My blog talk radio show, Tuesday Talk With Key West Lou, is one half hour. It takes me 10-12 hours of preparation for the 1/2 hour weekly show. Occasionally due to some technical glitch, the show does not broadcast. The glitch is always at the radio station’s end.

Last night was one of those nights. Try as I could for 20 minutes, I could not connect up with the station. Ergo, no show.

The frustration is two fold.

First, I am disappointed. I am ready to go and cannot go.

The other is that I generally cannot use the material that took me 10-12 hours to research and prepare the following week. It is stale one week later.

Those of you who tried to join me probably heard the show was waiting for the host to join in. I am the host. It was not me. It was them.

So much for frustration.

I was in Publix yesterday. Had time to kill. Walked around the store three times pushing a cart. Up and down each aisle. My exercise for the day.

I have been dieting since early November. During that time, I have cheated only three times. Last night was one of them.

The past couple of days, I have had this abnormal desire for a bologna sandwich. Bread, bologna, tomato slices, salt and mayonnaise. I gave into the desire. Bought a quarter pound of bologna. Had to buy a small jar off mayonnaise, also. When I started the diet, I stripped the refrigerator of all bad foods, temptations, etc.

Let me tell you, the sandwich was oh so good! Like sex after not having had it for a long time. Like a man finding water in the desert.

I do not feel guilty!

Syracuse basketball tonight. At 7. Syracuse plays Boston College. Syracuse a one point favorite. I plan on watching the game at Don’s Place. Dan, join me if you can.

The Brian Williams saga continues. Suspended without pay for six months. Morning Jo pointed out several times that Twitter was bad. Many people wrote disparaging things about Williams. They appeared happy that he got his.

The Morning Joe crowd thought this was terrible in view of the fact that Williams is apparently a good guy. Who concededly screwed up.

I attribute the negative comments to the state of our society. Many in the U.S. are hurting economically. Have been for quite a while. It becomes a haves v. have nots situation. Williams is paid $10 million a year. In a sense, he represents the 1 percent. Most of those speaking poorly of him the 99 percent.

The desire exists under the circumstances to see anyone on top fall. A 2014 rendition of A Tale Of Two Cities.

I am on my soap box. One more issue bothering me.

It was announced yesterday by Putin that Russia and Egypt have made a deal. An agreement has been signed. Russia is going to construct a whole new nuclear industry for Egypt.  Russia doing most of the work. Paid for by Egypt.

You have to give Putin credit. Russia’s economy is teetering. Yet Putin is out there continuing to make friends and deals.

Where is the U.S. while all this is going on?

I continue to point out that Egypt was our friend for 30 years. Egypt was friends with Israel. Hosni Mubarak marched in step with the U.S. I am critical of Hillary and the President for siding with “democracy” against Mubarak when he was having problems. I have been so critical since day one. We turned our back on a friend.

Putin would not have the opportunity to do business with Egypt today were Mubarak still in power.

Enjoy your day!



In the annals of Key West history, Harry Truman was one of the greats. He left his mark on Key West.

Truman made 11 trips to Key West for a total of 175 days. Truman’s vacation home, his rest and relaxation spot. While in Key West, Truman stayed at the Commander’s quarters on the Naval Base. Today that building is the Little White House.

This day in history, February 10, had special significance in Truman’s life. It was 1941. World War II had not yet begun. Concern had, however. Concern for the European War and the thought of many that we might soon be involved. Roosevelt and Congress created a law appropriating $10.5 billion to bolster our defenses.

On February 10, 1941, a little known Senator from Missouri rose and made a speech concerning profiteering, favoritism, corruption and waste with regard to defense contracts. His words were tough. He exclaimed that cheating on price and quality was no different than being a draft dodger.

The man was Harry Truman.

The speech skyrocketed Truman to prominence. A Committee was formed to oversee defense spending. Truman was made Chairman. He served on  the Committee till elected Vice-President in 1944. He was a hawk. He oversaw defense spending as you would have expected. Those who cheated were severely treated.

Strange, no one seems to confront defense spending abuse today as Truman did. In reality, we have no one watching how our money is spent.

I spent the better part of yesterday working on my blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. The shows airs tonight at 9 my time. Join me.

The world we live in is in frequent turmoil. Each week surprising and sometimes shocking developments arise. I bring a few to your attention.

