Liz unquestionably is the Perle Mesta of Key west.

From her earliest years, Liz’s hobby has been cooking. Her preparation spectacular! The results special.

Liz’s dinner parties and simple gatherings planned to the smallest item. Her food choices always delicious. All of course prepared by Liz. Her drink choices right on. She knows her wines and stronger alcohols. Mouth watering deserts.

Topping it off, Liz knows how to direct conversations so her guests all participate.

I was her guest at a dinner party last night at her home. Cocktails in the garden. French lasagna the entre. The wines tasteful. The creme cheese desert the end of a perfect evening.

The dinner party small. Liz, Sheila, Barb and Louis.

My today full.

A manicure at noon with Tammy. Cocktails tonight at David Wolkowsky’s. His guest of honor Robert A. Caro. Caro twice a Pulitzer Price winner. He is best known for his biographies of Lyndon Johnson and Robert Moses.

Later in the evening, I will see La La Land. A musical. The first in many many years.

Florida Keys Community College is to be commended. Every person from day one who contributed to FKCC becoming the institution it is today included.

KKCC is now offering a four year Bachelor’s degree. The first class seeking the four year degree began studies this past monday.

Obviously, Cuba is of great interest to Key Westers. A mere 90 miles away. Most attempting to leave Cuba for the freedom of the United States the past 50 years ended up on our beaches or in our waters.

In 1995, President Clinton established the wet foot / dry foot policy. If a Cuban reached soil, he/she stayed. If still in the water, it was back to Cuba.

Yesterday, Obama announced he was changing the policy. Getting rid of it. Effective immediately. He signed an administrative rule authorizing the same. Trump can undo Obama’s ruling when he takes office.

Today In Keys History noted former President Herbert Hoover arrived in the Keys on this date in 1958 for a fishing trip.

Hoover did not believe public funds should be used for private purposes. Like bailing a bank or business out with taxpayer dollars. As Bush 2 and Obama did.

Many historians and economists believe the great depression of 1929 could have been avoided had Hoover opted to bail out some of the businesses going down.

Trump and L. L. Bean. Linda Bean is a co-heiress of the L. L. Bean business. She sits on the L. L. Bean board. She made a $30,000 contribution to a PAC supporting Trump.

There is now a public cry negative to L. L. Bean’s well being. Even some of her co-board members cry the same tune. She should never have supported Trump. The reason why simple. Most items sold by L. L. Bean are manufactured in China.

Trump in support of Linda Bean and L. L. Bean tweeted yesterday…..BUY L. L. Bean.

So much for Buy American.

Some more re robots and automation.

Connor Forrest wrote an article on August 3, 2015 listing jobs in line for robot takeover.

One was assembly line workers. Ford and Toyota already using robots. The beginning of the end for human employees in many assembly line businesses.

Another involved fast food employees. McDonald’s is already using kiosks for ordering in many parts of the U.S. It is anticipated cooking positions in the fast food industry are next.

Table side tablet ordering systems for ordering. Chili a company so involved.

Enjoy your day!


Key West forgets not David Wolkowsky. Without him, the Key West of today would not have been.

David today is 97 years young. He has vim and vinegar. The body may have slowed a bit. The mind, not.

This morning’s Key West Citizen honors him in its Familiar Faces section. Page 1. There sits David holding a painting done by his friend Tennessee Williams.

The Citizen describes David correctly: Mogul, visionary and developer.

We owe you much, David!

My podcast tonight at 9 my time. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Join me. I guarantee you will enjoy the quick paced half hour.

Topics tonight include Trump’s purported locker room trash talk, what the U.S. may be considering re Syria, how Big Pharma censors the internet, compensatory contraception, Rothschilds throw a $100,000 a plate dinner for Hillary.

Also, the cozy relationship between Epstein and Bill Clinton, babies born with opiate addiction on the increase, NYCPD do not wear body cameras, opium growth in Afghanistan on the rise, robotic bees to be used for pollination purposes, and more.

Dueling Bartenders at Aqua last night. Tom and Rick. Plus, a talented young lady. Heather Mae. Tom introduced me to her when I arrived. What a voice! A visitor, I suspect.

