The Beatles spent two days in Key West back in 1964. Not for an engagement unfortunately. The reason given is that they were on their way by plane from Montreal to Jacksonville. They were to appear during the half time show at the Gator Bowl. Hurricane Dora was about. It ultimately swept across the middle keys and northward.

Due to the purported Hurricane Dora change of stop, the Beatles never got to appear at the Gator Bowl.

Such was reported in the History of the Keys section of the Key West Citizen this morning.

There is more to the story.

Florida was still segregated in 1964. The Gator Bowl provided only segregated seating. The Beatles informed the Gator Bowl people they would not appear if the crowd was segregated. The Bowl personnel agreed to the Beatle demand.

Bowl seating was not the only segregation problem. Jacksonville’s hotels were segregated, also. A demand was made that the hotel cease its segregation practice at least for the game. The hotel refused.

It is claimed the Beatles resolved the problem. They used Hurricane Dora as an excuse and had their plane diverted to Key West. From which they could not timely leave to make the Gator Bowl game.

The Beatles made their first American appearance on The Ed Sullivan show. The Ed Sullivan Show was the biggest thing on television at the time. It was February 1964. If an act appeared on The Ed Sullivan Show, they were not just good, they were exceptional.

Ed Sullivan introduced the Beatles to America in February 1964.

He also introduced another who became a big time celebrity. Elvis Presley. On today’s date in 1956, Elvis appeared on The Ed Sullivan Show.

I was fortunate to have seen both the Beatles and Elvis Presley on The Ed Sullivan Show. America was glued to their sets for each performance.

Elvis’ appearance was a bit strange. Elvis sang standing with a guitar. He rotated his hips in the Elvis Presley fashion. Some at the time thought his hip action was inflammatory and immoral. The Catholic church being one.

When Elvis performed on The Ed Sullivan Show, the camera only caught him from his midsection up. Midsection being above his hips.

We have come a long way!

Yesterday was National Grandparents Day. How many knew? I did not till the family wished me a Happy Grandparents Day last night.

Grandparents Day has been a national holiday since 1979 when Carter signed it into law. The movement to establish a National Grandparents Day began in 1961. It was led by a Hermine Beckett Hanna.

The reason I mention Hanna is that she lived in upstate New York. A familiar locale to me and many of my friends. When I was attending law school at Syracuse University, I delivered milk in the morning starting at 4:30 for Marble Farms Dairy to its customers in North Syracuse.

Sunday dinner was with Lisa and the family. Jake continues to love me. I sat on the couch to read the newspapers. He jumped up and laid beside me with his head on my leg.

I stopped at Don’s Place afterwards. It was close to empty. The pro football crowd had left.

Tomorrow night I do my blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Join me at 9 in the evening. One half hour of interesting material. The subject matter will obviously include Syria.

Enjoy your day!


Key West loves Harry Truman. Key West assumes Harry Truman loved Key West. Otherwise, why would he have made 11 trips to Key West during his Presidency. The 11 trips totaled 175 days.

Truman enjoyed the weather, the Naval base where he stayed, fishing, playing cards on a screened in porch each evening, walking the streets of old Key West and more.

Truman unquestionably is a part of Key West’s colorful past.

World War II changed many things. Baseball being one.

Presidents used to occasionally watch a Washington Senators game. Not during World war II, however. Whether because of Roosevelt’s incapacity or fear for his life, Roosevelt never made the trip to the ball park.

On this day in history, September 8, Truman went to watch the Washington Senators play. The year was 1945. World war II had recently concluded. Truman had ordered atomic bombs to be dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki one month earlier. The Japanese had formally surrendered on the deck of the USS Missouri one week earlier.

Historians suspect Truman attended the game to signify to the American people that the War was over and that there should be a return to normalcy.

The Commissioner of Baseball at the time was A. B. Chandler. He was with Truman. They both signed the same baseball. It is obviously worth a lot of money today.

Truman did the game big time. He brought his wife, cabinet members, and other high level Washingtonians.

I hung around the house during the day yesterday. Treated myself to a lazy day. I seem to be sneaking a lot of them in lately.

Last night was the Chart Room and Sloppy Joe’s.

I rarely do Duval Street. Ergo. I rarely visit Sloppy Joe’s. When I do, I know exactly what I will be ordering. Sloppy fries! A basket of soggy French fries covered in melted mozzarella cheese and a red sauce. Good! No, terrific!

