We have a day for everything. Why not a no bra day!
A National No Bra Day has been held for several years now. The day this year is October 13, 2015.
The ladies supporting the event cry out…..Celebrate without restraint! Others…..Ladies, unleash your boobies from the booby zoo!
Men are asked to support the day/cause by wearing something purple.
I have no comment. Other than if women want to go braless, their choice. I do not understand why a special day is required to encourage the activity. It is another commando choice situation. A personal one.
The sun shines bright in Key West. Generally, warm. Perfect weather for not getting sick. It happens, however. Yesterday I got hit with a stomach bug. Kept me in all day. I am fine this morning.
In between feeling lousy, I researched this week’s KONK Life column. Ironically, about doctors. Titled: The Doctors Killed The President. President James Garfield’s medical attention from the day he was shot till almost two months later when he died. Not the best of care.
I will write the column this afternoon.
I had a couple of misstatements in yesterday’s blog. Sometimes when it is late at night and after a couple of drinks, my retention is not always accurate.
Tiffany wrote. We had been discussing La Trattoria. I had Erin leaving three years ago. Incorrect. It was Kathy. Kathy passed on. It is true however that Erin is no longer at La Trattoria. Tiffany advises Erin is now at Smokin’ Tuna and The Little Jazz Room.
Bocce rankings in the paper today. We are in second place alone. Two games out of first. Only one team in first place.
Enjoy your Sunday!