On the mend. Not there yet.
Pain considerably less. Problem now nausea. The antibiotics and pain killer. We’ll get there.
I spent the day in bed and on a recliner in the bedroom. Slept on and off. In between, I did the research for next week’s KONK Life column. Concerns Saudi Arabia. You will not believe!
The start of hurricane season around the corner. June 1. Let us hope it ends as quietly as it begins, with nothing in the middle.
This week’s KONK Life column The President Who Saved Football is available everywhere today. Printed in KONK Life. Carried in this morning’s E-Blast News. Available via link on my Facebook Key West Lou and Louis Petrone sites.
You have to get sick to know how much you are loved. I thank everyone for the telephone calls and e-mails.
Enjoy your day.
On a positive note, you’ll probably lose more weight..
Feel better…
I have!!!