Totally exhausted this morning. I’m sleepless in Key West. Could not sleep at all. Nothing bothering me.

I have spent a few days doing some deep research into Attorney General Bill Barr. From his teen age days till now. Interesting. My plan was to compose and publish today.

Not to happen. The research will sit till I am in the mood to “do him.”

I will be back tomorrow!

Enjoy your day!


Benjamin Franklin was a man of many talents. Politician, diplomat, lover, writer, scientist.

On this day in 1792, Franklin made a big time discovery. He was able to finally prove his theory regarding lightning and electricity.

Franklin flew a kite during a thunderstorm. He caught an ambient electrical charge in a Leyden jar. Such enabled him to demonstrate the connection between lightning and electricity.

Key West has had many noteworthy persons among its residents. Two of significance today.

The first is Captain Manuel “Pete” Fernandez. A Korean War hero. An ace fighter pilot. He shot down 14 MIGs.

Key West was his home. He returned to Key West following his Korean tour of duty this day in 1953. A huge crowd welcomed him. He made Key West proud.

The other Key West resident was Sally Rand. An entertainer. A fan dancer.

She lived in Key West for several years. She got behind with the IRS.

Sally owned two properties. On this day in 1953, the IRS ordered both her proprieties sold for back taxes.

I knew Sally Rand. Met her in 1964 at a police convention at Grossinger’s in the Catskills. A wonderful woman!

A story for another time.

Key West’s track record for accidental deaths and injuries stinks.

A year or 2 ago, we learned Key West was experiencing the highest number of bicycle deaths and injuries.  No wonder. A tourist problem. Tourists have no respect for rules of the road, traffic signs, traffic lights, making left turns after warning, etc.

I actually feel sorry for them. Many are senior citizens. They come visit. Have not ridden a bike in 40 years. Wobble down the middle of streets hoping they will not fall. They fall. In front of a car, of course.

Monroe County recently received a distinction it wishes it had not. Last year, Monroe County had the highest number of accidents and injuries generally. An overall classification.

Includes bicycles. Also boats. Boats are a major cause of accidents and injuries in the Keys.

The Environmental Protection Agency recently announced a roll back in regulations due to the coronavirus outbreak.

I suspect more politics than good involved in the decision.

In the Keys, it appears to be having an immediate impact. The company Oxitec. The British Company that is supposedly expertise in eliminating mosquitoes. The company does it by somehow screwing up the male species genetically.

Several years ago, Oxitec wanted to come to our area to test. At the time, I lived in Key Haven. One of the places it was going to spray via plane was Key Haven. Purportedly the most affluent Key West area people live in.

It was up in arms! A referendum resulted. Thirty one of 33 precincts approved the Oxitec testing. One of the 2 not was Key Haven.

For whatever, the Oxitec testing never occurred.

Since then Oxitec has partnered with the Florida Keys Mosquito Control District. Both now pushing the genetically modified male mosquito. Oxitec claiming to have made improvements to its “product.”

Oxitec has added a new partner. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. To the tune of $4.1 million.

Bill Gates is excited. He understands mosquito problems. Claims he fears them more than sharks.

No citizen group will be able to defeat this partnership. Oxitec announced it will begin testing this summer in Florida and Texas.

To my knowledge, no one yet has tested to determine what affect the new program will have on humans. Such was the reason the move failed before. Now the competition is too great. The Keys will find out the hard way. Hopefully there will be no impact on humans.

Ollie Kofoid was one of the opposition leaders in 2016. Knowledgeable. Educated. Thought the Oxitec plan was a bad thing.

Ollie has been employed for 20 plus years with the Sewer District. At the moment, he is heading up a study which hopefully will lead to a new and better system. The study being done in conjunction with Arizona University.

To Washington and Donald Trump.

The black steel fence erected roughly 2 weeks ago to keep protesters away from the White House supposedly is to come down today.

Amazing. Always a number of starving families in the U.S. Coronavirus additionally has left many without jobs and monies to support their families. Down to a basic like putting food on the table.

Trump wasted a lot of money with the fence and bringing all kind of troops into Washington with all kinds of equipment. Don’t know if billions involved. Millions at least. To satisfy Trump’s lust for power, I’m the man, no one knows more than me, etc.

U.S. Park Rangers will be removing the fence.

The President is sick.

We have all seen several times on TV the video of the 75 year old Buffalo man knocked to the ground by a police officer. His head struck the concrete street. Blood started coming out of one ear. Clearly seen on the video.

The officer who hit him never stopped. A multitude of police officers ran by the man. Left him lying there.

His name Martin Gugino.

Trump wants further proof of the legitimacy of the fall. Claims Martin “fell harder than was pushed.” Trump also suggests Martin possibly was an “ANTIFA provocateur.”

Next he will suggest it is not George Floyd in the coffin buried in Houston yesterday.

Nineteen States are seeing a rise in coronavirus cases. Arizona’s numbers on the extreme side. Arizona State officials have asked the hospitals to activate emergency plans.

I worry  about Florida and the Keys in 3-6 weeks. Disaster has to strike again before people learn.

Abraham Lincoln made an interesting comment. One that fits Washington today.

Lincoln said, “This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it or their revolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it.”

The first Salem witch hanging occurred this day in 1692. Bridget Bishop after being found guilty of the practice of witchcraft was hung.

A product of group insanity!

I had a good time last night! No, I did not go out. It was tuesday. I did my blog talk radio show Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou.

I always enjoy doing the show. For some reason last night, I felt extremely good doing it. Perhaps the anti-Trump rhetoric.

Cocktails at 7 tonight.

Enjoy your day!



