Once we were not concerned enough, did not care, did not believe what was happening in Europe was bad. The Atlantic would protect us from the evils of Germany. America slept. The result, we ended up in a World War.

It is happening again. A World War may not be the result. However, something bad inevitably will occur.

The problem is President Trump.

Michael Wolff’s Fire and Fury published last week has aroused Trump and his troops to the heights. They have come out battling. Cabinet members and White House aides were on national TV talk shows yesterday morning. Denying the accuracy of Wolff’s comments and supporting the mental well being, etc. of their leader.

One was Steve Miller. He appeared on CNN.

Miller was a speech writer for Trump during the campaign. Thirty two. Maybe thirty three now. Knows everything. In reality, nothing. He is a nationalist, white supremacist. Student of Steve Banner, till Banner’s refutation by Trump last week.

I have compared Miller to Hitler’s Joseph Goebbels. Adolph’s propaganda minister. Lie, lie, lie. Eventually the people will believe.

During the interview, Miller was basically non-responsive to questions. Talked about that which he wanted. Finally, the interviewer called an end to the interview of Miller.

Amusingly or sadly, Miller had to be escorted out of the CNN building. Apparently he did not want to leave. What occurred specifically, I do not know. No one is talking about it in any detail as yet.

Our President is mentally incapable of being President. A nut case. He has turned his back on our friends and sucks up to those who have been our enemies for years. Wants to destroy the FBI. Wants Hillary Clinton in jail.

Addressing the last point. We have never thrown a political opponent in jail. Banana republics do it. Totalitarian states, also.

Wake up Republican legislators, wake up America! Trump is trouble. He is dramatically harming the nation.

Spent yesterday lounging around the house. Watched the Golden Globes last night.

Gary Oldman won for Best Actor. The Darkest Hour.

Kirk Douglas appeared. Ninety one. Looks it, unfortunately. In a wheel chair, the results of his stroke remain on his face, speech slurred.

Oprah Winfrey was honored. She won the Humanitarian Award. A special person. A special speaker.

Missed Chicken Dog Church and the Gardens yesterday by giving into my laziness. Tonight, I will be out. Definitely. Dueling Bartenders and then home to watch the Alabama/Georgia game. Alabama favored by four points. Going to be close. Never can tell who the winner will be in a national championship game.

Papua, New Guinea in trouble. The volcano on Kadovar Island is erupting for the first time in history. A tsunami and landslides feared. People evacuating.

I mention Papua because there are a few Papuans who read this blog. Almost from its inception.

I wish everyone on the island good luck.

Christmas is Christmas. However certain portions are celebrated differently in other places.

Italy, for example.

Christian. Roman in origin. Celebrate all of Christmas on December 25, except for gift giving. Gift giving occurs on January 6. January 6 is the Feast of the Epiphany. The day the three Wise Men paid homage to baby Jesus.

The Italians do not celebrate the Epiphany as such. Rather the day belongs to pagan folklore. An old hag dressed in black with a black witch’s hat riding on a broom. Her name, Befana. She brings gifts during the night as Santa Claus does elsewhere at Christmas. If a person was bad, no gift. Coal in the stocking!

Accompanying the gifts are sweets. Cookies and candy.

I am not an economist. Nor would I consider myself a stock market expert. Except in one regard.

My eighty two years has taught me that when the market is flying high, as it has been for quite a while, it will crash. No question. What goes up, comes down. Faster. The crash dramatic. Unexpected. Assets diminished big time, fortunes wiped out.

I have been predicting a crash for more than a year. I suspect later this year or sometime next year.

The experts call the crash an “adjustment.” The market does it on its own. It regurgitates hundreds and thousand of points at a time.

Enjoy your day!




Another good night in Key West!

Remaining in and early to bed New Year’s Eve lost me nothing. As I reported New Years Day, every evening in Key West is New Year’s Eve.

Started early yesterday. Four thirty. My companion Catherine.

Falling is common with seniors. Especially me. At 82, I seem to have it under control. I watch every step I take. Pay attention to how I am moving. There will be times though when it will happen again.

Catherine is ten years younger than me. She uses a cane. Wobbly on her feet. Walks carefully. Hers not a balance problem. She had hip replacement surgery in October. Still recovering.