Liz and Mary, also. Good to see the both. Enjoy talking with Liz. A mind. Taught security regulations before becoming a law school Dean.

Then Publix. A nice way to end an evening. I keep running out of food. I should buy more.

I have been my own grocery shopper for 11 years. Groceries have gone up! Decidedly! More than doubled during that time.

Trump’s locker room talk is bullshit. I have been in many locker rooms. Never heard that kind of talk. The man is demented. About himself. Men who talk about their sexual prowess are generally lacking in that regard.

Enjoy your day!





David Wolkowsky…..Happy Birthday!

David turned 97 last week. God bless him!

Key West would not be what it is today without him. David, a genius. A man of vision.

Terri White sang last night! At Blue Heaven. I stopped in for a while. A God-given voice!

The humidity was too much. At least, for me. I think for everyone. Terri hung in there. Had to break at one time because of the heat.

Terri sings again. Tonight. At The Little Room Jazz Club. 9-12. Inside and air conditioned!

Friend Anne in Ithaca, NY e-mailed me last night. She caught Terri’s performance last night on Facebook. Live.

Modern science is amazing. I was sitting next to Donna. Donna had her cell phone on  and was videoing Terri’s performance. She told me it was going directly to Facebook. Obviously, it was.

Stopped at Outback afterwards for dinner. No room at the inn. Packed. Mostly families. The start of a holiday weekend obvious.

Walked down to the Chinese Restaurant. The same thing. First time I have ever seen the Chinese Restaurant full. As I walked in, I saw a booth open up. Smiled at the hostess who I knew while nodding at the booth. She nodded her assent.

A bad night diet wise and health wise. I ordered a combination. Egg drop soup, egg roll, pork egg foo yong, brown rice and orange sherbet.

Don’t forget, Brewfest today at the Southernmost. Street party 3-10 in the 1400 block of Duval.

The godfather of Brewfest is Matt Babich. I have known Matt and his former wife Carrie more than 20 years. Matt has been the manager of Southernmost all that time. He knows his job well!

Lisa worked for Matt and Carrie at Southernmost for several years as Sales Manager. Her last job before going into business for herself.

Hermine. Wow! Look at the number it did on north Florida. Glad it missed us. Sorry it hit anywhere.

Here it is saturday. Time to research this week’s KONK Life column. Once again, I am not sure what. I have two topics in mind. One will win out and I will begin the research later this morning.

Sloan coming at 2. Will interfere with my research. Need her for some technical matters, however. It is going to be a long day.

Enjoy your day!


I continue to learn.

Had I not decided to spend the last end of my life in Key West, I would have known little about hurricanes. Still little. However more than I knew back then.

The hurricane Gaston is out there some where. It will not make US landfall.

However…..Behind Gaston is tropical wave 99L. Tropical wave and with a number new to me. A tropical wave can turn into a tropical depression/storm. A tropical depression/storm can turn into a hurricane.

We have been told tropical wave 99L is behind Gaston. Also behind Puerto Rico. It is some 900 miles away. Presently over or soon to be over Hispaniola. Hispaniola and Puerto Rico part of the Greater Antilles.

Whether 99L turns into a tropical storm or hurricane depends what happens as 99L passes over Hispaniola. Hispaniola’s mountains are 10,000 feet. 99L could break up as it passes over the mountains. Such would be the end of any hurricane danger.

Whatever 99L is after the mountains will determine what will happen as regards the southern US. Could be a heavy wind/rain storm. Or, a hurricane.

If 99L turns into a tropical storm or hurricane, it will receive a new name. Hermine.

Whether wind and rain, tropical storm, or hurricane, it will be over the Keys sunday, monday and tuesday.

Truman Capote died on this day in 1984. Best known for In Cold Blood.

Capote once spent a couple of months in Key West. He booked into David Wolkowsky’s Pier House as it stood at that time. Wolkowsky lived in a trailer next to the Pier House ten feet from the water.

Capote was in a suite. After arriving, he was in Wolkowsky’s trailer having a drink. Wolkowsky’s trailer was very well done. Capote said I want to stay here. Wolkowsky said this is my home. So the conversation went on. Wolkowsky finally relented and gave up his trailer to Capote. Wolkowsky moved into Capote’s suite.