Most believe Nero fiddled while Rome burned. Historically incorrect. Most historians claim it was not possible. At the time Rome was burning, Nero was 35 miles away at his country villa. And, not fiddling. In fact if my memory proves correct, the fiddle was not invented till years later.

Nero’s life nevertheless was strange.

On this day in 68 AD, Nero committed suicide. He implored his secretary Epaphroditos to slit his throat. The Senate had imposed the death penalty upon Nero. Death by flogging. Nero considered the flogging too painful a way to go. Ergo, he had Epaphroditos slit his throat.

His first heinous act was having his mother killed. He blamed the Christians for Rome’s great fire. Christians the scapegoats. He had them burned alive.

Nero was motivated at all times not by justice, but by personal cruelty.

He was the first persecutor of Christians. Among them the apostles Paul and Peter. He had Paul beheaded. Peter crucified upside down.

A sicky.

One of Key West’s most popular tourist attractions is Fort Zachary Taylor. Construction of the fort began this day in 1845.

Still standing next to Key West’s best beach named of course the Fort Zachary Taylor Beach.

Today is one to remember our Arab friends. Especially Saudi Arabia.

It was on this day in 2008 that retail gas prices rose above $4 a gallon.

Our “friends” do nothing for us. I shall never forget the hike in gas prices, 9/11, and other things the Saudis did for us.

I am still in self-quarantine. Today the 90th day. Still ok. It will be a while yet for me.

Florida’s Governor De Santis is Trump’s lapdog. Trump says jump and De Santis jumps.

Florida was one the States that began reopening early.

New coronavirus cases in Florida have increased an average of 46 percent over the past week. One week!

The rise is attributed to “increased testing.” Don’t know if the numbers support the theory.

In the one week, Florida experienced 1,000 new cases per day. The increase came as Florida entered the second stage of reopening last friday.

The reopening did not include Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties where the numbers are still off the wall.

The weekend was Key West’s first on a reopened basis.

I have spoken via phone to several friends who were out and about.

Friday and saturday nights busy. Sunday night dead. Makes sense. Most of the tourists came in from Miami and Fort Lauderdale attracted by reduced hotel and restaurant rates. They would have left for home late sunday.

The Pier House is open. The Beach Bar by day only. The Chart Room not yet open.

The bars were busy in the evenings. No social distancing. People didn’t seem to care.

The mix friday and saturday nights were locals and tourists.

Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou tonight at 9. Join me. I have tons to talk about re Trump, the police, etc.  Guaranteed I will be ranting  and raving about Trump and the protests. www.blogtalkradio.com/key-west-lou.

Today a big one in the history of horse racing.

On this day in 1973, Secretariat won the Triple Crown. The first horse to do so since Citation in 1948.

Secretariat ran 6 more races. Then put out to pasture.

He fell ill in 1989. He had to be euthanized. An autopsy was performed. It was discovered Secretariat’s heart was 2 1/2 times the size of a normal horse heart. Many believe the size of his heart contributed to his extraordinary racing abilities.

In the 1950’s, Senator Joseph McCarthy was a nut. Not the best of people. Lied about many. Persecuted many.

McCarthy said there were hundreds of Communists in government and in important outside businesses like the movie industry. Spreading Communist poison.

Most of the names on the lists were not Communists, had never been. However McCarthy added their names for publicity purposes.

McCarthy claimed there were many Communists in the U.S. Army.

A young officer was being questioned by McCarthy. The Army’s counsel was Joseph Welch. A tiny old crafty attorney from the Boston area.

McCarthy was beating up on the young officer. Brutally. Welch interjected: “Have you no sense of decency, sir?”

Like an inquiry from on high.

The question was the beginning of the end of the McCarthy hearings and McCarthy himself.

A little Trump today.

Trump is trying a new election message. He is now the candidate of Law and Order. As Richard Nixon was. Birds of a feather.

Trump applying the Law and Order slogan to himself is merely a rattling of old America. He is appealing to his base again. It will not carry him to victory.

Words describe the Washington activities of the past few weeks. First protesters, then demonstrators. Perhaps the other way around. First demonstrators, then protesters.

Whatever, the label that comes next significant. “Uprising.”

The line to an uprising not yet crossed. The country is close, however. Trump is not calming the situation. Rather he is pouring fuel on the fire. It will be a new world if the protesters/demonstrators take down the black steel fencing and march over the lawn to the White House.

Never say never. Did you think the situation would have developed to this point 3 weeks ago?

Disband the police! Wow! Strong language. A major intent.

It has happened already in a handful of communities. Not this week or year. Several years ago.

Camden, New Jersey the largest community.

The police department was disbanded in 2012. The city was out of control. Public corruption rampant. Drugs big time. One hundred seventy open air drug markets. The area known as Heroin Highway. Police falsely placing “evidence” on a person to be arrested.

The slate was swept clean. Everyone on the force went.

The “new” police department operates in a different fashion.

Violent crimes are down 42 percent in 7 years. New police officers go door to door in the neighborhood they are working when first assigned to the area. They introduce themselves.

The police frequently  have a “pop-up- barbecue on a street corner. Hot dogs for the neighborhood. Occasionally a Mr. Softee truck operated by a police officer drives through. The police also sponsor drive-in movies.

Blacks the majority in Camden. Ergo, the police force is composed of more blacks than whites.

Some say the new procedure is working. Others, complain.

Then there is the tiny hamlet of Deposit in New York State. The police department was costing $200,000 a year to operate. The town could not afford it any longer.

The police department was disbanded. One hundred percent. Deposit is now watched over by one deputy Sheriff.