She toppled last week at Berlin’s. Not at all last night.

We have a problem when we are together should she fall. I cannot help her up. My heart. I lift nothing. Additionally, when I bend down, I get dizzy and go completely down.

Catherine tends to drop things. Retrieval her headache. She understands.

We are a dangerous couple together.

The game plan was Happy Hour at the Saint and then across the street to the Tropic Cinema to see the Churchill film Darkest Hour.

Food and atmosphere at the Saint excellent.

Then to the movies.

I was anxious to see the Darkest Hour. Love World War II stories. The film is good, not excellent. Worth seeing. Gary Oldman may win an Academy Award for his performance.

I was taken with the woman who played Churchill’s wife. A difficult role. Perhaps a Best Supporting Actress nomination.

Our evening was over at 8:30 when I returned Catherine home. Still early. Decided to stop at the Chart Room.

Ollie there. We have not seen each other in months. An environmental genius. Takes nature seriously.

Ollie just returned from a two week vacation. Drove Key West to Washington, DC and back. Except for Washington, stayed a day or two in small communities. Enjoyed the trip tremendously.

The Chart Room was quiet. Shaun bartending. All of a sudden, Jean Thornton showed up. She and Joe had dinner at Berlin’s. Joe was tired. Went home to sleep. The evening still early. Jean stopped in.

We had a very good time. Jean, Ollie, Shaun and Louis. Lots of laughs.

Wounded Warriors Day yesterday in Key West. The Wounded Warrior Project is nationwide. Veterans bike long distances for 3-4 days. Yesterday, they came down from Boca Chica to Key West.

Cheering groups along the way greeted the veterans.

A couple of hours before the bikers arrived was tie a yellow ribbon time. Recalls the popular song of the mid 1970’s.

Local veterans tied 180 yellow ribbons and small American flags on palm trees on North Roosevelt Boulevard and elsewhere. A proud time for watchers and the riders themselves.

The weather still cold. In the 50’s last night. Supposed to hit 70 during the day. Then down to 64 during the evening. Tomorrow or the next day, the daytime temperature will rise to 75-76 degrees. Not for long. Another cold front is coming in Saturday or Sunday and it will be Key West cold for a week.

Syracuse disaster yesterday! My team lost to Notre Dame 51-49. I missed the game. My concern growing.

Attorney General Sessions a man of the past. Nineteen fiftyish. He advised this week that his attorneys would be pursuing marijuana use where States had already made its recreational use legal. There is a Federal law in conflict with State law. The Federal law makes marijuana use illegal.

A waste of time and money. If Sessions wants to pursue drug suppliers and users, he should make war on the opioid epidemic engulfing the U.S. More than 100 persons a day dying from opioid use.

Gallup and Pew are respected pollsters. Each came out with a poll this week showing more than 60 percent of Americans favor the legalization of marijuana. Those not in favor primarily older citizens.

A subsequent article described those opposed as Neanderthals and self-righteous Evangelicals.

Trump made a big speech two months ago. Opioids an emergency situation. One problem, however. Trump did not put the money where his mouth was. He passed the buck to the States to make the war.

French President Macron accused the United States, Israel and Saudi Arabia of desiring war with Iran. Claimed the three nations had a deliberate strategy to push war.

I agree. Look at who the U.S. has for partners. Israel and Saudi Arabia. Both great friends of Donald Trump. The old story that birds of a feather flock together.

I get the feeling Irma and Me is selling. People stop me to say they bought the book or ask me questions about it. People e-mail me to advise they ordered the book.

God bless!

Enjoy your Sunday!





My July 14, 2016 blog was limited to one subject. The New Prostitution. The story of college girls and young ladies selling their bodies for big dollars to wealthy men who were looking for smart educated women.

No pimp or escort service involved. The ladies independent contractors. Their fee generally $1,000 to $5,000 a night. Many had annual contracts with the men paying in the six figures.

The young women opted for the way of life for the money involved. Money required for tuition, college debt, clothes, and to replace wage stagnation. Very few in the life for the fun of it.

