We have a day for everything. Why not a no bra day!

A National No Bra Day has been held for several years now. The day this year is October 13, 2015.

The ladies supporting the event cry out…..Celebrate without restraint! Others…..Ladies, unleash your boobies from the booby zoo!

Men are asked to support the day/cause by wearing something purple.

I have no comment. Other than if women want to go braless, their choice. I do not understand why a special day is required to encourage the activity. It is another commando choice situation. A personal one.

The sun shines bright in Key West. Generally, warm. Perfect weather for not getting sick. It happens, however. Yesterday I got hit with a stomach bug. Kept me in all day. I am fine this morning.

In between feeling lousy, I researched this week’s KONK Life column. Ironically, about doctors. Titled: The Doctors Killed The President. President James Garfield’s medical attention from the day he was shot till almost two months later when he died. Not the best of care.

I will write the column this afternoon.

I had a couple of misstatements in yesterday’s blog. Sometimes when it is late at night and after a couple of drinks, my retention is not always accurate.

Tiffany wrote. We had been discussing La Trattoria. I had Erin leaving three years ago. Incorrect. It was Kathy. Kathy passed on. It is true however that Erin is no longer at La Trattoria. Tiffany advises Erin is now at Smokin’ Tuna and The Little Jazz Room.

Bocce rankings in the paper today. We are in second place alone. Two games out of first. Only one team in first place.

Enjoy your Sunday!



Mark Watson’s fund raiser for Fantasy Fest King/AIDS Help at Aqua last night outstanding! Without question. Seven years since Broadway 3 Years has been presented. The stars returned. Mark Watson, Bobby Nesbitt, Bruce Moore and Chris Thompson.

There was neither a seat nor standing space available. Everyone turned out. Everyone had a terrific time.

I enjoyed the show immensely.

Saw Mary again. Second time in two weeks. Mary was working the door at Aqua. Mary worked for me some 15 years ago taking care of my Key West home. A talented woman.

Decided to eat at La Trattoria after the show. Walked down Duval. La Trattoria closed. Decided on La Trattoria on the Ocean where I had been last week. The egg plant drawing me back.

Glad I went to the ocean side La Trattoria. Tiffany bartending.

Tiffany a friend from days gone by. Had not seen her in at least 5 years. When we first met, she was the bartender at Antonia’s. Left. Then returned as a waitress.

I last saw Tiffany at Antonia’s. We were happy to see each other last night.

Tiffany has a winning personality. She updated me on her personal life and other things. Now married. Has gone from 2 dogs to 3. Works La Trattoria on Duval. Duval La Trattoria closed till November 7. Kitchen being remodeled. She was filling in at the ocean side La Trattoria last night.

Tiffany bartending at La Trattoria Duval. Erin gone about 3 years.

I enjoyed the egg plant and Tiffany.

My yesterday began with the anti-gravity treadmill. First thursday. I am now up to 4 times a week. Working towards 5.

Three consecutive days a bit tiring. I will become accustomed.

Did my 10 minute bit on the KONK News Hour yesterday. 104.9 radio. Guy deBoer interviewing me re my KONK Life column this week concerning Pope Francis.

I learned yesterday that Conch Color has published its last issue this week. Described as a hiatus. So there is hope for its return.

Conch Life was Tom Oosterhoudt’s brain child. A paper full of photos of Key West events and people. Highly successful. Illness the reason for the temporary close down.

Tom has a bad back. Very bad. I have never met anyone with the problems he has had with his back. His mother Mary Ann Worth is getting on in years. Neither available to work the paper at this time.

Tom, get better quickly and back to of one Key West’s prizes, Conch Color.

Judge Peary Fowler has been a sitting judge for years. Quiet and unassuming. Rarely mentioned in the papers. Yesterday she became newsworthy big time!

She held a defendant in $13 million bail. Big! Unusual!

The defendant an alleged sex abuser. The victim  a girl, 6-13 years old when the acts were purportedly committed.


One of the finest people I have been privileged to meet in Key West is Nancy Robinson. Nancy passed on recently. At 91.

Nancy can only be described as a class act. She was always out and about town till her recent illness. Loved by all.