Trump is “military crazy.” National Guard units are returning home. Many other departments were represented in the force opposing protesters. Especially in Washington.

Among others still remaining in Washington are the Border Patrol and ICE. Not many. Enough to make one uncomfortable, however. Four hundred Border Patrol members and 160 ICE agents.

My concern a simple one.

Trump loves the military. Loves force. Enjoys being seen as a tough guy.

I have written and said for the past 2 years that the country needed to beware of Ice and later added the Border Patrol. I see these 2 groups as Trump’s Gestapo.

Don’t say no. Keep in mind Trump wanted U.S. Army troops sent into cities all over the U.S. last week “to control” the protesters. Were it not for 1 or 2 four star generals, it would have happened. Humvees, helicopters and troops coming down the streets of America. Freedom no more.

Jared Kushner has not proven himself to be a leader of anything. If he were not Trump’s son in law he would not have the many governmental positions he convinced Trump to place him in.

Kushner holds several titles at the present time. He is one of the heads of Trump’s reelection committee.

Trump is not doing well.

The word is he is “malignantly crazy” about his reelection poll numbers. He blames Kushner.

Kushner may not be in charge of Trump’s reelection much longer.

Enjoy your day!



The land of the free. Our land. A problem. Freedom is being lost. Temporarily. The protesters across the nation are saving it. We will remain the land of the free.

I have to admit however I was concerned for a while.

Our government has become the bad guys. Especially the police. They killed one black person too many. Now the pendulum is swinging.

“Kettling” is a process which provokes violence by trapping protesters in a fight or flight type situation. “Trapping” significant. An example being driven down a narrow street where at the other end more police are waiting.

At that point the protesters are gassed, pepper sprayed, beaten with batons, and then arrested.

Not all atrocities are reported. There are too many. I want to share 2 situations which recently occurred in Los Angeles.

A homeless man wheel chair bound. He was out past curfew. However he had nothing to do with the protest. In any fashion. The police shot him in the head with a rubber bullet.

The homeless person slumped in his wheel chair. He was bleeding profusely from his head.

I have seen enough photos the past 2 weeks to realize rubber bullets are not kid toys. They are capable of serious damage.

The other situation a “drive-by shooting” by the police.

Past curfew again. A 7 pm curfew. A bunch of teenagers were quietly walking on a side street on their way home. They were in their own neighborhood.

A Deputy Sheriff was driving by. He leaned out the car window in a “drive-by” fashion. He opened fire on the kids on the sidewalk. Pepper balls and rubber bullets.

Mitt Romney exhibited his independence once again last night. Sleeves rolled up, he marched with the demonstrators in Washington.

Donald lives in another world. He sees what he wants to see. Nothing more.

He is taking credit for the peaceful protests.

He is lucky no one has been killed. The black steel fence would not have stopped the protesters.

Coronavirus deaths now exceed 110,000. Trump takes no credit for any part of them.

Something about the Greek people. Coronavirus hit them. Their number of confirmed cases and deaths relatively small. The reason being the Greek people listened to their government. Who in turn had listened to the scientists.

Mykonos is a busy beautiful island. I have visited a few times. Night life beyond conception. Narrow streets. Every building a bar or restaurant on the first floor. People everywhere.

Note again the Greek people pay attention. It was reported this past week that a Mykonos bar was fined $20,000 for failing to social distance. Can you see that happening in the U.S.?

Remember Looney Tunes Cartoons? Age may play a part in whether you recall. At 84, I distinctly remember watching Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, and Elmer Fudd every saturday at the movies.

The saturday movie bit began when I was 4. Neighborhood movie houses were packed with kids watching the movies and yelling and screaming. Two movies. One a cowboy flick. A serial. And a Looney Tunes Cartoon.

The admission $.04. Hard to believe! Many years ago. 1939-1940.

HBO brought back Looney Tunes this past week. The characters the same. However “liberalized” to some extent. For example, Elmer Fudd who was always chasing and shooting at Bugs Bunny will no longer have a gun. Substituted for the gun a scythe. HBO views it as a “liberal alteration.”

A lot of big companies cutting back or filing for bankruptcy. It’s the times. Coronavirus the primary reason.

BP Oil announced it is cutting 10,000 jobs. Fifteen percent of its work force.

BP offered 2 reasons. Coronavirus, of course. Fewer persons driving. Less gasoline being sold.

The other is BP’s plans to shift oil and gas majors to renewable energy. BP’s capitulation in this regard is admirable. Major companies are reluctant to change the nature of their businesses. BP has seen the light of day.

My good friends Fran and Tom Dixon are visiting from Buffalo. They have been here since June 1. I have not seen them. Told them before they came I planned on remaining quarantined. Told them also they were crazy to come yet. Coronavirus still with us.

Though younger than me, both are senior citizens. Braver than Louis. They are here. Called yesterday. I did not hear the phone ringing. Tom left a message. Know you refuse to come out, we miss you, etc.

I miss them, also. Two of the best people I have met in my years in Key West. Tom owns a piece of the Ocean Key House. They visit 3-4 times a year.

Next time!

Masks required in Key West? They were till thursday. The Monroe County Commission voted masks were “recommended,” not “required.” A stupid move I thought. The vote was 3-2.

Friday Key West ruled on the issue. Rather than follow Monroe County’s decision, Key West Mayor Johnston issued a ruling that masks must be worn, except when drinking or eating.

Good for her!

Key West experienced its first reopening weekend this past one. I am curious to see what the coronavirus numbers will be for Key West 4-6 weeks from now.

Enjoy your day!