Valentine’s Day is saturday. Time for flowers and candy for the one we love. Not just flowers and candy any more. Roach naming is in vogue and has been since 2011. I am referring to cockroaches. The details tonight.

Other topics include the NFL being tax exempt, Germany and Greece in a fight to the death, Greece’s new government very casual in their dress even for high level government matters, Venezuela running out of condoms, taking cell phone pics up a female’s skirt Constitutionally protected, the man who needed to break a $100 bill and won a $20 million lottery, and more.

My bedroom is done! Finished yesterday. I am very pleased with the final result. Will share some pics with you soon.

The room was redecorated on the cheap. Pier 1, Office Max, Ross, Rooms to Go, and Home Depot. Threw a few paintings on the walls. Voila! My new bedroom!

Boston the new snow capital of the world. I have not seen snow in 8 years. I do not miss it.

Bocce starts thursday. I am excited!

Enjoy your day!



Jenna’s birthday yesterday! Happy birthday once again dear friend.

I attended a birthday party yesterday afternoon for Jenna. Fun! Many women. Young and a bit older. All knockouts regardless of age. The younger were Miss Americas and the ones a bit older Mrs. Americas.

Several publishers and writers also.

The people and conversations enjoyable.

Jenna with her usual joy and exuberance enjoyed everything! Ah, to be young again!

Don’s Place was down the block from the party. Stopped in. Glad I did. Tino was there. He and wife Maria are visiting for two weeks. Old friends from Chicago.

Tom with Tino. We had a drink and chatted a while.

Nate was bartending. I had not seen him in several months. Nate is one of Key West’s best people. Plus, an outstanding golfer! I played in a scramble with him once. My team had it easy. Nate drove just short of the green. All we had to do was chip on.

We won the scramble.

I decided to stay in last night. Glad I did. I am a movie freak. I love movies, especially old ones. Last night was a double header. A Farewell To Arms followed by Casablanca. A movie lover’s dream evening.

I felt connected watching A Farewell to Arms. The book was written by Ernest Hemingway. The area in northern Italy where the movie was shot and the story took place was very familiar. Especially the lake. I have been fortunate to have visited several times.

Today’s Key West Citizen notes that on this date in 1964, the Beatles gave their first American performance on the Ed Sullivan Show. We all watched, me included.

It is amazing how if you live long enough, you feel as if you are a part of history. Merely by having been alive at the time something took place.

Another police story. This one takes place in Sheffield, England.

An officer operated a police helicopter. A big plane with all sorts of up to date equipment. Similar to a helicopter the military now gives local police departments in the United States. The plane was equipped with a thermal imaging camera.

England has a special sex sport. It is called dogging. Public sex. In the woods, off roads, etc. The women strip and generally are available to whoever might want them.

While the officer was on duty flying the helicopter, he filmed the dogging activity. Then he would take the film home for viewing by he and his wife. They are now in a divorce proceeding. The wife is mad at her soon to be ex husband. She reported to his superiors the film taking. The officer is now suspended.

Many lessons to be learned from the story. Think about it.

Enjoy your day!



God is good!

Aurora Phoenix recently celebrated her five month birthday. Yes, five months. A wonder she is alive.

Her parents are Key West entertainer Rock Solomon and Michele Musel.

Aurora was born three months premature. Weighed less than a pound. She was not expected to make it through the first night. Within two weeks of her birth, she had heart surgery and 11 blood transfusions. She was kept alive at certain periods via a breathing machine. Her hospital stay was 100 days.

You say wow! She is a miracle baby! There is more. Aurora was a twin. An identical twin. Her twin sister Aria did not make it.

Aurora had PTTS, a rare condition that affects only identical twins and which had claimed her sister Aria’s life. The doctors thought Aurora would be blind. Via special treatment, the problem is receding and it is now believed Aurora will not suffer any loss of vision.

Aurora continues to need specialized medical care. Her parents take her once a week to Miami.

God bless!

I wrote early afternoon. Next week’s KONK Life column. The National Football League Tax Exempt. An interesting portion is the revelation of what motivated Congress in the first instanced to grant the tax exemption. Old fashion horse trading.

This week’s KONK Life column Greece In The Driver’s Seat was posted on my Facebook site this morning.

Later in the afternoon, Sloan was over. We worked on this and that. Her technical assistance is invaluable. I need her. I am from that generation which is not computer literate.

My Saturday night was typical. Tavern ‘n Town and Bobby Nesbitt. Not many people. I sat at the bar and read while humming to whatever Bobby was singing.

