The last Volkswagen Beetle ran off the assembly line in Mexico yesterday. Volkswagen has been turning out its Beetles in Mexico for years.

Volkswagen has decided to stop making Beetles. Apparently the market no longer exists for the vehicle.

Sad though the occasion was, it was party time at the Mexican plant yesterday. Excellent food and drink. A confetti shower. A mariachi band playing and singing.

This is the second time Volkswagen has stopped producing the Beetle in recent years. Eleven years ago it said no more. Two years later Volkswagen began manufacturing them again.

That was 9 years ago. I bought one of the first manufactured. A 2010 Volkswagen Beetle convertible. It was not the run of the mill Beetle. It was a special model. Only 1500 were manufactured.

Over the years, I have learned that the first year of any car and the last make the vehicle extra special for sales purposes. Bring in top dollars. Sort of a windfall.

I purchased the convertible in anticipation of making a buck when I sold it. Volkswagen having stopped manufacturing makes the car worth even more.

Almost 10 years I have been driving the convertible. Only 44,000 miles on it. The car has only been some distance outside Key West on 2 occasions. In good shape. If I ever sell it, I’ll probably make the extra dollar.

The convertible my second Beetle. My first a 1969 Christmas present for my wife. Fire engine red. She came upon it Christmas morning in the drive way with a large bow around it.

She drove it for 10 years till it died. For real. She forgot to put oil in and the engine block split. Her next car a yellow Mercedes-Benz.

How the world turns!

The thing I recall most about the new Beetle purchased in 1969 was its cost. $1,900. Those days gone forever!

This morning’s Key West Citizen reports property values in Key West on the rise. I am not surprised. I believe they are the highest ever. More million dollar homes available at one time. Many priced in the several millions.

What goes up, must come down. No question. Inevitable.

I recall the 2008 crash. Home values dropped swiftly and dramatically. Some as much as 2/3’s.

Real estate values have risen 7.5 percent each of the past 2 years.

Keep in mind my admonition. What goes up, goes down. If anything, now is the time to sell. Not buy.

The Keys are in the middle of the turtle nesting season. Hatchings in the dark of every evening.

Many eggs will hatch. The problem is a very few will survive. One in 1,000 will survive to adulthood.

Barry ain’t Barry yet!

The Gulf storm soon to be a tropical storm. At that moment, the name will apply.

The storm is expected to grow to tropical intensity tomorrow morning. Then its name will officially be Barry.

Barry could also turn into a category 1 before it hits land.

Landfall is presently projected for Louisiana. Right up the Mississippi to New Orleans. If Barry turns a bit, it will hit hard the Mississippi shore line.

Landfall is expected sunday or early monday.

Irma was the Keys’ last hurricane. September 10, 2017. A day everyone in the Keys will remember.

Almost 2 years later, recovery work still not complete. Government long overdue with payments. FEMA slow as hell! Bureaucracy the problem.

It has been announced that FEMA will be paying $4 million for Irma cleanup work done almost 2 years ago. $3 million to Monroe County. One million to the State.

Both amounts to reimburse for debris removal.

Note that FEMA has “announced” the monies. I wonder how long it will take from this point to make the payments?

As indicated here and on my blog talk radio show, the Epstein probe will involve more than Jeffrey Epstein himself. Many prominent figures will be exposed.

The first names mentioned include Bill and Hillary Clinton. Does not mean actual involvement. Only means at this time they have been mentioned.

It is alleged that Epstein sent $3.5 million to a secret Swiss bank account in the name of the Clinton Foundation. The information based on a leak. The leak claimed to have been by  whistleblower.

Another interesting name. Prince Andrew. A teen girl claims she was forced to have sex with him on Epstein’s orgy island. She has so sworn in an affidavit. She also claims she saw President Clinton on the island. He has recently issued a statement that he was never there.

Disasters generally come a step at a time. Get worse with each step.

Car sales in India an example. Perhaps an example also of an impending world wide economic slow down.

India has been the 5th largest auto market in the world. Till this year. Sales have fallen off dramatically. Sales down 24 percent for June and 26 percent for May. The decline has been growing for over a year.

The decline has had ripple effects. Job losses and dealership closings the most obvious. Three hundred dealerships have closed already this year.

The car loan business has also been affected. Especially “shadow banks.” Shadow does not imply wrongdoing. Shadow banks are called such because they only make car loans. Do no other banking business. Shadow banking has been 40 percent of the auto financial market. No more. Down dramatically.

The “regular banks” are also taking a beating. They have been even before this problem. Regular banks over the years caused their own problems because of bad loans and banking scandals.

Do the drop of car sales in India and the end of the Volkswagen Beetle indicate a pending doom in the auto industry?

Trump has announced ICE raids will begin sunday. The raids to begin the deportation of “millions” of immigrants remaining illegally in the United States.

This is the third time Trump has announced a beginning date for the raids. Is he serious this time?

The raids were previously postponed because ICE and other immigration officials have told Trump they were neither ready nor prepared to handle the number of people involved, did not have sufficient detention quarters, not enough judges, etc.The first group to be collected will be 2,000. Covering 10 major cities. Babies and young children will be arrested also.

Two interesting considerations.

The law prohibits ICE from entering a home if the person(s) inside refuse(s) to open the door. The other involves the lack of proper warrants by ICE to make the arrests. It is claimed that ICE in the past has made visits and arrests without the benefit of a warrant signed by a judge. They flash warrants unsigned. Not permitted. The warrants must be signed.

Enjoy your day!



An unusual occurrence last night. My blog talk radio show only went 15 minutes. Normally, a half hour show.

The company I operate the blog through keeps me advised time wise what is happening. End of the show especially. I receive a 60 second warning and then a 30 second one. I hear them. You do not.