Trump appears to want to keep the world out of his world. The White House. Perhaps he even fears if he does not protect himself, the protesters might gain control of the White House. Such would be the end of the world Trump has become accustomed to.

For 72 hours this past week the fence of fences was erected around the White House. A security perimeter. The fence a black steel one. A violation of democracy.

Armed guards, sharp shooters, and combat troops are omnipresent.

The White House has been transformed into a veritable fortress. The physical manifestation of Trump’s vision of law and order “domination” over the thousands of Americans who have taken to the streets to protest social injustice.

The White House now heavily fortified resembles a monarchical palace or an authoritarian compound of a regime from a faraway land.

The fenced in / barricaded White House portrays 2 symbols.

Trump’s supporters see a projection of absolute strength, a leader controlling the White House and surrounding streets to protect his people.

The anti-Trump see a wannabe dictator and a President hiding from his own citizenry. The White House barricaded as if a “military base.”

Something bothers me. Actually everything Trump is doing bothers me. His fortification of the White House stands out. Trump forgets it is “our house, not his.” We the people merely let him live there rent free while he is President.

From the first day Trump took office, he has been at odds with China. Bullying them. Not handling disagreements in a diplomatic fashion. He hurt China. However, China has caused more pain to the U.S.

The most recent example being crude steel production. China leads the world in crude steel production. Far and away. Even after China’s surge in 2019, it has continued in out producing every nation thus far this year. In spite of China’s having to deal with the coronavirus crisis, physical disputes internally and with Hong Kong, and an ill conceived Trump tariff war.

China is a country that has never let a major crisis do it in. Even the present one of pandemic proportions. China never lets a good crisis go to waste.

The U.S. ranks 4th in production. Before and after April. The U.S. dropped crude steel production 32 percent in April.

India which runs 2nd worldwide, dropped a whopping 64 percent.

China on the other hand, moved in the opposite direction. First for several years, China increased crude steel production 64 percent in April.

Interestingly, China did the same thing during the 2008 crisis.

Production graphs clearly show China spiraling upwards and the rest of the world down.

One of the Opinion pieces in the Tuesday edition of the New York Times was titled: DONALD TRUMP IS OUR NATIONAL CATASTROPHE / With malice toward all; with charity for none.

Many believe their President. Even where he is badly wrong. They respect the office and will follow the person filling the chair to whatever extreme.

Recall April and Trump’s promotion of Clorox or some other disinfectant to kill coronavirus. Drunk or spread on the skin. If drunk, would kill the virus in the lungs within 5 minutes.

I thought Trump was crazy and fortunately no sensible person would believe his rank ignorance.

I was wrong.

Many did.

The CDC reported this past week that there are Americans gargling with bleach and drinking household cleansers to prevent coronavirus from affecting them. These persons believe such actions are “preventive measures.”

Many of Trump’s actions are “reactive.” In most instances, “retaliatory.”

This past week Trump ordered 9,000 U.S. troops to leave Germany by 9/1. Trump’s reason was the need to offset NATO defense expenses. The real reason is that Merkel thwarted Trump’s plan to host a G7 meeting this month.

Putin is smiling big time!

As you are aware, I am an admirer of Canadian blogger Ian Welsh. Though I do not always agree with him. The man is sort of bi. Swings both ways. Liberal and conservative.

On April 26, 2017, Welsh published an article titled “The Age of War and Revolution.” The article was republished this past week on June 2. Its contents as applicable today as 3 years ago.

The article is lengthy. Broken into 4 sub-sections: Economic, Geopolitical, Technology, Environmental.

Regardless what Trump was tying to sell the American people prior to the coronavirus crisis, the American economy was not that good. Good for the extremely rich. Sucked for everyone else.

I set forth 4 quotes from the Economic sub-section. Each speaks for itself.

“The developed world has soaring inequality and is stagnated. Real value is not being created, instead it is being cannibalized through financial gains by rentiers; they take all the profits and download all the risk on to others…..”

“Response to a financial crisis…..bail out the people who caused it, make everyone else pay.”

“…..it doesn’t matter if Thelma has a TV or a smartphone, what matters is she’s scared all the time because if she loses her job she’s screwed, and as a result she has to do whatever her boss says. She has little real freedom, save the right to become homeless. And that fear is constantly there, even if it is subconscious.”

“The age of neoliberalism is all but over.”

Key West reopened this weekend. I cannot tell you how it was, what happened, etc. I did not go out. My local friends, except for Donna and Terri, did not go out. Their position…..Not time yet.

Ergo, I have nothing to report.

Enjoy your Sunday!





So much news! Sad it is primarily Trump. Other things happening in the world. I try to slip some of the other news worthy items in. Not always successful. The reason being Trump’s mishaps more interesting.

I have much material to share this morning. So much that it is difficult to organize. So I present the material accumulated this morning in the order they appear in my notes.

A short story by Ernest Hemingway discovered. Amazing! After all these years, something new pops up. Title “Pursuit of Happiness.”

The story is published in this week’s issue of New Yorker.

The story recounts a hunt for a huge marlin, which echoes the narrative of The Old Man and the Sea.

Hemingway’s grandson Sean came across the manuscript when he was going through the Ernest Hemingway Collection at the John F. Kennedy Library and Museum in Boston.

Plans in the next year are to republish The Old Man and the Sea. Pursuit of Happiness will be added at the end.

An observation that bodes well: “Worrying does not take away tomorrow’s troubles. It takes away today’s peace.”

Key West reopened yesterday. Restaurants, bars and businesses. Certain restriction. Social distancing one. Mask “recommended, not mandatory.”