I intended to start my evening at the Back Door with Mark Watson. Closed. Mark never shows up if it is raining. The Back Door is outside.

It was not raining at 5. It had stopped around noon. The sun was out and blazing hot at 5.

Mark just wanted a night off.

I went inside to Aqua’s main bar. Rick Dery bartending. My Joe’s Chicken Shack friends Tim and Todd at the bar. Sat and talked with them. Good guys. One drink only.

Then to Sq. 1. John recently purchased it. Wanted to congratulate John. John not there. Met Ryan. The new bartender. All the employees were new. Recognized none of them

I asked if Jay was cooking. Ryan asked me who Jay was. Guess Jay is gone, too.

Ryan has only been in Key West one month. From Montana.

I enjoyed an appetizer and one drink.

Then home. Before 9. Early to bed.


I fell going up the stairs! Stubbed my toe on the last step. Went flying.

My fault. I was hurrying up the steps and not looking. At my age, I am not supposed to do either. No reason to hurry. No one waiting for me in bed.

At my age, when you fall, you fall hard. My nose. Where the bridge of my glasses rest. Thought I broke my nose. Swollen this morning. A bit bruised. A couple of small cuts. Talked to my doctor. Does not think it is broken. Don’t worry about it.

My wrists and knees hurt. Really bad. My left arm/shoulder, also.

I had a cut on my left foot shin bone. Bled more than a small cut should have.

My major problem after a fall is getting up. Big time difficult!

Whatever, I am alive and well this morning.

The Custom House celebrates its 125th birthday this year. Construction was completed 1891. At the time, housed federal offices. Courts, post office, etc. The building plans used were from a previous federal construction.  The new federal building in Aberdeen, Mississippi completed in 1887.

The William Hackley saga continues. Baby still sick. Fever till 2 in the afternoon. Fever returned in the evening. Matilda’s breasts continue to be a problem. Boil on one broke. Painful.

Hackley called for the doctor in the evening. To check out Baby. The doctor had a bit of a concern. He had just returned from treating a smallpox patient. He was concerned whether he should visit the child.

The doctor finally decided it was ok. He had no knowledge of anyone becoming infected by a doctor who had recently cared for a smallpox victim.

Glad we live today rather than back then.

Bob Saraceno and wife Sue are in town. Will be getting together with them at some point.

Enjoy your day!



Today is the birthday of an event that has become part of American history. To be remembered for all time.


On this day in 1969, Woodstock opened. A three day event. A half million in attendance. A musical counterculture.

The event was three days. For many, it took an additional three days to get out of the upstate New York area where Woodstock was held.

Larry Smith and Christine Cordone were there. Singing, sloshing through the mud, hungry, dirty, etc.

The half million attendees were known as hippies. Anti everything. Trying to change the face of America. Succeeded in many ways.

Larry is still playing and singing as is Christine. Christine is a school teacher by day. Also has developed into one of Key West’s premier water color artists.

Larry entertains tonight at The Little Room Jazz Club. Take his performance in. Recall as he plays that this is a man who played and sang at Woodstock. He is a part of the history. Fifty years ago.

I spent yesterday afternoon writing this week’s KONK Life column. Mommy, I’m Hungry. Starvation today in Venezuela.

I wrote the column last sunday, also. Lost it before I could send it out. It is somewhere in never never land. Redoing it this week provided the opportunity to reorganize the article. Not necessary. Did it for the hell of it. I like it better than last week’s. The content the same. the structure different.

A most interesting time at the Chart Room. One other guest. A professional employee at the local hospital. He provided insight. Big time. I learned many interesting things.

All he wants is for the hospital to reorganize so better care is afforded th patients. He conceded it was not the best. Everything should be on the table. From billing to staff attitude.

Will it happen? He was doubtful. Too many different forces at work. Each with their own ax to grind. Some seeking personal gain.

Then to Publix. There would have been no breakfast this morning had I not gone.

I was home by 9. CNN had advertised a sociopath show all week. A subject I am deeply interested in. The show was not run. Another in its place.

Tomorrow night, the Key West City Commission meets. On the table is Truman Waterfront Park. Specifically, Truman Harbor.