Last night, I heard the 60-30 second warnings at the end of 15 instead of 30 minutes. Nothing I could do but sign off. I swiftly explained to my audience what was happening.

Only the second time this has occurred. The last time no one could tell me why. Sloan will check it out and see if there is a reason this time.

You might think I could use the unused material next week. Does not work that way. Material has to be fresh. most reportable events stale after a week.

During the past Presidential race, Trump assured the American people he would clean up the Washington swamp. He has failed to do so. If anything, the swamp is in worse condition. I would describe it at this time as a cesspool. Maybe even a toilet.

There is a saying that quality rises to the surface. So it does also with goodness. Goodness will overcome the pollutant which has become our national government and is best represented by Trump himself.

Occurrences everywhere. If you do not see them, you are blind. Abuses of all kinds. To children and women. Evangelicals having sold their souls to politics. A President whose greatest claim on the road to the Presidency was his success with women. A President who paid 2 women significant monies prior to his election to keep their mouths shut re his extra-marital activities.

Republicans for over a 100 years were the protectors of Christian values. Now fearful of offending the President, they quietly accept his malfeasances. The abuses heaped upon immigrant children. A President who shows no respect for anyone or group other than himself. A man who is delivering the U.S. into anarchy. The newest scandal involving Jeffrey Epstein could prove to be the biggest of all time. It will touch many. Perhaps even the White House.

So many things. The preceding a mere handful.

I hope the U.S. will survive. Goodness and character return. It is difficult for me to believe that 250 years of democratic government can be torn down by one man in 2 1/2 years.

Let us hope not.

Three times a year Mel Fisher Treasures sponsors a treasure search. The most recent one a search for emeralds.

Mel Fisher’s boat the Magruder still in service. The crew this time took interested persons to the underwater Emerald Island. It sits near the portion of the discovered Atocha.

Several Mel Fisher staff members join in the search.

A winner this year! Another Jean Thornton!

Megan McDowell is the public relations and marketing manager for Mel Fisher. She saw what appeared to be an emerald sitting among some rocks. She swam over and took it.

Turns out the emerald is relatively large. Like 2 carats. High quality. Value to be determined by experts.

Megan has a winner!

Lobster Mini Season will soon be upon us. Two days. July 24 and 25. Strictly for sport fisherman. Commercial boaters not permitted. The regular season runs from August 6 to March 31.

Fun time!

Recall all the boats going out in Shark to capture the denizen of the deep. That is how it is during the 2 day mini season. Hundreds of boats. Thousands of fishermen.

Barry not yet Barry. Close, however.

I mentioned yesterday that a tropical storm was brewing in the Gulf. Might turn into a hurricane. If it made tropical storm, the government would name it Barry.

The storm is still forming. Not yet at tropical level. Expected to be there tomorrow. So I will refer to it as Barry from this point forward.

Heavy rains, flooding and strong winds expected. Barry will hit somewhere along the Louisiana coast. If not, Mississippi. Could be the Mississippi and Florida’s Panhandle. Could be all three. Louisiana, Mississippi and Florida.

Nothing certain yet.

Rain will begin wednesday morning and continue through saturday. Much too much rain expected. Ten to twenty inches.

Barry hitting Florida’s Panhandle will be an additional hit for the area. It got beat up with Irma and Michael. Not recovered as yet. Only minimally.

On this date in 1821, the American flag was raised for the first time at St. Augustine and the Spanish flag lowered. The event marked the end of Spanish rule in Florida.

A bit of humor and an environmental disaster.

Jim Beam is killing tens of thousands of fish. Alcohol! Even marine life can suffer therefrom.

The fish did not become drunk, however.

Jim Beam has a facility for the making of its product in Versailles, Kentucky. Part of it is a large warehouse. Forty five thousand barrels stored in the warehouse.

A fire occurred. The 45,000 barrels were displaced and their contents flowed into a nearby river. The fish were contaminated by the alcohol. Not made drunk. Did not die from alcohol poisoning. Affected otherwise.

The fish cannot breathe due to the sugar in the alcohol. The sugar creates a microbe feeding frenzy in the water which reduces the water’s oxygen level and suffocates the fish.

The recent Jim Beam event not the first such. In 2000, a fire occurred at a nearby Old Turkey warehouse. Seventeen thousand barrels involved. Ten of thousands fish  killed.

Enjoy your day!




Trump the mighty one! So he thinks. Omnipotent. Boss of bosses. Rules the U.S. What he says goes.

He will meet his match this time. He is taking on the Court system. Supreme Court included.

This past month the Supreme Court decided the citizenship question. Whether it could be added to the census questionnaire. The Supreme Court said no. With one exception. The appellant must come up with a better rationale for adding the citizenship question.

No time to do so. Census questionnaire already to the printer without it. Justice told the Court that if the case was not decided favorably for Trump by July 1, there would be no time to get the questionnaire printed and out.

Yesterday, Trump decided that what he could not accomplish before the Supreme Court, he could do on his own by Executive Order. No way, Jose! Executive Order will not fly in this instance.

So bad is that which Trump did that the entire team of lawyers from the Justice Department that handled the case refused to represent the U.S. any further. A very very seldom heard move. An act of courage. A new team has yet to be announced. Trump’s people will come up one.

Attorney General Barr continues to ride Trump’s horse. He believes the administration can find a legal path to incorporate the question.

The Constitution makes Congress responsible for overseeing the change, not the President. Means nothing to Trump.

Trump could lose because of the preceding. However, I believe a court will not have to go that far. Trump is totaling ignoring a decision of the Supreme Court. The ink not even dried on the decision. Trump’s action is equivalent to Trump spitting in the face of the Supreme Court.

Trump’s action so flagrant that I doubt even his 2 conservative choices will support him.