It is not uncommon for peripheral business to spin off successful ones. Millennial ladies selling their virginity. A one time big dollar maker. Attractive to a young lady whose virginity has been preserved.

A lottery generally involved. The men bid for the young lady’s virginal charms.

I find the sale of virginal vaginas difficult to believe. Not the money aspect. Some men have so much money, they can spend it foolishly. What I do wonder is how many women today have preserved their virginity into their late teens and early 20’s. It  does not fit into the promiscuous society we live in.

Bailey Gibson is 23. Still a virgin. She has decided to lose her virginity in the most profitable way. She had been saving it for marriage.

Her virginity is being auctioned off by the Moonlite Bunny Ranch in Carson City, Nevada. She and Moonlite will share the proceeds equally.

Not the first time Moonlite has done such a thing. Last year, the virginity of a Katherine Stone was auctioned for $400,000.

There are other such reported cases world wide. An Abu Dhabi businessman paid $2.9 million for a virgin 19 year old model. A Hong Kong businessman $2.5 million for a virgin 18 year old Romanian model.

Why do the ladies do it? They are broke. They do it to service existing debt and/or setting themselves up for life financially.

Smart, dumb, non consequential? I don’t know.

My yesterday did not involve any ladies from the new prostitution or virgins for sale.

It started with a visit to Tammy for a pedicure and manicure. The salon was almost empty. Few customers. Friday generally busy.

I asked Tammy where the ladies were. She said most had called and cancelled saying they did not want to go out in the cold. Sixty degrees.

My first stop last night was the 7 Artists Gallery. Opening night of Andreas Franke’s exhibit. He paints humans in underwater scenarios.

Enjoyed the exhibit. Met the Gallery’s owner Jennifer Badry. Her business card amused me: Janitor, Jeweler, Proprietor.

Turned out we have a common friend. Jennifer brought June Hudson’s name into the conversation. I have not seen June in a couple of years.

I had an hour to kill before being due at Donna and Terri’s for dinner. Decided to stop in the Chart Room two blocks away.

John bartending. Sheila, Jean and Joe Thornton at the bar. The Thorntons having a drink before going over to the Red Barn for a show.

Sheila introduced me to Christina. A lovely person.

Christina works for KWAHS at the Custom House. The front desk person. Sheila, who once worked at the Custom House, said Christina was the go to person.

She bartended at one time in New Orleans. At a place called the Dungeon. John had been there. A bad place. In all my trips to New Orleans, never heard nor got to the Dungeon. A missed experience.

Christina has a Masters in Journalism. She claims her journalistic background makes it possible for her to enjoy her job and life. She views her existence as living history as it is occurring.

Always good company and good food at Donna and Terri’s. Love the ladies! The pot roast Donna prepared, also.

Another good day and night ahead for me. Syracuse/Notre Dame this afternoon. This evening, time with Catherine. Happy Hour at the Saint followed by the Churchill movie across the street at the Tropic Cinema.

I am a history freak. Especially two wars. The Civil and World War II. The Darkest Hour is going to be a real turn on.

Key West and other Keys communities are small town America. Medical specialties for serious illnesses unavailable. One has to get to a hospital in Miami or elsewhere on the mainland swiftly.

Monroe puts a portion of our tax dollars to good use. The County owns two helicopters. Medical personnel on board. The helicopters fly those needing critical care to Miami and elsewhere.

At no cost to Monroe County residents. One of the helicopters rests on the lawn of our local Key West hospital.

The numbers are out re flights for 2017. A record number. Nine hundred twenty three.

The weather. Still cold. Cold for Key West. I was out yesterday in long pants and a heavy winter jacket.

Last night, in the mid 50’s. Today, 69 and the evening 54.

One of the best people to have ever lived in Key West has returned for the season. Patrick “Paddy Cakes” Hayes. Loved by all. A good friend to all.

Enjoy your day!






A special exhibit tonight. At Seven Artists Gallery on Simonton. Vienna artist Andreas Franke. A passionate diver. His preference underwater art.

Seven Artists’ jewelry designer Jennifer Badry responsible for Franke’s exhibition.

Show time 5:30-8:30.

I am familiar with Franke’s work. Outstanding! Worth seeing.

