Some lead exceptionally noteworthy lives. One is Edith Amsterdam. Referred to as the Grande Dame of Key West.

Edith died yesterday at 91. May she rest in peace.

The Lady spent more than 50 years in Key West. Doing for everyone and everything. Known and loved by all. She and her husband restored Curry Mansion. Today, one of Key West’s premier guest houses.

We live and learn. Edith is originally from Syracuse. She also maintains a summer home at Alexandria Bay.

Edith was a contemporary of David Wolkowsky. David still up and at ’em at 96. David is the subject of next week’s KONK Life column.

My yesterday started with a manicure at Lee Nails. Tammy takes care of me. She and her husband the owners.

Tammy is lovely. Typical Vietnamese. Short, thin, long black hair. A beauty inside and out.

Tammy is 32. She came to the U.S. at age 16. Made the trip alone. Initially lived with relatives in New York. Then spent a year in Atlantic City. Not working at the casinos. Going to school to learn how to do nails.

Last night began with Don’s Place. Chatted with David and Keith. I frequently mention both. I do not recall ever telling you they are father and son.

Then to the Chart Room. A long night. The place was jam packed with tourists. That time of year.

I knew no one, except Emily and David. David and I sat at the round table. David always good company.

The table was empty when first we confiscated it. During the evening, three women joined us. Probably tired of standing.

The women made my night. Especially two of them. We talked forever about everything. Charming and intelligent. I had to finally break away. Too long and too many drinks. Sometimes, I have to remind myself I am not on vacation.

My note taking system failed me. It was noisy and the drinks were flowing. So ladies, forgive me if I have some of the facts mixed up.

All three were from Ohio. Each with successful husbands. Kristen’s was Geragd. French.

One of them, and I suspect it was Kristen, lived with her husband in Thailand for 13 years. He ran some company. She taught at the International School in Bangkok. World travelers.

They have a son Alex, 23.

Kay a teacher, also. Her husband an insurance agent. They have a son 30 years old. An attorney.

The third woman’s name escapes me.

Two of the ladies and I sat for a long time chatting. The attorney’s mother had concerns about her son’s career. Both ladies were anti-Trump. The politics discussed interesting. Neither liked any of the candidates of either party.

The ladies are here a few more days. Hopefully, I will run into them again.

My corrected KONK Life column appears today in KONK’s E-News Blast. The article is titled Goodbye Handwriting.

I write of many things. Comments galore follow. However, the Handwriting column brought the most. I am surprised such a topic would garner such interest.

One women’s comment was long. Long long. Longer even than the column. She criticized everything from my writing structure to historical correctness. Authoritized most of what she wrote.

One item in the article was that Thomas Jefferson had poor penmanship. That a master penman had to be hired to rewrite the Declaration of Independence. His name Tim or Tom Matlick.

She challenged my representation re Jefferson’s handwriting. Yet noted that I had incorrectly set forth the wrong first name from Matlick. She was aware because she had seen Matlick’s bill which is preserved for the rewriting.

An inconsistency there.

Anyhow, I am glad to have heard from her. I learned much from her writing. It was a fine term paper. Worthy of an A plus. Said with all sincerity.

I wrote of Comet earlier in the week. Comet returns to his home in the sea at noon today. Cured of all maladies by the Marathon Turtle Hospital. Noon at Higgs Beach. Two hundred plus will be in attendance.

Comet is a big boy. A one hundred pound loggerhead sea turtle.

My last cell phone was six years old. It was not working properly. I lost many calls. Did not really bother me. People got to me in due course.

Bought a new cell phone two days ago. A Samsung Galaxy. It does not stop ringing. I didn’t realize how many calls I was missing.

Two political notes.

Vice-President Joe Biden was with Mexican representatives yesterday. He apologized for Trump’s remarks re Mexico claiming that most of the people in the U.S. were not of his thinking.

Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson titled a recent column….. Trump, The Product of a Failed System. His description of Trump a “wrecking ball.”

Enjoy your day!



I started my research for the KONK Life column early this week. Because I am excited by the subject.

David Wolkowsky is a Key West luminary. An icon. One of those responsible for the Key West of today. His story exciting.

David is 96. Many are unaware of him. My purpose is to awaken everyone to David and his many contributions.

My day yesterday simple. Drove Barbara to the airport. Played with the David Wolkowsky topic. Intended to go to bocce as a spectator. Even called Don to bring gin for me. Never made it. Too cold. Instead, watched the Republican debate.

The debate a free for all fight. Though entertaining, a disgrace.

One new thing did come out of the fiasco. Trump was placed on the defensive for the first time. He did not do well when he had to handle things said of him, his background, etc.

This week’s KONK Life column is Goodbye Handwriting. It was linked to my Key West Lou website this morning. Take a look.

Goodbye Handwriting also published on E-News Blast this morning. Do not waste your time searching it out. A mess! Second week in a row. I have asked Guy de Boer to pay better attention. I have also asked that he run the column tomorrow in proper form.

I have been down on the Eurounion for many reasons. One its treatment of Greece.

The worm turns.

Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg sees a ten day life span for the Eurounion from this point forward. Then an eruption. An end. Resulting in anarchy.

Immigration the problem.

Greece has been defecated upon for years by the Eurounion. Justification immaterial.

The Eurounion has asked Greece to take in an unusually large number of immigrants. Knowing Greece is hard pressed financially, the Eurounion has offered Greece a ton of money. Greece says no. Greece is aware what the migration would ultimately do to the country.

The world is sick. In certain locations, very sick.

The place Thailand. The parents of a new born baby stabbed the child twelve times and buried the baby alive. A farmer heard crying and discovered the child. The child is hospitalized and reported to be doing well.

The attempted killing/killing of babies not uncommon in Thailand. Many babies are murdered upon delivery. Economics the primary motivation.