My health  has been interfering with my play time. I have missed many Key West things I enjoy. For several weeks. One of them Dueling Bartenders.

Made it last night! Rick Dery singing.

No sooner was I in the door thnt he had a bottle of Beefeaters in hand and was pouring me a drink. I explained to him. Diet soda my drink of choice from now on.

Mary arrived. She drank her wine and smoked cigarettes.

The deprivation is getting more difficult to handle.

We stopped at La Trattoria afterwards for dinner. Carrie bartending. I ate the egg plant appetizer and drank 3 diet Pepsi’s.

Dinner over, I left Mary at the bar and went home. It was not even 8 o’clock. Mary was ready for more fun and I was not.

We are into hurricane season. Maybe one on the way. A long maybe.

A storm has developed over the Gulf. Right now wind and heavy rain. Still out over the Gulf. It is expected to reach shore in the middle and norther areas of Florida, as well as Louisiana and Georgia.

Could develop into a tropical storm. The experts say maybe a hurricane. Too early and too far out yet to make a determination.

If it becomes a tropical storm, it will be named Barry.

I have a degree of concern. Tropical storms/hurricanes are fickle. Never know what they are going to do.

All the charts save one show the storm hitting northern Florida and Gulf states as already described. The one not agreeing has the storm making a right turn and coming down over the Keys.

Could take through monday to actually know. Whatever the storm is and where will be known with precision tuesday when it is scheduled to hit land.

Ernest Hemingway in the news. While living in Key West, his good buddy was Joe Russell. Owner of Sloppy Joe’s. The 2 were out fishing in Cuban waters on Joe’s boat this day in 1933. Hemingway caught a large marlin. Twelve feet eight inches weighing 468 pounds.

By now the whole world knows the British ambassador to the U.S. reported to his superiors that Trump was ‘inept” among other things. Somehow the memos to British home office were leaked.

Trump is pissed. Says he will no longer do business with the Ambassador.

Our President is thin skinned. He fails to recall what is good for the goose is good for the gander. He calls everyone everywhere bad/insulting names. The world goes on. Nations and their representatives still work together.

Frank Bruni is the talented New York Times columnist. Always writes the truth.  A by the book guy.

He recently wrote a column about Ivanka Trump….. “Oh, If Only All Of Us Could Be Ivanka Trump.”

Bruni recognizes Ivanka does everything people of affluence do. Sunbathe in the Seychelles, ski in Aspen, ascend the Himalayas.

But, only Ivanka can do all that and be at the demilitarized zone, meet with Kim Jung Un, and return with a keepsake from North Korea.

Bruni describes Trump taking Ivanka to North Korea as a sort of “Take Our Daughters to Work Day.”

Husband Jared receives comment in the column also.

Bruni final column pointed and somewhat humorous: “They’re shamelessness made flesh. In Homer’s epic poems and in Greek mythology, no flaw rival’s hubris, but in the Family Trump it’s as non-negotiable as veneers. Pride isn’t what goeth before the fall. It’s what gets you to the inaugural ball.”

The pre-sale of body organs. Body organs valuable world wide. Each extremely expensive. Money not an issue when one is facing death. Assuming the person has money. Otherwise life ends for that individual.

Iran permits the sale of body organs in certain circumstances. One is  a prisoner sentenced to death. He can arrange to sell his body organs. Permission in writing given before execution. A sum paid for the organs when delivered. Family generally benefit.

Not a popular law among Iranian physicians. Iran’s Association of Surgeons strongly oppose the law. I suspect merely for public relations reasons.

The need for body organs desperate in Iran. In 2018, 2,500 were awaiting organ transplants. Only 926 were available.

A black market has developed. Poor Iranians advertise their willingness to sell a kidney for example. For $250.

Deutsche Bank having its problems. In recent years, they have been doing business with less than desirable persons. The Bank is economically in trouble. It announced friday that 18,000 employees were to be let go. Discharges had already begun in Asia.

The reason given for the discharges is “restructuring.” Even with the restructuring and loss of 18,000 jobs, Deutsche estimates a net loss of $8.3 billion by 2022.

Deutsche is world wide. It has offices in the U.S. One is located at 60 Wall Street in New York City.

Yesterday was monday. Yesterday the 60 Wall Street location had a revolving front door. People were being let go. It is estimated that for every 5 walking out, only one entered. Portraying a significant number of lay offs.

Today, tuesday. Tonight, Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Join me at 9 for a fast moving and interesting half hour. There is much to rant and rave about this week.

Enjoy your day!



So many great writers. So many outstanding articles. Every now and then however a writing appears which is a step above the others.

SALON published on July 6, 2019 such an article. Titled: Searching for Ernest Hemingway in Cuba. The author: Andrew Feldman.

Whereas Hemingway spent 11 years in Key West, he lived in Cuba 21 years. His home Finca Vigia. A long bus ride outside of Havana.

Feldman spent 2 years researching in Cuba the book finally published. Ernesto: The Untold Story of Hemingway in Revolutionary Cuba. Feldman’s article in SALON can be found at https//

I suggest you read at the very least the SALON article. A great piece!

A calm sunday yesterday.

Enjoyed a late breakfast at Harpoon Harry’s. Season over. Not crowded.

Then a walk around the waterfront.

The remainder of the day at home. A sport day.

First the championship game for the Women’s World Cup. Outstanding soccer. The USA team won 2-0.

In my young days, no one had even heard of soccer. Then as refuges and immigrants found our shores, the game started picking up. First on dirt fields with no line demarcation or anything. Followed by better improvised playing fields. Came a time when the popularity of the sport was growing. Schools began sponsoring soccer teams.

Today soccer has to rank as  a major sport in the USA. An example being the fact that the USA Women’s Team has won the world championship in 4 of the last 10 years.