Busy day yesterday.

Started with lunch at Harpoon Harry’s with Guy de Boer. KONK Life and KONK E-Blast publisher.

Guy an old friend. Responsible for my writings, etc. Got me started 12 years ago with a KONK Life column and Internet talk show.

Guy is helping promote Irma and Me. In the very near future, Louis  will be featured in a front full page picture advising the publication of Irma and Me, together with a short article inside. Guy did a similar scenario in 2014 when I wrote my first book The World Upside Down.

A good friend.

After lunch, Guy took me to a back yard to see the boat he is repairing. Actually, rebuilding. A 36 foot power boat. The vessel a victim of Irma. Another boat was thrown into one side. The other side slammed into a dock. The boat a mess.

Guy fears not. He works daily on putting the boat together. Per his explanation of what he was doing, it was obvious he was familiar with the repairs.

He got the boat for nothing following Irma. It was heading for the junk yard. Guy took it off the owner’s hands.

A major job! The boat is a mess.

Spent the afternoon reworking Growing Up Italian. Been working on it 4 years. Four rewrites. My next publication. Hopefully by Easter.

The Chart Room last night.

Key West is normally quiet following New Years till the first of February. Not this year. Key West continues to be packed this week. The season is here!

The Chart Room was body tight. I was lucky to get a seat when I came in. Someone in front of me was leaving.

Old home week. Sheila, David, Steve and Cindy. And Jean and Joe Thornton. My Irma saviors. I spent 12 days at their home in Birmingham escaping Irma.

I was not aware Jean and Joe had returned. Turns out they have been here a week already.

While I was working on Growing Up Italian in the afternoon, a call came in from Jean. I did not answer. I did not want to interrupt my thought wave. They come and go so I have to be careful. Retention difficult in my old age.

I forgot to call Jean back till I was in the Chart Room at 7. Made my apologies. Jean said she and Joe would be with us shortly.

The reason Jean had called was to invite me to dinner. She had cooked one of her specialties. Chili and corn bread. To compensate, she brought a container of chili with her to the Chart Room. My lunch today.

Met a very interesting fellow at the bar. Paul. From London. We spoke for at least an hour. London, the U.S., travel, business, etc. To bad he leaves today. We agreed we hoped to meet again when he returns next year. This was his fourth visit to Key West.

Today, he leaves for Majorca. He and his wife have a vacation home there.

Then a quick stop to Publix. Out of diet food.

I have been at the diet since November 27. Cheated only Christmas eve and Christmas day. I am not losing. Stuck on 10 pounds since mid December. Depressing. I am losing inches. Clothes loser. Wearing clothes I could not get into.

Today going to be another busy one. A pedicure and manicure with Tammy at 1. Dinner tonight with my lesbian wives Donna and Terri. Donna cooking. Pot roast!

A couple of Trump comments.

Fire and Fury seems to be doing a number on him. If only 20 percent true, still devastating.

The book has opened a Pandora’s box. Brought Trump’s mental stability to the fore front. Dangerous for him. I have considered the President a nut since the primaries. He is not equipped to be a President.

It was announced yesterday that Trump had opened east and west coast waters to oil drilling. A disaster in the making. One big spill and environmental ruination for years to a vast portion of ocean.

The oil drilling thing an example of Trump sucking up to and pursuing the interests of big business.

Another Trumpy. Trump told us the huge corporate tax cut would add thousands of jobs. Comcast announced yesterday it let go 500 employees.

Enjoy your day!




I sermonize to begin.

There is global warming. Those of you who do not believe look around. The past few years have been replete with huge inexplicable storms of all sorts.

An example is the winter storm upon us at the moment. Non-believers will say if there is global warming, why the snow and cold?

Educate yourselves, my non believing friends. Global warming has to do with climate and not a certain type storm at a particular time. If you wish to learn more, google global warming. Do not be a Trump. You can read. A little education never hurt.

Even winter storms now have names. The storm affecting the eastern United States has been labeled Winter Storm Grayson. Rather formal sounding.

Grayson is being described as a bomb cyclone. A phrase new to me and probably you. Ominous sounding.