Smoking in a place where food is served has been banned in Key West and Florida for years. Probably because of tradition. Sloppy Joe’s would not be what it was without smoked filled air. So no one stopped anyone from smoking after the law was enacted.

No more.

There was no ash tray on the table. I asked the waitress for one. She said, no. How long, I asked. A few months, she said.

Nothing is forever. Everything comes to an end.

I wonder what Hemingway would have to say about it?

Syracuse, my Syracuse! Not the better team that I thought. Northwestern beat Syracuse yesterday 48-27. Oh, well. Hope springs eternal, however. There are many more games to play and Syracuse may win a few.

I would like to remind all that my tv/internet show The Key West Lou Legal Hour is You Tubed. If you miss a Friday show or have never seen one, merely go to You Tube and enter: Lou’s Legal Hour. The show is broken into 5 segments with commercials in between. The commercials have been deleted on You Tube. You will be able to see 5 eight minute unencumbered segments.

Enjoy your Sunday!


When my children were small (oh, so long ago!) and it thundered big time, we used to tell them it was a band playing in Heaven. They came to accept the explanation and it soothed them.

Lightning was hard to explain. We let them curl up with us.

Thunder and lightning are different on the ocean. This morning is overcast and the band plays on! It has not stopped thundering for two hours. Loudly. Like the sky is going to crack open.

A couple of nights ago, I was driving home and observed bright lights in the sky. Lightning! Out over the ocean. When the lightning occurred, the sky lite up as if it were day time.

I enjoyed a treat yesterday morning. I got to watch my TV show from my bed uninterrupted. Because of technical difficulties, I was required to record my friday show thursday morning. A one time event. Worked out well for me. I was impressed with the show. First time I had seen it all, including commercials, uninterrupted. Excuse my humility.

Wrote a bit afterward.

Sloan arrived mid afternoon. It took us quite a while to figure out and eliminate the crackling sound that occurred during last tuesday’s blog talk radio show. I hope it is now ok. I will not know till the next show on tuesday night.

Big time last night! Dinner with Jenna!

Jenna and I have not been out together for at least four months. We had an especially good time!

Jenna does my ego good. She is 27 and I am 78. Besides which, she is a knockout!

We have become very good friends over the past five years.

We stopped for a drink at the Chart Room. Emily was bartending. She came over to me. She appeared concerned. Where have you been, she asked. We have been worried.

It had been better than a week since I was in the Chart Room. The last time there, I mentioned concern with my blood pressure problem. Then I dropped out of sight. She and my bar brethren thought something bad had happened to me.

Nice of Emily and nice of the others to be concerned.

Except for bocce, I did remain home every evening.

Jenna and I picked at this and that at the Hot Tin Roof. Included were a dozen raw oysters and shataki. Shataki consists sushi which you cook/heat a bit yourself over a tiny grill brought to the table.

We had fun.

The Key West Citizen made mention this morning that a prior owner of Sloppy Joe’s bought the property in 1917. It was a restaurant at the time called Victoria’s. The property was purchased for $7,800. $7 million would not buy it today!

Syracuse football tonight. Against Northwestern. Northwestern is ranked #19 in the country. I suspect Syracuse will give Northwestern a battle. Syracuse could win. Syracuse looked good last week in losing to Penn State.

How swiftly fortune passes by! Last week’s Syracuse/Penn State game was nationally televised. No national TV for Syracuse this week.

Enjoy your day!


The last two days have been interesting. I forgot to do my blog yesterday morning. I was just wrapping up this morning’s blog and lost it. I need brain pills!

I missed yesterday because my day got screwed up. I had to be at the television studio at 8 in the morning to record this morning’s show. The Key West Lou Legal Hour. Ten my time.

I recorded the show, went to Blossoms, read at Blossoms and at home. Napped. Thought to myself what a beautiful lazy day!

Then the telephone calls and e mails started coming in. Where is the blog? It was now close to 5. I had to be at bocce by 6. No time to do it that late.

I am sorry. What can I say?

Watch my tv/internet show at 10. It is good! My take on Syria, Greece and food, blaming Obama, Florida high school athletes may have to take urine tests, examples of a poor judge and a good judge, and more. Available on television from Key West through Boca Raton. Comcast Channel 87 and U-Verse Channel 19. Via the internet world wide.

Bocce last night. A disaster. We lost 2 games. Long, also. We were the last teams playing. The courts were deserted, except for us.