Golf later in the afternoon. The final round of the 3M Open.

An unusual result. The winner Matthew Wolff. Twenty years old. His third pro tournament. He won with a 20 foot eagle putt on the 72nd hole.

A player to watch.

The history of Key West and the Keys in general is unending.

About 30 miles outside Key West is Little Torch Key. To help place it in perspective, the next Key after Little Torch is Big Pine.

Several miles off Little Torch Key on the Atlantic side is what is known today as Little Palm Island. One of the best and most expensive resorts in the world.

Little Palm Island took a big time beating with Irma. Completely destroyed. Still under repair. Actually, a rebuilding. Hopefully will be completed by year’s end.

Little Palm Island has had several names over the years. At one time, Munson Island. In the late 1950’s and into the 1960’s it was owned by John Spottswood. A prominent Democrat. He served as Sheriff and State Senator.

President Kennedy was visiting Key West to inspect the U.S.’s fortifications during the Cuban missile crisis. He was driving around Key West. Spottswood and the President sitting together in the back seat of a convertible.

The men knew each  other. They had previously met.

At the time, Hollywood was planning to film PT-109. Kennedy’s story when his boat was shot out from under him in World War II and the subsequent days he and his crew spent on a little island awaiting rescue.

A locale for the movie had not yet been selected. Spottswood suggested that Hollywood might enjoy making it on his island, Munson Island.

It came to pass. Munson Island is where PT-109 was filmed.

The Spottswood family continues to live in Key West. The father John Spottswood is long dead. His children now in their 50’s at least run things. Their business interests have expanded.

Good people. I especially know Robert and Elena Spottswood. The best.

Trump continues to not recognize the rule of law. Without it, the U.S. is nothing. He is in the census battle at the moment. The Supreme Court ruled against the Trump proposal a couple of weeks ago. Nevertheless, Trump is still pursuing it.

The Justice department lawyers who handled the case have been fired from it. A new set appointed. I assume the first group told the President the issue was dead and it would be wrong to pursue it further in view of the Supreme Court decision.

What Trump is doing in effect is mocking the Supreme Court and its decision. Trump fails to understand when the Supreme Court speaks, that’s it. At least for a substantial number of years.

Trump is going nowhere with the continuing litigation. Wasting time and money.

Putin is Trump’s friend. Trump would have us believe that Putin and Russia are our friends.

If such is the case, why did Russia’s state media make fun of Trump’s July 4 celebration?

The Russian media mocked the military equipment that was part of the parade. Out of date, they said. Correctly so. The tanks alone were put to rest in 1957. Russian media said the tanks were held together with “adhesive tape” and covered with “peeling paint.”

The parade itself was described as “low energy” and “weak.”

Some friends!

Following the Women’s Championship Soccer match yesterday, FOX News had a reporter in a Lyons, France sports bar. As the reporter began speaking on TV, someone shouted “Fuck Trump!” Everyone immediately joined in. “Fuck Trump!” loud and clear!

The man lacks respect in most parts of the world. Not the U.S. however. He continues to maintain that roughly 40 percent who follow him blindly.

Not healthy.

Jeffrey Epstein’s sex trafficking of minors in the news again. It will be for a long time to come. Don’t be surprised if many Democratic and Republican politicians are named who will have been involved peripherally.

I have not talked about robots in a while. They are back in the news.

Robots are increasingly being used in many areas. Replacing humans.

The newest area. Space travel. Our next bunch of space explorers will be robots. There will be no more Neil Armstrongs.

Enjoy your day!



Key West has ghosts. Several observed with frequency.

Key West does not have an exclusive on ghosts. One comes to mind today. Her name Mary Surratt. On this day in 1865 Mary was hung in Washington, D.C. Executed. Her crime: An alleged conspirator in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.

Mary bears the distinction of having been the first woman executed by the U.S. government.

She was hung at the Old Arsenal Penitentiary in Washington. Today, the site of Fort McNair.

She went to her death wearing a long black dress. Hands and feet bound. Her head covered.

It is claimed that Mary still walks the grounds of Fort McNair. Children of soldiers stationed there claim they play with a “lady in black.” Others have seen her walking the grounds of the Fort.

There is an old wive’s tale that ghosts continue  to remain at a particular earthly place because of some unhappiness, some unfinished business. In Mary’s case it might be because her involvement with Lincoln’s assassination was questionable. She may have been innocent. Many thought her innocent. Others, the death penalty too harsh.

It was thought President Johnson would pardon her at the last moment or reduce her sentence to life in prison. Her morning scheduled hanging was held off till the afternoon in anticipation of one or the other. Neither came. She was hung.

Celebrated my 84th birthday last night with good friends Donna, Terri and Mary. Dinner at Tavern & Town.

Terri in great shape. Since she had the stent put in 2 weeks ago, she is full of energy.

When it came time to blow out the candle, my dear friends began singing Happy Birthday. Soon Terri’s voice overwhelmed them. She sings magnificently! Happy birthday like you have never heard it.

The dining room cheered her when she was done.

As we were walking out following dinner, we passed Bobby Nesbitt who was performing in the bar area. He shouted out…..Louis Petrone, Happy Birthday! He started to sing Happy Birthday. Terri joined in. At the end, the bar gave Terri another great hand.

My personal thanks to all who e-mailed and telephoned yesterday. It made me feel good.

Key West’s old City Hall sits on Greene Street. Still used for such things as community meetings. A new City Hall was opened on White Street 2 years ago. A lovely building!

KONK Life ran a photo of a Key West City Hall on Greene Street which was dedicated July 4, 1876. Sort of looks like, could be, the old City Hall still standing on Greene Street. I say maybe because it does not look like the 1876 one. Then again hard to tell. Throw a couple of small additions on a building and a staircase and it could be the same one.