Mother of 4, I only knew/know her daughter Martha. Martha a class act in her own right. She cared for her mother in the years before and at the time of her death. Care first class and without reservation. Sadly, few children assume the responsibility in today’s society.

No Syracuse football today. A bye week.

Enjoy your day!


One of the best shows ever produced in Key West was Broadway 3 Ways. It ran for several years at La Te Da. Fun! Enjoyable! Worth the admission price.

Mark Watson is running for Fantasy Fest King. My candidate! A fundraiser is being held tonight at Aqua. From 6 to 8:30. Members of the La Te Da show are returning to help Mark. The Broadway 3 Ways Show tonight at Aqua. A $15 donation. Well worth the price of admission.

Mark was one of the stars of Broadway 3 Ways. Others stars appearing are Randy Thompson, Bruce Moore, and Bobby Nesbitt.

My yesterday began with the anti-gravity treadmill. My first thursday.

Then a haircut. Followed by an afternoon reading and napping. It’s a good life!

Last night, bocce.

We won 2 out of 3 games. Quite a while since we lost one. Our record now 15-3.

It hurt to lose. Any other time, 2 out of 3 would be a good night. However, this season we are near the top. Instead of fighting for a 4th or 5th position to make the playoffs, we are battling to come in 1st.

We won the first 2 games handily. The last was a long hard haul. We were losing 8-1. Then 14-6. Then, we rallied. Score was 14-14. We lost 16-14.

The team played well. We were not up to our usual ability, however.

I will be guesting on the KONK Life News Hour today. 12:10 to 12:20. Give a listen. I will be questioned regarding my KONK column this week re Pope Francis.

Enjoy your day!


Key West is a place to enjoy life. Everywhere for that matter. However, to enjoy one must be healthy. We must take care of our bodies.

The Key West Lions Club is holding a Health & Fitness Expo. Free. A Wellness Day. On October 10, 2015 from 9 am to 12 noon. At the Lions Club on North Roosevelt Boulevard. Across from the new Starbucks which is under construction.

The purpose of the event is to help people make healthy life choices. Programs and experts will be present. Covering such problems/maladies as vitamins and supplements, chiropractic assistance, weight loss, diabetic screening, and alcohol and smoking cessation. In addition to numerous other medical problems confronting us all.

Time/space are still available for professionals who might wish to appear. Write for details.

My yesterday was simple. A run to the airport, the anti-gravity treadmill and birthday dinner with Lisa and family in the evening.

We had dinner out. Then returned to Lisa’s for  cake, blowing out candles and Happy Birthday!

Robert and Ally gave their Mom interesting gifts. Robert a painting he did special for the occasion. Framed. He made the frame, also.

Ally’s was different. She purchased a jar of small seashells at Dollar Store. Thirty to 40 seashells in the jar. She took each one and wrote a small message to her mother inside. Like…..Love You!

This morning’s Key West Citizen World Almanac. Disney World opened on this day in 1971. Most interesting was the cost to attend. $3.50 for an adult. Today, $105 per person age 10 and up.

Two things re Pope Francis.

My KONK Life column this week is He Is God Like. The column was linked to my Key West Lou website this morning.

The other involves Kim Davis. It was revealed she had a secret meeting with the Pope at the Vatican Embassy in Washington during his visit. The revelation bothered me. I cannot believe the Pope is two faced.

This past year, I have been exposing the U.S. Conference of Bishops connection with the religious far right in the United States. Actually, not even a revelation any longer. Most everyone is aware.

The bishops are hand in hand with people like Jerry Falwell.

In addition to Davis, it is reported the small nun order that has sued on religious grounds the unconstitutionality of a portion of Obamacare were also present for a private audience the same day.

The U.S. Conference of Bishops are not in unison with Pope Francis’ feelings re many matters. They strongly opposed the Pope at last year’s Synod. To the point of embarrassing the Pope.

Davis is represented by Liberty Counsel. I am sure she is not paying the legal fees. Liberty Counsel is listed as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. They oppose homosexuality activity in general. Military, employment, same sex marriage, etc.

Liberty Counsel is tight with Jerry Falwell. Falwell started and runs Liberty University. A Law School has been founded at Liberty University. It was started together by Falwell and Liberty Counsel.

