If this does not piss you off, nothing will!
In March, Covid-19 supplies were in very short supply. A $1 billion fund under the Defense Production Act was established to help the nation “prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus.”
Recall we were desperately short of supplies back then. Tests kits and mask shortages extreme.
To this day, we still do not have enough test kits or masks. Though Trump often reminds us there is no problem, he has millions of each.
Where? Only in his imagination I suspect.
What actually happened is the money went to the Pentagon to distribute per Congress’ instructions for Covid-19 relief. Instead, the Pentagon used hundreds of millions of dollars to support private defense contractors.
Common Sense on September 23 reported: “If you can’t get a Covid test or find an N95 mask, it’s because these contractors stole from the American people to make faster jets and fancy uniforms.”
No one knew except those spending the money and those receiving it.
Examples of where the Pentagon spent the money interesting. Car maker Rolls-Royce received $183 million for drone and space surveillance technology. Eighty million went to Kaiser for their aircraft parts business. A subsidiary of Rolls-Royce received $22 million for an upgrade to its Mississippi plant.
The Pentagon received the responsibility to parcel the money as Congress had directed because the funds were received via the Defense Production Act.
This is the same Pentagon that cannot account for trillions of dollars spent the past several years. Not even an Ernst and Young audit could discover where the money went.
I have said it many times before. Someone or some have a hand in the pot. A lot of “grease” money has to have changed hands.
Trump in response to a reporter’s question yesterday refused to commit to a peaceful transition of power after Election Day. Claims the ballots may be screwed up.
If Trump is not out of the White House on January 20, it will only be a short time before angered American citizens will storm the White House to remove him. A significant number of citizens will not stand for it.
The next step, an outright civil war.
Would you believe!
Trump tells us the economy is getting better. If so, why did demand for unemployment benefits increase last week by 870,000?
The Supreme Court presently in the news and will continue to be so through January 20.
A bit of Supreme Court history.
On this day in 1789, George Washington signed a law establishing the Supreme Court of the U.S. Staffed at that time by six justices who would serve till death or retired.
All six were confirmed by the Senate. In only 2 days.
The number of justices is now 9. Congress can change that number at any time. The Constitution does not prohibit such action.
I reported a few days ago that a shark attacked a 30 year old man near Sombrero Lighthouse off Marathon.
One of his shoulders was torn badly. The doctors report they hope the arm can be saved.
The man’s pregnant wife was on the boat nearby. She jumped in the water and pulled her husband into the boat.
My alma mater Syracuse University announced it has cancelled Spring Break 2021. The purpose to minimize travel and the anticipated closeness of those enjoying Spring Break. Also, to avoid quarantine complications.
The students will remain in school that week. To make up for the week, second semester in January will begin one week later.
The move not uncommon. Other schools such as Ohio State and Kansas State have already announced similar action.
Cow Key Bridge is scheduled to open today or tomorrow. My compliments to the contractor. A job well done. Consideration always given drivers and traffic moving swiftly.
Enjoy your day!
This government, under Donald Trump is so inept, it is astonishing. Why a portion of our people allow, or even put up with this idiocy is impossible to understand.
What is a matter with the American people?
Lou, Your favorite Cheesesteak joint closed just before the China bug came to town. Not all $15/hr. help can make a cheesesteak.
Sandy is a troll and a pest and can’t ever be trusted to actually know the truth about anything, especially about businesses in Key West. He mostly just wants to start fights and express his Hate and Racism towards others, especially the Chinese. Some say he’s really just a Russian disinformation Bot, others say no, too stupid for that but probably controlled by them, even if he doesn’t know it.
BTW – we’re open today until 4 AM
I wonder how many will take Trump’s voodoo vaccine after he rushes it out in time for the election?
That depends, it will only be available to Democrats and other decent people after January 20th 2021, as*uming that:
A. There is actually a vaccine available (not likely).
B. Trump is defeated.
C. Trump actually leaves office.
D. His armed supporter uprising (their the ones with guns) have been either given up, or killed off.
E. The Chinese invaded America leading a world wide effort to bring peace and stop the mayhem that overtook us when Trump declared war on Venezuela to divert his loss in the election.