The Park has been in the development stage for 15 years. I think it is time something is done.

The Harbor problem is relatively new. Brought up by new City Commissioner Payne. Kaufman is another new Commissioner who comes up with impractical ideas

Payne is a retired Judge. Sounds like a cranky old Judge. Leave the Harbor issue alone. It is 15 years and still nothing done. Hiring a specialized law firm to study and if feasible sue will result in nothing but a waster of money. Will add more years of delay onto the already 15 years of nothing done. Move ahead as the plan is presently formulated.b

Kaufman, you are trying to do too many things. Take a step back. Pause for a moment. Prioritize. Be practical.

To the Commission as a whole, you think you are performing wonders. You are not. You think the community is behind you. They are not.

Here I am criticizing the City Commission. I would also be critical of the Wyoming State Legislature.

Wind power is a growing business in Wyoming. Or, was. Four years ago, Wyoming decided to tax the wind used. $1 per megawatt.

Tax wind?

The reason was not revenue. The fossil fuel industry was against wind power. They influenced the Legislature to pass the wind tax to discourage wind power development. The lobbyists succeeded. Only $15 million has been collected in four years.

No other State has opted to tax the wind used in wind power industries.

Enjoy your day!



Big trees from little acorns grow…..

The Pier House Motel opened this date in 1968. Fifty units. From that modest beginning, the Pier House of today grew. Key West’s premier hotel.

My friend from physiotherapy David Wolkowsky responsible. The 50 unit motel was his brain child. The hotel’s growth guided by his hand.

David is 96. God bless him!

David has been responsible for more than merely the growth of the Pier House. Key West is his baby! He made it what it is today.

Mom’s Tea Room was once a popular place. Always busy. A man’s place. A whore house, house of ill repute, bordello. It is no more.

On this date in 1941, Mom’s Tea Room was raided. Three prostitutes arrested.

Not Mom’s first raid/arrest. The U.S. Navy a thorn in her side. Weighed on local government to close down the place. The Navy believed the place was not healthy for its men.

This is not the first time this blog has reported on Mom’s Tea Room. Twice before. April 9, 2015 and February 8, 2016. More detail in each writing. The blogs are archived on Right hand side of page, scroll down. Find month and year. Click on. Find date.

The owner of Mom’s Tea Room was Rose Rabin. She ran three places over the years. One off and on Stock Island through 1953. Another on Truman Avenue before World war II. The third a post World War II place known as the Imperial Club. The Navy was on her ass re all her clubs.

Whore houses are a thing of the past. Today are primarily escort services and gentlemen’s clubs (strip clubs). Services the same. Merely obtained via a different method.

Walked Home Depot yesterday. Only 15 minutes and at a slow pace. Exhausted afterwards. Concerns me.

While walking, I heard from Dee. She was calling from somewhere in Michigan.

Dee worked 30 years for AIDS-Help here in Key West. Her boss during those years died this week. She was in Michigan to attend his services. She is scheduled as one of the speakers.

Dee was a wreck. Crying. Understandable.

Stopped at Walgreens. To pick up Nexium generic for my acid reflux.

I am pissed at pharmaceutical houses and insurance companies. I have a drug policy through AARP. Does not pay everything. Always a co-pay. Then there is the donut.

I have been taking two Nexiums a day for years. My co-pay $40 a month. A couple of months ago, the price out of pocket for me became $174. No way! I switched to the generic. The generic costs me $41.50 a month. Slightly more than the for real pill.

Generics are supposed to be cheap.

I talked to Walgreens, the insurance company and the pharmaceutical house at the time. The insurance and pharmacy houses not nice at all. Actually impolite. Basically, the prices can be raised at any time. The judgment that of the pharmaceutical house. Take it or leave it!

F–k ’em!

Excuse my exasperation.

Back Door last night with Mark Watson. David there. Met Tim and Todd. John, who I had met before.

Tim and I talked quite a while. He manages Joe’s Chicken Shack on Duval. Another place for me to try.

Then to Outback’s for dinner. Ran into Doc. I only know him as Doc. Never have known his real name. We played golf weekly 20 years ago. I rarely see him now.

I was thrilled when he told me how much he loved my KONK Life column, reads it every week, etc. Thought I spent all week researching.