Mario Sanchez is one of Key West’s famous people. An artist. He did bas relief carvings. Then painted over them in vibrant colors.

KONK Life ran another photo this morning. One of Sanchez working in his “studio” on July 7, 1962. The studio unique. In the shade outside under trees.

Cary Grant made Operation Petticoat in Key West. While here, he purchased 4 of Sanchez’s pieces. When Grant later made That Touch of Mink, the Sanchez works Grant had purchased could be seen in the film.

Sanchez’s wood paintings outstanding. Relatively small. At one point in Sanchez’s career, they were selling for $50,000 a piece.

I fear the California earthquakes of the past 2 days will be with us for another month. Experts are predicting up to 10 more. Some aftershocks, some actually new quakes. Anyone could be above the 7.1 on the rector scale recorded yesterday.

Yesterday’s quake is being described as the worst in 20 years.

Twenty years ago, my dear friend Bob Marks was working in the San Francisco area when the quake hit. He telephoned me 3 days after. He still could not get home. In order to do so, he had to cross the San-Francisco-Oakland Bridge. Big. The top section of the bridge had collapsed. Would take forever to fix. Access to the other side not yet worked out.

The earthquake a big one. Rector Scale reported 6.9. Sixty seven people killed. Thousands injured. Five billion dollars in property damage.

The ultimate cost to rebuild the bridge $6.4 billion. It is claimed the new suspension spa will withstand the strongest earthquakes that may occur in the next 1,500 years.

Hope we don’t find out the estimate is incorrect.

I thought today would be a day without Trump. Not to be.

This morning’s news report comments made by British Ambassador Kim Darroch about Trump. The comments are in memos sent to the British Foreign Commonwealth. Somehow released and verified to be so contained.

Remarks made were between 2017 and now.

Observations like “inept” and “incompetent.” “Uniquely dysfunctional.” U.S. government “divided.”

Re collusion between the Trump election team and Russia: “The worst cannot be ruled out.”

Enjoy your Sunday!





Today is my birthday. Eighty four years old.

Never thought about getting this old. The years move swiftly. All of a sudden, you are there!

The years get shorter, also. There was a time when a year took a long time to pass. No more. They add up rapidly now. Too fast.

The body ages, not the mind. At least in my case.

My body has been having problems since my early 70’s. That’s the way it is. Things start breaking down. The body is like a car. The older it gets, the more problems it has. You hope when a problem occurs, it is fixable. Lately every time I get sick I wonder if this is the one that will not be.

The mind is amazing! Mine is still 35 years old, except as to wisdom. I have heard many times during my life wisdom comes with age. No question about it. I am mentally sharper today than ever before. I also know more. New things are learned every year. They add up.

Tonight, Donna and Terri are taking me to Tavern and Town to celebrate. We will have fun. Terri will rock the place when a cake is presented. She will sing Happy Birthday in her loud magnificent voice.

Lisa and family are out of town. Taking Robert to tennis camp somewhere in mid Florida. He will be there a whole week. Robert may be tomorrow’s Roger Federer.

Earthquakes. California getting hit bad. Two in 2 days. The first a 6.4. The one last night 7.1.

I have experienced 4. Number 3 was Acapulco. Thought it was the worst till the one I experienced about 10 years ago in Italy. I thought the walls were going to collapse on me.

I was staying at Anna’s apartment in Novara, outside of Milan.

Anna’s apartment magnificent. A 10,000 square foot apartment. For real! The building was old. Constructed around 1500 A.D. The outside had been redone giving the impression the building was new.

The apartments were not. Remained as they were in 1500. Why 10,000 square feet, I cannot tell you. Covered 2 floors.

The rooms beautiful. High ceilings and windows. Frescos covering the ceilings.

I was in Anna’s office writing my blog. All of a sudden the building shook. Walls moved. Chandeliers swung. Books fell off shelves. Pictures off walls.

An earthquake. Not a quicky as most are. It kept coming.

I sat there waiting for the walls to collapse. Saying to myself, I don’t believe this. Anna went crazy. She was running around screaming.

The earthquake occurred about 100 miles away. TV later showed buildings down big time. Damage similar to that from a hurricane. Some buildings down in Novara. Actually not much damage. The shock the worst. I can only imagine what it was at the actual place it occurred.

I don’t recall the rector scale number. Probably never heard it. The media in Italian. My Italian not good enough to comprehend.

About 2 hours after the initial shock, the first aftershock hit. As bad as the earthquake itself. I thought what a fun trip this is going to be.

Minor aftershocks continued for 3 days.

Italians handled the earthquake well. Anna called her friends and had a huge earthquake party that evening. I enjoyed!

Last night, the Chart Room first. David was there. We chatted a while.

The Hemingway Look-A-Like contest about 10 days away. One of the contestants came in. White beard and all. This would be his 26th competition. He felt confident he would win this year.

Not drinking bothered me. David was knocking down the beers. The Hemingway look alike hard liquor. Louis, diet soda.

Suddenly, I had to get out. I could not take it any longer. Everyone was happy, laughing, getting boisterous and having a good time. I was sitting quietly, disenchanted with everything going on. I was not part of what was going on.

Stopped at La Trattoria for dinner. Carrie bartending.

Holly was having dinner at the bar also. I had not seen her in years. Holly is part of the Gerber baby food family. They sold years ago. Everyone has seen Holly’s picture over the years. The baby on the Gerber label.

Enjoy your day!



Trump’s Fourth of July is yesterday’s news. I have some observations/comments. However, there is an item more important to address first.

Sanctuary. The historical right of a person pursued by law to take refuge in a house of worship. Generally, at or near the altar.

The issue becomes important at the moment because of Trump’s announcement several days ago that he was sending ICE out to arrest immigrants illegally here. Those already determined to have gained access illegally, but failed to show up for deportation.