I do not know how the evening went. Most I know remained in. Donna and Terri were out, however. Dinner at 905. I woke Donna this morning for information. She said there was social distancing between tables. Did not know how the bar was handled. The restaurant full.

The Key West Citizen is of no value. It is always a day late during the week. Since they also do not print on sunday and monday, the Citizen is of no value till tuesday.

Donna and I spoke yesterday also. She said that she and Terri ate at Harpoon Harry’s several times this week. The place full. Business cut in half however because of restrictions. Only every other booth in use. Few seats available at the counter so social distancing could be observed.

Big companies keep going out of business. Coronavirus has done many in. Some were teetering before the virus hit and could not handle what followed.

J. C. Penny has been in Chapter 11 Bankruptcy. Announced friday it had obtained court approval to close 154 of its stores as part of a restructuring plan.

I was saddened to read that Brooks Brothers was in trouble. They are seeking financing prior to filing for Chapter 11.

Brooks Brothers was my clothing store of choice for 25 years. The home store in New York City.

Many lawyers back then dressed Brooks Brothers. When I finally could afford it, I joined the club. Bought suits initially. Then had them custom made by Brooks Brothers. Sports clothes also. Camel hair and cashmere winter coats. Everything!

Everything, except for 2 things. Dress shirts and ties.

Never liked their shirt collar. So I had the dress shirts custom made. Brooks’ ties also not too my liking. Bought ties wherever I saw one that attracted my attention.

Recall buying my first pair of Brooks’ dress shoes. Around 1970. $650! Even too expensive for me at the time, but I succumbed to the desire.

The most exciting purchase was my first tuxedo. I was invited to a black tie Syracuse event. Went to New York and bought the entire ensemble from Brooks. Suit, vest, even their dress shirt, bow tie, socks, and fortunately was able to wear the $650 shoes I had purchased several years earlier.

Brooks dressed guys like me just starting out. Continued dressing us forever or till we wanted to graduate a step up.

After about 25 years, I did. Custom made suits from another source. At tons more money. It was time, I could afford it. Why not.

Even the shirts got more expensive. I am ashamed to even tell you how much I paid for custom made shirts over the years.

Now I wear tee shirts, shorts and clogs every day. I have a couple of custom made suits and sport jackets in the closet. They have not seen my body in 25 years and probably never will.

I even still have the shoes!

Brooks Brothers is a big operation. Two hundred fifty stores in the U.S. Five hundred stores world wide.

The thought of Brooks closing saddens me. It was part of my history. And the history of many others, including the history of the United States. Brooks first opened in 1818.

Coronavirus did Brooks Brothers in.

Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser a flower that just bloomed. Nationally and internationally! She has taken on the President and fears him not.

Excuse the description, the woman has balls!

She has been fighting Trump re everything that has gone on in Washington this past week. It’s her city, not his. He merely lives in a house located Washington. Believes his bringing all those military in not required and illegal.

Trump began making fun of her. Like Teddy Roosevelt, the woman walks quietly and carries a big stick.

Beginning in the dark of one night this week and working till dawn, she had Washington city employees paint in huge bright yellow letters on a street in front of the White House: Black Lives Matter. Two blocks long. From one side of the street to another. Letters 50 feet high.

Mayor Bowser wanted to make sure Trump understood who the street belonged to. She had the usual type street sign placed on a pole at the corner of 16th and H Streets. The new wording: “Black Lives Matter Plz NW.”

That is not all the Mayor did. In one week!

Trump brought to Washington 200 Utah National Guardsmen. They were put up in a hotel. Stayed only one night. The hotel wanted to know who was going to pay. Bowser said not I. Apparently Trump did, also.

The Guardsmen were evicted. Required to move to another hotel. Bowser still not paying. She did not invite the troops, did not want them. Let it come out of the federal government’s pocket.

The situation could snowball into a major one. It is estimated Trump has brought 1,200 National Guardsmen in from all over the U.S.

Trump’s position apparently is D.C. should pay because the National Guardsmen are “supporting law enforcement” in the capital.

Trump created the “need” for “security.” Let him pay the bill!

Trump a bit sneaky. Bowser had the rooms reserved for Covid-19 responders.  Washington paying. Trump came in and took them over without warning.

During a storm, lightning hit at or near the top of the Washington Monument 2 times. It also struck and injured 2 South Carolina National Guardsmen at Lafayette Square.

The White House said the South Carolina Guardsmen were providing security for the “Justice for George Floyd” protesters.

What bullshit!

Troops and machinery of war on the streets of Washington. Oppressing American citizens.

Humvees with machine gun turrets mounted on top. Helicopters flying low over the protesters. Helicopters that spray water and cause dust to swirl.

The beginning of the military occupation of America.

I am not sure why, but we have forgotten the historical significance of today. June 6th. D-Day. The Allied invasion of Normandy.

Little, if anything, in the media and on the internet.

A Day never to be forgotten. Especially in these troublesome times. Think for a moment. Most of our World War II veterans probably have not made it through the coronavirus epidemic. Not that many left.

How could we forget them?

I have so much more material. Some will be saved for tomorrow. Some will be stale and not used.

Enjoy your day!


Insanity prevails. Within the confines of the White House. The President and his closet advisors.

This week Trump walked from the White House to St. John’s Episcopal Church for a photo-op. The President standing in front of St. John’s holding a bible up in one hand. The boarded windows of the Church behind him.

The purpose of the photo in front of the boarded Church did not make sense to me at the time. Turns out it was the final step in exhibiting Trump’s “bravery.” To show he was not afraid of the protesters in front of the White House.