Is a troll and a pest and can’t ever be trusted to actually know the truth about anything, especially about businesses in Key West. He mostly just wants to start fights and express his Hate and Racism towards others, especially the Chinese. Some say he’s really just a Russian disinformation Bot, others say no, too stupid for that but probably controlled by them, even if he doesn’t know it.
As of today, there are two nominees for the Nobel Peace Prize, Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. Can anyone here explain the justification for that? Our world is screwed up beyond recovery. FUBAR, for you military guys.
This is why aliens in their spaceships traveling through our universe roll their windows up and get past us as quickly as possible.
If anyone needs me, I’ll be out on my back porch drinking heavily.
God Lord Sergey, you are one F’d up piece of work. Do you really feel the people who read Lou’s blog are stupid and Gullible?
To answer your question directly, You are factually misleading in an almost mockingly way. The truth is there actually are 318 candidates for the Nobel Peace Prize for 2020, which has not been awarded yet and won’t be until at least another week, on October 5th at the earliest.
Why can’t you and your alter ego, Sandy Feet, ever get anything right? Why must you constantly try and be stupid clever and just try and start arguments and chaos.
I’m beginning to think those who think you and he are just a Russian disinformation internet hackers, are right.
If you want to try and get legs for this and other garbage why not post on the right ring blogs, they are ALWAYS looking for weird conspiracy theories to get behind. They’ll believe this crap, no problem.
You are a troll and a pest and can’t ever be trusted to actually know the truth about anything, especially about businesses in Key West. He mostly just wants to start fights and express his Hate and Racism towards others, especially the Chinese. Some say he’s really just a Russian disinformation Bot, others say no, too stupid for that but probably controlled by them, even if he doesn’t know it.
PS are you going to clean the stake cheese place up before you open at 4 today? Do not forget to take the chairs off the tables.
Soooooo, Trump and Putin have not really been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize? It’s all just a conspiracy theory? We should focus on other nominees and ignore the two big names? Okay. Never mind. My bad.
Have you ever tried a “corpse reviver”? It has cognac, brandy and vermouth.
Sergy/Sandy/whoever, why do you always seem like you don’t really know what you are talking about and why do your posts seem as if they are somehow lost in translation?
you are a troll and a pest and can’t ever be trusted to actually know the truth about anything, especially about businesses in Key West. He, she, it mostly just wants to start fights and express their Hate and Racism towards others, especially the Chinese. Some say he’s really just a Russian disinformation Bot, others say no, too stupid for that but probably controlled by them, even if he doesn’t know it. It is not from the City of One Human Family, it is a troll from Russia.
Sandy – would it really be all that hard to just say:
“Lou – I’m sorry I got it wrong about Your “favorite Cheesesteak joint closed just before the China bug came to town. Not all $15/hr. help can make a cheesesteak.”
I’m such a jerk and won’t bother you or your readers with my stupid sh*t any more?
Go next store and get a bagel and crème cheese and sit at and out side table and look in to the shop of the famous Philly chees steak shop. It is closed!!!
Now were is your leader today?
Brianna and Donald have both been the victims of Lawyers
and poorly constructed warrants by Judges (lawyers) which led to miss trust in our legal system.
You just call names, your are the blot.
The person who caught your B.S. post about Lou’s Mr. Z thing called you a “Troll” and a “Pest” – both of those are highly accurate and provable (you yourself proved it with your several follow up troll/pest posts, this morning). Calling her out for calling you names is nothing more than your crybaby BS and stupidity.
Mr. Z’s in Old Town opens at 10 AM and stays open all the way to 4 AM. The one on Roosevelt Road in New Town is temporarily closed and will probably reopen as tourist season resumes in the fall.
Your original post about our closing was fundamentally wrong and unnecessary, your post now is twisting everything around to cover your Bull Sh*t.
No comment on the rest of your post as it has nothing to do with anything you lied about on topic, including all hose lunatic rants you went on with all morning.
You just lie about everything then start snow flake crying with more lies when you get caught.
What is the matter with you?