Doc made my night. It thrills me whenever someone compliments the column. I take pride in it.

The local hospital problem a real one. Will be ongoing quite a while. There will be some resolution. How much, difficult to determine.

This morning’s Key West Citizen reported the City Commission was having a meeting tonight re the issue. The Citizens’ Committee, hospital representatives and public invited.

Key West’s City Commission is inept. Typical politicians. Want the public to know they are doing something. Generally not the right thing.

Certain Commission members are prepared to sue the company that owns the hospital. I believe it not the time, if ever. A lawsuit is only going to screw things up, delay resolution, etc.

Whatever, the Commission blowhards seem committed to a lawsuit. Then the problem is off their shoulders. Let the City Attorney worry about it. Blame delays and lack of resolution on the lawsuit.

In the mean time, what about patients? Any lawsuit will delay resolution of patient problems for years.

Enjoy your day!


Early wednesday morning, six Cuban immigrants safely landed in Key West. At the Southernmost Point.The end of South Street. The place where tourists wait in line to have their picture taken.

The dive boat that took them to safety could be seen behind the Southernmost Point. A warm sight knowing the circumstances. The six could not have landed at a better place.

Now that we have some sort of relationship with Cuba, I no longer can accept returning Cuban refugees who did not land with their feet on American soil. A concept that has outlived its time.

I saw on TV this morning, a Cuban who had just arrived and his father that had been in the U.S. 36 years. Embracing. Crying. The first time in 36 years father and son saw or touched each other.

Yesterday began normally. The anti-gravity treadmill first. I have exceeded my original top speed. Now 4.0 as opposed to 3.5. Miles per hour. Time equal to back when. Gravity still at 50 percent. I need it there or a while yet.

David Wolkowsky has been absent recently. He went to New York City. Ninety six years old and takes a few days off to visit the Big Apple. What a guy!

Followed it up with Ruby at the Cuban Coffee Queen. Ruby is terrific! She remembers your order and name. Similar to a bartender knowing your drink. All the time smiling.

A stop at Walgreens to pick up another prescription. I have 11 prescriptions requiring 13 pills a day to be taken. All doctor prescribed. My heart doctor says it is what is keeping my heart and blood pressure ok. I am “pill controlled” as he puts it.

I could sense it was going to rain last night at dinner time. Decided to stay close to home. Drove over to Hogfish. Sat at the bar. Knew we were going to get hit with a heavy rain. Monsoon type. You could small, taste and feel it coming.

It did. Fortunately, the bar area protected me from getting wet.

My happy birthday with Jenna this evening. My birthday. The last day of celebration. It is dinner at Azur. I am looking forward to Jenna and Azur. Both top of the line.

I am beginning to worry about William Hackley’s baby. He, a fried and what I assume was a nun stayed up all evening with the baby. Baby appeared better at 10 in the morning.

The thought occurs…..The Republican Party holds itself out as the party of family values. So they run a Presidential candidate who has had three wives. If Newt Gingrich is the VP choice, the heads of the Republican ticket will have had six wives.

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…..” The opening phrase in Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities. “Let them eat cake.” Attributed to Marie Antoinette. Questioned by some whether she was the one who actually uttered the words.

They come to mind because it was on this date in 1789 that French revolutionaries stormed the Bastille. The beginning of the French revolution.

Pouring like hell at the moment. I suspect we may have slipped into the rainy season.

Enjoy your day!



My evening yesterday began at the Custom House. The Mario Sanchez Bag Sketch Exhibit.

I was interested for a number of reasons. I had never seen the bag sketches. They were being shown from  the collection of David Wolkowsky. David was to attend in the company of Christina Oxenberg. Christina is a new writer for KONK Life. Her writings exciting. I was looking forward to meeting her.

Sadly, David and Christina did not appear.

The exhibit was scheduled for 5:30. I arrived at the Custom House at 5:20. The humidity heavy. No breeze.

The Custom House doors locked. Opened precisely at 5:30.

I got in line to enter. Noticed a charming cheerful woman at the door marking names off as people entered. I had not made a reservation. Then it dawned on me, the showing must only be for members.

