We are lucky this year. Two Christmas days. Yesterday, the actual holiday. Today the day after, a legal holiday providing workers with a day off.

For me, today will be a screw off day. Not sure at this point what I will do. Dueling Bartenders tonight a good shot.

I planned on starting a walking regimen today. I knock off ten pounds and then gain it back. Know full well exercise is half the battle.

My plan was to get up at six and get out! Good luck! Time not the problem. I wake at 5. Did get out of bed. Looked out the window. Dark and uninviting. My body was talking to me. Go back to bed! Screw the walking! At least for today. That is what I did. Listened to my body.

Maybe tomorrow the walking begins.

I have shared America’s Christmas with you the past few days. From the Puritans in the 1600s to the concluding portion today which will bring us to present times.

President Ulysses Grant is credited with making Christmas a national holiday. He did not. In 1870, Grant signed a bill into law which said Christmas “…..shall be a holiday within the District of Columbia.”

The District of Columbia, not the United States.

The States however began legalizing December 25 as a holiday. Oklahoma was the last to do so in 1907.

It is felt Christmas Day became a national holiday as a result of Grant’s District of Columbia bill signing and the States legalizing December 25 as a holiday.

Christmas received a further boost in 1897. The now famous editorial in the Sun of New York. The significant line, “Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus.”

Christmas was practiced and recognized as a holiday through World War II. For whatever reason, it received its most gigantic step forward recognition wise and celebration wise following World War II. Everyone got into the act after the war. Maybe because people were happy and grateful to have won.

Fini to An American Christmas.

Christmas Day at Lisa’s is a morning brunch. Much too much food. All good, all tasty.

Ally is developing culinary talents. She made waffles from scratch. No box. Impressive! Enjoyed a couple of thick pieces.

Robert and Ally met me at the door as I arrived. Both telling me at the same time what Santa Claus brought them. Each a laptop.

Amazing how our young ones are trained to use computers. They are already experts to a degree. Their own means they will no longer use their parents’ computers.

Liz’s for an open house in the afternoon. Good food and good company. Liz’s friends local and out of towners.

Liz’s food exceptional. The ham delicious! Egg nog, also.

I like Liz. A cooking expert and talented entertainer. An interesting personality and sharp mind.

Key West loves Harry Truman and Harry Truman loved Key West. I cannot make the statement too many times.

On this date in 1972, Truman died. Simply of old age. Pneumonia brought him into the hospital where his body organs began failing one at a time.

A question. Perhaps one of you may know the answer. My recollection is that I read somewhere Truman was in a nursing home prior to his death. I tried to corroborate my recollection. Could not find the answer.

Did he spend time before his death in a nursing home prior to being delivered to the hospital?

My concern is why this great man was not cared for at home rather than a nursing home. If the nursing home is a fact, Truman deserved better.

Enjoy your day!


This past weekend the Poker Run. A Key West annual event. Ten thousand bikers roll into town. Everyone has a good time. Rarely a problem. Many of the bikers doctors, lawyers, and  CPA’s in disguise.

There was a bit of trouble this past weekend. The Outlaws came to town for Poker Run. I do not know if they were in Key West for the event in prior years.

Fifteen of them were at the Rumor Lounge on Greene Street. A fight began between the Outlaws and two men. 15-1. Then, 15-2. As soon as the police began arriving, the Outlaws were out the door hopping into cabs or running down the street.

No arrests were made.

The Outlaws are the original biker group formed in 1935. Logo, a small skull. The opening words of their motto, “God forgives.”

The Outlaws similar to the Marlon Brando bikers that roared into a small town in a long ago movie whose name I forget.

My blog talk radio show was last night. I spent the entire day preparing. I had let preparation slide.

Two things were hit big. Banks and police shooting blacks.

The people of the U.S. are disturbed by what they learned about Wells Fargo last week. Congress had a hearing yesterday. Wells Fargo’s CEO testified. Elizabeth Warren ripped him a new asshole. Only way to describe it. Warren is one tough cross-examiner.

Wells Fargo was fined $185 million for their wrongdoing. Plus, Wells Fargo paid the official who ran the bank unit involved a going away payout of $124.6 million when she retired in July.

