together.

I prefer not to live with them.

At Body Owners yesterday morning for the anti-gravity treadmill. Jenny back. Good to see her. Jenny was away a few days. Her mother in law died in northern Florida. Sad, but not sad. She was 102.

My blog talk radio show tonight at 9. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Join me for some interesting topics. Some the would you believe type. www.blogtalkradio.com/key-west-lou.

Topics include a Kentucky bill requiring wife and doctor approval before Viagra can be purchased. Introduced by a female legislator. Her philosophy being if men can make laws about sex and reproductive rights for women, similar laws should be adopted for men.

Eliot Spitzer at it again. In a Plaza Hotel room registered in his name, a woman called 911. Said Spitzer was choking and hitting her. Police arrived.

Some people never learn!

Other topics include Justice Antonin Scalia, Catholic bishops not following Pope Francis’ dictates re disclosure of sex abuse, and Venezuela finally being totally out of food. And more.

Desired stone crabs last night. Went to Martin’s. Closed on Mondays.

Second choice was the new Waterfront Restaurant. My second visit. No stone crabs, of course. Enjoyed the best calamari ever! White and soaked in beer batter.

Many visit Sarabeth’s. A fine eating establishment at the corner of Simonton and Southard. Are you aware it was once a synagogue? Yes. Dedicated this date in 1908. Rodef Shalom Synagogue.

There were once three synagogues in Key West. Key West at the turn of the century (1900) was the Miami Beach of Florida. Actually, there was no Miami Beach at the time. Jewish vacationers visited Key West for their winter sojourn.


In the 1920s, Miami Beach was developed. That was the end of Key West as a vacationing place for affluent Jews. They flocked to Miami Beach. With their leaving, the need for three synagogues went also. Today, there is one synagogue in Key West.

Good morning, June.

Everyone enjoy their day!



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