I found out when it was my turn to be signed in. The first half hour was members only. I politely explained I did not want to stand outside in the humidity for a half hour.

Genius touched me. I said, I join! She was thrilled. I was handed over to another lady who gave me an application and told me to mail it in with my check.

The exhibit. A wow!

Much of Sanchez’s work involved wood carvings. The carvings had first to be sketched on paper. Precisely. Sanchez used unfolded grocery paper bags. Rudimentary sketches of what would ultimately be a lovely wood carving.

Seventy one bag sketches. All interesting.

Ran into Carl at the exhibition. Last saw Carl at the bocce party a couple of week’s ago. His wife Nancy a loyal blog reader. We chatted a bit. Nancy in New York so I did not have the pleasure of seeing her again.

Sheila was there. Sheila worked at the Custom House at one time.

My day started at Body Owners. Anti-gravity treadmill time. My speed increased a bit more. I am pushing myself. The next time I work out I shall reach the speed where I was when I had to stop. Then I work on time. I am only at 50 percent time wise.

Lovely Jenny worrying about me.

From the treadmill to the Cuban Coffee Queen for lunch. My usual. Cuban cheese toast and an iced Cuban coffee. Read the newspapers.

Ruby continues  to impress me. I watched her handling the customers. All kinds of people and dispositions. Ruby does well.

Felt like doing something different. Decided to visit the Butterfly Museum. The Key West Butterfly and Nature Observatory. Had not been there in a couple of years. Last time with the grandkids. This time alone.

I think I was looking for peace. Motivated my visit. My recollection was that it was peaceful to walk through the foliage with butterflies fluttering around. Some setting on your shoulder for a minute or two.

I was right. It was a calming experience.

After the Custom House, I stopped into the Chart Room. Victor bartending. Met Jimmy Riggins from Pensacola. Jimmy in the pharmaceutical business.

We were the only persons in the Chart Room.

Victor is a Libertarian. We got into a discussion of values. Victor contributing the Libertarian views and Jimmy and I the opposite side. Victor beat our asses! He had an intelligent response for each issue raised.

Duffy’s for dinner. A prime rib.

Duffy’s has changed its menu. No more prime rib in three different cuts. I used to get the small one. One cut only now. The large one. I could not finish it. Left almost half. A waste of money. I will have to examine the new menu and find some dishes I can finish. I hate waste.

Kari waiting tables. Had not seen her in a while. She and Boomer were off somewhere visiting family for 2-3 weeks.

Sarah bartending. Someone I met for the first time sitting at the bar. Jane. Jane works the Fury. She has a Captain’s license. I was impressed.

Her boy friend is up in Jersey working this summer. She is off to visit him soon. First time visit to the Jersey shore. Told her one of my favorite places. She will enjoy.

As the world turns. Things change with time.

West Hollywood’s Sunset Strip/Sunset Boulevard has become over the years a shady undesirable place. Drugs, prostitution, etc. The derelicts of society.

Hustler’s Larry Flint’s flagship store was located on the Strip. It was recently sold for $18.3 million to make way for the Arts Club. The Arts Club being an elite members only social club. Rents will range from $3,500-$22,000 a month. No cheapy. Other extremely expensive projects under construction.

Enjoy your day!



Mario Sanchez, one of Key West’s greatest artist! A world wide reputation.

Many of his works will be exhibited for several weeks at the Custom House. The show’s opening this evening.

More than 70 pieces from the collection of David Wolkowsky a part of the exhibit.

I plan on attending.

Prior to the exhibit, I have an appointment with Dr. Mc Ivor to get my test results.

My evening yesterday began at 5 with Tammy. Needed a manicure.

Tammy’s 9 year old son had emergency appendectomy surgery last week. He is doing well.

Then to Don’s Place. cCatted with Don and David. Shane joined us.

I had to pull Don out so we could go to dinner. Don may be able to do without food. I cannot.

We ate at the outside bar at La Te Da. Tonto bartending. A business discussion. We compared the operations of a bar and law office. Interestingly, many similarities. Business is business.

I was home at 9. In time for the Cavaliers/Warriors game. Great basketball. If you are a Cleveland fan. I am. Next, game 7. The world championship on the table. One game for all the marbles.