I mentioned Wells Fargo briefly. It was not the thrust of my discussion. I brought Deutsche Bank to everyone’s attention. Our Department of Justice has recently fined Deutsche $14 billion for wrongdoing leading up to 2008.

Fourteen billion is a number to talk about!

The fine is negotiable. What bullshit! Fine them and let the number stand!

The U.S. has avoided jailing any banker for any significant wrongdoing. The too big to fail…..too big to prosecute thing. I disagree. Jail a few bankers and bank wrongdoing will become yesterday’s news.

Fine instead of prosecution is part of the bank/corporate America influence that permeates our government. The causes of the people set aside to accommodate the needs of the big guys.

Police shooting blacks. When does it stop? An unarmed 40 year old black pastor killed in Tulsa, Oklahoma. His arms over his head when shot.

Then yesterday, another shooting. In Charlotte, North Carolina. Another death. A question whether the deceased had a gun.

These shootings must stop! Both ways. Citizens should not be shooting police officers.

I do not know the solution.

October is National Bullying Protection Month. Tenth anniversary. Needed. Hopefully helpful.

Enjoy your day!


A first for me. A Key West first.

I was getting a manicure with Tammy yesterday. A woman nearby was getting a pedicure. Her dog, a pedicure also.

The dog a tiny one. Not tiny tiny. About 2/3 the size of a Jack Russell. Lying on her (I assume) back on her mother’s lap. Feet straight up in the air.

There was a separate woman doing the dog’s nails.

I said to Tammy…..Look! She said it was nothing. Many women bring their dogs in for a pedicure. Color, too. The dog I saw was having her nails colored.

Only in Key West? I don’t know. I was not aware dogs received pedicures and their nails colored in a human’s nail establishment.

Lunch at the Cuban Coffee Queen. Cuban cheese toast and cold Cuban coffee. Ruby is back.

AAA is losing money on me. Last week a call for a dead battery. Last night, a flat.

I was on my way to Back Door. To meet Donna and Terri. I got about a half mile towards town on US 1 and I had a flat. Not just a flat. A hole the size of a golf ball in the side of the tire. I have no idea what I drove over. Back to Sears today for a new tire.

Had to wait an hour for AAA to show up. They use Arnold’s. I had to wait two hours when the battery was dead.

It got dark as I waited. Had the blinker/warning lights on. First time I have ever used them. Better safe than sorry. Keith saw the car on the side of the road. He came over. Spent most of the waiting time keeping me company.

We discussed bocce. Big game tonight against Hell’s Rangers. The match will be interesting. I plan on being there. Only as a spectator.

Never made it to Back Door. Went home instead to listen to the Trump/Clinton forum. Too late for Hillary. Picked some of her comments up later in the evenings in reruns.

Did get to see Trump. I was impressed and unimpressed. He looks good and spoke well  when questioned by Matt Lauer. Trump’s problem….He does not answer questions.

The reruns of Hillary reminded me of her negatives I have seen for a long time. She is too serious. Answers too long. She tends to ramble.

Between the two, no question Hillary the more knowledgeable. Trump lacks the  knowledge and experience required for the job.

Sometimes, public officials fail to wear their thinking hats. The third Zika case has been reported in Monroe County. Not contracted here. From out of the country.

The public official was asked where in Monroe County does the third person reside. The response…..I can’t tell you.

Note, not who, not what address, only the community/area.

The Mosquito Control Board continues to exhibit a large degree of insanity. The Board last night approved the $4.9 million construction of a new building. Such requires an immediate 41 percent raise in taxes.

Something does not make sense. The Board pushes Oxitec’s genetically modified mosquito and the new building. With vigor. Why?

The Key West City Commission voted on the side of the angels last night. Voted against a resolution to support the introduction of genetically modified mosquitoes in the Keys. Finally did something right!

Sick people out there. An Oklahoma woman was arrested for marrying her daughter. Daughter of age. Charge: Incest. Several years ago, the mother was charged with incest for having married her son. The problem went away when the son divorced his mother on the grounds of incest.