A bit of history.

Sanctuary goes back to Greek and Roman times. Temples and acres of land surrounding them were places of sanctuary. Then came Jesus and Christian Churches. Followed in modern times by synagogues. All offering a place of refuge and safety. A place sacred. Free from police intrusion.

The area within was that near the altar. Although not etched in stone. Certain churches recognize anywhere within the church building.

Yesterday, sanctuary was legally recognized. Today, not.

Which creates problems.

Envision police charging down the aisle of a church with guns drawn (all police types draw guns these days) to arrest an individual on God’s altar. The media and most religious institutions would be unending in their criticism. Not a popular way to do things.

Today, many illegal aliens are seeking the protection of the church. They believe sanctuary protects them. The churches believe it, also.

A church not the place for such a confrontation.  Police might be best served by stopping at the door to a church.

Trump may have created a scenario where such will not occur. Ice and other governmental officials will probably enter places of sanctuary and make arrests.

Recall Trump recently announcing that in a few days he was going to arrest “2 million.” Shortly the number was described as “millions.” Then “1 million.” Lastly, “2,000.”

They will be coming after the 2,000 soon. Church doors will be violated. Churches will be violated. Altars will be violated. The immigrant violated. Perhaps even the clergy protecting them.

Don’t say no. Not churches. If Trump can take children from their parents, place them in cages, deprive them of basic necessities, why not?

Sometimes the President’s head is up his ass. Illegals have no money. Yet he recently declared he would be imposing a law already on the books that illegals can be fined for avoiding deportation. High daily numbers. Some already owe in excess of $300,000 and $500,000. Demand letter have been sent.

Tell me where these people are going to get that kind of money. A stupid act to scare/to force the immigrants into leaving the U.S. “voluntarily.” People without money could care less. If they don’t have anything, fine them a million dollars. It makes no difference.

Eventually, the courts will be involved. I am not sure they can do anything since sanctuary is no longer recognized as legal. However there may be other grounds justifying those charged to remain in the U.S. to another day.

Time will tell.

Now for Trump’s Fourth of July.

A political move. A change in how we approach the Fourth. Good feeling was absent. Respect for the military was. Not necessarily what the Fourth is about, however.

My comments will be brief. Hitting a few spots. The media has already made everyone aware of how the event transpired.

Once again, Trump proved he was no student of history. He said the 1775 Continental Army “manned the air” and “took over the airports.”

There were no planes or airports till the early 1900’s. The Wright brothers did not invent the airplane till the very early 1900’s.

The other error concerned Fort McHenry. Trump said that the 1775 Continental Army, “under the rockets red glare” enjoyed victory. Fort McHenry and the wording involved occurred during the War of 1812 and not the Revolutionary War.

The trappings those of a political rally.

Trump and his event were periodically rained upon. A sign from above that he was not doing the right thing?

I got to the show late. Just as Trump was reviewing each branch of the military and announcing the limited planes flying over. Military might did not move me. I know we are strong. We all do. That which I saw left me empty.

Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his “I have a dream speech” close to the spot from which Trump was talking. Yesterday, I wrote Trump insulted Lincoln by his use of the Memorial. Today, I join King’s memory with having been insulted.

I was impressed with the crowd. Thought there would be empty pockets. The crowd ran from the Lincoln Memorial to the Washington Memorial. The reflecting pool in the middle. No empty spots. A significant gathering.

I read this morning that Trump was concerned there would be empty seats. He had aides “scramble” to distribute tickets and mobilize people to attend. Those mobilized included military members, Republicans, campaign donors,and other significant bigwigs.

It worked! There were no empty seats.

I missed the usual music. The sons sung were patriotic. There are more however. Repeated each year. Moving. Absent this year.

An interesting piece of Key West history. One that suggests history does repeat itself.

On July 5, 1976, the United States was celebrating its bicentennial. Two hundred years a nation. Parades held throughout the U.S.

Key West had its parade. With admiration, Key west has a parade for everything. Wonderful!

The fire trucks were part of the Key West parade. As the parade was starting, a fire broke out at 11 Eaton street. The fire trucks had to pull out of the parade to do their duty.

The Centennial Celebration was 100 years earlier. On July 5, 1876. Fire trucks in the parade. A fire broke out and the fire trucks had to leave.

On this day in 1946, the bikini was first introduced to the public. An immediate hit. Two pieces. A bra top consisting of 2 inverted triangles of cloth connected by a string. The bottom scant without being revealing. Thirty inches of fabric.

Historically, the U.S. did not go to even a 2 piece bathing suit till world war II. A bra and panty. The panty portion sufficiently high so as to block a woman’s belly button.

The reason why suddenly a 2 piecer was that the U.S. was at war and material had to be conserved for the war effort.

Today, a woman’s bathing suit even less. A thong patch in front with a string hiding between butt cheeks. The top as little as possible. Just enough to cover the aureoles and nipples.

Again Virginia Slims correct. Women have come a long way!

Enjoy your day!



Americans know Abraham Lincoln. From school days, readings, movies, and other sources. Donald, you are no Abraham Lincoln. Far from him on the Presidential spectrum. Lincoln is considered the U.S.’s best President. History will rank Trump as the worst. Last on any listing of best Presidents.

The President is a demagogue. A fancy term for a rabble-rouser. A leader who gains popularity in a democracy by exploiting prejudice and ignorance to arouse the common people against elites, whipping up the passions of the crowd and shutting down reasoned deliberation.

Lincoln the opposite. Therein lies the reason why Trump should not have moved the annual Fourth of July celebration from Capital grounds to the Lincoln Memorial. He should not even be speaking. Few Presidents have. Most watch the event on television at the Presidential residence.