I ate a little more, also. Actually, a lot more! Salmon, spinach and risotto. Plus, two rolls. I almost went for desert. Key Lime pie. Better judgment prevailed, however.

In between Sloan and Tavern ‘n Town, I watched the Syracuse/Pitt game. Syracuse lost 83-77. A close game all the way. Decided in the last 3-4 minutes. I thought Syracuse played exceptionally well.

A small note of interest popped up on the internet last night. An announcement by the NCAA that a 30 second clock would be experimented with in the NIT. Apparently the numbers are not as good as previously re persons watching college basketball. The NCAA wants to make the games faster and supposedly more exciting. I learned from the article also that girls’ college basketball is played with a 30 second clock.

Last week, I mentioned an unusual sunset. The sun behind a bank of gray/black clouds. Radiating through in a reddish/pink color. I was not the only one taken by the sunset. This week’s Conch Color ran several photos of the sunset taken by various Key West persons. Amongst them,  Carmelo Vitale, Amy Culver, and Vicki Gordon.

Money abounds in some quarters. It was announced that China’s Sunshine Insurance Group was buying the Baccarat Hotel in New York City. Paying $2 million plus for each room, the highest price ever paid on a per room basis for a New York hotel.

After renovations, the cheapest room will be $900 per night. Not a recession figure

Starwood has contracted to manage the hotel.

Brian Williams was an asshole. The only way to describe his statements. What to do? Hillary Clinton did the same thing. The Senator from Connecticut lied as to his military service. No punishment was involved in either case. The public was quick to forget.

Does his being a news announcer make a difference? I do not know.

Generally, people who misspeak have excellent credentials without the lie. Why do it?

A birthday party this afternoon! For my dear friend Jenna.

Enjoy your Sunday!




This morning’s Citizens’ Voice printed an interesting comment re the number of people presently in Key West. The thrust being too many. Basically, the writer commented….. how many people can fit in Key West?…..the island is too crowded…..traffic a mess.

Quite frankly, I have had the same thoughts several times since the first of the year. Long traffic lines at lights, cars moving at a snail’s pace, tourists walking every which way when crossing a street, bicyclists driving every which way. Where are we going to put all these people if the upward trend continues?

The thought occurred that maybe no cars in Key West might help. Have parking lots on US 1. Figure out how to get everyone into Key West. Also, close down Duval and make it a walking thoroughfare with outside tables, etc.

Neither of my solutions bears merit nor would either fly. Never the less, something has to be done. Otherwise, we will not have to wait for higher water levels to bury Key West. The sheer weight of people on the Island will do it!

One solution that would help is to build more parking garages in convenient places, The City Commission thinks and builds everything. Rarely taking parking into consideration. Parking has become a horrendous problem, especially since the new parking regulation which only permits permitted Key West residents to park on the streets.

Stopped by Pier 1 yesterday to pick up the two lamps I bought the other day. They had to be ordered. I found the staff at Pier 1 very congenial and helpful.

Spent a good amount of time at the Chart Room last night.

Met Mary Jo and Greg. They are from someplace in Indiana. Snowbirds. Though Mary Jo considers herself half a Conch. They bought a home on Eagle Street four years ago and spend six months a year here.

Mary Jo was a cardiac operating nurse in her other life. Now retired. Her job was to travel where ever to pick up hearts and lungs for transplants. Then rush back to the operating room. A heavy responsibility.

Greg still works. A police officer, he is Chief of Detectives. He and I talked long about police issues facing us today. It was interesting to hear from the other side. There is a reason for everything.

David joined us. Then lovely Charlotte. Charlotte from North Carolina. She visits Key West about six times a year. She works for United Health Care. I am always on her re the screwed up drug program they provide.  To no avail, of course. Charlotte is also a marathon runner. All over the country.

David, Charlotte and I went to dinner together afterwards at Hot Tin Roof. A good time!

My weight is stalemated again. At 31-32 pounds. Spoke to a doctor friend about it. I was told my body is in starvation mode. It stores everything I eat. Admittedly, I eat little. To get the metabolism working properly again, I have to increase my physical activity. Should be easy. Means starting at zero. I have gotten lazy in my old age. Also, I should increase my caloric intake a bit.

We shall see.

Syracuse/Pitt at 4. Pitt a 3 point favorite. I will probably watch the game from home. I have Sloan in earlier and Keith and Jennifer at some point.