Stephanie Kaple played on the opposing team. She threatened to rip her bra off as I was shooting to distract me. She should have. She might have inspired me. I probably would have shot better.

Kathleen Peace was in Key West visiting. She came to bocce. A hug and kiss and some amiable chatting. One wonderful lady! I miss her. All of Key West misses her.

I enjoy old movies of TV. Ergo, I especially enjoy Ted Turner’s Classic Movie Channel. The other morning I watched The Jazz Singer. The first talking movie. 1927. Starred Al Jolson. Remember him? Mamie!!!

I had not seen the movie before. It was a silent film till Jolson sang. What a difference! He was loud and clear. It brought a tear to my eye. I was watching history. Imagine how the people back then felt when they heard Jolson sing in the movie. Wonder of wonders! A movie that talked!

There was a sport’s page article yesterday in the Key west Citizen regarding Evan De Roche. He is a 17 year old Key West High School student. He is also one hell of a golfer! He has won many titles and otherwise distinguished himself nationally. You may hear his name several years from now on the pro circuit.

Evan has been a familiar sight on the Key West Golf course over the years. He started into the sport early. I can recall about 10 years ago, Kevin approached Larry Smith on the golf course. Evan said to Larry…..I will give you a stroke a hole and we play a dollar a hole. The kid had to be 7-8 years old. Larry told me afterwards he had played him several times. The young man always gave Larry strokes and still beat Larry.

Womenfest Week this week in Key West. Womenfest is best described as a southern most party for lesbians and their friends. The week has been ongoing for more than 25 years. A bevy of beautiful women are all over town enjoying themselves. Welcome back, ladies!

A major disappointment! This morning’s Key West Citizen ran an article advising that Solares Hill would no longer be published. Solares Hill is a free weekly published by the Citizen. The Citizen claims there no longer are sufficient advertising dollars available to keep the paper afloat.

Sad! Solares Hill was a most enjoyable publication. I looked forward to reading it every sunday.

Enjoy your day!



It has happened to all of us!

I finished today’s blog and hit a wrong button. Cannot find the blog. It is somewhere out there in space. Ergo, I have to redo the blog now.

Greeks are heading for e.coli and salmonella. Plus, a garden variety of other food poisonings.

The Greek people do not have enough money to buy groceries. Grocery stores are closing permanently because people are not shopping. The Greek government came up with a solution.

As of September 1, stores may sell outdated food. Must be in a special section with a sign advising the food is over the permissible age limit. The food will be cheaper, of course.

I do not envision the program working. No money does not mean some money. Overall there still will not be enough money to buy goods.

Yesterday was busy. A haircut, two bank visits, a business meeting, and a visit with Lisa and my friend Jake.

My blood pressure has gone up recently. Visited my heart doctor, also. He increased two of my medications.

I prepared for and did last night’s blog talk radio show. Based on e mails and calls after the show, my voice was crackly/breaking up. It is always something!

The internet this morning carries a picture of Senator McCain playing poker on his cell phone during the Senate’s Syria hearings yesterday. I am not sure what to say.

Enjoy your day!


Key West is a small island. Both in size and population. 1 1/2 x 4 miles. 29,000 people. The population triples during the season and on special occasions.

For a relatively tiny place, big things happen in Key West. Like yesterday. Diane Nyad completed her 100 mile plus swim from Havana to Key West.

A fete! The swim took her through waters infested with sharks and jelly fish. She had to contend with turbulent tides.

The trip took Diana just under 53 hours. She said afterwards that it was early morning, still dark, when all of a sudden she could see the lights of Key West. It heartened her. She was about 10 miles from Key West at the time.

Diana’s accomplishment is a big deal! She is the first to complete the swim without a shark cage. She is 64 years old. This was her fifth try over a period of 35 years. It took that long for her to be successful. Neither the swim nor success were easy.

Diana came ashore around 2 yesterday afternoon at Smathers Beach. She appeared tired. She was sunburned. She was also thrilled.

A huge crowd awaited her on shore and in the water. People of all ages. Even babies. Boats of all sizes. Cruise ships stopped or deviated their course so as not to interfere with her swim.

There were television and other cameras all over the place.

Diana made a brief statement. Her message was threefold. Never give up, you are never to old to chase your dream, and the swim looks like a solitary sport, but it was a team effort.

Everyone, including the President, sent immediate congratulations. Most Tweeted. National television last night and this morning carried her story and pictures of Diana coming ashore in Key West.