Grayson an epic cold snap. Before done, a record setting deep freeze will have been recorded. The worst from North Carolina north along the eastern seaboard. Winds 80 miles per hour. Waves 26 feet. Temperatures below zero. Snow where snow has not fallen in 50 years.

The worst to begin late today. Grayson will be with the U.S. till late sunday.

I find the following dramatic: Temperatures below freezing in 92 percent of the U.S. yesterday.

Zooed penguins will not remain outdoors. They are going inside to avoid the cold. Sharks are washing up dead on the beaches of Cape Cod. Caused by unusually cold waters.

Mentioning Key West, it was cold last night. Fifty four degrees. Fifty six degrees as I write this morning. The high today 62. Same tonight and tomorrow. Long pants, sweaters and jackets the rest of the week. Heat, also.

I am becoming a recluse. Never left the house yesterday again. Worked with Sloan for several hours. Then Syracuse/Wake Forest at 7. Better watched from my bed.

Syracuse lost 73-67. The team was not at Wake Forest to play 40 minutes. They played only half the time. The last 10 minutes of the first half and the first 10 minutes of the second half.

Syracuse’s famed zone defense could not stop Wake Forest. They scored from the key and corners at will. Syracuse did not control the boards. Something I could not understand. We have one of the tallest teams in the country.

The game came down to who made the shots in the last few minutes. Wake Forest did, Syracuse did not.

As Winter Storm Grayson is arriving, Irma’s impacts still with us.

Debris removal.

Turns out the State hired contractor to handle the US 1 debris not experienced. Supposed to have the job finished by January 16. The contractor will not make it.

The side roads a problem,also. Worse. Monroe County’s contractor is working on the problem. Slowly, but deliberately. He has no time limit.

The reason for the difficulty in the clean up is that neither the State nor County were prepared for how bad Irma was. Its impact not expected. Experience a good teacher. Everyone will be ready the next time.

Two days ago, I wrote about the movie of George Bernard Shaw’s play Caesar and Cleopatra. My dear friend Diana Millikan wrote me yesterday. Another Cleopatra movie on its way.The screen writer David Scarpa, director Denis Villeneuve. SONY Studio backing the project.

The movie will be a different Cleopatra. Done from Cleopatra’s point of view. The female point of view.

Scarpa says the movie will be “dirty, bloody, lots of people swearing and having sex and all that other stuff…..a lean, mean political thriller, full of assassinations.”

Steve Bannon and Michael Wolff’s new book Fire and Fury. Wow! If only 20 percent true, wow!

The U.S. is like a ship at sea in troubled waters. Trump the captain. Trump remains in his cabin while the ship is in danger of being swamped.

Trump makes Captain Queeg of Caine Mutiny fame look like a hero.

Recall the gang that could not shoot straight. There is a country that cannot shot straight. At least on one occasion.

North Korea.

April 17, 2017. North Korea was testing an intermediate range missile. It was supposed to land in the seas past Japan. Instead, it fell on the North Korea city of Tokchon. A few miles from Pyongyang.

Details of deaths and damage withheld by the North Korean government.

It is claimed various media outlets world wide carried the news of the accidental bombing. I do not recall hearing of it.

Enjoy your day!





I cheated yesterday. Took time off in the afternoon to watch the movie adaptation of George Bernard Shaw’s Caesar and Cleopatra.

Normally, tuesdays are spent preparing for my podcast Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou in the evening. I became engrossed with the movie. Meant I had to work my ass off afterwards to make sure everything was in order for the podcast.

The movie outstanding! Claude Rains as Caesar and Vivien Leigh as Cleopatra. Rains short of stature to play Caesar. Leigh the best Cleopatra I have seen

The movie a fictionalized account of Caesar and Cleopatra’s relationship. Humorous. Very much so.

Shaw wrote Caesar and Cleopatra as a play in 1898. The movie was shot in 1945. Shaw still alive. He collaborated closely on the production.

I recall two other Caesar/Cleopatra movies. One earlier starring Claudette Colbert. The mega production in later years starring Elizabeth Taylor. The two were not Shaw’s work reproduced. They were written for the screen by others based on historical accounts.