Enjoy your day!


Venezuela in the news again. The country that ran out of toilet paper two years ago. Then it ran out of milk, shampoo, soap, and who knows what else.

It was reported yesterday that Venezuela has run out of condoms. Almost as bad as running out of toilet paper!

Actually, quite serious. Venezuela is in the midst of an HIV epidemic. Most had gone to condom use. The supply is gone. For some reason, President Maduro cannot figure out a way to replenish the condoms.

Assuming some can be found, the cost of a 35 condom pack is $755. Almost $21 per. $755 is close to Venezuela’s average monthly salary. A whole month’s salary to continue enjoying sex!

The wait in line comment refers to the long lines the Venezuelan people stand in to buy anything. Generally, a mile long. Twenty abreast. Then when they enter the store, there is no food or supplies on the shelves.

I am a Civil War buff. Wrote two term papers while in college concerning various aspects of the war. Key West’s Fort Zachary Taylor is having a Civil War era reenactment. Starts today. Runs through sunday. Should be interesting. Soldiers from both sides running around in uniforms, canons roaring.

Screwy weather the past 36 hours. It rained all day yesterday. At night, a howling wind. From the northeast. At least 20 mph. I could hear it all night. Whistling through the trees, banging on my windows.

This morning the sun is shining. Not one cloud in the sky. Everything bright and shiny. The wind still with us, however. Bending the palm trees.

I stepped out on the deck to look things over. The wind was so strong during the night that my deck chairs blew all over. One was resting in the pool.

Got cold during the night! Temperature dropped to 61 degrees. It was the kind of night I wished I had a warm body next to me. At 7 this morning, the temperature was 63 degrees.

The high today is projected at 72. Cold for Key Westers. Warm to visitors.

Cheryl, where ever you are in central Florida, your derriere has to be cold cold!

I spent a good portion of yesterday afternoon researching next week’s KONK Life column. I have decided to write about the National Football League’s tax exempt status. $9.5 billion annual earnings. No taxes paid.

I plan on writing the column this morning.

Enjoy your day.



Syracuse basketball has been under investigation by the NCAA for a couple of years. No findings reported yet. Yesterday, it was announced by Syracuse that it was self imposing a ban on playing in any post season tournaments this year. The NCAA, the NIT, and the ACC.

The investigation goes back as far as 12 years ago and as recent as 3 years ago. Word is that it primarily involves academics. Drug use by players in the earlier years may also be involved.

The NCAA’s report will be revealed soon.

As a most interested basketball fan, if Syracuse has to be punished this is the best year. The team’s record is bad. I doubt we would have been invited to the NCAA.

Syracuse will stand tall, take the hit and move on.

Visited Lisa yesterday. Jake, too. Jake is amazing! He now respects me as one of the family. We get along well. Which was not always the case.

I stopped at Walgreens to pick up a prescription. As most seniors, I take a lot of pills. I have a complaint. Co-pays are dramatically higher this new year.

The drug companies have had a free ride too long. It is time they were reined in.

I dined at Ibis last night for the first time. It has been open about three years. Stone crabs item #1 on Ibis’ menu.

I did not enjoy stone crabs. After the lobster roll the other night, it would have been too much in one week. Someone in my party did, however. Five large stone crabs. Looked smaller than large actually. $50. If my recollection is correct, the catch has not been good again for the third straight year. Restaurants are paying a high price for the delicacy. It has to be passed on to customers.

Sharon was waitressing. She bartended at Don’s Place for years before moving onto Ibis. It was hug and kiss time.

The weather yesterday was a warm 77 degrees. Rain is predicted off and on today. It is raining at the moment. I am sitting at the kitchen counter. The glass sliding doors are open. I can smell, taste and hear the rain.

The circus has come to Key West! Every year at this time. It starts today and ends sunday. I hope to get to watch it again with Robert and Ally.

My KONK Life column was published in the paper yesterday. I posted it on my Facebook site this morning. The topic interesting and timely. Greece In The Driver’s Seat.

In line with the substance of the column, it was reported in the international news this morning that the European Central Bank is taking a tough stance regarding Greece. The Bank is refusing to loan money to Greece’s commercial banks. The economic war has begun. The gauntlet thrown.

Enjoy your day!