I apologize ending on that sad note.

Enjoy your day!


I was on the road yesterday. Tried to be up and about more than the day before. Got four hours in. 10:30-2:30. Exhausted at the end.

One of my stops was the Farmers Market. Believe held weekly at Bayview Park. A first time visit. Ashamed I had not visited before. A winner!

I have visited Farmers Markets in upstate New York, Alexandria Bay, San Diego, Block Island, Martha’s Vineyard, Athens, Milan, and probably more. The Key West one absolutely the best!

Set in a large u shaped fashion, each tent pleasant appearing and welcoming. Everything! Breads, cakes, honey, Mel Fisher Atocha items, apple juice, candies, fruits, vegetables, jewelry, etc. Vendors a happy bunch.

The food vendors did particularly impress me. Each offered a sample. Next time I visit, it will be at lunch time. I did not partake yesterday. I would the next time. The samples are a lunch in themselves.

My day began with a business meeting. Then a haircut with Lori. Lori and several friends leave today for a week’s vacation in Arizona. They have rented a large house boat. They will be traveling on some lake that meanders through the Grand Canyon. Lori showed me pictures. Wow! The  rust colored rock mountains tall and endless. Their tiny house boat thousands of feet below.

Lunched at the old Lobo’s. Now Conch Island Queen. Best described as a Cuban sandwich place. Situated in tiny Key Lime Square behind Antonia’s.

Cuban toast and water. Still need to watch what I consume. I questioned if the Cuban toast was proper. However, I said screw it and went for it!

Then grocery shopping at Publix. My food intake consists of three levels. Each a different type food. I am entering the third phase. Needed new foods.

My article in this week’s KONK Life is Saudi Arabia And The Hypocrisy Of It All. It became available yesterday on my Key West Lou and Louis Petrone Facebook websites.

This week’s KONK Life carried two new items. The first a photo section which I am told will be part of the paper henceforth. The other a detailed story about Peter Diamond. One of Key West’s nicest persons and premier vocalists.

I close today with the Marathon Turtle Hospital. I frequently mention the turtle hospital because it does such great things.

This weekend two formerly very sick turtles will be returned to the ocean.


Saturday at 10:30 am in Marathon, Patti. Patti is a sub adult sea turtle. She was brought to the turtle hospital months ago emaciated with pneumonia, lock jaw and eye ulcers. Now, cured.

The other is Tiny. A very good time awaits him.

Tiny is a 50 year old 300 pound adult turtle. Turtles live to 100 or more. He was struck by a boat. Beat up badly. Now recovered, he will be released to the ocean sunday at 12:30 off Higg’s Beach behind Salute’s. He is returning to the ocean at a very good time. The hospital manager said…..He is just getting out there in time to start dating and make baby turtles.

What a life!

Enjoy your day!



On the mend. Not there yet.

Pain considerably less. Problem now nausea. The antibiotics and pain killer. We’ll get there.

I spent the day in bed and on a recliner in the bedroom. Slept on and off. In between, I did the research for next week’s KONK Life column. Concerns Saudi Arabia. You will not believe!

The start of hurricane season around the corner. June 1. Let us hope it ends as quietly as it begins, with nothing in the middle.

This week’s KONK Life column The President Who Saved Football is available everywhere today. Printed in KONK Life. Carried in this morning’s E-Blast News. Available via link on my Facebook Key West Lou and Louis Petrone sites.

You have to get sick to know how much you are loved. I thank everyone for the telephone calls and e-mails.

Enjoy your day.


Each week, sunday, monday and tuesday are consumed with writing. A pleasure. After tuesday night I need a break, however.

Wednesday has become my screw off day. The best way to describe it. The intent is to do nothing. What I end up doing are regular every day things. Like grocery shopping, now the anti-gravity treadmill, some sun, and a night out. Sometimes, even these activities are too much. I may do only some.

Two activities consume my sundays through tuesdays. First is the research and writing of the week’s KONK Life column. The other is the preparation and broadcasting of Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Each a pleasure. Each time consuming.

I finished research and preparation for Tuesday Talk at 5 yesterday. Show time not till 9. There was time to go out for dinner.

I have not been to Pepe’s in two years. The last time was lunch with Robert and Ally. Pepe’s was quiet. I sat alone at the bar. Enjoyed the barbecued chicken and mashed potatoes. Love the gravy covering the mashed potatoes!

A woman sat opposite me at the bar. She was harassed. Obviously so. Speaking rapidly. She had just arrived in Key West an hour before. First time. Staying at a guest house. Did not know what to do, where to go. Someone said eat at Pepe’s.

We talked. On different levels, however. I could not keep up with her. An odd conversation.

The show last night was a bit different. I devoted all but two minutes to banks. One of my favorite topics.

Banks/bankers are devious and conniving. No more one of the most respected members of a community. They seem to consistently come up with new games/procedures which work to their benefit and to the detriment of the customer.

New ones include negative interest, no cash in safety deposit boxes, and electronic banking. My column this week in KONK Life is titled Banks Hurt People and covers in detail the three items. KONK Life hits the stands today.

This morning’s E-News Blast included pictures of the Larry Smith Show at The Studios of Key West last week. A few were of my friend Jenna. A striking woman!

The Key West City Commission wastes hundreds of thousands and in some instances millions of dollars. Generally because they do not pay proper attention to projects they approve. It is in the details!

There is a plan under way to paint rainbow crosswalks at the intersection of Duval and Petronia. Total cost $4,000. Some one else paying half. The City’s end $2,000. Several Commissioners are up in arms. Who is going to pay for it?

Love their concern where pennies are involved. One Commissioner even expressed he was a taxpayer. Wow! Where was he and the others when major projects in Key West resulted in huge over runs?

Enjoy your day!