The protesters that were moved away brutally by horsed U.S. Rangers, Secret Service and military personnel. The protesters were quickly and without warning pelted with flash grenades, rubber bullets, and tear gas. At the same time, military helicopter flying low over them.

Welcome to the new United States of America!

The protesters were eliminated. Soon thereafter Trump came walking down the White House driveway, through Lafayette Square where the protesters had been, and crossed over to the front of St. John’s whee he stood for the photo-op.

Trump placed American citizens in jeopardy, scared the hell out of them, just so he could have a photo-op that he thought would make him look good.

The Nation, world and press mocked him!

Yesterday, Trump’s press secretary Kayleigh McEnany announced that the photo-op in front of the boarded St. John’s was akin to Winston Churchill touring the rubble of London during World War II.

She was serious.

To compare Trump to Churchill in this scenario or any other is pure insanity. The two have nothing of value in common.

CNN’s Anderson Cooper immediately went on the air and said no way!

Thousands have since commented on the internet their thoughts re the Churchill comparison. I am going to share a number with you. Each evidences how people feel and reacted to the comparison.

“Churchill fought against the Nazis, didn’t encourage them…..Winston stayed in London above ground during the blitz whereas Trump was in a bunker 5 stories underground in fear of the protesters…..Churchill fought the enemies of his people, didn’t suck up to them, and won…..Trump looked uncomfortable in the photo because he was afraid the bible would burst into flames.”

“Did Churchill ever cheat on his wife with a porn star?…..Trump will be remembered as the biggest laughing stock as a leader…..Churchill wasn’t a draft dodger, fought in a war, wasn’t illiterate, and was a genius orator…..I’m from the UK and it’s an absolute insult to compare a child president to Churchill.”

“It won’t be long before we learn from the White House press secretary Mr. Trump is actually similar to the son of God…..Never in the field of human conflict have so many been pissed off by so few.”

A couple of other comments reflecting feelings about Trump aside from the photo-op.

Nicholas Kristof said, Trump uses the military “to prove his manhood.”

Ian Welsh warns “a long, hot summer” ahead.

I do not recall Churchill ever considering deploying British troops against his people. Trump’s threats to do so prove America is closer to anarchy than ever before in its history. Can you imagine: Active U.S. military units taking control of American cities?

Trump threatens federal forces moving into Washington. He sees Constitutionally protected protesting as “domestic terrorism.” Included in the term is the smashing of shop windows. A cynical hyperbole.

Trump wants to create his own “palace guard.”

Trump wants to be viewed as another Nixon: The President of Law and Order. Forgetting such is neither needed nor legal.

D.C. police are capable of containing the disturbances without interference by “heavily armed soldiers.”

Army units are trained to fight foreign enemies. The Army is not trained in law enforcement.

Thump’s demand for a “rough policy” is the opposite of “law and order.”

My opinion: The worst is yet to come.

Yesterday, I wrote about the man who might be described as the Hero of Swan Street. The gentleman who let 70 protesters run into his home and be kept safe overnight from the horsemen, authorities, etc, who were chasing protesters from Lafayette Square. These were the same protesters who were being moved so Trump could do his Churchill thing.

The event occurred monday evening. I first heard about it very early tuesday morning on Morning Joe. About a 2 minute live interview with Rahul Dubey who owned the house involved. I caught only half of it.

Interesting, I thought. Something I should blog about.

I did the blog and used the brief information I picked up on Morning Joe. I was ready to publish the blog around 10:30. Searched the internet for an article or 2 re what occurred. Had to be something. The story a terrific one!


So I published my blog wondering why there was no further information.

Beth reads my blog and commented that I did not have all the facts, some not precise, etc. and referred me to a NRP article published that day 6/2. The article by Bill Chappel and Mano Sundaresan. Excellent! Detailed!

Where was it when I needed it? It had not been published yet. The Beth article was not published till 6:41 in the evening.

There had to be others published earlier. Found only one. Too late to have been help to me. It was published 11:31 am, an hour after my blog was published.

I would like to report in detail re the NPR article. However would take up too much space and time this morning. So much happening!

I recommend you read the NPR 6/2 article by the authors previously mentioned. Not only interesting, exciting.

What might be described as another screw up by me yesterday were the photos of Trump and Hitler. Hitler holding a bible in one hand as Trump had in the photo before St. John’s Church.

The Hitler photo a phony. Photo-shopped. Digitally altered. In the original, Hitler was holding nothing in his hand.

Haste makes waste. Re the photo incident, I was guilty. The Hitler photo was so good, I could not wait to share it with you.

I promise to temper my enthusiasm.

I close with an Abraham Lincoln quote I have shared in the past. One that is appropriate in view of what our country is going though in recent days: “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”

Enjoy your day!



I fear we are into an American uprising. In only 9 days. A mere beginning, the situation has become a swiftly moving one. Volatile. I pray it does not reach the ultimate and turn into a shooting confrontation.

Do not say it could not. It definitely can. Look how far our country has come in only 9 days. Events leading up to this situation prior to the 9 days, not part of the serious physical confrontation which awaits. Our country is in a non-physical confrontation 365 days a year.

The humvees yesterday in Washington suggest that which is to come. Reminds me of the Hungarian Revolution in the 1950’s. Serious and not serious the first few days. From empty beer bottles being thrown to actual gun shooting to the Russian tanks coming into town. The tanks were the end of the revolution. Many had to escape in order to avoid death.

The troops standing in front of the Lincoln Memorial yesterday of concern also. Why?

Trump claimed the first day that vandals had marked up Lincoln. Nothing heard from Trump since nor anyone else claiming they viewed the vandalism.