The Greek election on January 25 was revolutionary. In overwhelming numbers, the Greek people swept into office the Syriza Party. Syriza is an acronym for Coalition of the Radical Left.  The party is led by a 40 year old firebrand, Alexis Tsipras. Tsipras will shortly be elected by Parliament as the new Prime Minister.
Greece has been led in recent years by the conservative side of the electorate. The group has failed to extract Greece from its problems with the Eurounion. The people have gone way to the left in selecting the Syriza Party. It is as if Republican tea party members had been elected. Except from the liberal side of the aisle.
Greece has been in the worst economic shape of any Eurounion member. The debt overwhelming. The Eurounion consistently demanded repayment. Austerity was forced on the Greek people. They have had enough. They opted to be led by the extreme left. The Syriza Party would have had no chance of being elected if economic conditions had been stable.
Austerity was imposed by the Eurounion on Greece. Germany leading the Eurounion group. The Eurounion became the banker. In reality, Germany. The cry…..Pay! Pay! Pay!
Greece tried. Unsuccessfully. Since 2010, unemployment has grown to 27 per cent. Fifty per cent of that number being college graduates between 20 and 30. Three million people are living at the poverty line or below.
Parents cannot feed their children. The farmers cannot sell food to the stores because there is no one who can afford to buy what they grow. The stores shut down because no one is buying. A wicked cycle.
Following is a perfect example of what has been occurring in Greece. Many women are desperate for work. They beg the brothels to hire them. They need to earn money to put food on the table for their children. Greek law prohibits married women from working in brothels. Prostitution is legal. These women end up working the streets in desperation.
Things are so bad that those who work the brothels are coming up short. Services that cost 50-70 euros, are now going for 10 euros.
During the campaign, Tsipras promised the world so as to be elected. It was not difficult for him. He promised everything to those who had lost everything.
He promised an end to austerity which he described as a return to democracy. He promised that the rich would pay their fair share of taxes. He promised to write off the national debt, raise the minimum wage, rehire all public workers who had been laid off, reduce taxes, provide free electricity and food to those without, free medical care for the uninsured, return to real property taxpayers all rent increases paid since 2008, reduce taxes overall, and more.
The big thing was his promise to either renegotiate the debt owed the Eurounion to a more favorable level or pay the Eurounion nothing.
Germany is going crazy. A rich Germany loaned much of the money to Greece through the Eurounion. Things have changed. Germany is on the brink of a recession. If Germany is not paid, it could fall over the edge
Italy and Spain are sitting back and smiling. They are in the same position that Greece has been. They are making noises that if Greece gets a better deal or does not pay, why should they.
I keep mentioning Germany because Germans has been running the show. The Germans, as well as the Eurounion, have not been fair to Greece. In 2010, the Eurounion loaned Greece 240 billion euros in bailout money. The money was of no use to Greece. Ninety percent had to be paid back immediately to cover unpaid interest and fines. The Eurounion, and especially Germany, were hard assed bankers as they continue to be to this day.
Lets assume Greece does not pay back the Eurounion  and Germany, what happens? Greece will leave the Eurounion and create a new currency. The Eurounion will press for payment. Sue Greece? What Greek court would enforce any judgement. Germany would fall into recession. All this triggering what could be a world wide depression.
Even worse, I can see a situation where Germany would go to war with Greece over the money. Remember, Germany is in bad shape. It might be the only alternative left for Germany. Such a war would include other Eurounion nations and who knows who else. Already Tsiprashas met with Russian and Chinese representatives.
There is also an undercurrent by the Greeks regarding Germany. World War II wounds still fester. The Greek people recall that Germany occupied Greece and treated the Greek people poorly.
That is the story. The world is watching.
What is going to happen?



What word best describes what occurred yesterday to the Jordanian pilot? Sick? Perverse? Horrific? Gruesome? Disgusting? Probably all.

I watched the video last night. It appears I have lived a sheltered life. Never have I seen such horror! Burning a man alive! His screams could be heard. At one point, the skin falling from his face could be seen.

ISIS are not only a bad people, they are crazy! They are vermin that must be sought out and destroyed. No matter how difficult the task.

I admire Jordan’s swift retaliation. Two ISIS prisoners hung at dawn. The way to do it. No time wasted. Let the bad guys know there is a price to pay.

I was impressed with the speed of the Jordanian retaliation. If it were the United States, we would still be talking how, when, etc.

Exercise was on tap yesterday. I walked Duval from one end to the other. Started at the Pier House and walked to the Atlantic. Then back.

