Tombstones tell wonderful stories. History imprinted forever. Especially on Key West head stones.
The one that has always intrigued me, interested me the most, says…..I Told You I Was Sick.
This saturday, the Key West Cemetery is providing 3 guided tours. Ninety minutes each. Do yourself a favor, go. Reservations required.
Spent a couple of hours yesterday afternoon working on Growing Up Italian.
Last night, Dueling Bartenders at Aqua.
Friends galore.
Don and Chris in from Syracuse. They are getting married saturday at the Hyatt. Celebration time! I am invited. I am honored. Only 45 people. Three from Korea. His business partners.
Chris radiant. Always. This time a little more so.
Tom and Fran Dixon in from Buffalo. Only for 3 days. Leave wednesday morning.
Fran mothers me. Takes good care of me. Normally, she brings frozen containers of sauce with meatballs, sausage and pork. This time not frozen. Three canning jars full. No meatballs. She is aware I am on Atkins and did not want to submit me to bread crumbs.
The two couples Syracuse fans. We text each other during games. The object of our conversations last night Syracuse’s success thus far in the NCAA tournament. Exciting!
Lovely Liz at the bar. Met a family from somewhere. Two were Hamilton College grads. Actually, one Hamilton and one Kirkland. Kirkland the ladies part.
Nice people. A couple of interesting Hamilton exchanges.
Key West has been knocked down, destroyed, etc. many times over the years. Hurricanes a problem. In the early years, fires. Building codes either non existent or not as good as today.
On this day in 1923, an unoccupied cigar factory on the corner of White and Newton burned down. The fire spread. Forty three homes were destroyed. Forty families left homeless.
Show of shows tonight! My podcast. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine my time. A quick and exciting half hour. Join me as I share my opinionated thoughts. About everything from a Key West problem to our national problem Donald Trump.
I consider New York Governor Andrew Cuomo Presidential timber. I am impressed how he has run New York State. Free tuition at 4 year State colleges, legalized same sex marriage, enacted gun control legislation. He balanced the budget on time during his first year for the first time in many years. Every area of the State has experienced significant development.
A negative is one of his aides was recently convicted of taking a $300,000 kickback. Cuomo was not involved.
It was announced this week Cuomo has primary opposition in his race for reelection.
Recall the movie Sex and the City. One of the four ladies was Cynthia Nixon. She is running a primary against Cuomo. One of her platform items corruption in his administration. I question the validity of the charge as it may personally involves him in any respect.
She has a list of other items. All sound good. Nixon has been active in New York City politics for years. Her other items appear to be New York City needs.
Not enough. There is upstate New York, also. The forgotten relative. Most Governors pay little attention to upstate New York. Cuomo has not. He is responsible for massive development upstate.
If Nixon wishes to succeed, she will have to come out with a for real program for the upstaters.
Trump on a high. Reminds me of a dog after he has done his business. Joyfully bounds around.
Why? He fired Andrew McCabe. News reports suggest he has become emboldened as a result. Accomplished a big thing from his perspective. Can do anything. Knows how to do everything. Does not need the advice of others.
His legal team a spot where he is spreading his wings. Apparently paying less attention to them. He has brought on another attorney. Joseph diGenova.
diGenova many years ago a U.S. Attorney. Today, a Washington attorney who frequently appears on FOX. He has been a part of the FOX group going back 20 or more years.
As does Trump, knows everything. Labeled Comey the “dirtiest cop in America.” Claims Comey destroyed the FBI’s reputation. Believes the Justice Department and Mueller are trying to frame Trump.
Washington attorneys describe him as a “wild card.” A qualification to represent Trump. They are birds of a feather.
Trump has brought diGenova on board I assume based on diGenova’s appearances and statements made on FOX. Such do not qualify diGenova as the man for Trump. He does not need a TV star. He requires the very best attorney qualified in the areas Mueller is investigating.
My other area of concern is that Trump is apparently now running the legal show. He is not aware of one of the first axioms learned in law school: A lawyer who represents himself has a fool for a client. I adjust it a bit to read…..A person who represents himself is a fool.
A person under investigation lives or dies by his attorney’s judgments, not his own.
Enjoy your day!
Hey Louis,
I would not have given Syracuse basketball a second thought… except for you. I found myself intently watching yesterday’s game hoping they would win. GO ORANGE MEN!