The band played, the drums roared…..Recreational marijuana became legal yesterday in California. Prohibition over.
Within five years, most States will permit the use of recreational pot. The reason simple. Tax dollars! Big ones expected.
A few States will resist. Evangelicals, the extreme right their moving force. Those who refuse to learn, to accept. They will view legalized marijuana as morality tossed out the window.
My only stop last night the Chart Room. Quiet at first. Chatted with Shaun. Watched the beginning of the Oklahoma/Georgia game. I left at half time. My recollection Oklahoma winning by 17 points at the time.
While at the Chart Room, met Barbara and Joe. From Westchester, Pennsylvania. Barbara still working. A nurse. Joe, retired. A retired attorney and college educator who taught law classes.
They visit Key West frequently. Their Keys home on Little Torch Key. A mobile home destroyed by Irma.
We talked about the tragedy wrought by Irma. Barbara and Joe’s Little Torch home right in the middle of Irma’s blast.
Got into a discussion re retirement. Two retired attorneys. I ventured I went crazy with nothing to do. My blog born of that boredom. My other writings, TV show, weekly newspaper column, and podcast followed.
Joe agreed re the boredom, the difficulty initially of handling doing nothing.
A voice joined us from the other end of the bar. Tomas Mazeika. An attorney, also! A partner in a major law firm in western United States with offices in most major west coast cities.
Tomas, Joe and I agreed on one thing. Practicing law was/is hard work! The issue arose when I mentioned how content I am writing. Told them I wished I had majored in English and became a writer rather than an attorney. I would not have made as much money, but life would have been a lot easier.
Headed home. I was interested in the Alabama/Clemson game.
Hopped in bed and turned on the game. No Alabama/Clemson. Oklahoma/Georgia still on. Georgia had come back. The game tied. Two overtimes. Georgia finally winning.
An exciting finish.
Began watching Alabama/Clemson. Fell asleep within minutes. Woke at 3:30. Curious as to who had won, I went to my office and turned on the computer. Alabama 24-6.
Georgia/Alabama has the makings of an exciting game!
The jet stream is out of its neighborhood. All the way down to southern U.S. states. Including Florida. The jet stream bringing Canadian cold to us.
Sixty one degrees in Key West at 8 this morning. High today 68. Cold tomorrow. Even colder beginning thursday. Evenings in the mid 50’s and days in the mid 60’s.
The heat on at on at the moment.
Trump acts without thinking. Shoots from the hip. Most times totally unaware of the consequences. Several months ago, Trump decided to get on Venezuela’s back. He heard the people were starving. They had been starving for four years.
He tweeted. Knocked Venezuela’s President Maduro. Threatened a U.S. invasion.
The U.S. invading Venezuela? Pure stupidity!
Maduro reacted. In effect said to Trump, up yours!
The story. The U.S. has been the beneficiary of a deal made many years ago involving oil. Basically means any crude oil transactions and those emanating therefrom, were to be in American dollars. Such kept the U.S. dollar stable.
China has been making noises in recent years that it would like to have countries use the Chinese yuan instead of the American dollar.
Maduro opened the door for China.
Venezuela has one of the largest oil reserves in the world. Venezuela went to the yuan. Russia and China announced they are going to the yuan. More countries will follow.
The U.S. at some point will experience an economic crisis. The stable American dollar will no longer be stable.
The beginning of the scenario occurring because Trump threatened to invade Venezuela.
My podcast tonight. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine my time. A quick half hour of interesting discussion. Many items eye opening.
Join me. Guaranteed you will enjoy!
If you have not purchased my recent book Irma and Me, please do so. It is the only published work on the hurricane. Humor and tragedy mixed.
Irma and Me is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and KoboBooks.
Enjoy your day!
You had to get up and go to your computer to check the score? Don’t you have a smartphone? Just curious…
I had to go to the bathroom. Office next to bathroom. Ended up staying up 1.5 hours researching. At my age, sleep not always consistent. A couple of times a week I wake in the middle of the night, cannot return to sleep, and work for 2-3 hours.