The Fourth of July event has traditionally been one for the people. Their celebration of America’s most important day. All attending equal and there to enjoy, not politicize.

Many articles this past week indicating the celebration should be as it was. Not as Trump has remade it. A few, very few, supporting his plan.

Opinion writer Greg Sargent wrote in this morning’s Washington Post a lengthy column titled: Trump’s Highlighting of the Fourth of July Just Got a Bit Uglier. His thoughts parallel mine. He portrays them better. Ergo, I set forth excerpts from his column.

Trump “hijacking the Fourth of July…..Trump’s Fourth of July tank dream is about personality, not patriotism…..Trump has transformed the celebration into a campaign event…..the event a takeover…..The naked audacity of usurpation…..whole story Trump told about American decline is false…..his lies about immigration is producing a horrific humanitarian catastrophe.”

There is “… doubt that Trump envisions this Fourth of July speech – delivered amid a show of military might – as a display of his own imagined role in restoring U.S. greatness. Trump “has in practice produced…..circuses bluster toward foreign elites and destructive trade wars with no end…..a genuine embrace of strongman authoritarian nationalism…..a real abandonment of the ideals of liberal democracy.”

Trump…..”absolved the Saudi royal family of any role in the dismembering of Jamal Khashoggi…..Trump does not know why he hates liberal democracy – only that he senses it is incompatible with the value he places on domination and hierarchy…..Trump has not given much thought to the Declaration of Independence.”

Some incidental observations re this day of national importance.

The Trump inspired Lincoln Memorial event will cost in the area of $100 million. Where will the money come from to pay for it? Trump already “borrowed” $2.5 million from the Park Service. The U.S. still owes the City of Washington D.C. $7 million for inauguration expenses.

Millions being spent to satisfy a Trump whim. It does not appear proper to spend all that money when…..a portion could be used to buy toothbrushes, blankets, diapers, etc. for the immigrant children caged on the border. If Trump can borrow or incur debt for his folly, then he should be able to act in a similar fashion to help the children.

The tanks in the parade have not been used in 60 years. Not since the end of World War II.

Not all the family will be at the event. Ivanka, Jared, Donald Jr, and his girl friend, will be in the Hamptons partying.

Today is normally spent with family and friends, cook outs, parades, and parties. I am confident they will continue. The American people will enjoy the day and then at 9 this evening sit down to watch TV to see what Trump has arranged. For the American people or himself?

Enjoy your holiday!


A few days ago it was reported that a migrant father and his 2 year old daughter drowned while trying to swim the Rio Grande to U.S. shores. A photo of the two dominated the news. The 2 year old girl with her little arm draped over her father’s shoulders especially heart wrenching.

America cried out! We must do something about it!

Yesterday, a migrant mother and 2 year old girl tried to swim the Rio Grande to U.S. shores. One died. The mother made it. The 2 year old did not. They are searching for her body.

How many more migrant children and adults have to die before the situation is remedied? The American people seem more incensed this week following Congressional persons who were admitted to certain detention camps and viewed the miscarriages occurring, and then reported the abuses.

The furor increased. To what good? We are at a point where something has to be done. Courts and complaining go so far and require time.

I do not know the solution. I do know no more 2 year olds should die while attempting to cross the Rio Grande.

Tomorrow, America’s birthday!

Locally, the fireworks always outstanding.

For many years, a good place to watch from was the Casa Marina Beach. A huge event. Hundreds of people. A family event. The grounds and beach packed.

Rotary has been the primary sponsor over the years. This year Rotary has opted for a different party.

One for the rich and affluent. Whereas in prior years, a small donation got you in, tomorrow $250 per person. VIP seating of course, buffet and free drinks.

I am anxious to see what the profit factor is.

Even if significantly more, not the way to do it. Fireworks on the Fourth belonged to the people of Key West. Rich or poor, it made no difference. Everyone was happy. Smiley faces abounded.

This year, gone.

Out of respect for the Rotary, the event is a fund raiser for some charitable good. I never the less maintain it should not have been changed to the $250 a plate/seat deal.

Placing it all in perspective, if Lisa, her husband, and Robert and Ally went, it would be a $1,000 evening. How many Key West families can afford that number?

There is a picture of the First National Bank Building located at the corner of Duval and Front Streets on page 2 of the Citizen. The photo taken on this day in 1897 when the building was completed.

A magnificent structure. Brick. No longer a bank. A series of small tenant stores.

In 1897, the cost to construct the building $14,380.35. Millions today.

Ivanka was at the G-20 in Japan with her father. She was treated as Trump’s daughter and given the recognition a diplomat of long standing would have received.

Ivanka  did not belong at the meeting, no matter what excuse is given. Donald insulted himself, his daughter and the U.S. by having her participate.

No other nation had a son or daughter representative.

Trump’s knowledge of history amazing!

I watched him on FOX News several times yesterday. The discussion concerned the homeless. Trump commented in effect how terrible. Then said the problem was only 2 years old and he was considering looking into it.

Only 2 years old? Where has he been the past 20 years? They sleep on the sidewalks and on benches in the Washington government district and streets of New York. Must be Donald never walks nor looks out of a limo window.

He does not know.

I don’t have to tell you Trump has scheduled Washington’s July Fourth concert and fireworks for the Lincoln Memorial. The steps from which he will give a speech. He has made sure the whole world knows.

The event has been planned under the direct supervision of Trump. All kinds of military equipment make up the parade. For what ever reason, Trump wants the world to be aware how strong we are.

Jeff Greenfield had an excellent article in this mornings POLITICO re Trump and the event. I share certain quotations from the article.

“Trump has less sense of any President as to what it is all about…..The President’s intrusion into Independence Day is a hijacking.” The “President has upended many of the traditions of the celebration.”