A lot of detail. Where am I going? I believe the Pope was snowballed. That he knew nothing of the relationships. I strongly suspect the bishops and Liberty Counsel arranged for Davis’ secret meeting. Perhaps the nuns’ meeting, also.

At the moment, I give the Pope the benefit of the doubt. The matter is not concluded. Truth has a way of surfacing. In due course, we will know who arranged for the secret meeting, what the Pope knew, etc.

One further point. Last week, Liberty Counsel advised that a rally of 100,00 people had taken place in Peru in support of Davis. A couple of days later, Liberty Counsel admitted the representation was a fabrication.

Russia and Syria. Cause for big concern. Russia keeps spitting in our face. Putin has no respect for Obama. My initial reaction is we get out of Syria immediately. Leave Russia to fight the war. Hopefully the same success Russia had in Afghanistan will occur again in Syria.

Bocce tonight. I am anxious to play.

Enjoy your day!


Jorge Mario Bergoglio was born December 17, 1936. Seventy seven years later on February 28, 2013, he was elected Pope of the Catholic Church. Pope Francis.


Pope Frances touched many during his recent visit to the United States. Catholics and non-Catholics alike. Exhibited unique qualities. He was God like, human, sensitive, interested in people and their problems, etc.


These qualities are not imbued in a man the day he becomes Pope. They have to be intrinsic in him. A result of his experiences in life. Good and bad.


Pope Frances traveled an interesting road from his teen years to his days as Pope. All molded him to be who he is. The man a work in progress.


I share some of what I discovered with you.


Pope Francis had three girl friends. His first was the girl next door. Amalia. Amalia and his second love were during his teenage years. The third occurred while he was in the seminary. The Pope was attending a family wedding and met a young woman. They fell in love. A choice had to be made. The Pope opted for the priesthood.


He became seriously ill as a teenager. A lung infection. Part of one lung had to be removed.


During his university years, the Pope was in need of money. He had several jobs. While studying for a graduate degree in chemistry, he worked as a bouncer in an Argentine night club. Would you believe! He also worked as a janitor sweeping floors and testing chemicals in a laboratory.


He earned a graduate degree in chemistry.


The Pope’s mother did not support his decision to become a priest. She was adamantly opposed. Never the less, he entered the seminary at 21. His mother at first refused to visit him.


Basketball was and is his sport love of choice. He enjoys shooting hoops. One of the Pope’s most prized possessions is a personalized jersey from the Boston Celtics.


The spirit of a rebel was within him. While a priest, Argentina was ruled by a dictatorship. Not a friendly group. The Pope hid people in his church who were being sought by the authorities.


As the Auxiliary Bishop of Buenos Aires, he was known as the Slum Bishop. His concern for the poor obvious. He increased dramatically the number of priests assigned to the slum areas of the city.


When he moved up a step and became the Bishop of Buenos Aires, he further exhibited his humility and love for the poor. He washed the feet of people in jails, hospitals, old age homes, and the slums on Holy Thursday each year. He continues that practice as Pope.


As a priest, bishop and to this day as Pope, he is a big soccer fan. His team is the San Lorenzo Football Club.


The Pope loves talking with his friends. On the phone. Not a mobile one. He uses a land line. He telephones his friends on impulse and at random times to chat. As friends do.


The Pope tangos. He has enjoyed doing so for years.


The Pope sometimes falls asleep while praying. He says “… is good to fall asleep in God’s presence.”


He has a sweet tooth. He enjoys alfajores. An Argentine cookie filled with dulce de leche covered with chocolate.


A pleasure for the Pope is watching moves. Loves them! His favorite is Fellinini’s 1954 La Strada.


The Pope has an interest in art. His favorite painting is a Chagall. The White Crucifixion.


The Pope speaks seven languages. His has a problem with English, however. Pronunciation. He claims it is the result of being very tone deaf.


His favorite language and the one he is most comfortable with is Spanish. Argentina is a Spanish speaking nation. During his recent United States visit, 14 of his 18 speeches were spoken in Spanish.


A U.S. President has Air Force One. The Pope, Shepherd One.


The Pope has a Twitter account. Six million followers. @Pontifex.


Pope Francis touches people because he has touched and been touched by life. He does human things. There is no fanfare about him. His humility obvious.


He is God like.