Comcast is pissing me off! No TV reception since 2 this morning. I sleep with the TV on. No TV, I have been awake since 2.

Enjoy your day!




I rarely see a sunrise these days. I rather spend an extra hour or two in bed.

However, this morning I was up early. Observed a Heavenly work of art.

The sunrise was different. Not the usual bright orange ball breaking the horizon. Too many gray clouds. The sun rose behind the clouds.  Yellow covering the back of the gray clouds. Like an egg that breaks as you put it in the pan. The yolk covers everything.

There was more to the sunrise. The water was rippling. The sun reflection off the ripples different also. Silvery.

Monday night at Aqua! It seems to becoming a habit with me every two weeks. Monday night refers to cocktail time. Five to 8.

The bartenders sing. Robustly!

I love the singing and music. I join in. It is a form of karaoke. The words on screens.

I did Oklahoma and That’s Amore last night. Not alone. With everyone else.

Love it!

In a fashion, reminds me of Bobby Nesbitt’s days at Aqua. And prior thereto, at the gay bar next door. Bobby did a wednesday cocktail hour songfest. Everyone joining in.

It is a shame that no similar gig exists  today in Key West for Bobby. I get my shot of Bobby saturday nights at Tavern ‘n Town.

Duffy’s for dinner.

Bob and Lynda Frechette enjoying. Don’s Place bartender Pete and his lady Diane, also. Plus, Jennifer, Jana and Mark. Mark continues to paint. He showed me his newest works on his cell. Great stuff!

Hurried home after dinner to watch the Golden State/Thunders game. Golden State had a come from behind victory. 96-88.

The last quarter was the game. I fell asleep at the end of the third quarter. Happens all the time!

This morning’s World Almanac section of the Key West Citizen carried a few words by Walt Whitman. The opening stanza of Oh Captain! My Captain! A poem regarding Lincoln’s death. The poem began…..Oh Captain! My Captain! Our fearful trip is done.

The fearful trip referred to Lincoln’s death.

Brought me back to my college days. To a third year English literature class where we devoured, dissected, etc. Whitman’s works for a month.

Greece is special. I love Greece!

In my Greece trips, I failed to visit Crete. It was always out of the way for me. I should be ashamed.

I have a Facebook friend who lives on Crete. Jim Brown. Another reason to visit.

On this day in 1941, the Germans conquered Crete. It was not easy. The Cretes fought like hell!

Hitler initially had 3,000 troops parachute in on May 20. It was supposed to be an easy task. Hitler had to send another 19,000 troops in. It took the Germans 11 days to conquer Crete.

The event an item of pride to this day with Cretes.

An interesting side point. Hitler wanted to conquer many of the islands in that portion of the Mediterranean. When Hitler saw how much effort and troops it took to conquer little Crete, he gave up on the idea.

My blog talk radio show tonight. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Join me at 9 my time.

I spent too much time this weekend being lazy. I have yet to put the show together. I will be researching most of the day.

Enjoy your day!



There was a time when no one contemplated Burmese pythons would be living in South Florida. And in such large numbers! Hundreds of thousands, if not millions.

Experts say the Burmese python will never be eradicated. It can only be contained/controlled. The situation was already out of hand when experts realized the Burmese pythons had made a home here.

Now comes the Nile crocodile. As with the Burmese python, not native to South Florida or anywhere in the Americas. The Nile crocodile has become an invasive species also.

Nile crocodiles comes from Africa. Impossible to swim the Atlantic! No one knows how they got here.

So far, only three have been discovered. Two males and a female. That is how the pythons started. Big trees from little acorns grow.

The crocodiles discovered so far have been found in the Everglades. The males run big. Around 16 feet and weigh 1,600 pounds.

The concern is that Nile crocodiles are man eaters.

My yesterday began with Tammy. Always pleasant to be with her. A manicure and small talk.

Then a heavy lunch at 5 Guys. A cheeseburger and fries.

Stopped at Walgreens. Prescriptions to pick up.

Sometimes either the drug store or the insurance company screw up. Yesterday was one of those days. I am not sure who the guilty party was.