Yet yesterday, the military in huge numbers were protecting the Lincoln Memorial.

Trump going pro-religion suddenly. The picture of him standing in front of St. John Episcopal Church holding a Bible in hand. There is a similar photo making its way through the internet this morning of Hitler in the same pose Bible in hand. No question, the two are birds of a feather.

Another reason I fear a shooting confrontation is that the protesters are not backing off. In fact, they add something new to the protesting each day to keep the authorities off base.

Trump will go a step too far and the protesters will retaliate. And then it will be a revolution. A shooting one.

A gentleman on TV yesterday said, “My America changed.”

I do not have his name. His story as told by him yesterday on national TV interesting. Reveals also how persons not participating in the protests may be thinking.

The man lives close to the White House. On a street the other side of Lafayette Square. His home in an affluent area. About 50. Articulate.

His home a series of steps leading to a leveled area behind which is the front door. He was standing outside in front of the door watching the protesters running down the street past his home. They were running from the horses, tear gas, rubber bullets and flash grenades.

Somehow the protesters had been turned down his street. He looked ahead and saw military waiting at the end of the block for them to arrive.

The whole thing did not look right to him. He says all he could think at that moment was “my America changed.”

Suddenly a couple of the protesters asked if they could enter his home. Escape into his home. He said yes and then permitted anyone to enter. Waving them on to come inside his home.

Seventy made it.

The horsemen and other authorities came and placed themselves before his home. Insisting they come out. He refused to let them out. None wanted to leave.

It was obvious the 70 would be staying overnight. Food became an issue. Pizzas were ordered delivered. Arrangements were made for the pizzas to come in through a back alley so the authorities would not confiscate their meal.

The seventy slept in the man’s house. He said anywhere a bare spot on the floor could be found.

When the seventy left the next morning, the authorities were gone.

His America changed for him. It is changing for many of us. Where and how will it end?

A significant happening which could influence the outcome of the confrontations is whether Americans will shoot at Americans. Those on horseback, in the military, etc. They are all Americans. Different nationalities, color and whatever. The protesters the same as them.

I cannot believe in the final analysis that American will shoot at Americans. No matter what orders given by whom, including the President.

Already leaks in the dike are appearing. Some policemen kneeling with protesters. Yesterday, a Chief of Police.

Los Angeles the best reflection of my thoughts in this regard so far.

Keke Palmer is a woman of color and a popular TV host. She asked a whole contingency of National Guard to march with the protesters. They said they could not. They could not leave the intersection they were guarding.

She then asked them to kneel with her and the protesters. All of the National Guard, each and every one, kneeled!

Keke’s words leading up to the mass kneeling: “Stand together with the community, with society to stop, stop the governmental oppression.”

My sense monday when Trump stood in front of St. John’s Episcopal Church bible in hand was that he was trying to firm up his evangelical base.

It appears to becoming a religious base at the moment. Yesterday, Trump and Melania went to the Shrine of Pope John Paul II. Left a wreath of flowers. Pictures taken, of course.

The Archbishop of Washington is black. He chastised Trump for bringing religion, and specifically the Catholic religion, into the fight. Just as the Episcopalian Bishop had chastised Trump the day before  for his photo op in front of St. John’s.

I do not believe Trump is actually going to further visit churches of other denominations for a photo op or anything else. I share with you now something I briefly wrote about 2-3 months ago.

Remember Steve Bannon? A Trump supporter at the beginning. Close to the President. Trump eventually fired Bannon because, if I recall correctly, he appeared on the cover of Time Magazine. A no no if one is affiliated with Trump. All publicity goes to the Leader.

Bannon was a huge influence on Trump before, during and after the campaign. His sole intention and goal in life is to upset existing governments. He wants to change who runs and influences society. In many instances, change merely for the sake of change.

The man a bit of a nut. Though a smart one.

Bannon has spent the past 2 years involved with the Vatican and the Catholic Church. He wants to change things within the Church. From the Pope down.

The Catholic Church is split. Liberal and conservative. Bannon has become a huge influence with the conservatives. From Cardinals down.

He has been instrumental in making Pope Francis’ life difficult.

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops is the far right conservative arm of the Church. Its membership active and retired Bishops and other members of the Catholic hierarchy.

The organization’s offices are in Washington. It is a significant lobbying arm for the organization’s beliefs.

The Bishops’ organization and Bannon walk hand in hand.

Bannon and Trump became “friends” again about 2 years ago. I sense this friendship influencing Trump’s visit to Pope John Paul’s shrine yesterday.

So much to write about. I am trying to limit what I write not to what has occurred. You can get that off TV and the internet. What I do try to share are my thoughts concerning these happenings.

Tonight, Cocktails at 7 with Cathy in Seattle. Seattle is having its protest problems. The conversation this evening  should be especially interesting.

Enjoy your day!




Live long enough, you will see it all.

I never expected to see what I did yesterday. Federal law enforcement agents riding horses into a crowd of peaceful protesters. The federal agents actually U.S. Park Rangers.

As they forceably pushed back peaceful U.S. citizens, the federal agents sprayed the peaceful group before them with flash grenades, rubber bullets, and tear gas.

They came suddenly and without warning.

The protesters ran before the oncoming horsemen in an effort to avoid them.

Reminded me of a similar scene early in Zhivago. The affluent were partying/dancing. Wintertime. Protesters at one end of the street. Not yet revolutionaries. The revolution had not yet started.

The Czar’s soldiers on horseback at the other end of the street, swords drawn. They ran down the protesters leaving bloodied bodies on the street.

Fortunately, it did not get that far yesterday. No one killed.

