Venezuela in the news again. The country that ran out of toilet paper two years ago. Then it ran out of milk, shampoo, soap, and who knows what else.
It was reported yesterday that Venezuela has run out of condoms. Almost as bad as running out of toilet paper!
Actually, quite serious. Venezuela is in the midst of an HIV epidemic. Most had gone to condom use. The supply is gone. For some reason, President Maduro cannot figure out a way to replenish the condoms.
Assuming some can be found, the cost of a 35 condom pack is $755. Almost $21 per. $755 is close to Venezuela’s average monthly salary. A whole month’s salary to continue enjoying sex!
The wait in line comment refers to the long lines the Venezuelan people stand in to buy anything. Generally, a mile long. Twenty abreast. Then when they enter the store, there is no food or supplies on the shelves.
I am a Civil War buff. Wrote two term papers while in college concerning various aspects of the war. Key West’s Fort Zachary Taylor is having a Civil War era reenactment. Starts today. Runs through sunday. Should be interesting. Soldiers from both sides running around in uniforms, canons roaring.
Screwy weather the past 36 hours. It rained all day yesterday. At night, a howling wind. From the northeast. At least 20 mph. I could hear it all night. Whistling through the trees, banging on my windows.
This morning the sun is shining. Not one cloud in the sky. Everything bright and shiny. The wind still with us, however. Bending the palm trees.
I stepped out on the deck to look things over. The wind was so strong during the night that my deck chairs blew all over. One was resting in the pool.
Got cold during the night! Temperature dropped to 61 degrees. It was the kind of night I wished I had a warm body next to me. At 7 this morning, the temperature was 63 degrees.
The high today is projected at 72. Cold for Key Westers. Warm to visitors.
Cheryl, where ever you are in central Florida, your derriere has to be cold cold!
I spent a good portion of yesterday afternoon researching next week’s KONK Life column. I have decided to write about the National Football League’s tax exempt status. $9.5 billion annual earnings. No taxes paid.
I plan on writing the column this morning.
Enjoy your day.