I take Nexium twice a day. Bad acid reflex for years. Cost per month $36. With insurance. Yesterday, I was handed the generic. Same price. $36. I questioned the situation. I was told I could have either. Same price. No one understood who was responsible for the screw up.

I return to Walgreens today to pick up the Nexium.

Ran into Joseph from Hot Tin Roof. His bad back worse. He was using a walker. Surgery on his back scheduled for next wednesday.

Then to Publix. Everything screwed up. Product locations moved. Not just a few feet. Aisles away. Confusing.

I was not the only one complaining. I could hear the mumblings in every aisle.

Between the Walgreens problem and Publix, I fear I am beginning to sound like a cranky senior.

Shot down to Farmers Market. Before 1. Only six tents. It had rained heavy early morning.

I went to buy three items. Mel’s rum cake, honey and Greek bread. No one selling those items. Next week, hopefully.

Bocce called off last night. The heavy morning rains left the courts flooded.

I did not go out in the evening. I filled in the bocce absence with some pleasure reading. World War II stories. Narratives by those in the fight.

This week’s KONK Life column a winner! Read it. Very interesting. An eye opener. The column: Heroin Will Survive New Drug Bill.

The column appears in this morning’s E-Blast. Also archived this morning to my Key West Lou website.

One thing  about our country is that people never give up. We are fighting abortion 50 years after it became legal. We will be fighting same sex marriage 50 years from now.

A perfect example is what happened in the Oklahoma Senate this week. The State Senate passed a bill making abortion a felony.

Enjoy your day!


I spent all of my yesterday into the early evening completing research and writing this week’s KONK Life column. Did not finish till 7 in the evening. Unusual to have taken so long.

It was the subject matter. The plight of the Afro-American in today’s society. Not boring. I approached the problem from a different perspective. I specifically addressed three situations. World War I’s Gene Bullard, World War II’s  Josephine Baker, and the recent Charleston killings.

I have discovered over the years that the writing of an article in the first instance does not take much effort. Once research is completed, the first draft goes quickly. It is the rewrites that take time. The devil is in the details.

I generally do three rewrites. To me, it is polishing the material. Words and phrases corrected/changed. Much like apples when sold in years gone by. They were purchased dirty at the fruit counter. Today, they come to us polished. Then, needed some buffing.

Writing involves a lot of buffing.

The unusual amount of time yesterday kept me from Father’s Day dinner with Lisa and the family. Dinner was set for six. I telephoned Lisa at 5:30 to tell her I needed at least another hour and a half to complete my column. It was already several hours late to the publisher. I told her the earliest I could make it was 8. I still had to shower.

Lisa said the meal was ready. It would be cold by the time I arrived. She said she would feed the family and save some food for me. I knew I would be exhausted by 8. I said…..Love you…..will not be stopping by. She understood.

My ankles came into the picture. I sat at the desk all day. By 7, they were swollen. Water filled. As if I had been on a long flight to Europe. It was water pill time when I went to bed. This morning, normal ankles. Helped by three nocturnal bathroom visits.

Caught the end of the U.S. Open. The last three holes some of the most exciting golf ever.

There was a house fire on Ramrod Key yesterday. Ramrod is two keys above me. All of 2 miles.

A mother and her two youngest died. Sad!

Fire fighting is a bit different in the Keys. There are few fire hydrants. The reason simple. The Keys are at water level. Ocean water sometimes 6-12 inches below ground level. Difficult to lay pipes.

There are a few fire hydrants near U.S. 1. The one for Key Haven is almost a mile from my home.

Fire fighters draw water from the ocean to fight fires. They have it down to a science. Works effectively. Hoses are dropped in the water and sucked into the hoses. Most homes have water available to them. Either from being on the ocean or on a canal.

Another police brutality situation the past few days. Owasso, Oklahoma. Involved a police officer from the Nowata Police Department. Shotgun butting of the person to be arrested while in his truck. After he had been tasered. Then again six blows to the head while the tased man was on his stomach on the ground.

All recorded on a camera. Interestingly, a camera set in the back window of one of the police cars.

The officer has been suspended.

Have to move! Anti-gravity treadmill later this morning.

Enjoy your day!