An impressive achievement! God bless you, Diana! You made us all feel good.

Now to Greece.

It was announced yesterday by the Greek government that as of September 1 stores were permitted to sell outdated food. The only exceptions were meat and milk products. The outdated foods had to be sold within a specified time. They were to be sold at reduced prices.

That is how bad things are in Greece! People cannot afford normal process for food. It is hoped this will help. Additionally, the stores cannot sell many items because the people have no money. The program supposedly will also help the store owner.

A disgrace when a government permits the sale of what may be bad food.

Today is tuesday. Tonight, my blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Three certain topics are the Greek food situation, Syria, and computer hacking as a new way to wage war.

Join me. The show is a fast moving one half hour. Nine o’clock is the start time.

Enjoy your day!


I think Jake and I may have finally become friends.

Lisa and family were over yesterday afternoon to swim. Jake was with them. He swam a bit. Made no fuss about it. He rested at my feet. Made no fuss about that either..

Last night was Sunday dinner at Lisa’s. Both before and after dinner, I sat on the couch reading the newspapers. Each time, Jake jumped up and laid down next to me.

I finally made it! Jake likes me!

Robert and Ally love the water. It is a pleasure to watch them dive and swim.

I spent part of the afternoon watching golf. May Sergio Garcia hold onto his lead today to win. He fell into the background after a great start his first years playing the game.

Mickelson and Woods are disappointments. On the other hand, the greats cannot be great all the time. Not in golf.

I stopped at Don’s Place. Chatted briefly with Don. A lot of people at Don’s. His bar is like a social club. His followers are there all the time.

Needed to grocery shop. Cupboard was bare again. I enjoyed the experience, as usual. Also, I find it good exercise pushing the cart up and down the aisles of the new Publix. A huge store!

Sunday’s Key West Citizen carries the bocce standings in its sports section. Surprise of surprises! Our team is tied for third place. Only 2 games out of first. We have only played 3 weeks. Two of the three we played well. The middle one a disaster. My sense is that every team is having a difficult time early in the season. There is no consistency.

Diana Nyad will add to her famous career this evening when she puts her feet down on a Key West Beach. Diana is 64. A long distance swimmer. She left Havana a couple of days ago. Her destination Key West.

This is Diana’s fifth attempt to swim the distance. It is only 103 miles. A tough 103 miles. The problems are sharks, jelly fish and the tides. She is doing the swim without a shark cage to protect her. The waves reportedly are 3-5 feet high.

It is claimed that the area between Cuba and Key West is the most difficult in the world to swim.

This morning finds Diana only ten miles off shore. I hope she makes it.

The Key West Citizen reminds us today of the Hurricane of 1935 which destroyed the Keys. The hurricane hit on Labor Day. Hundreds died. Buildings and homes were leveled. A train was actually blown off its tracks.

The hurricane was a Category 5. Winds reached 200 miles per hour. The tides were 18-20 feet above normal.

It was not a good holiday!

Tomorrow is tuesday. which means my blog talk radio show tomorrow night. Nine in the evening. Join me for some interesting chatter about hacking the new way to wage war and Obama and Syria.

Enjoy your day!


A new football season. A new Syracuse team.

Syracuse lost yesterday to Penn State 23-17. I was not disappointed in Syracuse’s performance. I would rather the team had won. Syracuse played well. They could have, might have, won.

Syracuse is still a rebuilding team. They are working towards being what they once were. A great team. Oh, so long ago. It is coming, however. The team I saw play yesterday was the best I have seen in years. Everything is a step at a time. In this instance, a year at a time.

After the game, I headed down to Duval. Brewfest!

I walked Duval a few blocks. The streets were jammed with people. Stands selling beer.

I stopped into three places. Sloppy Joe’s, Smokin’ Tuna, and Captain Tony’s. Enjoyed the people and a beer at each place.

David frost died yesterday. He was 74. British. A talented journalist, broadcaster, and media personality. His Richard Nixon interviews represented his best work. Each show was dramatic and thrilling. Frost will be best remembered for the Nixon interviews.

We are in the middle of the Labor Day weekend. Labor Day used to be a big deal. Labor itself was big. I remember as a youngster the parades. Huge. Everyone marching. Everyone excited.

As labor’s influence and strength have diminished over the years, so too has interest in Labor Day as a time to remember labor’s achievements. Today, it is a time for cook outs and partying. The successes of labor are forgotten and buried in the closet.

Enjoy your holiday Sunday!