Christmas 2010 I wrote a story as to how Christmas was received and how it developed in what is now the United States. The story was published on Amazon Kindle at the time.
I thought the tale sufficiently interesting to be repeated. Not once, but twice. It is in KONK Life which hits the stands at 5 today. I also basically read through the story on my blog talk radio show last night.
Christmas was not always as it is today.
For example, the Puritans in Boston in the late 1600s made it a crime to celebrate Christmas. Another example involves the South celebrating Christmas big time leading up to and at the time of the Civil War. The North did not.
Washington Irving, The Night Before Christmas, A Christmas Carol and finally…..Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus, contributed to Christmas as we know it.
The Key West Citizen had the perfect editorial today. A reprint of the New York Sun’s editorial in 1897 which contained the memorable statement…..Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus.
Went Christmas shopping yesterday. I am one of the last minute ones. Did not do well. Found nothing I liked. Everything picked over. My fault. I will be back in the stores today.
Christmas Eve is big in my family. I will be at Lisa’s tonight for dinner. Santa Claus will arrive before. 6:30 to be precise. I love it!
I arranged for Santa Claus each Christmas Eve for my children and then grandchildren. Robert and Ally are the last of the grandchildren. Kids are impressed with Santa Claus. I wanted them to be duly impressed with Poppa. I arranged with each Santa at some point to embrace me warmly and tell everyone I was his friend. The kids ate it up!
The weather this morning is lovely. Thunderstorms predicted for tonight. Already one outdoor event has been cancelled. I hope the rain holds off till we are all home in bed.
The more important concern would be Robert and Ally. Children are inquisitive. They would want to know if the reindeer were out in the rain, where are they, etc.
This morning’s Key West Citizen had a short note re Applerouth Lane. The note mentioned Applerouth was once called Smith Lane.
Applerouth is that short block between Duval and Whitehead. A narrow street. I always have thought Applerouth and its diverse stores were a true reflection of Key West. There is a bd/sm gear store. Been there for years. A couple of restaurants. The entrance to Virgilio’s.
My curiosity was piqued. Who was Applerouth? Who was Smith? I had always thought Applerouth was the name of a flower or plant.
I did a little digging. Applerouth was so named in 1981. It was named after a local merchant. William H. “Billy” Applerouth. Smith was difficult to nail down. The street was named after L. Windsor Smith. There was a District Attorney as well as a Court Clerk in the 1840s so named. Whether one and the same person, I can not be sure.
Applerouth was described as the “Jewish” merchant. I found that add on/description strange for 1981. If someone is aware why the description, let me know.
The Interview opens Christmas Day at the Tropic Cinema. Good for you, Tropic Cinema!
Enjoy your Christmas Eve!