I always loved Colbert. Unfortunately, she runs a distant third to Leigh and Taylor as Cleopatra. Taylor the beauty! An outstanding actress! Lovely in the film! Never the less runs second to Leigh in my opinion.

Vivien Leigh the star of the earlier Gone With The Wind. A serious performance. Caesar and Cleopatra comedic. She fit the part. Also, her natural beauty more apparent in the film.

One problem. The film was an economic failure. Lost $3 million. A tidy sum in 1945.

I watched the show on Turner Classic Movies. If you get the chance, watch it. You will not be disappointed.

My podcast went well later in the evening. I was prepared. Hit on several current matters. A total of ten topics. Trump a part of four.

Speaking of Trump, he had a busy day yesterday. His first day back since a 10 day family vacation. His plate had to be full. Much requiring his attention.

He jumped right in. Obviously worked hard. Sent out 16-18 tweets. Pissed off half the world. Aggravated the White House staff.

I have a busy evening. Sloan at 5:30. Syracuse/Wake Forest at 7. Wake Forest a one point favorite.

My afternoon today busy also. At least 2 hours work preparing for Sloan’s visit at 5:30.

I will not leave the house again today. There is always tomorrow.

You have to admire Iceland. They are always a step ahead.

Following the bank debacle of 2008, they prosecuted and jailed bankers. Those at the top. Something I have been recommending for years we do in the U.S.

They elect women big time. Almost 50 percent of their Parliament is female. They elected a woman Prime Minister in November.

Iceland recently passed a law that allows companies who pay women less than men to be punished. Fined. No jail. A step forward, however.

Equal pay laws have no teeth. They tell the companies females must be paid equal to men. Enforcement lacking. Iceland recognized the problem and moved the step ahead.

It is generally acknowledged the law would not have come into being were it not for the large number of women in Parliament.

Enjoy your day!



The band played, the drums roared…..Recreational marijuana became legal yesterday in California. Prohibition over.

Within five years, most States will permit the use of recreational pot. The reason simple. Tax dollars! Big ones expected.

A few States will resist. Evangelicals, the extreme right their moving force. Those who refuse to learn, to accept. They will view legalized marijuana as morality tossed out the window.

My only stop last night the Chart Room. Quiet at first. Chatted with Shaun. Watched the beginning of the Oklahoma/Georgia game. I left at half time. My recollection Oklahoma winning by 17 points at the time.

While at the Chart Room, met Barbara and Joe. From Westchester, Pennsylvania. Barbara still working. A nurse. Joe, retired. A retired attorney and college educator who taught law classes.

They visit Key West frequently. Their Keys home on Little Torch Key. A mobile home destroyed by Irma.

We talked about the tragedy wrought by Irma. Barbara and Joe’s Little Torch home right in the middle of Irma’s blast.

Got into a discussion re retirement. Two retired attorneys. I ventured I went crazy with nothing to do. My blog born of that boredom. My other writings, TV show, weekly newspaper column, and podcast followed.

Joe agreed re the boredom, the difficulty initially of handling doing nothing.

A voice joined us from the other end of the bar. Tomas Mazeika. An attorney, also! A partner in a major law firm in western United States with offices in most major west coast cities.

Tomas, Joe and I agreed on one thing. Practicing law was/is hard work! The issue arose when I mentioned how content I am writing. Told them I wished I had majored in English and became a writer rather than an attorney. I would not have made as much money, but life would have been a lot easier.

Headed home. I was interested in the Alabama/Clemson game.

Hopped in bed and turned on the game. No Alabama/Clemson. Oklahoma/Georgia still on. Georgia had come back. The game tied. Two overtimes. Georgia finally winning.

An exciting finish.

Began watching Alabama/Clemson. Fell asleep within minutes. Woke at 3:30. Curious as to who had won, I went to my office and turned on the computer. Alabama 24-6.

Georgia/Alabama has the makings of an exciting game!

The jet stream is out of its neighborhood. All the way down to southern U.S. states. Including Florida. The jet stream bringing Canadian cold to us.

Sixty one degrees in Key West at 8 this morning. High today 68. Cold tomorrow. Even colder beginning thursday. Evenings in the mid 50’s and days in the mid 60’s.