There will be “tanks on the streets of Washington…..his plan is robbing people the wrong way…..what Trump is doing is wreathing himself in the most potent symbols of American history  delivering a speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial…..looking across at a landscape of monuments – without any appreciation for the history that made that whole landscape possible.”

“He sees himself without any connection to the American story, any link to presidents past, other than his manifest superiority to any of them.”

Great white sharks. A number spotted off the coast of Cape Cod.

Cape Cod a normal spot for them in the summer. They seek cooler waters. The Cape’s waters are cool/cold as I can attest. Another reason this year. The weather has driven an overabundance of seals to the area. Good shark eating.

Many are spotted off the shore of Chatham. I spent many years vacationing during the summer in Chatham. The Chatham Bar Inn. Any of you who have visited Chatham are aware of it.

I recall one summer when we spent more time out of the water than in. Sharks were prevalent. The swimming guards were constantly yelling or blowing their whistles warning people to get out of the water.

They would know when. Not from an actual shark sighting. Rather the tiny fish that swam in large schools near the top of the water. A favorite shark lunch. The tiny fish created a large ripple blanket.

Quote for the day. By Frances Rabelais: “Everything comes in time to those who can wait.”

How very true!

There were few goals I did achieved timely. I would say this will happen in 3 months or 2 years or whatever. Then work towards the goal. Most came. All late, however. In the final analysis it made no difference.

A great American died yesterday. Lee Iacocca. Age 94.

Iacocca was an automobile industry legend as well as an American legend. Two notables. He helped Ford create the Mustang. A wow car! We all had one. The other occurred when he was CEO of Chrysler. Chrysler in terrible shape in the 1980’s. Going down the tubes. Iococca saved Chrysler with a massive loan from the government which Chrysler paid back.

May he rest in peace.

Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou went well last night. I hit on everything. Sex, female Viagra, Ivanka the homeless, Pavarotti, and China’s new radar system which negates our relatively new stealth planes big time.

Enjoy your day!



Excuse my language, but strong words are called for re the situation I am about to describe.

Business has never been better in Key West. Hotels, etc. and restaurants doing a bag up business. Everything expensive. From food to drinks.

While most business owners are doing well, their employees are not. Bartenders, waiters, waitresses, and other minimum salaried workers, live 4 to a 2 bedroom apartment. Work 3 jobs. Can’t make it otherwise.

Many have left since Irma because they could not afford to remain. Those who did are finding it difficult now even though the economy has recovered. They are leaving. Some businesses are operating with less than full staff. Especially restaurants. There are not enough people remaining who are looking for work.

There is an effort in Tallahassee to put a Constitutional amendment on next year’s ballot. One to increase the minimum wage from $8.46 an hour to $15 an hour. Tipped workers would go to $8.46 an hour.

The raise would be in increments. It would take to 2026 for the $15 an hour to be reached for example.

The Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association is opposed, of course. The Chamber of Commerce has not made up its mind. I assume they will be opposed also.

Even off season is good. There is no off season in Key West any longer.

There is a short column on Feedspot this morning which exemplifies the problem. A minimum wage worker writes he is hungry. He has not eaten in 2 days. Looking for a food pantry. He believes he will not be able to make it in Key West.

Situations such as his are becoming typical.

Business owners should be ashamed. Employees help their employers get rich. Share the wealth!

Visited Dr. Norris yesterday. A follow up to see how I am doing re the pancreas attack I suffered.

My complaints minimal. After 6 weeks, I still have some however.

One is I wobble when I walk. The reason I am falling more often.

My blood pressure was 100/70. Pulse 64.

Thought it is my blood pressure meds. I take many. He cut one back to see if that would help. Something to do with no alcohol meaning less salt in my body requiring water.

We shall see.

My next stop was the Cuban Coffee Queen for a cheese toast and cold Cuban coffee. A relaxing atmosphere to enjoy both in.

Then to Home Depot. To keep my walking exercise I had started the day before going.

The first day, I walked 20 minutes and was tired. Especially when I went outside and the humidity hit me. Intended to walk 25 minutes yesterday. Good luck! I was dead at 15. However continued till I reached 20 minutes.

Then hurried home and to bed for 3 hours. Needed to rest. Shot!

Never made it out last night because of the tiredness. Missed Dueling Bartenders and dinner at La Trattoria.

A haircut today at 1. Lori leaving tomorrow for a 3 week vacation to visit her parents and in-laws. Time spent in Maine and on Long Island.

My blog talk radio show Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou tonight at 9. Join me for a fast moving interesting half hour. I rant and rave about everything bothering me.

I was looking for a blog I did about 10 years ago. Never found it. However did come across one I did on January 22, 2010. It involved my granddaughter Lisa.

Lisa was 4 at the time. I was babysitting her. Lisa had to take Robert to Montessori for something.

The pertinent sections of the blog follow.

“I decided to take Ally to a Haitian relief benefit on White Street. We walked. The event was nearby…..sponsored by KONK 1680 AM radio.”

I was doing a one hour radio show at the time for KONK Radio: The Key West Lou Legal Hour.

The party was on White Street in front of the radio station.

“Street blocked off. Singers on a flat bed. Hot dogs, beer, huge cookies, soda and other goodies…..Ally and I walked around. …..bought a large chocolate chip cookie and soda……sat on curb in front of Fausto’s eating and drinking and watching the singers and people…..Ally and I had a good time. She is at an age where she silently takes everything in. She absorbs……The walk home was fun. We were walking Duncan Street. It was dark. The street lights were on. Ally got into shadows. Mine and hers. It was discovery time. She got all excited walking on my shadow…..The beauty and imagination of a 4 year old!”

Ally is 14 years older now. Next month a freshman in high school. A young lady. In a very few years, she will be a woman.

I miss the little girl.

Enjoy your day!