Trump had ordered the scenario to take place. He wanted to walk down the White House driveway, through Lafayette Square, to St. John’s Episcopal Church. The Church of the Presidents. The Church that some arsonist set fire to the day before. Fortunately, confined only to the basement area.

The Church windows were boarded. Trump stood in front holding up a Bible. Upside down, by the way.

Horses running down U.S. citizens and using flash grenades, etc., so Trump could have a photo shoot! Horrible! The photos probably to suck up to his Episcopal base.

The two clerics who pastor St. John’s were interviewed afterwards. Neither had anything good to say about what Trump had done. It did not make sense to them.

Earlier in the day, Trump had a telephone conference with certain governors. Governors of states where protesting had been ongoing for several days.

Trump in effect was suggesting the governors were weak. They lacked the fortitude to stand up to the protesters.

Trump was upset that the governors were permitting the protesters to “dominate the streets.” He said they should “increase the use of national guard units…..increase law enforcement….send in the national guard!”

Some governors later reported the President was shouting. “Ranting” a term used. Some described Trump as “losing it.”

Finally he warned the governors that if they did not take care of the protester problem, he would.

Some bully! I have often thought what would happen if Trump were forced to face someone he disagreed with face to face. He would crumble!

In order for Trump to send troops into states, he would have to invoke the Insurrection Act of 1807. Used by Presidents infrequently. The last time 1992 when California’s national guard was federalized following the Rodney King trial. It was also relied upon by Eisenhower to enforce a Supreme Court anti-segregation decision in Little Rock in the 1950’s.

The Insurrection Act requires a governor to call upon the President to send in federal troops. Sort of limits Trump’s ability in the present situation.

There are exceptions. Rarely come into play. One exception is where civil rights are being violated. I do not believe it would apply where protester rights are being violated. It would be Trump and the federal government violating protester rights.

Trump does what Trump wants. Whether legal or otherwise, should Trump send federalized troops into certain cites and states, the people would not stand for it. A people can only be abused so long. They would react against Trump.

Revolution possible. The protesters knocking down the gates, overcoming those guarding the White House, breaking into the White House, and confronting Trump in the Oval Office. Then what?

Trump’s comments in the Rose Garden yesterday afternoon added fuel to the fire. Trump threatening the mobilization of “thousands and thousands of heavily armed soldiers.” To quell “lawlessness across the country.”

Some described Trump’s comments as describing an “ambush.”

Several times last night I was impressed to see police officers join for a few moments with the protesters. Hugging each other, kneeling, etc. A sign that not all enforcement peoples are with Trump. Last night’s embracing could grow in a short time.

Which brings me to what actually would happen were Trump to send federal troops out against the protesters. Would Americans shoot other Americans? I doubt it. Every person draws the line somewhere. In this instance, I believe the troops would. They might even join forces with the protesters.

Floyd’s family had a private autopsy performed. The private autopsy was more specific than the governmental one. No saying this and that were also found.

The autopsy report concluded the death a “homicide caused by asphyxia” due to “neck and back compression by public officers that led to a lack of blood flow to the brain” and “determined that asphyxiation from sustained pressure was the cause of death.” The 2 officers kneeling on the victim’s back “causing his lungs to compress impeded his ability to breathe.”

Social media continues to be called to task. Twitter said it would fact find Trump’s tweets from now on. Twitter has not really done so thus far.

Facebook is dancing. Zuckenberg is protecting his company from imposition of federal laws and rules that Trump might be able to impose. Such would work to the detriment of Facebook’s profit and loss statement.

Everyone has problems one time or another! It is Twitter and Facebook’s time.

The media is doing one hell of a job. A dangerous one. With one exception.

The protesters as a whole have been peaceful. A very small handful are stealing in the evening. The media spends a half hour to an hour watching the police chasing down anywhere from 1 to 6 of the thieves.

They are not the news! The news are the protesters themselves. The issues raised by them is why this whole mess is ongoing.

In many instances, it is true the police cannot be trusted. Take Louisville for example. The police were working the protest there and never turned their body cameras on. The Chief ordered them to do so. They still did not.

The Chief has been suspended. Do not know what the police officers are going to do.

Key West’s protest took place last night. A success. Hundreds in attendance. Speeches at the park in Bahama Village. Then the group moved to Duval to spread their message.

Key West slowly reopened yesterday. Too soon to tell what effect the close down will have had. How vibrant will the reopening be?

Last night not too many persons. The weekend will tell the story.

A comment in this morning’s Citizens’ Voice: “Fantasy Fest is the best idea of all if we want to wipe out the Keys entirely.”

I for one am opposed to holding Fantasy Fest this year. Sixty to eighty thousand people the night of the parade!

The virus will still be with us in the Fall.

I wear a monitor around my neck. If I fall and can’t get up, think I’ve had a heart attack, etc., I press the button on the monitor and very shortly I will first receive a call to see what happened. In the event I do not answer, the Fire Department’s emergency team arrives.

Five to 10 minutes for all this to happen.

A portion of it occurred yesterday.

I do not wear the monitor in the shower. Was going to take a shower. Threw the monitor on the bed. Very sensitive.

When I came out of the shower, I heard someone shouting Louis, Louis!

It was the emergency people.

Hope I never really need the monitor. However, I have been wearing it for a year and feel confident I will receive immediate attention should I.

Might save my life.

It’s tuesday again. My blog talk radio show tonight. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine my time.

Oh, so much to talk about. I will be ranting and raving big time. Trump will have nothing on me in this regard.

Join me for a quick and interesting half hour. www.blogtalkradio.com/key-west-lou.

Enjoy your day!