I did not fall asleep during the game.

The Monroe County Sheriff’s Department will have its officers wearing body cameras beginning monday. A good move. All police departments should require body cameras.

My KONK Life column this week The Rape of Social sScurity. Sounds boring. Not. Extremely interesting and revealing. Everyone should read.

The column was posted on this morning’s KONK E-Blast.

Bernie Sanders ran the good race. The way it is. He should stop his campaigning or whatever he calls it. When you lose, you step back. He does not seem to know how.

He tried to climb Mt. Everest. Failed. The last 100 feet were too much for him. His effort respected.

Enjoy your day!



Strange weather.

I have been waiting since sunday for heavy rain and gusty winds. Nothing. A little rain here and there. Nothing spectacular.


When I went out last night, I took my slicker with me. I was ready for the deluge that never came.

Is there any one David Wolkowsky has not entertained at his Ballast Key home?

David e-mailed me yesterday that Muhammad Ali was his guest on Ballast Key. A very long time ago.

David served the same fare to guests regardless of their state in life. Hot dogs, white wine and potato chips. The rich entertain!

Ali did not drink alcohol. He asked for freshly squeezed orange juice. Freshly squeezed orange juice, he got. Together with a turkey hot dog.

My yesterday began with the anti-gravity treadmill. Moved the speed up a bit. Was tired afterwards. Not bad, however.

Jenny had a red face. The sun, not drinking. I asked where she got it. Jumping Bridge. Never heard of it. On Sugarloaf. Go to the blinking light, turn right and go to the end of the road. An old bridge over the water. Jump off and swim. She was there sunday doing her thing.

I have to search out Jumping Bridge. Sounds interesting. Not for me. I have to see if it is safe for Robert and Ally.

I was sitting at the Cuban Coffee Queen reading the newspapers when Barbara Grob came along. I have known her 20 years, though rarely see her. Yesterday, the first time in 4-5 years.

As ever, beautiful.

I fell in love with Barb the first time I saw her. She had a small shop selling all kinds of crazy things on Truman. Near Aaron’s home. The shop was empty when I entered. The back door open. There was Barb soldering a piece of metal she would eventually place for sale.

She presently owns and operates a relatively new store on Fleming. Just off Duval. Called Key West Local Luxe. Jewelry, clothes, lingerie, etc. Most items a bit off beat. Key Westy.

Over the years, Barb has developed into a seasoned owner, artist and designer. She knows what women like. She says her store makes women happy.

Back to the Cuban Coffee Queen for a moment. The ice cubes they use are coffee cubes. Coffee frozen. I have learned to leave my empty cold Cuban coffee container sitting a while when finished. Then drink the melted ice cubes. A shot of caffeine! Hits you!

Last night was Aqua for me. I have become a monday night regular. During cocktail hour, the bar singing terrific.

Last night was Dueling Bartenders. Two were in drag. This happens once a month. One was Mark Watson. He shaved his beard to do the event.

The bar was crowded. I counted 41 customers at 7 o’clock.

Aqua was my evening. Returned home early.

Donna and Terri are back. Permanently. Mark said they would be at his Back Door wednesday.

I see from Facebook, the ladies are back in the swing of things. Did not take long. Both sang at Kate Miano’s Gardens sunday evening.

The Swiss are a very people conscious nation. Everything for their people. It is called socialism.

They put to a vote the most recent Swiss idea. A guaranteed minimum wage for everyone. Paid by the government. $2,600 a month for adults. $600 a month for each child. The government’s motivation was to give adults the option of reducing working hours. At the same time maintaining a decent standard of living.

The Swiss are not like the Greeks. The Swiss voted the idea down. 70-30 percent.

The thought not uncommen. Other nations are seriously considering it. The Netherlands, Finland, New Zealand and Canada.

My different type KONK column this week hits the stands tomorrow. Corn Flakes…..Cure Masturbation. Involves the Kellogg brothers, corn flakes and masturbation. The Kellogg corn flakes you eat today are derived from what happened in the 1890s and early 1900s involving the three.

My blog talk radio show tonight. Nine my time. A multitude of sins to discuss. The past week has been interesting. Join me for a quick entertaining opinionated half hour.

Enjoy your day!