Key West is a place to enjoy life. Everywhere for that matter. However, to enjoy one must be healthy. We must take care of our bodies.
The Key West Lions Club is holding a Health & Fitness Expo. Free. A Wellness Day. On October 10, 2015 from 9 am to 12 noon. At the Lions Club on North Roosevelt Boulevard. Across from the new Starbucks which is under construction.
The purpose of the event is to help people make healthy life choices. Programs and experts will be present. Covering such problems/maladies as vitamins and supplements, chiropractic assistance, weight loss, diabetic screening, and alcohol and smoking cessation. In addition to numerous other medical problems confronting us all.
Time/space are still available for professionals who might wish to appear. Write for details.
My yesterday was simple. A run to the airport, the anti-gravity treadmill and birthday dinner with Lisa and family in the evening.
We had dinner out. Then returned to Lisa’s for cake, blowing out candles and Happy Birthday!
Robert and Ally gave their Mom interesting gifts. Robert a painting he did special for the occasion. Framed. He made the frame, also.
Ally’s was different. She purchased a jar of small seashells at Dollar Store. Thirty to 40 seashells in the jar. She took each one and wrote a small message to her mother inside. Like…..Love You!
This morning’s Key West Citizen World Almanac. Disney World opened on this day in 1971. Most interesting was the cost to attend. $3.50 for an adult. Today, $105 per person age 10 and up.
Two things re Pope Francis.
My KONK Life column this week is He Is God Like. The column was linked to my Key West Lou website this morning.
The other involves Kim Davis. It was revealed she had a secret meeting with the Pope at the Vatican Embassy in Washington during his visit. The revelation bothered me. I cannot believe the Pope is two faced.
This past year, I have been exposing the U.S. Conference of Bishops connection with the religious far right in the United States. Actually, not even a revelation any longer. Most everyone is aware.
The bishops are hand in hand with people like Jerry Falwell.
In addition to Davis, it is reported the small nun order that has sued on religious grounds the unconstitutionality of a portion of Obamacare were also present for a private audience the same day.
The U.S. Conference of Bishops are not in unison with Pope Francis’ feelings re many matters. They strongly opposed the Pope at last year’s Synod. To the point of embarrassing the Pope.
Davis is represented by Liberty Counsel. I am sure she is not paying the legal fees. Liberty Counsel is listed as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. They oppose homosexuality activity in general. Military, employment, same sex marriage, etc.
Liberty Counsel is tight with Jerry Falwell. Falwell started and runs Liberty University. A Law School has been founded at Liberty University. It was started together by Falwell and Liberty Counsel.
A lot of detail. Where am I going? I believe the Pope was snowballed. That he knew nothing of the relationships. I strongly suspect the bishops and Liberty Counsel arranged for Davis’ secret meeting. Perhaps the nuns’ meeting, also.
At the moment, I give the Pope the benefit of the doubt. The matter is not concluded. Truth has a way of surfacing. In due course, we will know who arranged for the secret meeting, what the Pope knew, etc.
One further point. Last week, Liberty Counsel advised that a rally of 100,00 people had taken place in Peru in support of Davis. A couple of days later, Liberty Counsel admitted the representation was a fabrication.
Russia and Syria. Cause for big concern. Russia keeps spitting in our face. Putin has no respect for Obama. My initial reaction is we get out of Syria immediately. Leave Russia to fight the war. Hopefully the same success Russia had in Afghanistan will occur again in Syria.
Bocce tonight. I am anxious to play.
Enjoy your day!
and alcohol and smoking cessation
end quote
Alcohol cessation in Key West ? Good luck with that. Key West has also been a great little drinking town with a fishing problem.
“A couple of days later, Liberty Counsel admitted the representation was a fabrication.”
Hmm, if that is true then they forgot to read the Ten Commandments part about “Bearing false witness” , funny how the religious zealots are often the least spiritual in reality. I have lost count of all the “Holy Roller” preachers who fell from grace by whoring, homosexuality or profiteering.
funny how the religious zealots are often the least spiritual in reality. I have lost count of all the “Holy Roller” preachers who fell from grace by whoring, homosexuality or profiteering.
end quote
Its funny too that sometimes the higher up the ladder some are, the more corrupt they are. Thats why I am no longer welcome in the catholic church.
Hey Lou, Donald Trump made the exact same statements about Syria as you.
The Pope has not watched a television in 30 years, nor does he read newspapers. He just skims a few papers at times. It appears the Pope is out of touch.
I also find it funny that liberals don’t talk much about his views on pregnancy and abortion. They are pretty mute on that point.