My blog talk radio show last night. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. The topics eye opening and exciting.

Based on post show comments, the one garnering the most interest was Venezuela’s Maduro claiming that Joe Biden was planning a bloody coup against Maduro’s government. Maduro was so upset that he was going to tell Obama about it, who he felt had not been made aware of Biden’s plans.

The guy is a nut case!

I missed the first 12 minutes of the Syracuse/Virginia Tech game because of the show. What I saw was interesting. About three quarters through the second half, Syracuse was losing. Syracuse was behind 13 points with 6 minutes to go. Syracuse won 72-70.

Syracuse’s defense was outstanding in the final four minutes. Six times Syracuse trapped the ball. Those defensive plays were exciting!

Then followed with the winning shot with one second to go!

The last four minutes classic basketball!

A statement on the internet caught my attention yesterday. I do not recall specifically where I found it. Perhaps, Facebook.

The statement…..Only in America do we accept predictions from a rodent but deny climate change evidence from scientists.

The rodent referred to was a groundhog. Groundhog Day was this past week.

Jimmy Buffett is returning to Key West for a one night show. He is doing a free concert for 200 at the San Carlos on April 1. The whole world will want to attend. Tickets will be made available free via a lottery.

My column in this week’s KONK Life is Greece In The Driver’s Seat. It publishes today. Read it, if you have a chance. The column will be available via my Facebook page starting tomorrow.

Enjoy your day!



I have a few comments re footwear. The comments are limited to footwear appropriate for Key West wear.

I have been wearing crocs since they first came out. Several years ago. A long several years. I have found them the most comfortable “shoe” I have ever worn. Easy to get in and out of. Slide them on, slide them off.

One of the joys of old age for some is the extra foot bone that appears. It is on the inside of each foot. In the middle. Pushes out. It has happened to me.

Which means that I can only wear shoes, etc. that have low or no sides and do not cover the bone. Otherwise, it hurts like hell!

For whatever reason, I recently decided it was time to get away from crocs. Perhaps a boat shoe.

Key West is limited in its offerings. I went to Sears. Anything that turned me on also covered the bone. No success.

Then to the Croc store on Duval. Not to buy the usual croc. I recalled they had some soft material shoes.

I came across a croc that is all material above the sole and heel. A soft material. It covered the protruding bones, but did not hurt. I bought them.

New foot wear I have, though still in the croc family.

I spent a good chunk of yesterday afternoon preparing for tonight’s blog talk radio show. Nine my time. Join me.

Eye opening topics. Like a Sharia court operating in Texas, Venezuela’s Maduro accusing Biden of trying to instigate a bloody coup, what happens if Greece walks out on the euro, St. Louis PBA threatening to not police effectively if City establishes a Civilian Oversight Board, Spain getting ready to follow Greece re the euro, the NFL being a not for profit/pays no taxes, who paid for Super Bowl security, and more.

Dinner at Hogfish last night. Enjoyed a lobster roll. My diet is terrific! I have not weighed myself in a few days. Perhaps today.

Syracuse plays Virginia Tech this evening. At 9. The same time my blog talk radio show begins. I will miss most of the first half of the game. That which I am able to watch will be from home. I do my blog radio show from home, also.

Syracuse beat Virginia Tech early in January by 2 points. Syracuse a 12.5 point favorite tonight. We play with the team we have. We will win some and lose some. I have arrived at that point in my thought process. Que sera, sera. What will be, will be.

I was shocked to learn that there are an average of 22 military suicides a day. A black mark on our country. There is a bill pending before Congress that will be voted upon soon that hopefully will assist these troubled souls. I believe we owe them help.

When I was young (grammar school age) and it snowed, a friend and I would toss the shovels over our shoulders and go door to door offering to shovel walks and driveways. There was always a lot of snow in Utica. Most people my age did the same thing.

A flat fee was charged. No negotiation. Whatever the property owner offered. Generally $1 for a sidewalk, $2 if the driveway had to be done. The driveways were a bad deal. They were long and took a while to do.

Looking back, we were enterprising young men.

In New Jersey recently, two high schoolers wanted to perform as we did. Except that they printed flyers and dropped them off door to door.

The police stopped them. The police said what they were doing involved solicitation and it was barred by law. Made the young men sound like street walkers.

We have too many laws. Not properly applied in many instances. Generally because local legislatures passing the laws do  not give enough thought to their impact.

Enjoy your day!