I started my research for the KONK Life column early this week. Because I am excited by the subject.

David Wolkowsky is a Key West luminary. An icon. One of those responsible for the Key West of today. His story exciting.

David is 96. Many are unaware of him. My purpose is to awaken everyone to David and his many contributions.

My day yesterday simple. Drove Barbara to the airport. Played with the David Wolkowsky topic. Intended to go to bocce as a spectator. Even called Don to bring gin for me. Never made it. Too cold. Instead, watched the Republican debate.

The debate a free for all fight. Though entertaining, a disgrace.

One new thing did come out of the fiasco. Trump was placed on the defensive for the first time. He did not do well when he had to handle things said of him, his background, etc.

This week’s KONK Life column is Goodbye Handwriting. It was linked to my Key West Lou website this morning. Take a look.

Goodbye Handwriting also published on E-News Blast this morning. Do not waste your time searching it out. A mess! Second week in a row. I have asked Guy de Boer to pay better attention. I have also asked that he run the column tomorrow in proper form.

I have been down on the Eurounion for many reasons. One its treatment of Greece.

The worm turns.

Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg sees a ten day life span for the Eurounion from this point forward. Then an eruption. An end. Resulting in anarchy.

Immigration the problem.

Greece has been defecated upon for years by the Eurounion. Justification immaterial.

The Eurounion has asked Greece to take in an unusually large number of immigrants. Knowing Greece is hard pressed financially, the Eurounion has offered Greece a ton of money. Greece says no. Greece is aware what the migration would ultimately do to the country.

The world is sick. In certain locations, very sick.

The place Thailand. The parents of a new born baby stabbed the child twelve times and buried the baby alive. A farmer heard crying and discovered the child. The child is hospitalized and reported to be doing well.

The attempted killing/killing of babies not uncommon in Thailand. Many babies are murdered upon delivery. Economics the primary motivation.

I apologize ending on that sad note.

Enjoy your day!