The heat on at on at the moment.

Trump acts without thinking. Shoots from the hip. Most times totally unaware of the consequences. Several months ago, Trump decided to get on Venezuela’s back. He heard the people were starving. They had been starving for four years.

He tweeted. Knocked Venezuela’s President Maduro. Threatened a U.S. invasion.

The U.S. invading Venezuela? Pure stupidity!

Maduro reacted. In effect said to Trump, up yours!

The story. The U.S. has been the beneficiary of a deal made many years ago involving oil. Basically means any crude oil transactions and those emanating therefrom, were to be in American dollars. Such kept the U.S. dollar stable.

China has been making noises in recent years that it would like to have countries use the Chinese yuan instead of the American dollar.

Maduro opened the door for China.

Venezuela has one of the largest oil reserves in the world. Venezuela went to the yuan. Russia and China announced they are going to the yuan. More countries will follow.

The U.S. at some point will experience an economic crisis. The stable American dollar will no longer be stable.

The beginning of the scenario occurring because Trump threatened to invade Venezuela.

My podcast tonight. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine my time. A quick half hour of interesting discussion. Many items eye opening.

Join me. Guaranteed you will enjoy!

If you have not purchased my recent book Irma and Me, please do so. It is the only published work on the hurricane. Humor and tragedy mixed.

Irma and Me is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and KoboBooks.

Enjoy your day!





Happy New Year!

To most of the country freezing their butts off, Happy New Year! Hang in there. Warm weather will return. It always does.

I received an early morning Happy New Year from a Utica friend. Minus sixteen degrees! I remember those days. Brutal!

Chilly in Key West last night. I am ashamed to say got down to 65 degrees. I turned the heat on. You would too if you lived here all year long. Your blood thins. You are more susceptible to cold.

Key West very cold around the corner. Temperatures in the 50’s. Tomorrow night, low 62. Then a few days with the high in the mid 60’s and night times in the mid 50’s.

Key West style cold!

I remained in last night. The highlight of my evening the Syracuse/Virginia Tech game. Syracuse won 68-56. Syracuse played terrific!

Virginia Tech came into the game with the top field goal percentage in the nation. 54.5 percent. Fourth re 3 shooting percentage. 43.7. Syracuse kept Virginia Tech well below those numbers.

Syracuse’s defense outstanding! Shooting  much better. The team was making shots. Still need improvement in the shooting area, however.

A tough ACC schedule ahead.

Go ‘Cuse!

I wanted to be awake at midnight to watch the ball fall. Missed it. Woke at 12:15. Watched some blabbing from New York. Found New Orleans at 1 my time for their Happy New Year. Provided me with the thrill of it all.

CNN ran Key West 15 minutes after Sushi came down in the shoe. She was walking around by the time they got to her. Never the less, still good. An attractive Sushi in a bright red dress. She makes all her clothes herself. The crowd huge and noisy.

Key West has more than one person descending something or other at midnight. The pirate wench at the Waterfront always a hit. She (a for real one) comes down from the top of a tall ship’s mast. Other descents include a conch shell, Keys lime wedge, unicorn and a tuna.

Something for everyone!

New Year’s Day was not always celebrated January 1. The early calendar was a mess. Unreliable. Followed the lunar cycle. Changed a bit every year. The bits turned into a large number at some point and adjustments had to be made.

Julius Caesar said enough! In 45 B.C., the Julian calendar took effect. Caesar took a little glory from the event. Quintilis was the original name of July. Caesar changed it to July, naming the month after himself.

In the 1570’s, the calendar was still screwed up. By the year 1,000, the calendar had added 7 days. By the mid 1500’s, 10 days.

Pope Gregory III solved the problem by adding 1 day to the calendar every 4 years. Leap year! Still works today.

The new calendar became known as the Gregorian calendar.

Key West’s Dachshund Walk yesterday a success. More than 200 dachshunds participated.

I receive my daily Key West Citizen via the internet. No January 1 edition this morning. Why? I hope it was not because the Citizen gave its workers a day off because of the holiday. A lot of Key Westers worked yesterday. The Citizen should have also, if such was the reason.

Enjoy your day!